see detail to my blog.
■ AU Jun Matsumoto CM Making and novel and New CM updated! So early!! CM already on air! oved Aiba-chan and Nino's.
■ Smile web site updateed. 11 June Yui-chan’s BD. They organized surprised party. Matsujun shows up with bouquet and present.
■ Navicon AU new CM with Jun Matsumoto started from 13 June. Indeed Matsumoto is really cool in any role. Domyoji in Hanadan, Vito in Smile, and Young man plays trombone is really nice!. How Many talent he has... The setting of CM is established intelligence family with a father is university professor and a brother is doctor . The role acted by Matsumoto perfectly produced innocent boy. He's not just anybody! He produce a terrific guy combined gorgeous as Domyoji and innocence of Vito for just few seconds in CM...
■ The Quiz Sho updated at J-web
9:30- Osama no branch TBS check Smile and Himitsu no Arashi-chan
13:00-13:30 VS Arashi FTV encounter with Joyman and Falling Love! Matsujun breaks heart with Falling Love. Get in bad spot.▽VS嵐・松潤フォーリンラブに失恋嵐大ピンチ Aiba-chan makes a miracle." I know everything about you" MC Kamiyama? Matsujun Falling Love with Barbie!?
19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba NTV Guest Inocchi (V6)
21:00-21:54 The Quiz show #9 Sho Sakurai NTV Yamanobe appears before Saejima and tells her Honma means to suicide, Saejima is aghast without knowing the reason. Saejima decided to come back to producer to knowing the only way to save Honma is to continue the program. But Honma indicates to Takasugi to do direction, and then disappears. Although Genjiro and other staffs object, Saejima gives go signal. Live airing starts and Honma shows up from Guest’ door. Honma approach to stage and announces today’s guest is Kamiyama. Honma move to the MC’s seat and disclose astonished Kamiyama’s memory problems, the program goes ahead by force. Kamiyama’s dream is to know everything. Then Honma told "I bring back to all of your memory. Kamiyama challenges the quiz then the relationship of Honma, Kamiyama and Misaki gets cleat by the quiz. There’re childhood friends and reunited at high school. A trip before the graduation planned, the Shinai lake bus tour which Kamiyama found. The accident during this trip changes their destiny. The reason which Kamiyama slept for 6 years, the cause of Misaki’s death and the thought of Kamiyama and Honma about Misaki become clear in sequence. Kamiyama confronted with the shocking truth… 再び冴島(真矢みき)の前に姿を現した山之辺(戸次重幸)は、本間(横山裕)が死ぬ気だと告げ、冴島は理由も分からず驚愕する。『ザ・クイズショウ』を続けることが本間を救う唯一の道だと知った冴島は、その目的を見届けるため、番組プロデューサーへの復帰を決意。 しかし本間は、生放送直前、高杉(松浦亜弥)にディレクターをやるよう指示し、どこかに姿を消してしまう。源五郎(泉谷しげる)らスタッフは、本間による番組の私物化だと反発するが、冴島はゴーサインを出す。 生放送が始まると、なんと本間が、解答者の扉から現れる。ステージ前に歩み出た本間は、本日の解答者を神山(桜井翔)にすると一方的に宣言。 MCの場所に移った本間は、唖然とする神山に記憶障害があることを明かし、強引に番組を進める。神山の夢は、失われた全ての真実を知ること。 本間は神山に「全部を思い出させてやる」と告げ、神山はクイズに挑むこととなる。 やがて、本間の出題から、神山と本間、美咲(水沢エレナ)の関係が少しずつ明らかになる。幼馴染みで、高校に入ってから再会した3人は、卒業を前に旅行を 計画し、神山が探したシナイ湖周辺の名所を巡るバスツアーに参加。この旅行で起きたとある事故が、3人の運命を狂わせることとなる。そして、神山が6年間 も眠り続けることとなった原因、美咲の思わぬ死因、さらには美咲を巡る神山と本間の思いが次々と明らかになる。 衝撃の事実を突きつけられた神山は―。 TV Life The past is revealed inter praesentes of Honma and Kamiyama. In the last minute of airing Honma assign Takasugi as director. Meanwhile Saejima cameback as producer and Honma show up as guest and he certain proposition to astonished Kamiyama.本間と神山の対面で明かされる過去 番組の放送開始直前になって、本間(横山裕)は高杉(松浦亜弥)をディレクターに任命してサブ室から去る。そんな中、冴島(真矢みき)がプロデューサーとして復帰し、ゲスト解答者には本間が登場する。驚く神山(櫻井翔)に対して、本間はある提案をする。TV Station All of staffs reclaim Honma about his program policy. He announces to moves over director to Takasugi, and back out from the program. Saejima came back as produce in the bad feeling atmosphere. She decided to continue to evince Honma’s purpose. At the starting of show Honma shows up on the stage as guest. Honma becomes MC and Kamiyama as guest for a special occasion. Kamiyama challenge to get to know the truth. スタッフ一同から番組方針に抗議された本間(横山裕)は、ディレクターを高杉(松浦亜弥)に譲り、自分は降板すると告げる。険悪な雰囲気が漂うなか、プロデューサーとして復帰した冴島(真矢みき)は、本間の真の目的を明らかにするために番組の続行を決定する。だが放送が始まると、本間がゲストとしてステージに登場する。特別な趣向として、本間が司会者となり、神山(櫻井翔)が解答者になるという。神山はすべての記憶を取り戻し、真実を知るために本間の挑戦を受け止めることに。
24:58-25:43 Copuntdown TV TBS the song to listn at wedding & Arashi new record Chaku uta and Karaoke
10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5 Everything aired. Extract: We recorded this in a fairly recent past. Then filmed PV in a fairly recent past too. Recent mobile is awesome. You can solar charge or record high vision movie, read a book. Well, what is going to be the Japanese mobile phone? Any air conditioner? He he he! house key may possible. I thought “Transformer” was super the car changes to robot in the past. Current mobile might have such vigor… well amazing! Q: Is there any sensitive member in Arashi or any enigmatic experience? I have never such an experience. Among member Aiba-kun told out-of-body experience. Ummm… maybe it could be his dream…. If I could I wanna try once… Matsujun seem so tired.... ganbare!!!!
▪ AU Design Studio Exhibition event 5/27-8/3, AU new CM Each Arashi's Different Summer form last year. If we were not Arashi.
▪ Application for Aiba~ one “Ideal scene of ideal date” The detail @ J-web until 6/15 12:00
Upcomings here
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