
April 2010

75854 2010-04-01 23:38:00 2010-04-01 14:38:56 Friday 2-Apr-2010

1000 dreams I have with you. the blog has opened 3 March. Everybody, welcome to official blog of 1000 dreams I have with you. This play is written by script writer Arisa Kaneko “Pure love story for Aiba-kun” requested by stage director Keiko Miyata. This blog will report to you the news about the play and inside story. I hope we can spend days hardly to wait till the curtain-up together. (We will continue after the curtain-up too) Please support us.
Sponichi, < rumple hair, Mr. Minatni “this is something like penalty game.”> The press conference of Fuji TV 50th anniversary drama “The History of our family” was held at Bay studio in Odaiba, Tokyo. Cast appeared walking on red carpet at roof of Bay studio. Mr. Mitani greets “This is like penalty game.” In windy with rumple hair. Jun Matsumoto of Arashi “It was very warm site, I missed when I didn’t filmed for a few days. ”Chuspo, <Fuji 50th anniversary drama, The History of Our family. Koki Mitani san tease beautiful girls for 8 hours.> Matsumoto “This piece is very warm and depicted family love.”HOchi, <Big wind hits press conf. Shibasaki, Matsujun, Nagasawa Fuji “The History of Our Family”> TV Gogatch, <Koki Mitani reveal fundamental strength of TV drama, the press conference of The History of Our Family.> Matsumoto who acted oldest boy, Yoshio “It was piece that packed warm family love. You should feel the atmosphere of family via screen.” Talked with smile. Mitani “Full of must see scene. Episode 2 better than episode 1. Episode 3 better than episode 2. It gets fun more than more. I will show you fundamental strength of TV drama that is told unalive. Please expect it.”

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good Mornign. This is staff S. PR spot that produced with reap part images. 30 sec long version spot too. Please look forward to it.
Inicchi talked at today’s Asaichi, O-chan send him the photos he fished.
J-web the press conference of The History of our Family updated.
New chocola CM updated at Eizai web site
TV life staff blog, <Satoshi Ohno-kun if I transform I want to be xx!?> We have started serial of Kaibutsu-kun, in the issue he talks about his transformation fantasy. Ohno-kun appeared on the magazine in red blue cap, yellow polo shirts, and shorts. We asked about his favorite transformation. “Usual 29 yrs old never look like this. So this is transformation too.” He answered his transformation fantasy. “Indeed I want to be ordinary uncle.” Unexpected answer. The reason. “I want to squarely walk in the street without noticing by anybody, I just want to walk freely.” He discloses his honesty as a member of popular idol group. But he doesn’t have big distress, just after this disclosure. “… so, it’s enough to be another person. So it’s not necessary to be uncle.” He feeds to himself. “(Kaibutsu-kun can extend legs and hands) so me latter part of drama I must extend my legs and hands. (grin)”
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog, today filming whole day in the studio. I still didn’t get used to and get nervous. But it’s fun. Casts and staff are fun and kind. So it’s gaiety. And and I’m satifsfied. So I took photo wish Norito Yashima, Doracula.
Misa Uehara-san's blog today I came Shinagawa for interview. after this I go to rehearsal.
Chika-san on Yomiuri Evening newspaper today.
Ohoku twitter today 16:41 Mr. Mizuno (Nino) Yoshimune shogun Kaneko director others gathered. We do recit the script. The actors got the soul of person
Yomiuri <full bloom of Johnny’s newscasters> There’re many case to hire young talent. TV companies have an ulterior motive to gain young generation’s interest. Asaichi on NHK new face is Yoshihiko Inohara (33) of V6, this is first time celebrities’ caster for the morning show of NHK. And private companies recent year talent casters increased last 3-4 years. Most obvious is Sho Sakurai (28) of Arashi at news show “News Zero” that appeared since the beginning of the show 2006. He is aggressive to do on site report about Tokyo air attack and others. Chief producer says “the meeting of report could be until 2 am” Recently popular violinist Emiri Miyamoto joined instead of Mao Kobayashi. And Keiichiro Koyama of NEWS challenge newscaster for the first time at “news every.”
Kaibutsu-kun web site renovated. Information updated. 4/10 18:30-21:54 Nittere all popular show gathered. The course you want to talk guest: Satoshi Ohno and others. 4/11 8:00-9:30 The Sunday Next guest: Satoshi Ohno, interview with Kazuo Tokumitsu.
Arashi Nishiyagare, is this official logo? web stie updated.
Kaibutsu-kun blog updated. Good evening, it’s staff K. Our web site officially started. There’s quiz to check your maniac ratio of Kaibutsu-kun on the menu. Please challenge it . If you get level 100. You can get Kaibutsu-kun wall paper. At Music station Kato-kun talked about O-chan, going for fishing together.
Navicon, <Arashi, Kazunari Ninomiya, 2nd CM of Eizai, This time Ninomiya pack Chocola? Release on the web>

TV  check morning news of press conf of History of our family.
 14:55-15:55 Hana yori dango TBS Jun Matsumoto
 19:00-21:48 Music station TVA  3 hours special 「20年間の№1全部見せます!」と題し、1990年から2009年までの月間シングルランキング1位に輝いた曲を紹介!浜崎あゆみ、NEWSらが1位にまつわる曲を披露!

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Q: The other day I see “Umi no naka miru zou-kun” (to see inside of sea) the rod with the camera to see in the see. I thought Ohno-kun must love it. Hum,”Umi no naka miruzou-kun” (grin) this good. I have picture of product here. I wanna see this. Because however I get on the fishing boat, it’s better something you can see the fish to search the fish. But you don’t know what is there. They don’t bit the lush I set the hook, what is it? This school, something like that. I see this time, “Oh! Sardine” something like that. Good, isn’t it? I think I use “Umi no Naka miruzou-kun” I wanna see it. he he he. What? Really, you have it? “Umi no Naka miruzou-kun” Wow! Can I see it? You forget at home? Well, any way it’s Okay. So, next time I see you, next time I do fishing, well, I wait with patience. It’s like I’m not a devil me…. As this is my hobby so I’ll buy it by myself. You see. Right. as I talk only about fishing. I think I enjoy with this… Anyway this “Umi no naka miru zou-kun” is good. Well, I buy this. I buy this and when I can fish I will report how this guy “Umi no naka miru zou-kun” is good, yep. So till that time, it still long time, after Jun. Please expect “Umi no naka miru zou-kun” Don’t miss it.
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso

Eiizai, Chocla BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya 

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI" 


□ AU March catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters Shibuya station and Ikebukuro station
□flyer of Ohoku at cinema and book shop
□Mario booklet at game shop.
Upcomings here
public 0
76041 2010-04-02 14:34:00 2010-04-02 05:34:01 Upcoming TV shows and Magazines 5 April~

4/5 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
4/5 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/5  23:24-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/5 24:35-24:45 Star Thousand and One Nights, The History of our family, FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/6 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
4/6 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

4/6 24:50-25:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/7 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
4/7 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

4/7 19:00-20:54 Haneru no Tobira, guest Ko Shibasaki &Toshiyuki Nishitda.
4/7 24:35-24:45 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/8 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
4/8 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

4/8 19:00-21-54 VS Arashi FTV 3 hours special three-way game include History of our family team and Yajima Biyoshitsu
4/8 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
4/8 25:00-25:10 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTVJun Matsumoto
4/9 14:55-15:55 Hana yori dango TBS Jun Matsumoto
4/9 15:57-16:54 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/9-11 21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year 20 of Showa era (1945), The was over. 7 of Yame family freeload at 6 Japanese mat room of an acquaintance in Hakata. Oldest sister Masako (Kou Shibasaki) 17 years old supported family’s life instead of good-for-nothing father Tokizaburou (Toshiyuki Nishida) Never forget to smile is Yame family style, smile when you’re happy and even though when you are sad. The family is downright positive, chummy, and strong even in extreme poor life. Masako was especially cared about the family a lot. Masako starts to work at club in Nakasu, she meet a successful businessman Taizo Onizuka (Kouichi Sato)who is president of the club. Taizo devotes his life to the reconstruction of Hakata city and he is attracted by Masako who cares about her family and live positively. Masako also her respect changes to love. Taizo’s word” he will take care of family “ pushes to decided to get marry with Taizo, Meanwhile Father Tokijiro’s get-rich-quick business of elephant importation turned unsuccessful.. All over people in Hakata talk about his family behind their backs. Masako proposed to go to Tokyo at the time Taizo opens a shop in Tokyo. The family leaves for new horizon Tokyo. This was just beginning of history that family meets. / Yoshio (Jun Matsumoto): Elder brother who is hard worker and brilliant person aims for Tokyo University. He falls in love between different classes with Yukari(Masami Nagasawa)昭和20年、日本は終戦を迎えた。八女家の7人家族は博多の知り合いの家の六畳一間に居候していた。長女、政子(柴咲コウ)17才は、甲斐性なしの父・時次郎(西田敏行)に代わり、家族の生活を支えている。うれしいときはもちろん、悲しいときにも皆でエノケンの「ベアトリ姐ちゃん」を歌って笑顔を忘れないのが八女家流。極貧生活の中でも一家は底抜けに明るく仲良くたくましく、政子はなによりもそんな家族を大切に思っていた。中洲のクラブで働き始めた政子は、勤め先の社長である、やり手の新進実業家・鬼塚大造(佐藤浩市)と知り合う。大造は、空襲で焼け果てた博多の街の復興に心血を注いでいた。大造は、家族を思い前向きに生きる政子に惹かれた。政子も、大造への尊敬の念がいつしか愛に変わる。政子は、「家族の面倒は私がみる」という大造の誓いに後押しされ、大造との“結婚”を決意する。 そんなとき、父・時次郎がまたしても一攫千金をねらって企てた「象の輸入」が失敗し、一家は博多中の人々から後ろ指を指されることに。大造は東京への出店を機に、政子に家族全員での上京を提案する。新天地・東京へ発つ一家。それは、政子が、そして一家が出会う大きな歴史のほんのはじまりに過ぎなかった。
4/10 14:00-15:00 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
4/10 15:00-15:30 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/10 19:00-21:54 Popular show all gathered! Spring inter programs game Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba
4/10 21:00-23:30 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year
4/11 13:30-14:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
4/11 21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year
4/12 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/12 21:00-22:48 Deeply Good story, NTV Masaki Aiba What moment Masaki Aiba get touched at Arashi concert? Shinsuke praises Arashi's togetherness a great deal
4/12  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/13 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/15 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/15 16:24-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun promotional show Satoshi Ohno
4/15 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV 3

4/15 21:00-23:03Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS 2 hours Special, VIP room with Hiroshi Abe and Shinsuke Shimada.
4/17 12:00-13:00 Meringue no kimochi, NTV Sho Sakurai
4/17 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno  
4/17 19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV special guest  Satoshi Ohno
4/17 21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno it’s world faraway from human world. The place the ones that additional evolve has continued success originally. That name is monster land. “Hurrah! Hurrah! Enthronement of new king hurrah!” the castle dominant in the center of monster land. The roar of thousands monsters packed there. “Well, we start ceremony of enthronement of new king, monster Taro, we celebrate ceremony of enthronement! At first the word from Big king….” “….. This is no ceremony of enthronement, this is ceremony of departure. Go Taro.” “Err, dad, I don’t understand what you mean.” Big king of monster wields the scepter to Kaibutsu-kun. That moment a lightning flashed in the sky. The thunder hits Kaibutsu-kun. “ahhhh!” At last in front of Kaibutsu-kun who has been pulled back to consciousness, there’s human world there. そこは、人間界から遠く離れた世界。人類より更なる進化を遂げた者達が独自の繁栄を続けてきた場所。……その名は怪物ランド。「バンザーイ! バンザーイ! 新大王様ご即位バンザーイ!」怪物ランドの中央にそびえ建つ怪物城。そこにつめかけた何万もの怪物達から歓声があがっている。「それではこれより、新大王・怪物太郎様、ご即位の儀を執り行う!まずは、大王様よりお言葉を……」「……これは即位の儀ではない、旅立ちの儀だ。行け太郎!」「あのパパ、意味分かんないんだけど」そう言う怪物くんに向かって杖を振りかざす怪物大王。その瞬間、空に稲光が走り、雷が怪物くんに命中した!「あああああ!」
4/18 Legal consultancy office, NTV  Satoshi Ohno
4/19 Sekai marumie! TV special investigation NTV Masaki Aiba
4/19  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/22 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV 3
4/22no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
4/22 19:56-20:54 Gurugurn Nitynine, NTV   Satoshi Ohno Gochi ninarimasu guest
4/23 Yatterman NTV  Sho Sakurai
4/24 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
4/24  19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/24 21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
4/24 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare totally new show appears on Saturday 22 o’clock. Arashi at the pinnacle of popularity challenge this show is insane by some way, no controlled plan entertainment variety! Arashi challenges the show ad-lib without knowing “who is guest” and “what to do with guest”. “The set “ (draft) ad-lib entertainment by Arashi vs Aniki-guest, the core of segment is “the set “ is plant to learn the professional area by different guest of each week. The seguemet that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thelling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week! [Example] in the case aniki-guest is big name skit comedian: injecting skit with skit set. In the case big name of traditional comic story teller: injecting “Rakugo” traditional coming telling. In the case of big name of Kabuki actor: injecting Kabuki with Kabuki set etc. So like this, this is talk & entertainment show that Arashi challenges ad-lib professional area and plays set for each big name aniki- guest.土曜22時に人気絶頂「嵐」を迎えたまったく新しい番組が登場!人気絶頂の「嵐」がこの番組で挑むのは、ある意味“非常識”な“予定調和一切なし”のエンターテインメントバラエティです!メンバー5人は、「ゲストが誰なのか?」「そのゲストと何をするのか?」を何も知らされず、<即興>で番組に臨みます。【嵐VS.アニキゲスト】の即興エンターテインメント「ザ・セット」(仮)番組の軸となるコーナーは、毎週異なるアニキゲストから“プロの領域”を学ぶ「ザ・セット」(仮)を予定!ゲストによって毎回セットが異なるこのコーナー。ある時は「寄席」セット、またある時は「コント」セット、そしてまたある時は「ひな壇」セット・・・。これは、毎週登場する“その道のプロ”である「アニキゲスト」から、嵐5人に「エンターテインメントな技」を、<即興>で注入してもらうため!例)アニキゲストが大物コント芸人の場合・・・コントセットで「コント」を注入!大物落語家の場合・・・寄席セットで「落語」を注入!大物歌舞伎役者の場合・・・歌舞伎の舞台セットで「歌舞伎」を注入!etc・・・・・・といった具合に、毎週訪れる大物アニキゲスト用に用意されたセット上で、嵐がプロの領域に<即興>で挑み、遊ぶ、トーク&エンターテインメント企画です。
4/26  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/29 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
4/29 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Outlet Mall Mannequin Five, general people vote for fashionable Arashi


4/9 Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
4/13 VS Arashi
4/19 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/27 VS Arashi
4/28 Himitsu no Arashi-chan

4/11 13:00-15:00 Kaibutsu-kun

New-year 2011 Spring 2011GANTZ
Kazunari Ninomiya  Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard.
10/1/2010 Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya mysterious epidemic sweeps over men, Ed, age of Tokugawa, (1608-1868) 80% of man in Japan dead and the population decreased only one-quart of female population. It was reverse world all of important work is done by women and men sell their bodies. The sumptuous place in such an age. It was ohoku the place where 3000 beautiful men serve one female shogun, paradise of men, no women admitted… now a young guy opens its door.


Monday 5-Apr-2010


 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
  23:24-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
 24:35-24:45 Star Thousand and One Nights, The History of our family, FTV Jun Matsumoto 

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


Non-no serial “2/Arashi” Rock no Arashi, Jun Matsumoto x Masaki Aiba


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.


Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Tuesday 6-Apr-2010


 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

  24:50-25:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Arashi ni Shiyagare



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here

Recent audience rate here

Wednesday 7-Apr-2010


 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

 19:00-20:54 Haneru no Tobira, guest Ko Shibasaki &Toshiyuki Nishitda.
 24:35-24:45 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Histry of our family sound track CD 
ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10  DVD

Weekly The Television  Scoop Arashi
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
Jun Matsumoto x Sho Sakurai Arashi 100 person book!?
Duet, serial ”Monthly Arashi-ism”Happy Arashi project” Kazunari Ninomiya ,
Wink Up, serial “Aramashi Arashi”
Potato, serial “Around Arashi” 


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here

Thursday 8-Apr-2010


 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

 19:00-21-54 VS Arashi FTV 3 hours special three-way game include History of our family team and Yajima Biyoshitsu
  no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
  25:00-25:10 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTVJun Matsumoto

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san, Entertainment therapy  Satoshi Ohno
M girl Masaki Aiba


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here

Friday 9-Apr-2010


Gantz Informational, NTV
 14:55-15:55 Hana yori dango TBS Jun Matsumoto
 15:00-15:57 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
 21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year 20 of Showa era (1945), The was over. 7 of Yame family freeload at 6 Japanese mat room of an acquaintance in Hakata. Oldest sister Masako (Kou Shibasaki) 17 years old supported family’s life instead of good-for-nothing father Tokizaburou (Toshiyuki Nishida) Never forget to smile is Yame family style, smile when you’re happy and even though when you are sad. The family is downright positive, chummy, and strong even in extreme poor life. Masako was especially cared about the family a lot. Masako starts to work at club in Nakasu, she meet a successful businessman Taizo Onizuka (Kouichi Sato)who is president of the club. Taizo devotes his life to the reconstruction of Hakata city and he is attracted by Masako who cares about her family and live positively. Masako also her respect changes to love. Taizo’s word” he will take care of family “ pushes to decided to get marry with Taizo, Meanwhile Father Tokijiro’s get-rich-quick business of elephant importation turned unsuccessful.. All over people in Hakata talk about his family behind their backs. Masako proposed to go to Tokyo at the time Taizo opens a shop in Tokyo. The family leaves for new horizon Tokyo. This was just beginning of history that family meets. / Yoshio (Jun Matsumoto): Elder brother who is hard worker and brilliant person aims for Tokyo University. He falls in love between different classes with Yukari(Masami Nagasawa)昭和20年、日本は終戦を迎えた。八女家の7人家族は博多の知り合いの家の六畳一間に居候していた。長女、政子(柴咲コウ)17才は、甲斐性なしの父・時次郎(西田敏行)に代わり、家族の生活を支えている。うれしいときはもちろん、悲しいときにも皆でエノケンの「ベアトリ姐ちゃん」を歌って笑顔を忘れないのが八女家流。極貧生活の中でも一家は底抜けに明るく仲良くたくましく、政子はなによりもそんな家族を大切に思っていた。中洲のクラブで働き始めた政子は、勤め先の社長である、やり手の新進実業家・鬼塚大造(佐藤浩市)と知り合う。大造は、空襲で焼け果てた博多の街の復興に心血を注いでいた。大造は、家族を思い前向きに生きる政子に惹かれた。政子も、大造への尊敬の念がいつしか愛に変わる。政子は、「家族の面倒は私がみる」という大造の誓いに後押しされ、大造との“結婚”を決意する。 そんなとき、父・時次郎がまたしても一攫千金をねらって企てた「象の輸入」が失敗し、一家は博多中の人々から後ろ指を指されることに。大造は東京への出店を機に、政子に家族全員での上京を提案する。新天地・東京へ発つ一家。それは、政子が、そして一家が出会う大きな歴史のほんのはじまりに過ぎなかった。

