see detail to my blog.
Gee... Michael Jackson dead. yeah definitively first I saw on TV was hospitalized news watching Matsujun's morning show. may his soul rest in peace.
■ Smile mail from Matsujun received 12:25 completed filming this Monday. currently he spends time to plan concert. hope he gives us smile at last!
■ Himitsu no, audience rate goes lower than Shukuda-kun again... see here
■ J Storm " Everything" CM aired today.
■ "Smile" web site updated, staff blog. at Matsujun off day he came to filming site to see other actors filming completion. Most of actors including Matsujun completed filming at last scene so it was just like party... seems all happy!
Here in Tokyo hot like mid summer today. been in Shibuya then Omote by bike. Arashi AU poster fest still there! passed in front of Johnny's shop, very long queue as usual...
TV Matsujun fest " Smile" final PR!
5:15- 5:30 Hayazuba Namatamago (live) TBS Jun Matsumoto So early morning Matsujun live however he is pretty week in the morning. try weather caster!?
5:30-8:30 AsaZuba! (live) TBS Jun Matsumoto
11:00-14:55 Hiruobi(live) TBS Jun Matsumoto
16:53-17:50 SakaSu-san (tape) TBS Jun Matsumoto
17:50-19:50 The News (tape) TBS Jun Matsumoto
19:54-20:54 Music Station TVA Summer song you select from Showa and Heisei era best 50 x 2 Special, from Seiko, Akina to Arashi, Fukuyama, Exile, Mr.chil Southan, SMAP 「SP聖子・明菜から嵐・福山・エグザイル・ミスチル・サザン・スマップまであなたが選ぶ…夏うた昭和平成ベスト50×2」 Yeah that transparent costume!!! sooo young and cute!!No. 1 both Heisei era and Showa era is Shouthern all stars. Tsunami sold 2.97 millions CDs... gee...
22:00-22:54 Smile Final Jun Matsumoto TBS ito was troubled with a nightmare of committing murder Hayashi. He made up his mind to accept his crime and asked to Kazuma to dismiss the suit. He says he accepted death punishment and expiates his crime for loss Hayashi’s life with his life. Kazuma admonishes choosing the death could never be a recompense. Vito tells Hana not to visit him any more. Then 5 years later, summer 2015. Vito’s mind never changed he always refuses to see Hana. However, Hana waits for Vito’s return, she passes days cooking food from Vito’s recipe book. And Kazuma tries to reverse death punishment and continues to research with Shiori. One day he gets to know Vito is faced death penalty soon. Kashiki passes this information as soon as he got to know. He gave chance to Hana to visit Vito. Vito meets Hana after 5 years. Then Hana starts talk about the truth to meet Vito… that time Kazuma gets information of Seiichirou, Hayashi’s father who could be a testimony of Vito’s false accusation. He runs to the location. Vito, Hana and Kazuma How will be their fate? 拘置所で 林 (小栗旬) 殺害時の夢にうなされる ビト (松本潤) は、自分の罪を受け入れることを決意。面会に訪れた 一馬 (中井貴一) に、控訴を取り下げて欲しいと依頼する。死刑を受け入れ、林の命を奪った罪を自分の命で償うと言うのだ。 一馬は、死を選ぶことは償いにならない、と諭すがビトの決意は変わらない。同じく面会に訪れた 花 (新垣結衣) にも、面会に来ないで欲しいと告げるのだった。 そして5年後の2015年、夏。ビトの決意に変わりはなく、ひたすら花の面会を拒み続けていた。それでも花は、ビトの帰りを信じ、ビトがレシピ本に書いた料理を作りながら毎日を送っていた。 また一馬は、ビトの死刑を覆そうと、しおり (小池栄子) らと共に調査を続けていた。 ところがある日、ついにビトに死刑執行が迫っていることを知る。いち早くその情報を知った柏木 (勝村政信) は、一馬に情報を提供し、駆けつけた花にビトとの面会の機会を与える。5年ぶりに出会ったビトと花。そこで花は、ビトとの本当の出会いの秘密を語り始め…。 その頃、一馬はビトの冤罪を証明できる唯一の人間、林の父親・誠一郎 (竜雷太) がある場所にいるらしいという情報を入手し、その場所に向かっていた。 ビト、花、一馬それぞれの運命は果たしてどうなってしまうのか !? ビトの運命は、いかに…?
TV Life tick down for Vito’s execution day, Vito decided to accept death penalty and ask Kazuma to dismiss his suit and also asks Hana not to come to visit him. 5 year later. Vito’s decision has not changed. Hana believes Vito’s return and continue cooking from Vito’s recipe book. Kazuma continue to research with Shiori in order to reverse death penalty. In such circumstance, he get to know Vito’s execution day approaches. ビトの死刑執行の日が迫る ビト(松本潤)は死刑を受け入れる決意をし、一馬(中井貴一)に控訴を取り下げてくれるよう頼み、花(新垣結衣)にも面会に来ないでほしいと告げる。 5年後。ビトの決意には変わりはなかった。それでも花はビトが帰ってくると信じ、ビトがレシピ本に書いた料理を作り続ける。一馬はビトの死刑を覆すため、しおりと共に調査を続けていた。そんな中、ビトの死刑執行が近づいていることが分かる。
I believed he could be executed till last minute as always drama started to tell that Vito had a fierce life... Not Guilty!!! Matsujun short hair, cute. Vito Finally could eat Ohtoro! otuskare~
6:50-6:55 Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
Today’s topic was June bride. Marriage…Does Kattchan enjoy his marriage life? (So, who’s Kattchan?) Q: I go Miyako Island this summer vacation. Do you have any recommended place in there? I envy her. I wnna go there too. He he he however I’ve just been there. Recommended place? Anything is recommended, right? Beach is beautiful, right? Snorkeling is recommended, yeah. Please be careful with coral. It hurts! So snorkeled all day, then I got totally burned. Yeah. So if you go there in summer, please be careful with sunburn because of sun backed. Really…I hear you get a blister like burnt skin. Well that’s all what I can give advice, umm.What else? Snorkeling then BBQ on the beach then fishing, yeah,something like that. Hope you relax there. And you breathe the air a lot. Then night, starry night this absolutely recommended, right? Then the ultimate, if you say, could be fishing. Chartering a boat and head out to sea, then fishing tuna, yeah! then you go shop around there and make it cut then eat. That’s it, right? So my recommendation is everything! Well, Please take me there!
24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba Bunka Hoso
Orista ALL, Kazunari Ninomiya
▪ AU Design Studio Exhibition event 5/27-8/3, AU new CM Each Arashi's Different Summer form last year. If we were not Arashi.
▪ J storm Everything CM
Upcomings here
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