

さんの絵文字Happy St. Valentine’s day ririannzuさんの絵文字  

Today's Tokyo forecast:t-watagumoさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 9℃/4℃/60%

UPDATE check also my update lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hitachi ad in Tokyo metro station 2/20-20/26, Yurakucho Mullion center mall big flag 2/16-3/15
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orner Koide (welcome cat shop) blog on 1/17 <our welcome cat appears to Monday 9 drama Lucky Seven> Lucky Seven that started yesterday. welcome cat that is selling at our shop appears.  that scene is in the car that Jun Matsumoto-san and Yo Ohizumi-san go for infiltration. every time if they use this car welcome cat might be seen. welcome cat hit a public relations because of Arashi-san’s CM last summer. I’m so touched to co-star with Arashi.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yuko Ohshima-san blog at 18:16 <congratulation start shooting> today TBS’s special drama Black Board shooting has started!!!!!!! I was nervous since morning. it came to big news, feeling I want to see that set and feeling I don’t want to see. but after all the set was wonderful!!!!! as I can unveil partially. please  (photo of Kamata station after war set) Kamata station, city expands from here, ahh!!!! after all!!! please look forward to it. and Koumi teacher who I act is like that (photo of her persona)  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ciecle of 21 ep.10 1 year since earthquake and graduation ceremony etc on air beginning of Apr. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog seeks question fo Aiba-chan for serial Secret of Arashi. due date is today 23:00  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nekomi Fuji TV PR twitter people in Kanto area, so far only ep.1 Lucky seven sp.1 repeat on air next Monday, I wonder if episodes after ep.2 on air. please wait. http://www.fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/lucky-seven_r/index.html (2/20 15:57-16:53)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Toru Nomaguchi-san (Shikishima cafe barsita) at 01:01 it if fine just like preview. announcement. I appear next week Monday 9. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Weekly TV guide twitter at 20:05 issue on sale the day after tomorrow, in the center special appendix Arashi appears! newly taken high resolution photo pin up. pair of member totally 10 pattern in the Shiyagare. and researched relation nature of all of pairs. what is your favorite pair? and serial Arashi-bin, Aiba-kun appears.at 21:00 issue on sale the day after tomorrow, soon Lucky Seven on air, in the latest issue, Jun Matsumoto & Keiichiro Koyama private shot in the “Johnny’s drama festival”! latest shot that was shot last weekend too. we did infiltration to Tokita family. at 21:55 Lucky seven is over in the issue release this week, we publish Jun Matsumoto & Keiichiro Koyama from start shooting to latest shot of last week. last week Shuntaro and Koutaro play outstandingly, please look forward to it. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Takuya Nishimura (VS Arashi producer) tomorrow is VS Arashi shooting. I still can’t go to bed but I will do my best.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Soda twitter at 20:17 layout and  typescript of Arashi ni Shiyagare site report finished, just run until submit to printing company, publish on issue of 2/23 on sale

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
19:00-22:48 Touching famous scenes 59 scenes, NTV Arashi ni SHiyagare.視聴率三冠御礼記録&記憶に残る(秘)全シーン一挙放送!感動家政婦のミタ衝撃全集嵐にしやがれ究極展開岡村ぐるナイゴチ

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 ) RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good morning. it’s Satoshi Ohno. today’s quote come on! ”舌鼓を打つ (direct meaning: tap Japanese drum, actual meaning:lick your lips) I don’t know at all, yes. “ this is common expression to express delicious food.” heh, I see. aha, delicious food. licking my lips? me, often, what I get into, I keep getting into always, period to get into is long, I think. for a period of time, toast you can make.  I can make pizza toast. spread margarine on the bread, put ham, mayonnaise, then ketchup. then melting cheese, the one of square shape. toast 4 min. and half on the toaster. this is delicious like crazy. this is just fine. when I got into, I ate this every day, yep. and drink coffee. he he he, morning, every day. rather say morning, before work. I did it all the time. after this I got into oyster fries. the rest, bread roll of convenience store with smashed sweet red beans and margarine. 3 meal a day, I ate this. Once I got into, this is long. if you say lately, well, Oh, right! the other day I ate blowfish, a blowfish. again this is radi- friend. you have very high class image. it came “let’s go such place for once” then we went, it was so yummy, I drink sake with blowfish’s fin. it was so delicious. but my radi-friend, he is weak with Japanese alcohl, he got drunk again. “sake with fin is yummy.” he says, he he he. “oh, bad, I’m drunk” (Osaka dialect)  he is funny, right? I will let you know if I will

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Kaibutsu-kun JET flight schedule, -2/29JAL versin og Beaubiful Worldnew Aiba-chan menthol drops poster at store. Tanrei Green Label -4/26“Ru” T-shirts campaign -1/3110th anniversary can campaign

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