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso


Himitsu no Arashi-chan



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Saturday 10-Apr-2010

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  , all

 14:00-15:00 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
15:00-15:30 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
18:30-21:54 Popular show all gathered! Spring inter programs game Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba
  21:00-23:30 Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5

Otonoha updated day



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here

Sunday 11-Apr-2010



13:30-14:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
  21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year


13:00-15:00 Kaibutsu-kun

22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here


Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked

Mon:22:54-23:58  News Zero Sho Sakurai NTV (live)
Thr: 19:00-19:54 VS Arashi FTV 22:00-22:54  Himitsu  no Arashi-chan  TBS
Sat: 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba,
22:00-22:54 Arashi ni SHhyagare
9:30-14:00 to check Osama no Branch TBS, Countdown TV etc

Regular Radio programs

Mon: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Tue: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Wed: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Thr: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Fri: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, 24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso 
Sat: 10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5
Sun: 22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked

every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
5th:  Non-no 2/ Arashi
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd:  Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television  (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

Arashi Anniversary

25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto  agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982

public 0
76366 2010-04-03 22:42:00 2010-04-02 13:42:19 Saturday 3-Apr-2010

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good Morning, it’s staff S. Maybe you might know Animation Kaibutsu-kun selection for memorial of Saturday drama Kaibutsu-kun on air 15:55-16:24 from 5 April to 15. As there’re many people who want to see animation version as live action drama on air. As I have noted previous diary you can see different making each day if you you watch animation Kaibutsu-kun. There’re many contents packed. Please watch Kaibutsu-kun animation version from start to finish.
Cut editor’s blog. Cut on sale 19 April currently editing. Fujiko Fujio A special is on the front pages. Of course we close up the charm of drama Kaibutsu-kun too. Long interview with Satoshi Ohno-san. And dialogue of Satoshi Ohno-san and master Fujiko Fujio A. seems Ticket Pia may possibility to sale Aiba-chan's plays ticket at the shop, Arashi funs already started making queue
The History of our family, the interview with Toshiyuki Nishida-san updated.
Today’s Zoom in Saturday, interview with Fujiko Fujio A-san. On the back poster of Kaibutsu-kun with signature of O-chan dated 13 March.
seems Ticket Pia may possibility to sale Aiba-chan's plays ticket at the shop, Arashi funs already started making long queue for tomorrow sales.
Arashi FC mail, regarding ticket sales "1000 dreams I have with you",audience of Arashi Show and Kaibutsu-kun's prelease.
Umazawa-san (special make-up artist of Kaibutsu-kun) today’s blog, athletics meets. (Filming?)
Ohnuma-san(co-star of 1000 dreams) blog updated last night. This is sweet treat from Tomoko Fujita-san (co-star as well) seems they had rehearsal yesterday.
The History of our family, 2nd round of interview with Mitani, Ito and Shigeoka.
Shiyagare Cm stated on air see here
5x10 DVD length 249 minutes.
Staff blog of 1000 dreams I have with you, on 1 April, One day in March first gathering of 1000 drams I have with you. Staging director, script writer, cast, creative staff, management, sponsors, production all related this play gathered. This is first step for the play. /8’o clock in the morning at The Ritz Carlton Tokyo. Press conference was held there. Peaceful atmosphere such like rehearsal refracted at press conference. After press conf. Aiba-san, Miyata-san and Kaneko-san had several interviews. When the publication is determinate we will inform to you here.

14:00-15:54 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
18:30-23:48 All stars thanks giving TBS. check
check count down TV

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5 It’s April. I want to have new encounters. / The other day. When I get on taxi to go to suburb of Shibuya, I told to taxi driver the direction. Then I didn’t have the dialogue with him. Then around the destination, the taxi driver told me “Are you busy recently?” I answered without saying my name “so, so.” Then he started talking “I’m actually a member of fun club.” I asked “is it ours?“ “Yes, As my wife is a member. Currently it’s hard to get concert ticket. So I became a member of FC too. “ Recently I'm addressed often by taxi drivers or people I met for the first time in the street. The other day I entered Japanese bar style restaurant to eat fish. When I left, I was told “I always watch you.“ It happens so often recently. I don’t want to sneak around for my private life. I want to have some distance. But I’m glad to be addressed in this way. Before I was addressed teasing “Hay!” that decrease. Recently taxi drivers introduce themselves when you get on the tax. I like that. As I can call not taxi driver, but xx-san. / last tiny uncle episode. Disappear with gold power, the one you can touch, the one not tiny uncle but tiny grandma etc. They mystery has just thickened. I wonder me who gets 27 this year can’t see them!? / Closing, The history of our family on air from 9 April for 3 days. The previous day VS Arashi 3 hours special don’t miss that. And also leader does drama Kaibutsu-kun. We have privilege to do the theme song of this, called “Monster” I hope this will be played soon. Please look forward to it.



□ AU March catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Mario, Cyder Boy, AIba curry The history of our Family Kaibutsu-kun at major station.
□flyer of Ohoku at cinema and book shop
□Mario booklet at game shop.


Upcomings here
public 0
76673 2010-04-04 22:43:00 2010-04-02 13:43:24 Sunday 4-Apr-2010


Fuji TV club blog, The huge poster of History of our family in front of Shibuya Hachiko exit subway station. When I try to shoot it, the parent daughter try to take a picture. I automatically address to them “Please watch the history of our family.” And I talked to them. They know the full double page ad on the newspaper. They said “it was a big impact.” I felt this high degree of interest of this drama in the public.
Kabachi BBS. Writing to BBS end by 22:00 4 April. 
Ticket of 1000 dreams is sold out at10:15. it seems better to to get at convenience store ticket machine.
Kaibutsu-kun blog, Hello, it’s staff A. The ears of Kaibutsu-kun are single-use. Once you use this, it can’t be usable. Enormous stocks of ear are at the make-up room. As this is rolled out more and more as to progress the filming. These are not dumpling but Kaibutsu-kun’s ears.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s blog update. At rehearsal room the stage has installed. This play additional stage in front of major stage. This is machine has variation of height.
Fuji TV PR blog updted. Jun Matsumoto-san love like Titanic at The History of our family. The History of from will be on air from 9 April this is the story of Yame family lived thought turbulent age from 2-39 year of Showa era (1927-1964) with abysmally positive mind and vitality. This is first home drama for Koki Mitani. Jun Matsumoto act oldest son of Yame family, Yoshio. Falls in love with a girl Yukari Ichinose, a daughter of rich family. Yoshio be barred to date with her due to different class of family. He tried to give her up once. I t was hard to forget about her. At last he takes her and get on the boat between Aomori and Hakodate, that Toyamaru that turned over with the loss of 115 lives due to typhoon on 26 September 1954. This is largest marine peril of Japan. The scene Toyamaru turns over was filmed at studio in the suburb of Shanghai. The set of Toyamaru was width 10m and depth 20 m. Jun Matsumoto-san who saw the set enter at studio for the first time. “I have never seen such large scale set.” He was amazed. Matsumoto-san and Nagasawa-san keep convincing performance shipping water that comes out from discharging water cannon machine. As the setting is the ship is leaning, Nagasawa-san and Matsumoto-san pulled legs by wires and roundly dragged without stuntmen, they challenge to throw themselves. A sight to see is the scene that big wave hits and hands of Yoshio and Yukari hold get loose….Same as Toyamaru, Huge bath tab shaped water tank on the scaffold 10m height tower was pushed over and 4 tons of water gets toward the deck where Matsumoto and Nagasawa are standing at a burst. That one-shot deal filming that you can’t re-do. The result was successful! Huge wave of water draws away 2 and push away, vigorous scene was filmed. Matsumoto-san who finished filming. “This incident called Japanese Titanic. It was just like same situation when I filmed. I think it’s sight to see. Please look forward to it.” 
Fuji TV PR  blog update. Stories of strange and unusual special collaborate with The History of our family and others


  21:00-23:09 Stories of strange and unusual special, FTV Koki Mitani and Kou Shibasaki, The history of our family promotion.
 22:00-22-30 OshareiZumu, NTV  Sho Sakurai Guest is Sho Sakurai, Collection of Glass he got from TOmoaki Ogurs. Sandale he got from Masaki Aiba. He show his photo of his house. He disclose content of mails with Arashi members. He visit Pizza master and challenge making pizza.▽ゲストは櫻井翔。小倉智昭にもらったというグラスのコレクションや、相葉雅紀にもらったサンダルなど、自宅写真を公開する。また、嵐のメンバーとやりとりしたメールの文面を明かす。ピザ職人を訪問し、ピザ作りに挑む
Sho Sakurai, topic with drinking session with 5 of Arashi money and xx!? From his brother… Inside episode from members of Arashi one and another! Disclose private photo! All stunned the technique of master. 櫻井翔、嵐5人の飲み会の話題は金と○○!?▽弟から…▽嵐メンバーの ウラ話が続々! ▽プライベート写真公開! ▽華麗な職人ワザに一同仰天! 20100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00008151620100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00020357120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00023627120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00027434120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00037184320100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00040741220100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00044268020100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00044885320100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00058735920100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00068956120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00075741720100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00092534120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00095166720100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00098203120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00122809020100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00143470320100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00151418720100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00155322420100404-220000-4ch.mpg_00155943120100404-220000-4ch.mpg_001661572
Ata filming of Kabachi, there's junior high student boy waves with Ohno's setting board, when some one noticed me, "Oh, Nino, not him who is he?." I was depressed so I thought I had to work harder. / 2004, drunk in Australia according to Aiba-chan. On the way back to my room, Aiba try to open wine with his hand and say" Sho-chan! Have drink together!" then miraculously the bottle was open I started to drink but not so much. some body says. " Johnny's is just like that?" I was upset, I wanted to show how hard we can do. then next day I had hang over and then filming was on the sea, waiting time I have to be on the boat. I got scorched. / Q: what do you talk with member at drinking session. I recently had serious talk. we talked about money . as we haven't done it. but that time on The TV matter of alveolar pyorrhea aired, Aiba and Ohno got interested and we closed talking about dentist. / speciality by Aliba-chan, He show Kain Kosugi and Antokino Inoki as usual. / once Sho-chan mistook dancing and depressed by Aiba-chan, concert 2001 or 2002, I had to dance with accent no music. I lost the timing then I don't know what should I feel abandoned. I gave way that time. But it's only Aiba totally bad. He sing non his part. at the part on me and Ohno, he sang on the first day, I told him no need to sing., then next day, he sang again. I told him not to need to so. Then 3rd day at our part he make "How do I look" face. /Mail, at birthday, Ninomiya, "Happy Birthday" with cute icons. But Ohno send mysterious mail on the departure day for Vancouver, He send me a mail Take care with photo of Maruyama of Kanjani in swimming wear. Also he send me mail after Zero "You looked good today." Q: How do you replay? I replay "Thank you."Matsumoto on the BD 2 years ago he send me animation mail with firework.. Aiba sent me on the BD, Omedetokintama (congrat ball) / I sent all of my family when we got prize last year (Oricon?) My brother mail me back. Actually he is high school student. "Keep it up!" I relayed "Thank you. " / Yoko of Kanjani, The shoes of BD present I was so happy but actually shoes are slightly small.  What, so bad. I researched the size with his manager. / souvenir, Aiba bought sandal for souvenir saying " There're only sandals." I said" There's no country sells only sandals" He said " Is this like very southen island, right? " / Ogura-san, He asked me BD present, I said something related whisky. I except bottle of whisky but he send set of Baccarat glasses. and on the 10th anniversary we worked together. he proposed to take picture together with his camera. some one said, "this camera good. I want this. " "Christmas is soon. " Actually he gave us camera all of us. This is actually polite frighten

22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

Opening 5x10, this person came rainy day, hmm, I wonder if they don’t get cold I only think about it all the time that time. Because we felt so cold however we moved a lot. It was so cold. So last year Kokutistu’s that one DVD on sale. How about the initial? STBY: What? N: that one you know. S: I thought initial of name. You mean sales. N: how about it tells us. S: (censored) N: does this figure make DVD disappearing at shop? S: I don’t know. N: How fasr you can publish DVD? S: DVD itself fabricate a lot for a day but cover, this must be prepared before. N: Hum I didn’t know that. I learnt something today. / Douka onbinni, N: Can you mimic Jun-kun? S: I should not do that. N: it seems you still hurt. / What I was surprised recently, flog. A flog was on the steps to my door. My house is second floor the steps is narrow the flog was quite big. So I couldn’t pass for 10 minutes. S: so long, N: actually this step is narrow for 1 person. I was afraid it might jump to my face. I saw such big flog for the first time for 26 years. / Sho-kun said to decide catering previous day of filming. What have you had recently? N: curry. S: you guys like Curry, Arashi. N: I don’t think there are no people who dislike curry also bean curd with minced beef chili sauce, everybody loves it. Curry is good! / O-chan currently restrains himself not to go fishing. Do you have any thing you restrain yourself for your work? I currently don’t have any. Basically my hobby is indoor I can do it just turn on my PC or game preparation time is 0 second. But leader he takes 3 hours on the way 3 hours back to home. I don’t hold anything at all. But I eat same breakfast every day. You should be aware of melon bread of mid-night. Some time it is clearly dried and it takes my mouth moisture. S: how about curry bread for next? N: I wonder I can eat for 3 month then I eat curry at Arashi’s show. But I 'm eating melon bread for 5 month. S: amazing.

10:00- Kimi to miru sen no yume 


□ AU March catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Mario, Cyder Boy, AIba curry The history of our Family Kaibutsu-kun at major station.
□flyer of Ohoku at cinema and book shop
□Mario booklet at game shop.
Upcomings here
public 0
76996 2010-04-05 00:45:00 2010-04-04 15:45:17 Monday 5-Apr-2010

Hochi, <65 hours Arashi festival. Arashi hijack 43 programs on NTV> Arashi hijack NTV for 2 weeks. Satoshi Ohno (29) starring drama Kaibutsu-kun stars on 17 and 5 starring new variety show “Arashi ni shiyagare” starts 24. NTV practices first ever largest campaign titled “Saturday Arashi, Spring NTV x Arashi mission” Member appears 43 shows (65 hours) NTV is involved only Arashi. Arashi challenge first ever large scale campaign. The core is 2 days of 17 and 24. 17 titles “1st day of Arashi Saturday, opening of Kaibutsu-kun special” Kaibutsu-kun starts from 9pm, “Arashi report, Arashi that you can watch only tonight. Easy to understand video, on air one stroke.” This is totally 2 hours half special. At Special show tracing the history of Arashi. 5 grown up as national idol but introduce their real face. Drama of Johnny’s jr. ages and other. Full of images that only NTV has. Also disclose each member’s “turning point of life.” 5 surprised uniformly by variety of treasure image. Jun Matsumoto (26) “The content is to know about 5 of us.” And they perform their new tune, theme song of Kaibutsu-kun “Monster” (on sale 19 May) for the first time on TV. 24 also 2 hours and half project. “Saturday Arashi 2nd night, Arashi ni shiyagare opening special.” New variety show “Arashi ni shiyagare that hosts secret guest on air by ad-lib with extended time following by Kaibutsu-kun. The campaign held form 10 to 24. Everyday member appears information shows variety shows every day. And previous day of special (16 and 23) from morning almost for day they appears all the time. Appearance time total is 43 shows. Total house is more than 65 hours. This exceeds 50hours of “Arashi Challenge week. Last September (actually October-November) Kazunari Ninomiya (26) “I thought that was first and last. But we had privilege to have chance again, I’m so pleased. “For 2 week you can understand every thing about pinnacle group. TV Life, <2 weeks that Arashi appear spree on NTV> Saturday Arahi, spring NTV x Arashi mission, both Saturdat Arasshi day if you watch data airing get points , you can get extra limited premium pin budge by lot.



Omoikkiri Pon


Omoikkiri Don


Monster on sale 19 May.

Saturday Arashi web site opened.
Saturday Arashi web site opened.
4/17    part 1:21:00- Kaibutsu-kun,       
    part 2:22:10- “Arashi den, only tonight easy to understand Video on air on stroke.       
4/24    21:00- Kaibutsu-kun       
    21:32:54- Arashi ni Shiyagare, episode 1       
Arashi member appears NTV show more and more.
4/10    Popular show all gathered! Spring inter programs game     Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba & Arashi's video
4/11    The Sunday next     Satoshi Ohno
4/12    Deeply Good story    Masaki Aiba
4/15    News Zero     Satoshi Ohno
4/17    Meringue no kimochi    Meringue no kimochi, NTV Sho Sakurai
          Tensai! Shimura zoo      Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
           Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen)     Satoshi Ohno
4/18    Legal consultancy office,     Satoshi Ohno
4/19    Sekai marumie! TV special investigation     Masaki Aiba
4/22    GuruGuru Nitynine    Satoshi Ohno
4/23    Yatterman    Sho Sakurai
4/24    Tensai! Shimura zoo     Masaki Aiba, Satoshi Ohno, Jun Matsumoto
           Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen)      Jun Matsumoto
Arashi Den web site opened. Long waited show “Arashi ni shiyagare” stared in the height attention degree, we do special show to increase anticipated value to maximum to lead TV viewers to first episode. The content is… review 10 years of Arashi who has grown up as Best artist of Japan in reality and in name by treasured video. How each of 5 pursued last 10 years. Is this so?! 10 years of Arashi, introduced as Arashi den. Each member’s turning point of life is introduced video from the fresh image at debut, drama, movie, concert images, and restaging drama adding catch line of each character. And also as special show of Arashi They perform Monster, theme song of Kaibutsu-kun for the first time. Getting to know of fun and unknown episode of Arashi, you can’t help watching new show “Arashi ni shiyagare” we press ahead with special show of intensive push!
Monster CD, special edition: Monster, and another song (TBD) DVD monster PV and making. General edition; Monster, TBD, Monster Karaoke version, TBD Karaoke version. Arashi in wonderland, 30th single Monster is tune just like short movie. 5 casts are strange and miracle, strong and pure, dazzling pop world develops. Myself who is in love compare Monster. The wistful lyric with my feeling about you on baroque imaged sound, perform by speedy development. This matches to fantastic world of view of drama. And another song (TBD) theme of tactics of love, straight work on the new core back track. This is dance tune that except dance performance.

