

see detail to my blog.

5:20-8:00 Zoomin Super NTV Sho Sakurai celebrates Yu Yokoyama's BD 横山裕の誕生日を櫻井翔が祝福。 Yester day was Yokoyama-kun's BD. They are same glade. He got 1 yr older than Sho-chan. A present from Sho-chan was shoes.
16:20-16:30 Shiodomedia The Quiz show PR NTV
22:00-22:54 Smile #4 Jun Matsumoto TBS Rina and Hana came down in a hospital. Hana was mild case. Rina's mother cries and grabs Vito who was visiting Rina's treatment room. That time Machimura foods faces a criminal investigation. Kazuma and Shiori run there. Kazuma tells to Sosuke that this situation is worst case. That afternoon Sosuke was interviewed at Kitagawa's prosecutors office. Soskuke told him that he wasn't onto something. Kitagawa is pointed out insanitation of food factory. Kitagawa interrogate if  Vito, Kinta, Bull conduct insanital procedure. At the same time Shiori asked to Kazuma why he help them but bleared. Then, Kazuma visit Machimura foods again. Kazuma saw Sosuke apologized about having doubt of Vito and others, then he visits prosecutors office with Sosuke.◇ ビト(松本潤)が作った菓子を食べた里菜(寺本純菜)と花(新垣結衣)が病院内で倒れる。幸い花は軽症だったが、里菜の処置室にやって来たビトに里菜の母親は叫びながらつかみかかる。そのころ強制捜査が入った町村フーズには一馬(中井貴一)としおり(小池栄子)が駆け付けていた。一馬は宗助(前田吟)たちに状況は最悪であることを伝える。その日の午後、宗助は検察庁の北川(甲本雅裕)の部屋で任意の聴取を受ける。思い当たることはないという宗助に北川は、作業場が不衛生だったことを指摘。ビトや金太(徳山秀典)、ブル(鈴之助)が不注意な衛生処理をしていなかったか問いただす。一方、しおりは全面協力の姿勢を見せる一馬に理由を聞くが、はぐらかされる。そんな中、一馬は再び町村フーズを訪れる。北川の指摘にビトたちのことを一瞬でも疑ったことを彼らの前でわびる宗助の姿を見た一馬は、宗助を連れて検察庁に乗り込む。
23:00-23:00 Viva Viva V6  FTV guest:Tomoaki Ogura bad real face & disclossur of Arashi claim to V6! 
小倉智昭の悪い素顔&嵐がV6へクレーム暴露! Leader's stooge: When he was danced as back dancer of V6. Actually Inocchi did mistake but Leader got scorched by Inocchi. Info from Nino and Sho-chan, Okada-kun recently makes shelf and wooden toys...
6:50-6:55  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama There was a question today. "Have you ever done a part time job?" Actually never done. Been in this industry for ages. I have been given various experiences at on- location filming or something. Had a work experience at Soba noodle restaurant a bit. Taking order, yeah. It is quite difficult if you suddenly directed to do it. I can't remember the order. If people laugh at me I really don't remember which people ordered first. Um, I thought it has be a tempo. Perhaps this would be a question of getting use to. If you shake down you'll have a good tempo. Anyway this is not easy. Thought it takes years to have your own tempo. Was difficult to achieve for only one day.
24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba Bunka Hoso Extract: Q:You talked that you could become Arashi because you already had your passport. Have you ever been any foreign country before Hawaii? A: Went to Guam with my family at 6th grade. Then Hawaii at 8th grade. I have been many places, NYC, Vegas, LA, then Hawaii as Arashi. Q: What is your best 3 to buy at convenience store? A: #3 is Magazine. I've never read completely...I don't know why I buy it. So it piles at home. #2 is Mask. My home is very dry. have to put mask on when go sleep because will have a sore throat. So put mask on every night, especially during winter time. #1 is water. Don't drink it at home. Water or water with gaz. Don't have drink with tast, so that's why I drink water.I actually don't buy sweet without the one I feel this is it."
Today's Music station is Takky.
upcomings here
Tomatosu by Toma Ikuta updaed. He went VS Arashi recording site. then Nino said his new drama "Maou Saiban" (Satan court) instead of " Majo saiban" (sorcerer court) ... funny Nino!
Smile mail from Matsujun updated (on time)
Smile updated they did BBQ by Matsujun 's suggestioin

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