see detail to my blog.
- Smile web site updated. dialy. The scene to see ”giraffe”, they filmed previous day till 24 o’clock and to take this scene time appointed for assembling was 2 AM.
- Annoying mail from Sho-chan received 12:25
- J-web Enjoy (Matsujun) updated
- J-web New CD site, a message from Sho-chan updated
- J-web The Quiz Sho updated
- Oricon Single CD daily ranking dated 30May ranked no.1, sold 24,544. AAA 2008 in Tokyo deily music ranking no.2
- AU Design Studio AU new CM Each Arashi's Summer different form last year. If we were not Arashi. Exhibition event opens 5/27-8/31
AU new CM "Sports mobile" version, "Solar Mobile" version, "Book mobile" version
1. exterior wrapping
2. "If we were not Arashi" profile of 5 of Arashi panels at sloop 1F-2F
3. Giant mockup a solar phone with Arashi signature on 2F
4. Airing special movie (stage large vision on1F, monitors on 2F and 3F
"Sports mobile" version, Masaki Aiba & Sho Sakurai
"Solar Mobile" version, Satoshi Ohno
"Book mobile" version, Jun Matsumoto - The Quiz Show web site updated
9:30- Osama no branch TBS visit "Himitsu no Arashi-can" studio, Arashi profess secret first date, 嵐がひみつの初デート大胆告白に超ドッキリ Theplace to go for first date, Movie:Aiba-chan, O-chan, Matsujun Sea: Nino, Sho-chan
The dinner for first date, French: Sho-chan, Aiba-chan, Ramen(noodle) O-chan, Matsujun, Nino. The gift for first date, Flower: Nino (any flower you can pick around), Aiba-chan, plushier: Sho-chan (teddy bear) O-chan, Matsujun, profess one's love at first date: being professed : Oh-chan, profess : the rest.
13:00-13:30 VS Arashi FTV ebullition of improbable Love triangle Ninomiya and Harisenbon!? 二宮ハリセンまさかの三角関係勃発!? Minowa was badminton club same as O-chan. O-chan lost 1st match at Tokyo competition. Minowa ranked #16. so he admires her. O-chan’s mobile screen is his friend’s thumb because he think his thumb looked beautiful. Minowa is Nino fun. He played her delusional boy friend f but actually triagled with Haruna!?
Nino’s tsukkomi burst!
19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba NTV
21:00-21:54 The Quiz show #7 Sho Sakurai NTV Yamanobe, a former producer of "The Quiz Show" shows up to Honma all of a sudden. He gives him a warning "what you are doing everything encounters to you" at the same time Kamiyama flash back Misaki laid at lake side. Still doesn't come out whole his memories. He said to be frighten to come out his memory continuing the shoe. Honma directed him to continue the show. Meanwhile Saejima doubt about Hiring Honma as a director, and asked Tadokoro the reason to hire. Tadokoro intention to continue the program because Honma and Kamiyama are not replaceable due to company's policy. Saejima tells Honma if any problem occurs I continue the show by my authority. Just before the show Kamiyama doesn't feel good behind set. He did mistake skipping script at opening. This time guest is Masaki Shibata an admin staff at airline company as he's a former pilot his dream is to get a small aircraft. But soon after Kamiyama greets to Shibata, he collapses to the floor. Although Kamiyama tries to continue the show, past memory flashed back and gave him strong headache. A Shocking fact gets clear by the answer of Shibayama then it makes impossible that Kamiyama to continue the show. 突然、本間の前に姿を見せた「ザ・クイズショウ」の元プロデューサー・山之辺(戸次重幸)は、 本間に「お前のしていることは、すべてお前の身に返ってくる」という警告の言葉をかける。 一方、湖畔に横たわる美咲を思い出したものの、まだ失われた記憶の全てが甦らない神山は、 番組を続けて記憶がよみがえることへの恐怖を口にするが、本間はそんな神山に、次の解答者の写真を見せ、 『ザ・クイズショウ』の司会を続けるよう命じる。 その頃、本間のディレクター起用に疑問を感じた冴島は、田所に抜擢した理由を質していた。 これに対し、局の方針として本間と神山だけは変えられない、と番組を続けていく意向を示す田所。 副調整室に戻った冴島は、納得できないまま、問題が生じたら自分の権限で番組を進める、と本間に伝える。 本番直前、セット裏で体調が優れない様子を見せていた神山は、オープニングでセリフを飛ばすミスを犯す。 そんな中、スタートした「ザ・クイズショウ」の今回のゲスト解答者は、航空会社事務員・柴田勇樹(杉本哲太)。 元パイロットという経歴を持つ柴田は、小型旅客機が欲しい、と夢を語った。 しかし、冒頭で柴田と挨拶を交わした後、神山はステージ上でふらふらと倒れこんでしまう。 放送を続けようとする本間らスタッフの思いに応えるように、司会を続けようとする神山だったが、 過去の記憶がフラッシュバックし、激しい頭痛に襲われる。 そして、柴田のクイズ正解から衝撃的事実が明らかになると、遂に神山は番組続行が不可能に―――。
21:00-21:55 Hey! Hey! Hey! BSFGuest are The Alfee and Arashi, ◇ゲストはアルフィーと嵐。
10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5
Upcomings here
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