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Hello, It’s staff K. we did on site filming surrounded by full bloom of cherry blossom. Ohno-kun of a prince murmured “smell like stew.” Staffs around him sniff. “heh, smell stew?” “I think it’s not stew it’s pork miso soup.” I don’t smell anything.” Etc. what was identity of smell!? It was mixture of smell of Grilled chicken, hot pot, oden that people brought for coming to see cherry blossom. That day was clear day. Many people enjoy cherry blossom. By the way the price it’s not about beauty of floor than food. He must be hungry because of filming since early morning. We are healed by such price character. (By the way Mr. Dracula nearly knockout. Today’s photo is price indispensable item: cap. The flange is much smaller than usual cap and cute.
Tomorrow Telephone shocking is Mitani-san.

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Hello, It’s staff K. we did on site filming surrounded by full bloom of cherry blossom. Ohno-kun of a prince murmured “smell like stew.” Staffs around him sniff. “heh, smell stew?” “I think it’s not stew it’s pork miso soup.” I don’t smell anything.” Etc. what was identity of smell!? It was mixture of smell of Grilled chicken, hot pot, oden that people brought for coming to see cherry blossom. That day was clear day. Many people enjoy cherry blossom. By the way the price it’s not about beauty of floor than food. He must be hungry because of filming since early morning. We are healed by such price character. (By the way Mr. Dracula nearly knockout. Today’s photo is price indispensable item: cap. The flange is much smaller than usual cap and cute
Shimomura-san (Gantz stunt director) blog. finally the piece continued since last year completed. Thank you for good work casts and staffs! Also action member, Thank you. I feel nostalgic extreme heat days for preparation, It was piece took for over half year. And part of action is quite enormous. Usual filming what cut at first is action scene but this time is reverse. Director says “to make viewer easy emotional involvement. I wan to viewers also get tired.” Do so we took time for action, filmed carefully without compromise. If we can get this system good Japanese movies must increase. I think this piece must break stereotyped Japanese movie. Please look forward to releasing.
House Food press release, Tongari corn new flavor coming up on 19 April CM hired popular group Arashi will be dropped intensively.
J-web this week word by Jun-kun, From VS Arashi special to The history of our family Must check Jun
Today at twitter Abiko-san (shukudai-kun producer) was there, communicate with him a little.

Kabachi Ueda producer message updated. At closing BBS I’d like to say thank you .The Voice of audience has big signification for production side. Thank you for supporting us for last 5 month. Team of Tokujo Kabachi was really tokujo casts and staffs. Sho-kun Maki-chan and all of them put various ideas out for this piece. Currently I do editing for DVD and repeat. The other day I met Sakurai-kun in Akasaka at interval of Arashi-chan filming. We talked about barious matter. However age is different he is like the class make I see after long time. It was nostalgic but I could talk without border. I realized however you get old; the encounter is at work you can get friend. I realized so. So all separated for next work but it’s not to feel sad this is new start. I realized I’m heading to the stage certainly I promised by step by step. I hope to see you somewhere again. Hope you take care until that day.

 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

2 spots of Saturday Arashi and making aired.




  23:24-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Sho Sakurai's front page about decreasing nuclear bombes


 24:35-24:45 Star Thousand and One Nights, The History of our family, FTV Jun Matsumoto 
Koki Mitani restage popular talk show of Showa era.三谷幸喜が昭和の人気トーク番組を4夜連続で再現。松本潤らが登場する。

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s is Universal studio in Singapore. Wow amazing. There are many places, Universal studios are. In Japan there’s one in Osaka. This is not proud, but I have been to first day of opening. This is proud, right. Sorry (grin) I think this was Music station on air in live. Then Schwa-chan (Schwarzenegger) came. Then. Ladder from flying helicopter, he hold ladder there, Schwa-chan. I wanted to see that at any price. But I couldn’t see it from the position we sang. I couldn’t either firework, this was in live. So but, it was 1 day before opening. So I couldn’t get on attraction. I sang and left there. This was my first universal studio. Next time I want to go to universal studio Singapore.


Non-no serial “2/Arashi” Rock no Arashi, Jun Matsumoto x Masaki Aiba


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.


Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

public 0
77308 2010-04-05 23:23:00 2010-04-05 14:23:07 Tuesday 6-Apr-2010

 Web the Television, <Jun Matsumoto follows Masaki Nagasawa like a girl friend, press conf of the history of our life> Press conference of The History of our family held on 1 April, Matsumoto of Yoshio role commented atmosphere of Yame family at filming site. “Few days after filming the scene all gathered, I didn’t have filming. I really felt lonely. I think atmosphere of family was expressed well.” Nagasawa acts his boy friend role “There’s scene like Japanese Romeo and Juliette… I don’t remember how far I can talk. (grin) “she gets panic. Matsumoto follows just like her boy friend “The filming was in Shanghai, it was amazing.”
The History of our family topic 12 was updated. The press conf. comment of Jun Matsumoto-san. “When I acted also watching this piece, I realized I was happy to have participated this piece. As warm family love is depicted. Please watch real time with all family together. (The atmosphere of site.) The filming has started, I have filmed the scene all family gathered. After than I didn’t’ have filming for few days. I really felt lonely. I think such a warm family atmosphere is expressed in the screen. And I realized family is good watching this piece.” Topic 11. Star one thousand night , the history of our family on air. Representative legendary Showa era’s talk show is back. Mitani-san disguises and invites The history of our family gorgeous s guest. He asked to Jun Matsumoto “Please tell me how to cook scrabing yam soup.”
Fuji TV club blog, PR division is free paper “Norinori” introduces VS Arashi special. The director talked about secret episode and answer the question of audiences and secret talk to birth of attraction also 3 hours special.
Kyusu FC staff blog History of our family on air from 9 to 11 April. Last October filming was held. What kind of scene this will be used. (photo of site)
Ohnuma-san (co-star of 1000 dreams) blog. the sobe is so good for the body after rehearsal this was best dinner. Seems they had rehearsal yesterday.
Tomoko Fujita-san (co-star of 1000 dreams) blog, rehearsal of the play progress at hyperspeed. Everyday it’s heated, I hustle with high motivation 
 Yesterday's star one thousand nights


 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good Morning it’s staff A. Today filming is off. Directors do Editing of episode 1. CG has completed early morning. I’m excited how the piece of work going to be. Yesterday we filmed devil world scene at studio. Matsuoka-san as Demokin, as he has tail on bottom it seems to be hard to sit. But as he came often to Ikuta studio he gets used to hit. He sit reversing chair. At filming all eat at canteen that day as Nihon TV got 3 crowns of audience rate. So it was free that day. The Casts with special make up are very obvious there. Kaga-san says as he has whisker it’s hard to eat food. Sorry!! Thank you for writing BBS. This cheers all of casts and staffs. 

 flower from Jun-kun to Mitani-san at Iitomo.


Troublemaker sales exceed 607K CDs  

Excite news, celebrity who has image of beautiful belly, male section no.1 Sho-kun.  
Kaibutsu-kun web site information updated.  additional promotional shows.
4/11    5:20-8:00    Zoom in Super    Tatsuomi Hamada, Ohno
4/15    16:24-17:40    drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis    Satoshi Ohno
4/15    17:53-18:56     news every.    close up special make-up, Satoshi Ohno.
4/15    22:54-25:58    News Zero    Cluture, dialogue Fujiko Fujio A & Ohno
    24:38-25:08    drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis    (repeat)
4/16    5:20-8:00    Zoom in Super    Satoshi Ohno
    8:00-10:25     Sukkiri    Satoshi Ohno
    10:25-11:30    Pon!    Satoshi Ohno
    11:55-13:55     Don!    Satoshi Ohno
    13:55-15:50     Miyane-ya    Satoshi Ohno
    16:20-16:30     Captain TV     Satoshi Ohno
    17:53-18:56     news every.    Satoshi Ohno
    18:56-19:56     Unchiku-kun    Satoshi Ohno
4/17    5:30-8:00     Zoom in Saturday    Satoshi Ohno
    12:00-13:00    Meringue no kimochi    Satoshi Ohno
    16:00-16:55    Satuday Arashi fist day pre show    Satoshi Ohno
    19:00-19:56     Tensai Shimura Zoo    Satoshi Ohno
    19:54-20:54    Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou,



TV Waratte Itomo guest is Koki Mitani-san
 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

  24:50-25:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
24:35-24:45 Star Thousand and One Nights, The History of our family, FTV Jun Matsumoto Koki Mitani restage popular talk show of Showa era.三谷幸喜が昭和の人気トーク番組を4夜連続で再現。松本潤らが登場する。

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Today’s topic is averages money employees have in the wallet. Hum, you should have some. This kind of things, Me, I have told at Utaban and others? But in my past me, 3,000yen. Always, really. When I was junior. When I become Arashi, the beginning, when I go shopping, I have, I put 10K bill in my wallet, yep. How about it reentry? The other day, err, cost of food was 400 yen for a day. Currently I’m filming. Err… foods at canteen are so cheap. Err…

Cold soba noodles with dipping sauce for lunch was 180 yen. Then in evening I go to canteen I ordered ramen tick sauce with veggie, how much it was? 220 yen? So, you can enjoy a lot with 400 yen, at canteen. Surprisingly it changes properly the lunch and dinner, the menu, yep. So it’s great fun, to going to canteen, yep

Arashi ni Shiyagare

Josei Jishin, popular Arashi, catch various members’ facial expressions. Page 6, press conf of History of our family page 178
Flash, under the night cherry blossom, Nana Eikura, Asami Mizukawa Arashi gather! drinking session of celebrities. (according article this is about Katsumi-san drinking session)


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
□ Mario booklet

Upcomings here

Recent audience rate here

public 0
77466 2010-04-06 22:57:00 2010-04-06 13:57:23 Wednesday 7-Apr-2010

Tomorrow Mwezamashi Jun-kun appear.
Tomoko Fujita-san( co-star of 1000 dreams) blog. All smilingly gathered! Today is also passionate rehearsal. After all the acting is fun.
The History of our family, interview Mitani-san, Itoi-san, Shigemori-san updated,
Oricon News, <spring drama degree of expectation no.1 is Kimutaku starring Monday 9 “Lover of moon”> no.2 is Team Batista 2, no.3 live action of comic Kaibutsu-kun. Unexpected live action leading role is Satoshi Ohno of popular group Arashi.
Kaibutsu-kun, staff blog.Hello, it’s staff A. Today I introduce setting of Kaibutsu-kun, Arama apartment where Utako and Hiroshi lives.
This filming we have been to Shanghai, popular people are amazing, there’s many funs, for example Matsujun, The studio was open so many audiences comes, many called “Matsujun!!!”
Ohokku Twitter, today we have meeting of mobile phone site. we will release soon.at 18:20
Yomiuri, super group Arashi assumes the special editor!!!! S> This week Pop style (Yomiuri Newspaper) 200 times memorial month, so national super group Arashi assume a post of special editor. So I cast down to just one of editing staffs. We Pop Style report the interested of members of Arashi, so first question master is leader Satoshi Ohno. According his starring drama “Kaibutsu-kun” he gave us the question, “tell me about the history of Kaibutsu-kun.” Please check the report result on the paper. There’re also inside stories of drama and private shoot too. And next week is Pop Style 200 times Arashi special” please look forward to it.
Kaibutsu-kun, O-chan did recording of Kaibutsu-kun animation version theme song, Kaai, kai, kai!
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good evening, it’s staff S. Good news to the people who can’t wait until on air day. From this weekend. New PR spot with CG on air Japan national wide. 10 days to Kaibutsu-kun on air.
Next week Hanetobi Yaya Arashi, Troublemaker PV

TV  check iitomo next guest
 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

 19:00-20:54 Haneru no Tobira, guest Ko Shibasaki &Toshiyuki Nishitda.
 24:35-24:45 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is Randoseru (school bag) made of sweet. Hum, I have picture this is very real. This, this is created truthfully, it’s glossy too. Randoseru…currently what was it? The one you used to use, the real one you used to use, Err and there’s shop that dismantle it, make mini-randoselu, right? But where is randoseru? I wonder where is mine. I think I was good keep class books. At primary school I drew picture tremendously on the space of class book all the time from 3rd to 6th grade. All of them. Class book are…. From Japanese, past class book is smaller and thick. They I did something like cutoff animation forever. I wonder where they have gone. These…. These are remembrance, everybody let’s study hard!

Histry of our family sound track CD 
ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10  DVD

Weekly The Television  Special show DVD rare shot, 4 latest visual Arashi (with commentary by Masaki Aiba) 1) fight against gorgeous guests "VS Arashi special", 2) Who is dud Arashi? "Himitsu no Arashi -chan special", finally released "5x10 live DVD", "The HIstory of ou Family" messages from Jun Matsumoto
TV Guide, "Arashi Bin The Best" memorial 100 serial,
Arashi 100 persons book!? from DVD release memorial to latest infromtion. serial Arashi bin is 100 times, so we prepare the special like best album. DVD release information and new show special. pages are increased. serial Arashi Bin Jun Matsumoto x Sho Sakurai 
Duet, serial ”Monthly Arashi-ism”Happy Arashi project” Kazunari Ninomiya ,
Wink Up, serial “Aramashi Arashi” pin-up Arashi, shiny pin-up Satoshi Ohno Arashi Special, new drama "Kaibutsu-kun" Special "The History of our Family", variety show "Himitsu no Arashi-chan" in side story of filming., Arashi concepet is "to show beauty of body line" expressed male sexiness, also talk about sexy.
Potato, serial “Around Arashi”  Pin up Arashi, review of special drama Jun Matsumoto , Kaibutsu-kun,
Ane Can Satoshi Ohno 


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
□ Mario booklet

Upcomings here

public 0
77753 2010-04-07 23:14:00 2010-04-07 14:14:48 Thursday 8-Apr-2010

1000 dreams I have with you web site updated about on the day ticket and magazine info. Best stage, Look at star, Susumeru pia Fukin Koron on 22 April, Maquia on 23 April, Best Stage on 27 April, Fujin Gaho 1 May, Theatre Guide 2 May.
Umezawa san’s blog (special make-up artist) last night blog, today’s filming has been over. in the morning been running around and in the afternoon it was smooth.
Sankei <Arashi become face of Japan, assumes Tourism-Oriented Country navigator, > The Japan Tourism Agency hires popular group 5 of Arashi as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator in order to make a sale of sightseeing in Japan. They appear TV CM in major in eastern Asia promote Japan sightseeing. Sho Sakurai-san at press conf. “I want to promote attract of Japan as many as foreigner come to Japan.” The Japan Tourism Agency foreigner’s visitors 6.7 million in 2009 to increase to 15 million people in 2013. 30 million in future. They hire Arashi who is popular in Asia expect to their strength of transmission of information. Nikkei, <Arashi becomes face of Japan hired first navigator of The Japan Tourism Agency> they appears the image or poster for foreign country.Jjiji Tsushin, < Arashi, popular group is hired to attract foreign visitor as face of Japan, The Japan Tourism Agency > they cooperate promotion activities in China and Korea. Asahi, <Arashi first “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator” deciding factor is popularity in Asia> 3 of member who had press conference greeted each language. Jun Matsumoto-san (26) in Korean, He stumble in the middle. “Korea, we visited twice for concert. My favorite country. I do my best next time.” gets bashful Oricon style, < Arashi becomes face of Japan, came in “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator” of The Japan Tourism Agency > at press conf, Sho Sakurai, Masaki Aiba, Jun Matsumoto appeared. Sakurai talked his enthusiasm “ Aiba, “I will enormously promote hoping many foreigners come to Japan and experience our culture and tradition.” Also, Sakurai in English, Aiba, in Chinese, Matsumoto in Korean, they recite message as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. They practice yesterday and 2 succeed brilliantly but Matsumoto stumbles. “Sorry to forget at the most important timing, I will practice again!” About charm to Japan you want to tell, Sakurai “in the north in Hokkaido you can see drift ice, in the south, in Okinawa you can see beautiful coral reef and see. We have 4 seasons, hope they get to know our rich nature.” Aiba ”Fashion and animation are wealth of Japan. I think it could be fun to have such experience.” Matsumoto “I did domestic travel twice this year. Each province has different food culture. Hope to pass on each area’s culture.” Arashi appear TV CM in eastern Asia, appeal Japan sightseeing as face of Japan.NHK, <Arashi transmit charm of Japan,> The Japan Tourism Agency in China, HK, Korea, Taiwan, this promotion will be developed. You can see movie too Bloomberg, < loosening visa for Chinese people in the end of this month, hiring idol Arashi to wake sightseeing attention.> TBS News, <Arashi was hired as first Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. > Sho Sakurai “I do my best to cheer up anemic Japan.” Masaki Aiba “I will enormously appeal.” Jun Matsumoto “I hope various people come to Japan…” NTV News 24 <Arashi was hired for Tourism-Oriented Country navigator by The Japan Tourism Agency> FNN, < The Japan Tourism Agency announced to hire Arashi Tourism-Oriented Country navigator to appeal charm of Japan to foreign countries.> Nikkan Sports, < Arashi as the face of Japan Aiba ”enormously appeal.”> Sakurai “I’m surprise to be face of Japan. I hope to cheer up anemic Japan as much as possible.> Aiba “I will enormously appeal.” Jun Matsumoto “I hear the episode that funs get together at concert and get along beyond countries. This please me.  I hope we can support such culture exchange.” Wall Street Journal, <attract tourists, hire Arashi= popular group become to face of Japan>



Dogatch, Spring NTV x Arashi mission, comment from member. Satoshi Ohno: I will appear 2 straight shows on Saturday night, Kaibutsu-kun and Arashi ni Shiyagare. And we perform Kaibutsu-kun theme song, Monster at Arashi den for the first time. Please look forward this too. Sho Sakurai: “Past Arashi “introduced with episode at Arashi Den, “Chatting Arashi” at new show Arashi ni SHiyagare, The other day choreograph was completed. We repeated until early morning we are enough fired up. Please enjoy “singing Arashi”! Masaki Aiba: We have studied participating various show in the past. Hope we give full play this experience to Arashi ni Shiyagare, I haven’t learnt anything about the show… Kazunari Ninomiya: At challenge week I thought it was first and last. But I’m extremely happy to have such privilege to have such a chance. I do my best in order you to enjoy Saturday night. Jun Matsumoto. I’m curious about Kaibutsu-kun. I'm looking forward to leader’s Kaibutsu-kun a lot. Arashi den is the show you can get to know our trace and about us more. Special show 2 straight weeks. On Saturday please watch TV at home!
The History of our family interview with Mitani-san, Itoi-san and Shigemori-san about Jun-kun’s kiss scene.

24:35-24:45 Star Thousand and One Nights, The History of our family,

I guess this show to question impossible. you have to answer it. Q: the other day you guys been to Disneyland. Could you tell me about that.? : Sato: we try to be after 6 but after all let’s be there from the morning so. We got in the van Q: Matsumoto-san you are get in to cooking very much recently. M: recently? Yes. Q: your favorite cooking Yum mince soup (rinsing away yum) , right? M: what kind of food is it? Q: How do you cook? Actually Yum grateed soup is very simple. You buy yum. You peal skin, then grate it with machine for grated white radish a little then you wash with tab water. Q: what do you eat? M:….(bitter smile) /Q: Recently I heard you house Capybara. M: yes, Capybara. What is goodness of Capybara? M: …. Is it warm (grin) Q: Which one? M: after all warmth. Q: What Capybara eats? M: Capipara is Q: Capibara, M: Capipara?? Capibara?? Capi….


5:20-8:00 Mezamashi TV, FTV Jun Matsumoto


You have been here after long, it’s since July2002 M: 2002… I don’t remember at all. Q: You came for promotion for the show. M: heh, If I say Mezamashi, at debut we did world cup volley ball, we appear in live, I have impression about it. And Ohno did boycott the site once. It’s very impressive. Q: VS Arashi has new 2 additional games. M: right, one is bounding bound, you make bound the pin to make goal, that one is unexpectedly difficult. And jungle bingo, this is maze you go out the ceiling is bingo game box. You win if you got a line. This reminds me at mirror house of Attraction Park I hit the wall. Such good old game. Q: so 3 hours special guest are gorgeous. M: yes. gorgeous. This was first 3 hours special. So I wondered it was okay at first. But additional 2 games and helped by really gorgeous guest, so I think it become really fun 3 hours. Q: filming might be quite long. M: It was rally long! Q: they filmed using 3 studios. M: I think this is the day arts staffs cried most. A: casts are so gorgeous. S: Yagima Biyosshitu and Fuji TV opaning…A &M: Almost! S: Yajima Biyoshitsu and Fuji TV opening country 50th year anniversary… ALL: Almost!!! N: you open the country. Q: Guests are good. S: They are good however they did for the first time. There’s stuff we don’t get good however we do a lot. N: it must have inclinations, you must see it watching it. Q: hum, Falling Pipe, Sakurai-kun doesn’t spring into action, S: Certainly me reflect on, N: well, well, well, sorry everybody. Good Morning. Q: I have never done. M: but you think you are better than Sho-kun? Q: Well, I think so. N: Please ready standby. Ito announcer challenge falling pipe, the narration by Nino. Q: what is best point of Sakurai-kun? N: Sakurai-san, 30 points. Pipe dropped. What Ito-san caught is 20ponts. He can’t overtake Sakurai-san! S: It was difficult, right? A: it was difficult and I hesitated if I could say different TV company’s name. O: You can’t tease Sho-kun any more. S: Please come again. / The history of our family. M: at press conf. Mitani-san seems love sweet at press conf. he brought sweet and distributed at meeting. But I was called for press conf soon after at press conf. the sweet was in my pocket all the time. Q: so it was annoying? M: it was annoying. Q: So Mitani-san you were annoying, (sound the phone connection is broken. ) M: what? What? Q: Mitani-san, sweet was annoying for Matsumoto-san. Mitani-san, Good morning I’m in the middle of dog-walking. M: What are you doing? Mitani: walking. M: surprised. Mitani: giving sweet is for me is the best present. So I haven’t given to Karube-san. M: I'm honored. Thank you. Q: Do you have anything to say Matsumoto-san. Q: So far we have VS Arashi talk. Mitani: VS Arashi is enough. Please promote The History of Our Family. As it’s from tomorrow. M: Thank you. Last night I watched One thousand nights. Is that show okay? Mitani: It’s awesome. M: it was interesting. Mitani: That’s enough. Q: If you say so please come to studio. Q: but are you alone? Mitani: I bring all. But as they are not my friend I have to distribute sweet. Well, the cast of The history of our family please come to Mezamashi tomorrow. M: Gee this is amazing.
 13:55-15:50 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto  
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
 16:53-18:54 news every, Arashi become face of Japan▽嵐“日本の顔”に
19:00-21-54 VS Arashi FTV 3 hours special Three-way battle of Arashi team and 2 teams of big name guests with original large scale game. Gorgeous actor group, Kou Shibasaki, Koichi Sato, Ryuta Sato, Maki Horikta, Nana Eikura and other for The History of our family team. Toshiyuki Nishida, Junko Fuji and Seishiro Kato came to cheer them, they bring Arashi in the corner full-out! 2 new additional games appear Arashi also struggle!? “The History of our Family” team of Kou Shibasaki, Kouichi Sato and others. “Yajima Biyoshitu, the movie” team with Yajima Biyoshitu, Meisa Kuraoki and others. At Falling Pipe, Sato who go out for private block pipe catching disclosing Matsumoto as drinking session and ▽オリジナルの大型ゲームで嵐チームと大物ゲスト2チームが三つどもえ対決▽ドラマ“わが家の歴史”チームとして柴咲コウ、佐藤浩市、佐藤隆太、堀北真希、榮倉奈々ら豪華俳優陣が登場!!▽西田敏行、富司純子、加藤清史郎が応援に駆け付け、総力をあげて嵐チームを追い込む!▽二つの新ゲーム登場で嵐5人も大慌て!?ほか▽嵐が柴咲コウ、佐藤浩市らドラマ「わが家の歴史」チーム、矢島美容室、黒木メイサら映画「矢島美容室 THE MOVIE~夢をつかまネバダ」(4/2(木)公開)チームと大型ゲームで対戦。「フォーリングパイプ」では、松本潤とプライベートでも付き合いがある佐藤が、松本の飲み会での暴挙を暴露し、パイプキャッチを阻止しようとする。First 3 hours special is three-way battle with “The History of our Family” team and “Yajima Biyoshitsu the movie”. Jun Matsumoto appears The History of our family too, members are cautious “Jun-kun don’t spy.” 8 games are done by 3 teams and 2 winners can go to final match. The winner is the team that wins at final match and can get 3 million yen award! New game “Bound Hockey”, 5 players cooperate to give bounding pass “the pack” with flipper on the hand and make goal. Good team work of Arashi is reflected to the play. Tomomitsu Yamaguchi of “The History of our Family” team does nice play! Another new game “Jungle Bingo” The ceiling of 5x5 large scale 3D mazes is face of Bingo. 3 from each team enter the maze and go out the ceiling and open the block. If one line made up of only one kind of character appears, the game is cleared. This game to compete the time to clear. Arashi struggle for the first time game. Meanwhile Seishiro Kato who is small hustles for “The History of our Family” team! Yajima team hires Ayaka Wilson and she battles bravely!! At Cliff Climb, Dante Carver and Kaba-chan challenge climber. Dante shows surprising his physical strength studio gets turbulent. Arashi did unexpected mistake and get in the pinch. 初の3時間スペシャルは、「わが家の歴史」チームと「矢島美容室 THE MOVIE 夢をつかまネバダ」チームとの三つ巴戦を繰り広げる。 松本潤は「わが家の歴史」にも出演しているため、「潤くん、スパイ行為はやめてね」と警戒する他の嵐メンバー。3チーム総当たり戦で8つのゲームを行い得点の高い2チームが決勝ラウンドへ進出。決勝ラウンドを制したチームが優勝となり300万円の賞金が贈呈される! 新ゲーム「バウンドホッケー」は5人のプレーヤーで協力し、パックを手元のフリッパーでバウンドさせながらパスしてゴールに入れるゲーム。嵐のチームワークの良さがプレーにも出る。「わが家」チームの山口智充がナイスプレー! もう1つの新ゲーム「ジャングルビンゴ」は、巨大立体迷路の天井が5×5のビンゴ面となっており、チームで3人ずつ迷路に入り天井まで上ってマスを開け、どこか一列揃えばクリア。クリアするまでのタイムを競う。嵐も初めてのゲームで苦戦する。一方、「わが家」チームは身体の小さい加藤清史郎が頑張る!「矢島」チームも清史郎に対抗してアヤカ・ウィルソンを投入し、大健闘!! 「クリフクライム」では「矢島」チームからはダンテ・カーヴァーとKABA.ちゃんがクライマーに挑戦。ダンテが驚くべき身体能力を発揮しスタジオ騒然!嵐チームはレギュラーとは思えないまさかのミスで大ピンチ!?


  no Himitsu no Arashi-chan next is 15 April
  25:00-25:10 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s hormone federation. Hum, by hormone? Cheer up! This is Yakiniku (Korean barbeque) When I ate yakiniki, recently? I’ve been to while ago. Well, so, been to Ogu-san’s yakiniku restaurant with 5 of Arashi. Well, yummy. I don’t know why that day. I get full soon after, but Ogura-san roasts it and put in my dish yep. But it was impossible to eat, as I was full. Then, he says “Leader you don’t eat at all.” He he he. Do I have a small appetite? I thought so, but currently I have quite good appetite. When filming has started. Sleeping time decrease so I feel hungry all the time, so I eat quite a lot. Yep at the best canteen.

Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san, Entertainment therapy  Satoshi Ohno
M girl Masaki Aiba


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
public 0
77846 2010-04-08 23:36:00 2010-04-08 14:36:07 Friday 9-Apr-2010

Sanspo < we are the face of Japan! Arashi takes up the position without guarantee.> The Japan Tourism Agency assigns a popular group Arashi “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator” and press conference was held on 8 at a hotel in Tokyo. This time they were hired as volunteer. mega-selling 5 give a helping hand to vitalize tourism of Japan. At press conf Sho Sakurai (28) Masaki Aiba (27) and Jun Matsumoto (26) attended. They handle national business to attract tourists from overseas. Sakurai “I was surprised that we will be the face of Japan toward foreign countries. I hope to cheer up anemic Japan.” Arashi had concert Seoul, Taipei in2006 and 2008 in Shanghai adding to same 2 location in Shanghai they had a great success. The Japan Tourism Agency strongly appeal Korea, China, Taiwan and HK as most important area. They hired Arashi who have by far the best recognizability in eastern Asia due to their 2 concert tour. At press cong. Sakurai in English, Aiba in Chinese, Matsumoto in Korean, They appeal tourism in Japan. They recited since previous day, Aiba “在日本 相会吧!” pump his first in the air. Matsumoto forget the word in the middle. “At important moment, my memory has gone, I will practice more!” He committed leap as navigator. They will appear TVCM toward foreign countries. Dairly Sports, <Arashi face of Japan, “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator”>Sho Sakurai , Masaki Aiba, Jun Matsumoto attended at press cong. And 3 did inauguration speech in each language. Sakurai in English, Aiba in Chinese they perfectly greeted. But 3rd Matsujun, in Korea “안녕하세요!!” He started but he forget. He weathered seeing cheating paper. “I practiced since last night, I forget at most important time. I will practice more for next time. “ The head of The Japan Tourism Agency  “I hope Arashi attract Asian people with their youth and power.” Aiba in Japanese “I will enormously appeal in order to many foreigners have experience Japanese wonderful culture and tradition.” At first they appear at TV CM as “Storm (Arashi) of Japan” in Korea, China, Taiwan, HK, they will transmit charm of Japan to the world. Sponichi, <members of Arashi speech in foreign languages! Matsumoto lost word…> Sakurai “Japan has 4 seasons, hope to know our rich nature.” Aiba “hope to have experience Japanese culture such as fashion and animation. “ Matsumoto, “I want to transmit each area’s food culture.” The head of The Japan Tourism Agency “you , it’s you should be the head of The Japan Tourism Agency. As you know charm of Japan very much. “ Satoshi Ohno and Kazunari Ninomiya didn’t attend due to their schedule. Hochi, <Arashi is the face of Japan, The Japan Tourism Agency assigned as “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator”> They handle promotion in foreign countries mainly Asia as “Tourism-Oriented Country navigator” Specifically TV CM and ads in newspaper in Korea, China, Taiwan and HK. And so far it’s not planned yet. They eye the possibility of visit foreign countries. Sakurai. “in the north drift ice, in the south coral reef we have 4 season and rich nature.” Matsumoto,” I hope foreign fans get along together.” Aiba repeated “相会吧!” let’s see. Sanspo, <Mr. Mizobata expect Arashi. ”it’s better 5 become The head of The Japan Tourism Agency “>


Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good Morning It’s staff S. Ohno-kun who is loved by Tatsuomi-kun. When I see aspect it’s Ohno-kun be playful with Tatsuomi-kun, they look same age. (Sorry Ohno-kun!!) It seems they are apart less.
Fuji TV PR blog The history of our family, about Seishiro-kun. another blog happening of Kou Shibasaki-san.
Fuji TV club blog, poster of The History of Our Family

Umezawa-san (special make-up artist) last night blog, Kaibutsu team is early tomorrow morning. We left for the day.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s yesterday blog. I had meeting at noon, then currently I’m at rehearsal of the play.
Kaibutsu-kun correlation chart updated
Next week Aiba-chan at Hanamaru cafe on 15 April
Japan Tourism Agency web site, Arashi x Tourism Agency, <Arashi is hired as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator> press conference was held 9 April. Member of Arashi, Sho Sakurai-san, Masaki Aiba-san, Jun Matsumoto-san attended. They promote tourism in Japan to foreign counties in English, Chinese, Korean, and the messages from Satoshi Ohno-san, and Kazunari Ninomiya-san who could not attend are introduced too. Message, Sho Sakurai-san: I am Sho SAKURAI, and I am very excited to be appointed as the Japanese Tourism Promotion Representative. I will make every effort to encourage you to visit Japan, by introducing all the wonderful destinations in our country. I will be waiting for your visit here in Japan, so come enjoy endless discovery. Masaki Aiba-san: I’m Masaki Aiba of Arashi and was appointed to as the Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. I will to do my best to the utmost to introduce charm of Japan to everybody. Everybody, see you in Japan! Jun Matsumoto-san: Hello, I’m Jun Matsumoto of Arashi; I was assigned as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. Korea is my favorite country as I have visited to have concert as Arashi twice. I hope you to get to know the goodness of Japan, Every body, I see you in Japan. Satoshi Ohno: I’m sorry not to attend to the venue today. I’m so pleased to be assigned as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. You can have various discoveries and find yourself, have possibility to have moment to change drastically your life. I encounter the hobby as fishing, I travel various travel though fishing, I have experience of beautiful of islands and warmth of people, and I realized charm of travel. I support to upmost that foreign people get to know Japan through Arashi, and realize conformability and magnificence of travel. Kazunari Ninomiya-san: I’m Ninomiya who has appointed Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. I apologize not to attend to the venue today. I hope I can have occasion to have experience many attractive places in Japan, the people live there this occasion. I hope to promote goodness of travel to domestic and international people. Myself I live in Japan for 26 years. Everyday I have new discovery. Don’t you have endless discovery with people around world in Japan?
Orista, blog, <Arahi do navigation of Japan, Ohno, Sakurai and Matsumoto greeted in foreign languages. > Kaibutsu-kun theme song Monster on air 19 May. Arashi was assigned as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. At press conf, Ohno-kun (actually this was Aiba-kun) Sakurai-kun, Matsumoto-kun appeared. They talked their enthusiasms to be face of Jana. This will be on sale on 16 April issue
Fuji TV PR blog, Arashi was assigned as Tourism-Oriented Country navigator. Tonight is Jun Matsumoto-san starring The history of our family.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog, Today I have been to ceremony of school and currently at the site of Kaibutsu-kun, filming of episode 2 has been over and sooner episode 3 is over too, pretty quick pace
Sponichi, <Sho-kun surprised? Osaka lawyer association complain> Osaka layer association prepared document and complained TBS, and request to shelve DVD sales and repeat on air, as Tokujo Kabachi aired on TBS, administrative scriveners deal amicable settlement and other, these encourage breach of Lawyers Act. Sho Sakurai and Maki Horikita started at Tokujo Kabachi, leading role works as assistant administrative scrivener and aim for qualification, and solve problems “cut temp worker” or “investment fraud” and others aired 10 episodes from this January to March. At administrative scriveners Act, legal consultant work is admitted to make clearly documentation of client’s purpose. Osaka lawyer association pointed. “There are many scenes such as amicable settlement that beyond their business legal consultant work that is admitted to administrative scriveners.” PR of TBS “We can’t comment individual complain and our correspondence. In the line and setting the differentiation of administrative scriveners and layers explained many times. We don’t think this causes misunderstanding. “ Yomiuri <at drama administrative scrivener deal amicable settlement… complain to TBS> Jiji Tsushin, <Drama Kabachi, complain to TBS, dealing amicable settlement by administrative scrivener, Osaka Lawyers association47 news, <Lawyers association complain TBS. the scene of dealing amicable settlement by administrative scrivener>
The Television, blog, Hello, I have been to new show “Arashi ni Shiyagare” press conference. It seems all filmed getting nervous and excited who is guest. When it was over “it was fun” said in chorus. I got souvenir from staff after press conf. it’s original “Arashi ni SHiyagare” Kleenex I wanted to decorate it but it was used editor who is allergy to pollen.
Orista twitter around 22:30 It seems tomorrow Zoomin Saturday current issue of Orista would be featured.

Gantz Informational, NTV
9:55-11:00 Shittagari, FTV Tourism-Oriented Country Arashi become the symbol of Japan.観光立国へ…嵐がニッポンの顔に!
 14:55-15:55 Hana yori dango TBS Jun Matsumoto
 15:00-15:57 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto


 21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto Year 20 of Showa era (1945), The was over. 7 of Yame family freeload at 6 Japanese mat room of an acquaintance in Hakata. Oldest sister Masako (Kou Shibasaki) 17 years old supported family’s life instead of good-for-nothing father Tokizaburou (Toshiyuki Nishida) Never forget to smile is Yame family style, smile when you’re happy and even though when you are sad. The family is downright positive, chummy, and strong even in extreme poor life. Masako was especially cared about the family a lot. Masako starts to work at club in Nakasu, she meet a successful businessman Taizo Onizuka (Kouichi Sato)who is president of the club. Taizo devotes his life to the reconstruction of Hakata city and he is attracted by Masako who cares about her family and live positively. Masako also her respect changes to love. Taizo’s word” he will take care of family “ pushes to decided to get marry with Taizo, Meanwhile Father Tokijiro’s get-rich-quick business of elephant importation turned unsuccessful.. All over people in Hakata talk about his family behind their backs. Masako proposed to go to Tokyo at the time Taizo opens a shop in Tokyo. The family leaves for new horizon Tokyo. This was just beginning of history that family meets. / Yoshio (Jun Matsumoto): Elder brother who is hard worker and brilliant person aims for Tokyo University. He falls in love between different classes with Yukari(Masami Nagasawa)昭和20年、日本は終戦を迎えた。八女家の7人家族は博多の知り合いの家の六畳一間に居候していた。長女、政子(柴咲コウ)17才は、甲斐性なしの父・時次郎(西田敏行)に代わり、家族の生活を支えている。うれしいときはもちろん、悲しいときにも皆でエノケンの「ベアトリ姐ちゃん」を歌って笑顔を忘れないのが八女家流。極貧生活の中でも一家は底抜けに明るく仲良くたくましく、政子はなによりもそんな家族を大切に思っていた。中洲のクラブで働き始めた政子は、勤め先の社長である、やり手の新進実業家・鬼塚大造(佐藤浩市)と知り合う。大造は、空襲で焼け果てた博多の街の復興に心血を注いでいた。大造は、家族を思い前向きに生きる政子に惹かれた。政子も、大造への尊敬の念がいつしか愛に変わる。政子は、「家族の面倒は私がみる」という大造の誓いに後押しされ、大造との“結婚”を決意する。 そんなとき、父・時次郎がまたしても一攫千金をねらって企てた「象の輸入」が失敗し、一家は博多中の人々から後ろ指を指されることに。大造は東京への出店を機に、政子に家族全員での上京を提案する。新天地・東京へ発つ一家。それは、政子が、そして一家が出会う大きな歴史のほんのはじまりに過ぎなかった。


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Q: I have seen “Super sardines illusion.” Do you have impressive show or play? Hum, I want to see that, sardines illusion. I envy you. Well, Me too, I had seen various shows and plays. Err. Unfortunately, there’s play I fall in sleep. Please let me say. Honest feeling. It’s truth. I can’t help it. I get sleepy. But when I did the play, my acquaintance cam to see. But Sho-kun was really bad. In the past he came to greet before the curtain opening. He just came for greeting, he said “I came.” Please look forward it. “Good luck.” Then after I back (to the dress room.) I wonder what to say, He back with empty face. His eyes were totally read then, he must show he kept waking with face. He perfectly open his eyes but totally red, eyes. He he he. I told him “Sho-kun you have been sleeping!” He must thought I find out with his face. “Yep I slept.” He he he, That one was fun. Anyway you should sleep in that case. At the play I do so. “Oh! No! I can’t keep awake! You thought so, I just sleep for 15 minutes. Then get up, you feel refreshed. So everybody don’t lump it, let’s feel refreshed.
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso

Chika-san you were on the newspaper, it was evening Yomiuri newspaper on 2 April. I got many mails; You must get over-boisterous recently? So what is psychological test today? Chika-san: Do we do today? A: Um Chika-san you are different as usual what happen to you? I heard you have gotten a mail, what was mail? Chika, I got mail “we parent kid listen to radio when you tell pink episode we are embarrassed.” So A: Chika-san, show your strength about pink, then he did pink psychological test again. / when I was kid there’s kid who ate Kleenex, Kleenex is sweet a little. C: Have you eaten? A: I did when I was kid. /axolotl. I wanted it. I can get at game centre in Tsukushino cit. / sub breast, I have nipple both side but I have another look like nipple. When I broke pulmones the pipe was inserted form there. It looks like nipple. So it’s same as yours, together. Mine can’t feed milk. / Dream, Currently at the play. The role of my girl friend has various dreams but my role is in the situation who can’t dream and lives real live. So currently I’m strict about dream. / Monster. It’s strange fascination, Chika-san, you don’t do any special make up? A: actually this is Thriller of Michael Jackson.


Himitsu no Arashi-chan

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here
public 0
78206 2010-04-10 00:45:00 2010-04-09 15:45:59 Saturday 10-Apr-2010

Kaibutsu-kun, apology The correlation chart has mistake of Kanji We apology about it. blog, updated yesterday. Tomorrow from 6:30 pm Kaibutsu-kun team, Ohno-kun and other will appears at “Best course you want to take in the world” and the day after tomorrow “The Sunday Next” Ohno-kun talk with Tokumitsu-san. Ohno-kun who is himself any time, Any where, with any body talks about various matter (also about Kaibutsu-kun) Please watch it. Franken,
Big Comic cover is Oh-chan you can see illustration.
The interview of History of our Family, Mitani-san, Itoshi-san and Shigesato-san updated.
CDS News, live action movie “Yatterman” appears on TV for the first time on 23 March.
Cyzo, <Jun Matsumoto pleased, taxi driver throw up unexpected matter> The other day he talks on his radio Jun Style is about happening at taxi. As I got on listening to the music, at first we didn’t have any dialogue. Just before the destination. The driver suddenly talked to me “Is your work hard?” I thought suddenly came. “Err, well, so, so.” I answered appropriately but the answer was following. “Err.. Sorry to say. Me, a member of fun club. I have wife. She also member. As currently it’s hard to get ticket, so I try to get ticket too.” The taxi driver incidentally gets on, and a guy is member of his fan club. As he is national idol. This is not only this story. Recently I encounter staffs of restaurants and bars and people on the street, the occasion that they call me however first meet “I always watch you.” increased a lot. “I want to keep a distance and temperance. What I need it all. But I’m pleased to be talked normally. “so if you see him in the street it would be good to talk to him casually. Surely not to bother him too much, please mind temperate behavior.
Ohnuma-san’s yesterday blog. Today rehearsal is off after long time I have been to Tomoko Fujita-san’s concert with 1000 dreams team! How we get along however rehearsal is off we gather same members.
Otonoha vol.54 updated. Well, it’s me. It happened the day before the appointment of Tourism-Oriented Country navigator, during filming of PV. Aiba-kun who patiently practice Chinese speech by himself, beside him who repeats in a mutter, “青椒肉絲” (pepper steak) “回鍋肉” (double cooked pork), I and staffs give interjection and meddle to him, but he practiced so hard without hesitating. Ninomiya “So next is the greeting by Aiba-san” Aiba ” Yes! I make greetings in Chinese!” we did such simulation. In the end of greeting Aiba” 相会吧!” (Let’s meet) saying so I don’t know why he pumps his fist every time. It’s not about “I do my best!” he pumps his fist every time. It seems it fit to him. Then next day, at press conference was held. All in all after ”相会吧!” he added punch the air. The rest is according to impulse. Press “Who is the best navigator of foreigner people among Arashi?” Sakurai” I think it’s Aiba, I think he can get along by gesture.” Aiba ”相会吧!” ←punch the air. As this continued the photo of 3 also, Photographer “Everybody! That… pose...Aiba-san’s one.” Aiba “Is it 相会吧?” Photographer “Right that one. Please!” Well…this becomes punch the air = 相会吧! Meanwhile Sakurai “I was appointed Touri…-Orien…Tourism-Oriented Country navigator,” I fluffed my lines too much! Fluffed mooost important part too much! I was surprised by myself. (But you, you do sometimes) all told, Please continuously support Arashi. 10 April 2010 Sho Sakurai
K-smile yesterday blog, Aloha! Today we had filming of Kaibutsu-kun
Hochi, <Kou Shibasaki sang passionately, final of concert tour> co-star of The History of our family, Jun Matsumoto, Junko Fuji, Ryuta Sato and others came.

TV   check Zoom in Saturday.
9:30-14:00 Osama no Branch, TBS Arashi pointed out meeting, who touch the bottom, and touching bottom,  who is too gaudy trousers 嵐が大ダメ出し大会おしりを触る&パンツが派手すぎるのは誰だ▽


It’s 3rd year of Himitsu no Arashi-chan, each finding fault 1)by Aiba-chan: underpants is too gaudy→Nino, N:I was given underpants a lot. The reason by Aiba-chan: I got excited if it’s gaudy. 2) by Jun-kun: don’t do private talk during filming →Aiba-cha, A: Actually I didn’t get meaning of word I ask leader, and leader doesn’t get too so I ask Nino. 3) by Nino: to painful the feed → Jun-kun, J: I have ring some time. N: watch also. 4) by Sho-chan: too laud snoring during transportation. →O-chan. N: he doesn’t admit however he caught cold “I don’t catch cold.” A: however he caught allergy to pollen “I don’t catch allergy to pollen” N: I don’t what this but I have this some time. 5) by O-chan: touch my bottom and nipple →Nino, N: yesterday I had meeting, it’s me and Ohno-san get first. Aiba-san does seriously just like turning off. A: 2 always do something, I wonder what they do. N: I touch bottom, when I can nipples. S: Ohno-san’ don’t you bothered. O: it’s since debut for 10 years, I have admitted. N: what I felt amazing, I touch leader’s nipple and leader drinks tea. Closing, O: me, I caught a cold a little, I also drink pills. 
 14:00-15:00 Hana yori dango 2 TBS Jun Matsumoto
15:00-15:30 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
18:30-21:54 Popular show all gathered! Spring inter programs game Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba Gorgeous! entertainment people athlete meet, Arashi match by relay ▽豪華!芸能人運動会嵐リレー対決


  21:00-23:30 Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto destabilizing love that sweeps the family Taizo prepared steadily for opening long-planned shop in the Ginza. Masako who was shown to the club in the middle of fit-out was asked her opinion about club’s decoration, she was pleased. Father, Tokijiro open a café with the help of Taizo. Second son, Muneo and second daughter, Namiko found a job. Meanwhile, oldest son, Yoshio did part-time job at student financial company. Masako worried about him who work job just barely within the bounds of the law but they get into an altercation and hurt each other. And phone call form police that they took up youngest girl, Fusako. On the opening day Ginza “Good Night”, they club was busy with many celebrities such as Rikidozan and others. Masako is blithe with celebratory atmosphere. But she got message the first wife of Taizou suddenly came to Tokyo, Masako goes by the board. She faces to the hard situation. Yoshio back to student life and studies hard. He worried about Yukari Ichinose who was taken advantage as financial backer at college. Then they become attracted to each other and started dating. But parents of Yukari forbid dating. They take Yukari to Hokkaido to have an arranged marriage. Yoshio who tried back off once it was hard to forget her. He follows her. He rips her off from the venue of arranged marriage. But the ship they get on was Toyamaru…. 念願の銀座出店に向け、大造(佐藤浩市)は準備を着々と進めていた。内装工事中のクラブに案内された政子(柴咲コウ)は、店の内装について意見を求められ、うれしい。大造のはからいで、父・時次郎(西田敏行)は喫茶店を開店し、次男・宗男(佐藤隆太)と次女・波子(堀北真希)は就職した。一方、長男・義男(松本潤)は、東大の学生金融でアルバイトをしていた。政子は法律すれすれの仕事をしている義男を案じるが、言い争いになりお互いに傷つけ合うことに。そして末っ子の房子(榮倉奈々)を保護したと警察から電話が。 銀座の「グッドナイト」開店当日。力道山(山口智充)など多くの著名人でにぎわう店内。華やいだ雰囲気に、政子は心が浮き立つ。ところが、大造の本妻・千晶(天海祐希)が突然上京したと連絡があり、政子は店から追いやられてしまう。自分の置かれたつらい立場を受け止める政子。 義男は学生の本分に立ち返り、勉学に打ち込んでいたが、学内で金づるとして周囲に利用されている令嬢・一之瀬ゆかり(長澤まさみ)の行く末が気がかり。そのうちに2人はひかれ合い、交際が始まる。しかしゆかりの両親は、家柄の違いを理由に交際を禁止。見合いをさせるためゆかりを北海道へ連れて行く。一度は身を引こうとする義男だったが、思いは断ちがたく、後を追う。見合い会場から彼女を奪う義男。しかし、2人が函館の港から乗り込んだのは洞爺丸だった…!


10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5  It’s getting warm. How was The History of our Family, 1st night? I was strange hair, I wonder it was okay, I wonder if there’s such long hair guy that time. (That era most of people very short hair) What was impressive of 1st night was the scene Taizo-san visits the house. Nishida-san was so close. It was rare to see such a scene (wel-known actors act) in front of my eyes. It was just like watching Magic hour. 2nd night, scene to see is distance of Yukari gets up close. Many things happen! /Golf, I haven’t been to golf for long time. The other day I talked with Koichi-san we talk to go to golf when it gets warm. Actually I haven’t done since this year. / Yesterday was awesome. I was drinking with Koichi Sato-san, Noritake Kinashi-san, and Shin Oguri. All talked disparate issues. I wonder what we talked… people called people, there’re many other. As Shun was together we drunk a lot. It was like that recently. Closing, So please watch episode 2 and 3 of the History of our family. And new single on sale 19 May. I will play new tune next week. Kaibutsu-kun, that’s something to look forward to. Tonight at 9 pm please watch The History of our family.

Otonoha updated day



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
78406 2010-04-10 00:48:00 2010-04-09 15:48:02 Sunday 11-Apr-2010

Kyusyu FC blog, Friday, Finally The history of our family is on air. They did on site filming except north Kyushu, Oita, Tagawa, Iizuka, Shanghai and Kanto anywhere. It restage excellently Showa era atmosphere. Also Oita location office blog write about The History of our family too
The History of our family interview of Mitani-san, Itoi-san, Shigemori-san updated.
Oricon, <Satoshi Ohno brown hair after 2 years, “I rejuvenesced.”> Satoshi Ohno of popular group Arashi, Masahiro Matsuoka of Tokyo and others attended Saturday new drama “Kaibutsu-kun” press conference in Tokyo on 11. Ohno appeared in costume. “I rejuvenesced I get this look, I dyed hair brown color after 2 years.” He has a big grin on his face and seems he loves it. Theme song, “Monster” by Arashi was announced. This is live action drama of Fujiko Fujio A original comic for the first time. A prince of monster land, Kaibutsu-kun (Ohno) came to human world for training with companies of Dracula, Wolf man, Franken and awaken by little and little “what is king for?” building intimacy with human friend Hiroshi and his sister Utako. Ohno disclose his mind when he gets offer and bitter smile, “Honestly I wonder it is okay as I will be 30 soon.” And highlight of theme song. “All of member said it matched image of Kaibutsu-kun. And choreograph is like mysterious. It seems Aiba-chan was hard to get it.”
Daily Sports, <Kaibutsu-kun press conference, gorgeous casts gathered> NTV 24 News, <Satoshi Ohno of Arashi 29. get used to persona of Kaibutsu-kun. “I match it. I rejuvenesced.”
Saturday Arashi web site updated. Spring NTV x Arashi mission web site updated. You can see upcoming TV show here
Orista twitter, at 17:00 I have been to prelease and press conference of Kaibutsu-kun today I will let you know publication day later.
Monthly The television. Around 16. I have been to Kaibutsu-ku press cong. It was great impact that poster of Kaibutsu-kun and Arashi ni shiyagare at Shinbashi station to Nihon TV.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog updated. Good evening it’s staff K. Today we had parent kid prelease and press conference. And you can see press conference tomorrow entertainment news.

8:00-9:30 The Sunday Next, NTV Satoshi Ohno talk with Tokumitsu-san

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Tokumitsu-san: After the entire atmosphere you came in, different from other member. I don’t feel momentum. O: right I don’t feel it, unfortunately. T: Could you sort these? O-chan’s sorting interested: Music, politic, gourmet, travel, blood type, sports, ecology, Avator, Twitter, mail order and vehicle. Not interested: Marriage, fortune telling, pet, audience rate, money, financial management, Costume play, cloth and Ryuma Sakamoto. T:what I unexpected was this one. You are not interested in cloth too. It seems you could design the cloth. O: I’m not interested in cloth a lot. I don’t have fashion sense. I am not interested in cloth. If you say to wear same cloth all the time. I could wear all the time. T: you sort mail order first. O: I used to buy often. It was tennis shoes, I thought I wanted this, then ordered and delivered for 2 days. Recently I bought wile ago it was delivered for 1 day. T: you still do that. O: I like to see that book of mail order. T: hum you are typical lonely type. O: yes lonely type. T: Do you do twitter? O: I don’t understand twitter, I think it’s kind of game. T: You are same level of me, it seems this done by PC. Do you do PC? O: I don’t T: I’m pleased. O: Are you same? T: same. Q: what do you the pieces of art you completed? O: I don’t decorate it. I paint one piece. I can see for a week. I want to sleep with it for 3 days. This is something like my diary. Once completed, I remember I thought that that time, I can remember it. Report of sighting, O-chan was like chef he cut fish at restaurant? O: that’s true. I used to let the fish I caught cut at frequent restaurant. But I thought as it’s me fish so I want to cut the fish. I learnt it. Unexpectedly it’s fun, if it cut beautifully. Then I make it sashimi, (sliced fish) and eat this at counter by myself. T: such kind of is first time however I’ve worked for many years. O: Am I strange? T: you are not strange but./ T: How do you plan decade till 40years? O: Well, I don’t plan anything, it can’t be helped however I plan, I think I will plan progressing. Q: what do you want to do? O: I want to create pieces and show these to you. T: please do exhibition again! O: Ye I do my best. It not time to fishing all the time.
 13:30-14:00 Information about Wagaya no Rekishi FTV Jun Matsumoto
  21:00-23:22 “Wagaya no Rekishi (History of our family) FTV Jun Matsumoto The son between Masako and Taizo thrives on. Taizo’s business is prosperous. He spends hard work days shuttling between Tokyo and Hakata. Muneo got work in entertainment industry, Namiko was appointed to editor of magazine. Fusako becomes an assistant of yarning comic writer Osamu Tezuka. Yoshio backs to college and research rocket in order to forget died Yukari. One day. Muneo saw night girl look alike Yukari. Yoshio heard about it and searches her. Meanwhile refused medical check for his busyness.◇政子(柴咲コウ)と大造(佐藤浩市)の間に生まれた息子は、すくすくと成長していた。大造は仕事も順調で、東京と博多を往復する激務をこなす日々を送っていた。宗男(佐藤隆太)は芸能界で仕事を得て、波子(堀北真希)は雑誌の編集長に抜てきされ、房子(榮倉奈々)はあこがれの漫画家の手塚(藤原竜也)のアシスタントになっていた。義男(松本潤)は大学に戻り、死んだゆかり(長澤まさみ)を忘れるため、ロケットの研究に励んでいた。そんなある日、宗男がゆかりにそっくりな"夜の女"を目撃する。それを聞いた義男はその女性を捜索。一方、大造は胃の不調を訴えながら、忙しさを理由に検査を拒んでいた。

13:00-15:00 Kaibutsu-kun

22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM Complex, N: DO you have any complex, STBY, I don’t have any. N: human being has to have at least one. Complex is part you don’t show, it’s better to have malignant cycle. This could be useful later. / Cardigan on school uniform, N: At my high school no one wear cardigan. But we have sweat suit colored different by grade, my year was green that was worst. It was just like moss. It was noisy green, this was seriously worst. So my year is green but 1 year younger than mine is russet. I was lucky not to be that year. Hum recent high school wear cardigan. / tune: "Tokino nagareni miwomakese" N: when this song for you? S: When I began to understand things. N: no one knows the year you began to understand things. S: around teen ager. Um, is this original key? S: You sang perfectly. (Seems Nino sand while tune played) N: I’m in that age. S: you are so good. N: it doesn’t matter if I sing well. / Wii Mario, I have impression we have done quite early. There’s several theme, double drop, 45 count, 50 point up. Both could clear 45 counts and 50 up. 45 counts was really difficult. I could do 44. but can’t 43. it’s been long time I have done game with leader, since PV Galaxy. S: Is it so, ho ho ho(try to sing) N: That’s strange. / Chocolat BB. S: I watched it, watched twice. N: Today your volume and intonation is strange. S: it seems as I haven’t talked a lot today. N: I did this, 40 scenes. S: I was surprised many show up. Which one is real one? N: all are real one. If there’re so many fake ones. I commend Production Company to gather so many fake my self. This was taken Motion control camera that moves same movement. Actually Gants was filmed this camera. I heard very few motion control camera in Japan. I took this CM between Gantz filming. Then there’s motion control camera again. / Monster on air next week. S: monster~. N: which part is it??


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
79077 2010-04-10 08:55:00 2010-04-09 23:55:17 Upcoming TV shows and Magazines 12 April~

4/12 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/12 21:00-22:48 Deeply Good story, NTV Masaki Aiba What moment Masaki Aiba get touched at Arashi concert? Shinsuke praises Arashi's togetherness a great deal
4/12  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/13 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/14  5:20-8:00   Zoom in Super    Tatsuomi Hamada, Satoshi Ohno
4/15 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
4/15 16:24-17:40   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis Satoshi Ohno
4/15 17:53-18:56  news every.    close up special make-up, Satoshi Ohno
4/15 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
Okinawa team, YOukou Gushiken, Gori Speed, Falling pipe, Bounding hokey. 沖縄チーム具志堅用高&ゴリ&スピードvs嵐!!▽フォーリングパイプ・バウンドホッケー
4/15 21:00-23:03Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS 2 hours Special, Tonight VIP room is 2 double bills! Well-known producer, Shinsuke Shimada appear, Shinsuke’s sharp point out so clear, another guest is actor Hiroshi Abe. He gets excited appearance of his favorite xx!? Explose surprising past. Fight against Arashi with game. Answer Arashi popular ratio checking… popular Arashi! Dud Arashi! (changeable) Hiroshi Abe at VIP room, he was stutterer and he has experience to be announcer school. He challenge tongue twister to cure stumble. Naomi Matsushima who sees Abe struggles, she says “caster you can do it, right?” let Sho Sakurai challenge it. (Changeable) ▽今夜のVIP・ROOMは豪華2本立て!▽名プロデューサー・島田紳助が登場▽紳助の鋭いツッコミがさえ渡る▽もう一人のゲストは俳優・阿部寛▽大好きな○○登場に大興奮!?▽驚きの過去を暴露▽嵐とゲームで対決▽モテ度チェックに嵐が回答…モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!(変更有)▽「V.I.P ROOM」に阿部寛が登場。滑舌が悪く、アナウンス学校へ通った経験があるという阿部は、滑舌を矯正する早口言葉に挑戦する。苦戦する阿部を見た松嶋尚美は、「キャスターはできるよね?」と櫻井翔にも挑戦するようにしむける。ほか、「V.I.P ROOM」のもう一人のゲストに島田紳助を迎える。(変更あり)VIP room Shinsuke Shimada and Hiroshi Abe appear. Arashi got nonplused by bullet talk of Shinsuke. Can Arashi disclose hidden face of Hiroshi Abe!? Popular Arashi! Dud Arashi? Who will drop in the icy water? VIP ROOM…島田紳助&阿部寛登場▽紳助の弾丸トークにさすがの嵐もタジタジ▽嵐は阿部寛の知られざる一面を暴けるか!?▽モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!…氷水に突き落とされるのは誰だ!?
4/15  22:54-25:58  News Zero    Cluture, dialogue Fujiko Fujio A & Satoshi Ohno
4/15 24:38-25:08   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis (repeat) Satoshi Ohno
4/16 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 10:25-11:30 PON!, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 11:55-13:55 Don! NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/16 18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/17 5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/17 12:00-13:00 Meringue no kimochi, NTV Sho Sakurai Satoshi Ohno
4/17 16:00-16:55    Saturday Arashi fist day pre show Satoshi Ohno
4/17 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno  
4/17 19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV special guest  Satoshi Ohno
4/17 21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno it’s world faraway from human world. The place the ones that additional evolve has continued success originally. That name is monster land. “Hurrah! Hurrah! Enthronement of new king hurrah!” the castle dominant in the center of monster land. The roar of thousands monsters packed there. “Well, we start ceremony of enthronement of new king, monster Taro, we celebrate ceremony of enthronement! At first the word from Big king….” “….. This is no ceremony of enthronement, this is ceremony of departure. Go Taro.” “Err, dad, I don’t understand what you mean.” Big king of monster wields the scepter to Kaibutsu-kun. That moment a lightning flashed in the sky. The thunder hits Kaibutsu-kun. “ahhhh!” At last in front of Kaibutsu-kun who has been pulled back to consciousness, there’s human world there. そこは、人間界から遠く離れた世界。人類より更なる進化を遂げた者達が独自の繁栄を続けてきた場所。……その名は怪物ランド。「バンザーイ! バンザーイ! 新大王様ご即位バンザーイ!」怪物ランドの中央にそびえ建つ怪物城。そこにつめかけた何万もの怪物達から歓声があがっている。「それではこれより、新大王・怪物太郎様、ご即位の儀を執り行う!まずは、大王様よりお言葉を……」「……これは即位の儀ではない、旅立ちの儀だ。行け太郎!」「あのパパ、意味分かんないんだけど」そう言う怪物くんに向かって杖を振りかざす怪物大王。その瞬間、空に稲光が走り、雷が怪物くんに命中した!「あああああ!」
4/17 22:00- Arashi Den, NTV
4/18 Legal consultancy office, NTV  Satoshi Ohno
4/19 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/19 15:55-4:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/19 21:00-21:54 Sekai marumie! TV special investigation NTV Masaki Aiba
4/19  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/20 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/20 15:55-4:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/21 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/21 15:55-4:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/22 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/22 15:55-4:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/22 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV 3
4/22no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
4/22 19:56-20:54 Gurugurn Nitynine, NTV   Satoshi Ohno Gochi ninarimasu guest
4/23 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/23 8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV
4/23 10:25-11:30 Ommokiri Po, NTV
4/23 11:55-13:55 Ommoikiri Don! NTV
4/23 13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV
4/23 16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV
4/23 17:00-18:56 news every. NTV
4/23 18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV
4/23 Yatterman NTV  Sho Sakurai
4/24 5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV
4/24 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Jun Matsumoto
4/24  19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/24 21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
4/24 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare totally new show appears on Saturday 22 o’clock. Arashi at the pinnacle of popularity challenge this show is insane by some way, no controlled plan entertainment variety! Arashi challenges the show ad-lib without knowing “who is guest” and “what to do with guest”. “The set “ (draft) ad-lib entertainment by Arashi vs Aniki-guest, the core of segment is “the set “ is plant to learn the professional area by different guest of each week. The seguemet that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thelling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week! [Example] in the case aniki-guest is big name skit comedian: injecting skit with skit set. In the case big name of traditional comic story teller: injecting “Rakugo” traditional coming telling. In the case of big name of Kabuki actor: injecting Kabuki with Kabuki set etc. So like this, this is talk & entertainment show that Arashi challenges ad-lib professional area and plays set for each big name aniki- guest.土曜22時に人気絶頂「嵐」を迎えたまったく新しい番組が登場!人気絶頂の「嵐」がこの番組で挑むのは、ある意味“非常識”な“予定調和一切なし”のエンターテインメントバラエティです!メンバー5人は、「ゲストが誰なのか?」「そのゲストと何をするのか?」を何も知らされず、<即興>で番組に臨みます。【嵐VS.アニキゲスト】の即興エンターテインメント「ザ・セット」(仮)番組の軸となるコーナーは、毎週異なるアニキゲストから“プロの領域”を学ぶ「ザ・セット」(仮)を予定!ゲストによって毎回セットが異なるこのコーナー。ある時は「寄席」セット、またある時は「コント」セット、そしてまたある時は「ひな壇」セット・・・。これは、毎週登場する“その道のプロ”である「アニキゲスト」から、嵐5人に「エンターテインメントな技」を、<即興>で注入してもらうため!例)アニキゲストが大物コント芸人の場合・・・コントセットで「コント」を注入!大物落語家の場合・・・寄席セットで「落語」を注入!大物歌舞伎役者の場合・・・歌舞伎の舞台セットで「歌舞伎」を注入!etc・・・・・・といった具合に、毎週訪れる大物アニキゲスト用に用意されたセット上で、嵐がプロの領域に<即興>で挑み、遊ぶ、トーク&エンターテインメント企画です。
4/26  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/29 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
4/29 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Outlet Mall Mannequin Five, general people vote for fashionable Arashi


4/9 Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
4/13 VS Arashi
4/19 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/27 VS Arashi
4/28 Himitsu no Arashi-chan

4/11 13:00-15:00 Kaibutsu-kun

New-year 2011 Spring 2011GANTZ
Kazunari Ninomiya  Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard.
10/1/2010 Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya mysterious epidemic sweeps over men, Ed, age of Tokugawa, (1608-1868) 80% of man in Japan dead and the population decreased only one-quart of female population. It was reverse world all of important work is done by women and men sell their bodies. The sumptuous place in such an age. It was ohoku the place where 3000 beautiful men serve one female shogun, paradise of men, no women admitted… now a young guy opens its door.

Kimito miru sen no yume  Masaki Aiba at Tokyo Globe Theatre

Aiba-san’s role Ikebe Haruya Former pianist son and heir of shoes shop. One day commercial district of province. son and heir of Ikebe shoes shop that sales Geta and Zouri (traditional Japanese shoes) He graduated well known Music College in Tokyo, he aimed for pianist. But last year he retuned to his home town at death of his mother in order to follow in his father's footsteps. It happened just before important piano competition. Currently he trains to create Zouri under his father. But the relationship of father-son is not favorable. The cold war is still continued.
5/2 19:00
5/3 13:00 & 18 :00
5/5 13:00 & 18 :00
5/6 14:00 & 19:00
5/7 13:00
5/8 13:00 & 18 :00
5/9 13:00 & 18 :00
5/10 19:00
5/12 13:00
5/14 13:00
5/15 13:00 & 18 :00
5/16 13:00 & 18 :00
5/17 19:00
5/19 14:00 & 19:00
5/20 14:00 & 19:00
5/21 13:00
5/22 13:00 & 18 :00
5/23 13:00 & 18 :00
5/24 13:00

1/8 Able,
Sho Sakurai
1/16 Kose, Fasio Jun Matsumoto 
1/24 & 1/30  Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
2/22 House Foods Soup de Okoge, Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 AU all
2/25 AU all
2/18 Dwango Troublemaker
2/26 J storm 
3/16Mistuya CIder Sho Sakurai  
3/18 Super Mario Brothers, Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
3/27 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal T Kazunari Ninomiya
4/2 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/19 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all
Early summer Muhi, Masaki Aiba 



Monday 12-Apr-2010


15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
16:24-16:25 Best Selection of Deeply Good Story
21:54-22:48 Deeply Good story, NTV Masaki Aiba What moment Masaki Aiba get touched at Arashi concert? Shinsuke praises Arashi's togetherness a great deal
4/12  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


Yasei Jidai Satoshi Ohno


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Tuesday 13-Apr-2010


15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

VS Arashi



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Wednesday 14-Apr-2010


 5:20-8:00   Zoom in Super    Tatsuomi Hamada, Satoshi Ohno 

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


Weekly The Television 
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
TV Life  "Himitsu no prep & revision”, serial “inside talk to talk, new serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno,
TV station,  Front page interview all, inside report of new show "Arashi ni shiyagare"
TV Pia, cover and front pages: all.
Yomiuri News Paper


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here 

Thursday 15-Apr-2010


8:50-9:54Hanamaru Market Masaki Aiba
 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version
16:24-17:40   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis Satoshi Ohno
  17:53-18:56  news every.    close up special make-up, Satoshi Ohno
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
Okinawa team, YOukou Gushiken, Gori Speed, Falling pipe, Bounding hokey. 沖縄チーム具志堅用高&ゴリ&スピードvs嵐!!▽フォーリングパイプ・バウンドホッケー
  21:00-23:03Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS 2 hours Special, Tonight VIP room is 2 double bills! Well-known producer, Shinsuke Shimada appear, Shinsuke’s sharp point out so clear, another guest is actor Hiroshi Abe. He gets excited appearance of his favorite xx!? Explose surprising past. Fight against Arashi with game. Answer Arashi popular ratio checking… popular Arashi! Dud Arashi! (changeable) Hiroshi Abe at VIP room, he was stutterer and he has experience to be announcer school. He challenge tongue twister to cure stumble. Naomi Matsushima who sees Abe struggles, she says “caster you can do it, right?” let Sho Sakurai challenge it. (Changeable) ▽今夜のVIP・ROOMは豪華2本立て!▽名プロデューサー・島田紳助が登場▽紳助の鋭いツッコミがさえ渡る▽もう一人のゲストは俳優・阿部寛▽大好きな○○登場に大興奮!?▽驚きの過去を暴露▽嵐とゲームで対決▽モテ度チェックに嵐が回答…モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!(変更有)▽「V.I.P ROOM」に阿部寛が登場。滑舌が悪く、アナウンス学校へ通った経験があるという阿部は、滑舌を矯正する早口言葉に挑戦する。苦戦する阿部を見た松嶋尚美は、「キャスターはできるよね?」と櫻井翔にも挑戦するようにしむける。ほか、「V.I.P ROOM」のもう一人のゲストに島田紳助を迎える。(変更あり)VIP room Shinsuke Shimada and Hiroshi Abe appear. Arashi got nonplused by bullet talk of Shinsuke. Can Arashi disclose hidden face of Hiroshi Abe!? Popular Arashi! Dud Arashi? Who will drop in the icy water? VIP ROOM…島田紳助&阿部寛登場▽紳助の弾丸トークにさすがの嵐もタジタジ▽嵐は阿部寛の知られざる一面を暴けるか!?▽モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!…氷水に突き落とされるのは誰だ!?
22:54-25:58  News Zero    Cluture, dialogue Fujiko Fujio A & Satoshi Ohno
24:38-25:08   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis (repeat) Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Susumeru Pia, Jun Matsumoto


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Friday 16-Apr-2010


5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Satoshi Ohno
8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Satoshi Ohno
10:25-11:30 PON!, NTV Satoshi Ohno
11:55-13:55 Don! NTV Satoshi Ohno
13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Satoshi Ohno
16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV Satoshi Ohno
17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Satoshi Ohno
18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Saturday 17-Apr-2010


5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Satoshi Ohno
12:00-13:00 Meringue no kimochi, NTV Sho Sakurai Satoshi Ohno
16:00-16:55    Saturday Arashi fist day pre show Satoshi Ohno
19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno  
19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV special guest  Satoshi Ohno
21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno it’s world faraway from human world. The place the ones that additional evolve has continued success originally. That name is monster land. “Hurrah! Hurrah! Enthronement of new king hurrah!” the castle dominant in the center of monster land. The roar of thousands monsters packed there. “Well, we start ceremony of enthronement of new king, monster Taro, we celebrate ceremony of enthronement! At first the word from Big king….” “….. This is no ceremony of enthronement, this is ceremony of departure. Go Taro.” “Err, dad, I don’t understand what you mean.” Big king of monster wields the scepter to Kaibutsu-kun. That moment a lightning flashed in the sky. The thunder hits Kaibutsu-kun. “ahhhh!” At last in front of Kaibutsu-kun who has been pulled back to consciousness, there’s human world there. そこは、人間界から遠く離れた世界。人類より更なる進化を遂げた者達が独自の繁栄を続けてきた場所。……その名は怪物ランド。「バンザーイ! バンザーイ! 新大王様ご即位バンザーイ!」怪物ランドの中央にそびえ建つ怪物城。そこにつめかけた何万もの怪物達から歓声があがっている。「それではこれより、新大王・怪物太郎様、ご即位の儀を執り行う!まずは、大王様よりお言葉を……」「……これは即位の儀ではない、旅立ちの儀だ。行け太郎!」「あのパパ、意味分かんないんだけど」そう言う怪物くんに向かって杖を振りかざす怪物大王。その瞬間、空に稲光が走り、雷が怪物くんに命中した!「あああああ!」
  22:00- Arashi Den, NTV

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Sunday 18-Apr-2010



Legal consultancy office, NTV  Satoshi Ohno

22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here


Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked

Mon:22:54-23:58  News Zero Sho Sakurai NTV (live)
Thr: 19:00-19:54 VS Arashi FTV 22:00-22:54  Himitsu  no Arashi-chan  TBS
Sat: 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba,
22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare
9:30-14:00 to check Osama no Branch TBS, Countdown TV etc

Regular Radio programs

Mon: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Tue: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Wed: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Thr: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Fri: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, 24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso 
Sat: 10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5
Sun: 22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked

every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
5th:  Non-no 2/ Arashi
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd:  Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television  (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

Arashi Anniversary

25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto  agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982

public 0
79165 2010-04-12 00:23:00 2010-04-11 15:23:16 Monday 12-Apr-2010

Sanspo, <Ohno of Arashi happy “look nice” > Satoshi Ohno attended press conference of NTV drama Kaibutsu-kun that starts on 17. This is first live action drama of Fujiko Fujio A’s popular comic. Ohno of leading role Kaibutsu-kun “I wondered it was okay as I’ll be soon 30. While filming progresses I thought I look nice.” full of confidence. “seems I renew my youth dying hair in brown color.” he was happy. Hochi, <soon 30, Ohno of Arashi about Kaibutsu-kun “while I do, I think I look nice.” Ohno appeared with big ear and red and blue baseball cap “I wondered it was okay as I’ll be soon 30. While I do, I thought I look nice.” He sing also animation version theme song as insert song. “I sang popping on my own term.” Sponichi, <Ohno Kaibutsu-kun sleeps on the back of Choi Hong Man> They appears in the costume of cast, Hiroshi Kaga (59) of king of Monster land, Masahiro Matsuoka (33) prince of devil land and others appear in special make-up, Ohno in Kaibutsu-kun is almost no make-up. “All look amazing, I’m most ordinary. “ he smiled. The height gap with Choi Hong Man is 52 cm. At first episode there’s scene he sleeps on the back of Choi Hong Man, “He is warm like father. “ Hong Man said “He was cute. “ He turns red. In face. Daily Sports, <Ohno-kun 29 yrs old sings ”Kaai, Kai,kai”> Ohno sings solo of that famous phrase song “Kaai, Kai, kai” animation version theme song. “I knew the song. There are 3rd verses, surprising me. As I was told “sing on my own terms.” So I sang popping.” He was pleased to sign animation song. Theme song “Monster by Arashi’s new song (on sale 19 May) this “Yukai” is not plan to release CD. Asahi, <Press conference of Satoshi Ohno starring serial drama “Kaibutsu-kun”> Impression of Matsuoka of Tokio by Ohno “ after all it’s Matsu-ni (senior brother) When I met him I didn’t know who he was.” And he is same age of Choi Hong Man, K-I fighter. Ohno says about the scene he was horsed on the back, “it seems he was older than me.” Hong Man “He was like my son, he was so cute.”

Daily Sports, < JaruJaru, “I want to do short skit with Arashi”> Filming of their new show was held yesterday. This variety show has gorgeous guest each time. Jyunpei Goto “I hope Arashi comes, I want to do shot skit with them.” (they did with O-chan at Shukudai-kun)
Goo ranking, young Johnny’s talent who can be actor ranking. No1. Kazunari Ninomiya, no2. Tomohisa Yamashita, No3. Toma Ikuta, no4. Jun Matsumoto, no.5 Sho Sakurai
Monster aired on Arashi Discovery listen here.
The History of our family episode 1:21:2% episode 2: 18.4%, episode 3 21.1%
Yomiuri, Interview Satoshi Ohno, The place of interview with busy idol is make-up room in a studio in Tokyo. “When I get an offer. I didn’t realize the persona. But I like the comic. I thought it must be interesting. As he likes comic, He came to hold an exhibition of his paintings. This time he read original comic and watched animation version. Original comic writer Fujiko Fujio A cheered him “Do it as you want.” He talks the charm “Kaibutsu-kun is selfish and irresponsible fling but lovable character. Every time there’s theme. Educational element and human drama are included. I think you can enjoy extensively.” Special effect also stirs his artistic mind. “The special make-up of co-star Norito Yashima-san and other is shocking as you don’t guess who they are. I like very much to see inside of special effect. I will get these ears when the filming will be over.” He takes off big wars and smile pleasantly he transforms to real face. Q: you are know your hobby is fishing. What kind of fish you can catch recently? A: Japanese flounder or Pagrus major. I started fishing as my acquaintance invited me. But recently I can’t go because not get sun tan, rather because of busyness. Actually I want to go fishing every day. I can be open. Q: what is profession you wanted to be when you are a kid? A: Bakery, next is comic writer. But I can’t write story. I gave up comic writer. Most of my paintings are portrait. Q: When do you fell good to be Arashi? A: it was last year. At decade of group unite. Many people celebrated us. As I didn’t imagine we could continue for 10 years.
Muhi, Aiba-chan  pop at drag store.
J-web this week's quote by O-chan. Well Let's spend time with Kaibutsu-kun this spring Satoshi and Kaibutsu-kun press conf. report first part updated. Ohno,“The first day at studio, what prepared there was only bath robe. ‘I wonder what I’d do?” It was naked scene. As I have started with this scene I have nothing worry about. “ venue burst into laughter. “I thought I get younger when I see the costume of Kaibutsu-kun at poster shooting. I colored hair brown after 2 years. And Kaibutsu-kun doesn’t know anything about human world so I think to act feeling matter purely.” “I didn’t guess who he was when I see Matsu-nii in disguise. As I didn’t expected to change a lot. It was fresh feeling and he looks nice. “/ Q: what did you talk that time? Matsuoka “I was told ‘you, good luck.’” Ohno interrupts with precipitation “I didn’t say so! He always says such things.” / “some members must see on CM but I don’t think they see properly. As they said “I want to see the aspect of Kaibutsu-kun on air.” But they said “looked forward it a lot.” / Monster, “5 talked ‘This matches the image of Kaibutsu-kun.’ We dance, the choreograph also mysterious kind of staff. “ / closing.”Kaibutsu-kun is ignorant of the world and learn various matter in the human world. I hope this piece, viewers also can learn together and inspire them.”
Kaibutsu-kun, staff blog. Good morning! It’s staff S. drawing of Kaibutsu-kun by Tatsuomi-kun and costume of Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies.
Hiroyasu Oku, (Gantz comic writer) twitter I leaves for filming completion party now at 13:40
Orista, we have been to press conference of Kaibutsu-kun. At press conf. Satoshi Ohno-kun of Arashi and others appeared in costume. He taled fully about his enthusiasm of drama, episode of filming. And new Arashi tune Monster. This will be on the issue on sale 16 April./ seeks questions to Jun Matsumoto, due date is 13 April 18:00.
Mother of Aiba-chan opened net shopping accessory site
1000 dream I have with you blog updated regarding on day ticket. Please see the detail at ticket page.
J-web, Sartaday Arashi segment opened and new serial “Prince Satoshi-kun no hitotoki” starts on 17 April.
Sho -chan cut hair


5:20-8:00 Zoom in Super! NTV Kaibutsu-kun press conf
15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun,NTV  animation version
16:24-16:25 Best Selection of Deeply Good Story, NTV 
21:54-22:48 Deeply Good story, NTV Masaki Aiba What moment Masaki Aiba get touched at Arashi concert? Shinsuke praises Arashi's togetherness a great deal

The reason why he is touched on the first day of concert. Seeing full of audience he touched. A: at junior age, the show only juniors established, I had wishful thinking. After few year later since debut at concert there are less people. and we had first show with Hatori-san got over. I leant you have to do properly the show would be finished. That’s why if there’re many audience I feel so pleased.

4/12  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is minting authority issues coin of 1000 yen memorial of Ryuma Sakamoto. Hum, it’s good memorabilia, good. I envy, this good. I want to have something like that. What is memorabilia of Arashi? It’s at debut? It’s 3rd November. Memorabilia do we have decade anniversary memorabilia? I don’t know exactly, You must guess that day 5 of Arashi and staffs have party since Arashi debuted, yep. But that day could be unexpectedly off day. He he he. I wonder, Is this gentleness or what else… Last year we had dinner with 5. as it was 10th anniversary. I think 9th year, 8th year, that time was off day, I thought. I wonder how this year would be, Hum, It’s depends on how schedule plon… plans. But unexpectedly such Memorial Day has nothing special. But on my birthday, I don’t know why, I have work certainly. I wonder why. That one from morning to night. I don’t understand!


Yasei Jidai Satoshi Ohno


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

public 0
79524 2010-04-12 23:59:00 2010-04-12 14:59:40 Tuesday 13-Apr-2010

Orista, seeks Arashi’s activities of latter part of year. Due date is 21:00 14 April
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog updated. Press coference 3. Hello it’s staff A. we report press conf held the other day. After prelease. Finally casts in costume appeared! Roar and torch of flash are filled the venue. And in the end filmed PR spots with cast and audiences. These PR spot on air from 18 to 24 April.
Oricon news. <Gorgeours cast gathered Fuji TV drama “The history of our family” average of 3 nights recoded 20.3%> Fuji TV 3 straight nights special drama “The History of our Family” on air and average of 3 nights recorded high audience rate 20.3%. It’s been 5 years since planning. 1st night: 21.2 (highest audience rate of moment 23.7%) 2nd night: 18.45 (highest audience rate of moment: 21.7%) 3rd night: 21.1% (highest audience rate of moment 26.1%) Asahi, <script by Koki Mitani “The History of our Family” got high audience rate.> according to Fuji TV, mainly vast female viewers and also many male viewer older than 20’s. Sanspo <The History of our Family, average of 3 nights is 20.3%>
You and NTV setting of drama is, prince of monster land goes to human world for training. This tends to think the content for kids. This time we consider for parents kids. We try to make the piece that adult audience can take to watch. Fujiko Fujio A ‘s pieces have pieces that depicts inside of human such like “Warau Sales man.” That also has Kaibutsu-kun. We try to expand this side. In particular, Devil family is as counterbalance of Kaibutsu-kun. The setting is to blot the human desire profiting weakness of humans. And this is undertaken the role to symbolize rampant social ill and this can be tolerable for mature audience. / Q: what do you want TV viewers to feel? The best is what Kaibutsu-kun feel comes down to human world and feel in the same way. Concept is “The human lies, ” “Money for compensation, ” “How you can call best friend for?”, matter of “solitary death of seniors” or “what is parental feeling”. As we do very basic to build human relationship, so I wan to watch this with Kaibutsu-kun. And people who feel friendly with comic and animation in the past, hope watch reminiscent of these and enjoy it. Kaibutsu-kun screams “Shut up!!!” and arm extends, and transform the face crossing hands, companies Dracula, Wolf man, Franken, lines are “zamasu” “ganzu” “hunger” and leading role Ohno-kun sing past animation’s theme song “Kaai, kai, kai”. Hope you enjoy this too. / People who know it, Fujiko Fujio A original “Kaibutsu-kun” Kaibutsu-kun, the prince of Monster land, some where in the world came to human world for training. But he causes big stirs with companies of Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken. Relating with Hiroshi, friend of human world and elder sister of Hiroshi, he becomes aware of to be a king little by little. Devil hand of devil family creeps on! Can Kaibutsu-kun save humans?
Tomoko Fujita yesterday’s blog. Today it’s cold. I'm in the middle of rehearsal. (photo of hospital bed)
Hiroya Oku, Twitter (Gantz comic writer) party was very excited. The bingo of Ninomiya-san was supernatural.Celebrity has enormously luck after all.
TV Life blog, <Ohno in Kaibutsu-kun “member’s of Arashi don’t want to see”> Press conference of Kaibutsu-kun held on 11. He was asked reaction of members. “ All don’t want to see (the aspect of Kaibutsu-kun) As they want to see it on air. They told they are looking forward to it very much.” Fujiko Fujio A-san appeared as special guest. “I watched episode 1 at prelease. I automatically nearly cried. I realized I wrote something amazing, I was very touched.” Another blog, <the issue on sale on 14 April cover again Arahi!> so what kind of Arashi appears. Arashi by photographer H-san, he shoots recently Arashi’s photos for TV life. Thinking back his photos. On the issue of 4 Jan. He took photo of Arashi with costume like skirt. And on the issue of 14 March. He took of his trousers. And he took photos only with swimming wear. So this time the theme is “close 5 faces and make natural smiles.” However idol group Arashi, they are mature guys. It’s easy to say close face and take photo. Usually mature can’t close faces as it’s embarrassing. To remove this embarrassment and take picture is work of idol photographer. How did he make them smile? Answer? Is Y balance. Maybe you don’t get meaning. He took Y balance pose in front of Arashi. He presses slowly the shutter button shaking axopodium. As this is cover once it’s blurred, it’s over. Member of Arashi burst into laugher watching H-san’s aspect. “Is this better to take photo ordinary? “ “H-san you didn’t press shutter button! “ “You can take down your leg!” Is this photo can make Arashi’s natural smile? Please check issue on sale 14 April.
Toshimasa Komatsu (co-star’s of Gantz) blog updated. Yesterday was Gantz completion party. All looks pleasantly. I had privilege to have such a connection with them. Scramble for prizes rock-paper-scissors game, Miracle that Ninomiya-san got award of Kenichi Matsumoto-san. Star is something different. After that rock-paper-scissors game for combined each prize that Ninomiya-san prepared and Kenichi-san prepared. Cool. The prize is also double leading role.
Cut this is the cover that Master Fujiko Fujio A drew for us. This on sale 19 April. 
Saturday Arashi, web site updated. Regarding date broadcasting. 17 and 24 April “Spring NTV x Arashi mission” these days on air special contents. The information about “Arashi ni Shiyagare”, Kaibutsu-kun, “ selected impressive topics that Arashi appeared on NTV at variety shows and drama will be inserted as titled “Arashi and NTV”. Topic will be updated as needed basis! And also Arashi present points project is held! You can gather point and apply on the date airing Kaibutsu-kun episode 1 and Arashi Den on 17 and Kaibutsu-kun episode 2 and Arashi ni Shiygagare. You can win Saturday Arashi original pin badge by lot. 
NTV touched good scenes 2010, you can vote Arashi’s shows.
The television, Arashi ni Shiygagare after filming interview was held. “As I did it feeling out. But it was fun and passed by like a flash.” (Ohno) “I have learnt” (Kazunari Ninomiya) “I have learnt professional technique that you don’t usually learn.” (Sho Sakurai) “As preparation was long, I was touched a bit.” (Masaki Aiba. “It was fun, the guest taught us their skill. “ (Jun Matsumoto)

15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is glasses museum. Hum. Sun glasses. I don’t wear sun glasses. Sun glasses… I don’t understand that. It seems I don’t like I have something in front of my eyes. You can put on sun glasses. But it seems you waste huge nature to hide with sun glasses? Just like that. What this for? If I take my sun glasses off, get sun tan, get scorched, can't be helped. As I don’t want to have misconception. However I put my sunglasses on, I can be found out. Found out, “Oh Satoshi Ohno, he presses his luck.” So it’s difficult to control the level of slipping off. I think you must put them at fishing, yep. But I don’t like to have something in front of my eyes. So, what is best is put nothing on. But I walk in the street without anything, I’m certainly fount out. So, it’s difficult. What Sun glasses for?

VS Arashi

Josei Jishin, Saturday storm breaks. 5 straight weeks Arashi special


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
79679 2010-04-13 23:05:00 2010-04-13 14:05:34 Wednesday 14-Apr-2010

Oricon news, <Arashi, DVD total sales is 2.73 copies all-time champion, overtake Morning Musume’s record. >Popular group Arashi concert DVD “Arashi anniversary Tour 5x10” sold 477K copies and ranked no.1 or initial sales. And this breaks their own record of DVD first ever initial sales. Total of Arashi DVD sales adding this week sales is 2.732 million copies. And this exceeded Morning Musume’s “Artist sectional music DVD total sales record.” 2.27 million and got no.1. Past music DVD initial sales was 428 K copies of previous “5x10 All the Best! Clips 1999-2009” which is previous piece released October 2009. Arashi broke their own record. And Arashi got no. 1 of general DVD sales with 4 straight DVD. This is 6th piece. “Arashi anniversary Tour 5x10” is the movie of concert of “ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10” at national stadium that part of tour of “ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10” from August 2009 to January 2010. and last concert at national stadium on 30 August , and following 5 major domes concert are included as digest movie.Nikkan Sports, <Exceeded Morning Musume! Arashi DVD got all-time champion> NTV News 24, <Arashi Music DVD total sales also got all-time champion>
Next week Zoom in, Zoom in x Arashi 2020 each member talks about Arashi in 10 years. Interview is hatori-san and setting is mid-night Arashi.
TV Life, staff blog. I forgot add yesterday. This is secret project with “Himitsu no Arashi-chan” I can’t tell you the detail yet. I can unveil after on air of Himitsu no Arashi-chan on 29 April. It seems TV staffs trust us. And presented various project. So Please look forward to Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air 29 April. TV Life rigs something.
Internet TV Guide, <Arashi’s variety show “Arashi ni Shiyagare” with sense of tension> This is the show that each time the guest that is big name of each industries called “aniki guest “ (older brother) and learn professional skill. Arashi challenge real part without knowing who is guest and what to learn from guest. When they lean this “I must have days I can’t work effectively and back to home disappointed. “ (Ohno) “All I can do is letting that happen.” (Ninomiya) “If I feel pressed, it seems this feeling is transparent,” (Aiba) 5 were shaken. But they finished filming the 1st episode with guest of Cream Stew (comedians) Ohno “The feeling ‘How I develop’ made interesting atmosphere.” He looked satisfied. Sakurai “It seems you can enjoy including what we strike up and be muddled up.” Matsumoto “This is the show required instantaneous force since knowing who the guest is. I wan to pick up doing this show.” Aiba “when I was kid I looked forward to Saturday evening show that I can stay up later than usual. I hope this show would be considered like this.”
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Hello this is staff S. Today filming is off. However filming off I can’t have break. We have filming site check, fit out costume, art meeting, editing etc. Today I will watch episode with art staffs. And photo is ears. These ears as Akkuma-‘s ones. The texture is just like slime, I was surprised as it’s softer than I expected. Ears of Kaibutsu-kun for human world, texture is like softer the marshmallow.

Tomoko Fujita-san’s (1000 dreams cast) yesterday’s blog, the back is Ohnuma-kun and Noguchi-kun. I hustle today too. (seems they had rehearsal yesterday too
Donpei Tsuchihira-san’s blog (Gantz cast) extra large scale movie “Gantz” completion party was held. The venue is Keio Plaza Hotel. I had fun to meet the cast who fought together at site and staffs. Releasing is next year but this will be on the topic in the future (after summer) The photo with director Sato.
J-storm Monster 2nd tune is Spiral, rap lyric by Sho-chan.

1000 dreams blog updated. Holy medical site. It looks like real hospital. These last days we had rehearsal listening to medical teacher how to insert an intravenous line, method to massage.
Yomiuri, Pop style marked 200th anniversary, congratulations, Thank you, applause. So this time as 200th anniversary. Arashi appears. We use photo hugely. This could be largest space ever on the paper. Please check. Arashi special editor Arashi word is featured special make-up.
The History of our family, topic updated. Thank you for high audience rate.
Fake Arashi again, Today Troublemaker of PV

J-web, Saturday Arashi special site, Soon it startsLeader's Dibutsu-kun (big Buddha) (Grin) Arashi Den is fun too
Yomiuri, <live action Kaibutsu-kun stars on 17> must see of Drama Kaibutsu-kun is latest special make-up. We researched in side of it. The make up person is Soichi Umezawa-san. This time artificial skin made of silicon used also at “Benjamin Batton.” Usually what used is form lubber that is cheap and easy to create. From lubber is obscure sponge type and silicon’s finish is close to real skin. As it’s semi-translucent it’s possible to color impalpable and easy to make facial expression. What silicon used for is ears of Kaibutsu-kun in human world and from forehead to nose in monster land. Head of wolf man is form lubber. Dracula ear in human world if gelatinous. When Umezawa-san started work was last December from design. He created 30 types drawings. Once design determinate. The face was moulaged and creates parts put on the face. 14 of Umezawa-san’s staffs worked for Episode 1 that all the cast appear. Once special make up was removed, joint parts get crumble. SO basically this is single use. Ears of Kaibutsu-kun have 5 sets of spare. Umezawa-san talks “I must get scorched by fans as Ohno-san transformed a lot. I’m please TV viewers get stunned
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good evening it’s staff K. 3 day to on air. Tomorrow fierce promotional shows start. Form evening. Drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis, news every. Special make up special. End in evening, News Zero dialogue of Ohno-kun, Master Fujiko Fujio A, repeat of drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis. And the day aster tomorrow and day after next hijack of airing. Ohno-kun and other are very busy with filming but they break their neck for promotion that many people as possible watch the drama. Please watch.
Y's Road blog, Masamune special the bike in Nagoya. you can see photo.

 5:20-8:00   Zoom in Super    Tatsuomi Hamada, Satoshi Ohno 

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is robot qualification test. Hum After all robot movie, you say. Currently, there’s the one car transform to robot. Transformer! I got it, yep. That one, it’s so cool. Yep, I haven’t watched this. he he he. I watched preview. So I thought it’s cool. He he he. Do you know? Every body? That famous robot movie, Robo cop, I loved it, yep. I have never seen such unbeatable guy. And the gun of Robo cop. Specialized for Robo cop, There’s a huge gun. I used to want that one. It was sold, the model one. Yep, I wanted that one. But the price is a little expensive. That time, yep I was at primary school, and that was air gun so under 18 years old can’t buy it. yep. But I wonder still have that one, I think. I really wanted that one.


Weekly The Television  NTV x Arahi mission, treasured scene on air at one stroke, CM Kazunari Ninomiya, Satoshi Ohno “Super Mario Bro.”
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
Masaki Aiba x Kazunari Ninomiya, special gravure picture, and “Arashi ni Shiyagare” and “Arashi den” ne information. Arashi serious fighting gravure picture. Full of shots playfully but serious face, smiles. VS Arashi fight against General Rouge team, Friday movie Yatterman, Serial Kaibutsu-kun, Satoshi Ohno run full passionately at athletic festival!?
TV Life 
Close up report “Arashi ni SHiyagare” “Spring NTV x Arashi mission.” On site filming of Mannequin Five and exclusive collaboration project “Himitsu no Arashi-chan.” new seraila Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno. 
TV station,  Front page interview all, inside report of new show "Arashi ni shiyagare"
TV Pia, cover and front pages: all.
Yomiuri News Paper


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
□ Muhi pop of Aiba-chan at drag store.
Upcomings here
public 0
80033 2010-04-15 00:29:00 2010-04-14 15:29:56 Thursday 15-Apr-2010

UPDATE I god sad news some one copy my content without noticing me. if you copy this please drop me a line.
Fuji TV club blog, The history of our family, notice of high audience rate was put up.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s last night blog. The day after tomorrow the rehearsal is changed. This tape is guide tape on the face of main part of set. This guides the location of steps and columns. We so rehearsal imaging the height. But the day after tomorrow. We will have same set as theater. It seems we can walk up steps and pass under the steps. Wonderful. Anyway this tape drawing, artistic.
Internet TV Guide staff blog. If you say the group match to warm spring weather is, Arashi! So we went to see and talk to them. We recently took several patter of cover photo and use of it. so this time we took 3 patters of photos. This time cover is “closely-attached shiyagare” version. We explained the concept, I think this is match to the new life you start, cheerful shoot. How is it? How is it? 2nd is “alignment shiyagare” 5 sit high bench closely. If you thought “ah!” you must be TV guide maniac. This is photo on page 111 of previous issue. They sit fighting over to area to sit saying “ too tight!” If you said too tight, this week front page gravure picture. They sit closely at round table doing arm-wrestling and cheering them. This is also must to see. 3rd is “lounge around shiyagere” image is at grass where they came to promenade, member recline to member. The aspect to lounge around. This is on the issue of 23 April. Please search it. If you say search gravure picture of 100 Arashi on 16 April. This is also must to see.
Ohoku Twitter 12:33 Finally it has been started.
Zoom in aired Zoom in x Arashi 2020 CM

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, hi, it’s staff A. do I have any topic for blog? As there’s Hiroshi I put him Franken’s jacket. It doesn’t betray my expectation.
Fuji TV PR blog, Today’s opposition is Okinawa team leading by Speed with Yoko Gushiken and Gori.
Ohoku Twitter, As you guess, this is starting filming. Mizuno (Mino) and Onomu (Maki Horikita) are filming at a shrine. At 14:31 This is Ohoku dorayaki, Only first day it’s original. We stuff our mouth all together. at 15:41
Zero also Arashi appears every day next week.
Kaibutsu-kun web site, music with detail of CD. And mobile phone site, Data airing. Goods are updated.

8:50-9:54Hanamaru Market Masaki Aiba

A: good morning. Today I talk anything that senior asked. Tourist oriented country navigator. Q: how do you pick the language. A: it was already selected. As I didn’t understand word meaning I memorized all or lines. Today’s break fast: raw cheese cake. A: recently my body need sweet. I eat this often. In the past at my restaurant however it’s Chinese restaurant we had raw cheese cake. As I used to eat when I was a kid. I like it. Currently we don’t have it any more. Q: you should eat more. You lost weight. A: I lost weight since end of year. I eat and drink a lot. Q: Maybe you don’t sleep a lot. A: yes I have less sleeping hour. Yester day I was here at TBS till 12 am. As I have to come here again I went to bed early. I slept 4-5 hours. Photo: conger: O-chan, salmon roe: Sho-chan, squid: Nino, fat tuna: Jun-kun. A: I met Yakumaru-san at sushi restaurant. So I remember it very well. So compare members of Arashi to sushi. So I wrote so. Do you remember that time? Leader doesn’t look like conger, the color of skin. salmon roe: Sho-chan is quite vast from intelligence to staidness. If I press him many thing come out seem like salmon roe. fat tuna: Jun-kun. His is best fat tuna. (expensive sushi) a lot of fat, (get hyper) squid: Nino, I wonder why? He seems like squid. More you chew more it taste. Q: how do you compare to sushi, yourself. A: what am I? Yakumaru-san: the: bahun, the most expensive sea egg, once you put in your month soon after you understand the goodness. It just like once you meet you. you see the your goodness. A: I’m pleased./ A: I’m with members 2-3 days a week. I have more occasion to talk to them. We have various back room. Some show they prepare 2 rooms for us. But we gathers absolutely 1 room. It haven’t changed. Q: as you get along well, I wonder if we get along well. How about you. Yakumaru: do you ask me? A: no no I don’t (Yakumaru-san was member of Johnny’s group who was pretty famous to be bad terms. Q: how do you think your decade? A: Honesty what we have done step by step lead to bigger concert venue, have more shows. Q: you are emotional person. A: where I ‘m touched is appearance of 1st day. This time I could see audiences from directly above, There’re so many. As past 10 years. There’re years we didn’t have many audiences. So when I spear I nearly cry. Photo: dumpling and spring roll. My mother come to bring them and the memo how to cook is added. Yakumaru: what funky mother, there’re written gozaru. A: yes she is, As she think I came home late and cook. She try to get me excited. Yaku: While you are not at home, she came? A: Yes she has key and came she also clean. I’m so pleased. But I feel a bit painful as I feel sorry about it. but I can cook dumpling but frying spring roll with 160 degree oil. I don’t understand at all. So still have 3 of spring roll in my freezer. I ate dumpling. When I was kid, with my brother, I asked what we want to eat to the resultant and they bring to home, I had such life style. So there’s order mistake this was brought to home, however we are full. I ate however stuffed. Q: Does your father come home? A: yes he does. When I got home he’s there “I have started already” he is drinking alcohol. But my father was quite strict at work, as it’s dangerous kid walk around kitchen. If I went there he his me with gravy ladle. But it deep sauce was on the gravy ladle, it’s hot. It’s such fun family. So now my father worry about me and comes to see me what I do and comes to home. In the past it was me who consult with my parents, now I have occasion my parents consult with me. This about my brother. My brother want to take over the restaurant. We have family meeting still now. We did the other day started 12 am so ends 2-3 am. It was held at my home. During meeting, my brother went to the kitchen and said “you must be hungry” cooked miso soup. He is really a good guy. I feel family love. As it’s his son my mother doesn’t want to let my brother to do here. As it’s son he must spoil him. My brother did part time at various places. But the other day I had call from my brother “It seems I can work at home.” It was after family meeting. My brother does cooking seriously currently. He is still younger as 4 years younger 22-23. It was just after landing a job. His skin was peeled off it must because of steam. I realized how cooking industry is so hard. Yaku: if you didn’t enter it was you who take over the restaurant. A: it was 13 or 14 when I stared dance back of seniors. SO I do this till 20years old. So if not good I take over the restaurant. Now I reflect on, it’s hard to switch with my father. It’s not something easy, I realized seeing my brother. I respect my brother. Q: you must like your brother a lot. A: I like him, we still take bath together. When I take bathe he comes in. Q: Do you look alike him? A: I’m told he is look alike me. But his taller and larger me a little. When I was 4th or 5th grade of elementary school I couldn’t win arm wresting any more. / photo: my room, A: I like golf. The trigger is Ken Shimura-san. He took me field without practicing before. I made 163. So at home I practice. Yaku: BTW, parquet is so shinny. So clean often. A: it’s not me, the cleaning robot. That one is amazing. / Popular Arashi, dud Arashi, it’s cold and as you have to watch out you hid to ice. / next photo: geta. This is the role of son of geta shop. Please come. Yaku: but you don’t get ticket. A: but you, senior can! Q: when do you memorize your lines? A: at interval or in the car. But this time is my lines are so long, I struggle. As the role was pianist, there’re professional words related music. I leant piano at primary school, for 3 months. Q: If you got your kid what do you want to do? A: catch, even boy or girl. I did it, it was fun time. Yaku: who get married first among 5 of members? A; who will be? I think it’s Sho-kun who can plan the life. I don’t know if he does. And Matsujun seems pretty fast too. Me, I can plan the life. I don’t know when. And Leader and Nino are type who don’t plan. Q: What do you do first when you get up. in the morning? A: falling back to sleep. Every day I fall back to sleep. I set alarm 1 hour earlier. I get up from the bed turn off alarm, It feels so good to return to bed. Then I get up 30 minutes later. Q: after you get up from falling back to sleep? A : So it’s time to get up I wash my face and bush teeth and leave. Yaku: you don’t take any drink? A: I drink water little. But I leave home 15 minutes after I get up. Yaku: Are you fastest among 5? A: Ninomiya leave home 5 minutes. Q: how I can make good friend? A: smile.

 15:55-16:24 Kaibutsu-kun, animation version


16:24-17:40   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis Satoshi Ohno

Highlight of drama. I think this drama from kids to adults enjoy. Please watch it. / Special make-up I feel like myself. When I remove (ears) by contraries I miss them. I feel something drops off. /closing, at least watch it!! Shiyagare CM aired


  17:53-18:56  news every.    close up special make-up, Satoshi Ohno
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
Okinawa team, YOukou Gushiken, Gori Speed, Falling pipe, Bounding hokey. 沖縄チーム具志堅用高&ゴリ&スピードvs嵐!!▽フォーリングパイプ・バウンドホッケー Arashi fights against Okinawa team. Studio bursts into laughing by air-head of Yoko Gushiken!? How victory or defeat going to be? Today is Okinawa team leading by Speed. Plus one guest of Arashi team if Rie Shibata who is dud on sports. Okinawa team has Yoko Gushiken, former world champion of boxer. Dose his physical strength work well!? First match is “Bound Hokey” Arashi challenge it but they are hardly in total synch. “the order of members is important!” Sho Sakurai learns. But 2nd challenge gets worse!? Okinawa team also faces an uphill battle. But it seems Gushiken had fun. “Can I do it again? “ Next stage is Falling Pipe. Catcher: Eriko Imai, Chooser: Satoshi Ohno. Members of Arashi gives many hints to opposition team. And Ohno gets upset. The method to press button not to show opposition that Ohno invented, throw lucky or unlucky. 2nd round, Catcher: Kazunari Ninomiya, Chooser: Hiroko Shimabukuro. Ninomiya make miracle with usual snubbed style. At Pin Ball Runner. Commanders: Shibata and Masaki Aiba. “looks like dud parent kid” other feel antsy about them. How the result is going to be? 沖縄チームと嵐の対決!具志堅用高のボケっぷりにスタジオ爆笑!?勝敗はいかに? 今回のゲストはSPEED率いる沖縄チーム。嵐チームのプラスワンゲストには、スポーツは全然ダメ!という柴田理恵。沖縄チームには元ボクシング世界チャンピオンの具志堅用高もいるが、その運動神経は功を奏するのか!? 最初の対決は「バウンドホッケー」。チーム全員でパックを手元のフリッパーでバウンドさせながらゴールまで運んでいくゲームだ。嵐チームが挑戦するが、なかなか息が合わない!「これはメンバーの並び順が大事だ!」と櫻井翔も学習するが、2回目の挑戦ではもっと酷いことに!?一方、沖縄チームもパス回しに苦戦するが、具志堅は楽しかったようで「もう一回できない?」ともっとやりたい様子。 次の対決は「フォーリングパイプ」。パイプキャッチは沖縄チームから今井絵理子、パイプチョイスは嵐チームから大野智。嵐のメンバーが相手チームにヒントを与えまくり、大野が怒る。大野が開発したという相手に見破られないボタンの押し方は、吉と出るのか?凶と出るのか?2回目の対戦では、キャッチが二宮和也、チョイスが島袋寛子。二宮がいつものあぐらスタイルでミラクルを起こす!? 「ピンボールランナー」では、嵐チームの司令台に柴田と相葉雅紀が。「ダメ親子みたい」と不安がられるが、結果はいかに!?沖縄チームの司令台には具志堅と新垣仁絵。「数字がちゃんと言えない具志堅さんが非常に不安」とゴリが漏らす。

Ogu-san came to see. S: Do that one, VS Arashi is starting! Ogu-san: VS Arashi is starting! I have to negotiate the guarantee with my agency…/ Bounding Hokey. 2nd round. Aiba-chan switched to Nino’s position. M: I won’t pass you if you mistake several times. A: you mean this is audition? Yes, everyday is audition. / Falling pipe, Narrator: Ohno-san you are more defiant than usual. O: As I feel sleep I get psyched up. Q: Ninomiya-san what is color of your pants today? N: blue, Q: how about yesterday? N: Black. N: I could mover more than usual as I got excited to be asked about my underpants./ Pin ball runner: N: that dud parent kid (Aiba-chan and Shibata-san) /Rolling Coin Tower. S: I think regarding Rolling Coin tower the time I dropped is less than 5 times. Narration he droops 3 times /31 games. S: call me Mr. Rolling Coin tower.

  21:00-23:03Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS 2 hours Special, Tonight VIP room is 2 double bills! Well-known producer, Shinsuke Shimada appear, Shinsuke’s sharp point out so clear, another guest is actor Hiroshi Abe. He gets excited appearance of his favorite xx!? Explose surprising past. Fight against Arashi with game. Answer Arashi popular ratio checking… popular Arashi! Dud Arashi! (changeable) Hiroshi Abe at VIP room, he was stutterer and he has experience to be announcer school. He challenge tongue twister to cure stumble. Naomi Matsushima who sees Abe struggles, she says “caster you can do it, right?” let Sho Sakurai challenge it. (Changeable) ▽今夜のVIP・ROOMは豪華2本立て!▽名プロデューサー・島田紳助が登場▽紳助の鋭いツッコミがさえ渡る▽もう一人のゲストは俳優・阿部寛▽大好きな○○登場に大興奮!?▽驚きの過去を暴露▽嵐とゲームで対決▽モテ度チェックに嵐が回答…モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!(変更有)▽「V.I.P ROOM」に阿部寛が登場。滑舌が悪く、アナウンス学校へ通った経験があるという阿部は、滑舌を矯正する早口言葉に挑戦する。苦戦する阿部を見た松嶋尚美は、「キャスターはできるよね?」と櫻井翔にも挑戦するようにしむける。ほか、「V.I.P ROOM」のもう一人のゲストに島田紳助を迎える。(変更あり)VIP room Shinsuke Shimada and Hiroshi Abe appear. Arashi got nonplused by bullet talk of Shinsuke. Can Arashi disclose hidden face of Hiroshi Abe!? Popular Arashi! Dud Arashi? Who will drop in the icy water? VIP ROOM…島田紳助&阿部寛登場▽紳助の弾丸トークにさすがの嵐もタジタジ▽嵐は阿部寛の知られざる一面を暴けるか!?▽モテ嵐!ダメ嵐!…氷水に突き落とされるのは誰だ!?
As I don’t like Shinsuke-san very much I just ignore his part. Dud Arashi Q1: What is your best seducing word? S: Do we date by now? A: let’s paly! N: none, O: I like you a lot. I’m xx but, let’s xx. N: I don’t think best seducing word doesn’t exist. I say let’s date, but this is not seducing word. S;: damn it! damn it! My basic is this girl is just a friend. So we are getting close and time spend together getting long. That time I propose why don’t we date. A: I don’t like formal way. It’s like can you play with me tomorrow? How about the day after tomorrow. O: I don’t know the seducing word. If you want to date, why you don’t just say your feeling. M: I think all depends on situation. If I want to have dinner, how about have dinner together. (it seems filming time as 11:20 m) Q2. During date you run into ex girl friend what do you do? S: Don’t do anything, A: do double takes . N: don’t do anything, O: greet as usual. M: If ex girl friend noticed me I greet and introduce new girl friend. M: If my girl friend knows my ex. If ex noticed me, I say hi and introduce. This would not happen anything. If they don’t know each other. Each other notice but I don’t introduce. N: If I introduce it would be complicated to explain ex girl friend so I don’t do anything. S: I don’t do rather I talk to new girl friend. This is the way to love not to do anything. A: It seems to close to Matsujun. Once they notice I don’t hid anything. Q.3 What do you do the memorial photo and others if you separate with your girl friend. S: I leave as it it. N: send back to parents’ house. N: I don’t conscious about it. O: I don’t throw away. M: I don’t conscious about it. The reason Nino droped. As he shows to survive innocuously.
22:54-25:58  News Zero    Cluture, dialogue Fujiko Fujio A & Satoshi Ohno

F: your drawing is rather say funky or uber-sense. I was amazed your paintings are excellent./ O: My trigger is like to draw. I got to make light of study. I drew the space of school books. I did it all the time. Seems like we are similar. / F: famous comic writer were at same apartment. We became like brother than rival. I think like you. Arashi, you have 4 of them. To be with them all the time could be very interesting. / O: It’s amazing to create such characters. F: usually comic writer think about story and define each box. But I start drawing from 1st box without thinking story. so my self I don’t know the story development. O: amazing! You draw without knowing. F: my partner is type of serious person he doesn’t do any plays at all, but I’m completely different form him. O: you enjoy out and at last… F: I draw. That’s important. O: Master do you have anything to draw in the future? F: As I got old, world recession. I want to draw the comic to cheer the my age people for the last.
24:38-25:08   drama Kaibutsu-kun complete analysis (repeat) Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Today’s info was internet exceed other media to get news. Hum, well, after all, all wants to know the information. After all there’re various informations. Me, the information I often check is fishing. Before starting fishing I haven’t read anything, even weather forecast, yet. Because I feel it’s okay it rains. It’s okay to be windy. As I started fishing I started to check weather forecast. As it’s windy the boat bears off. As it’s good day, I can feel good, I think various matter. But recently I hardly check weather forecast, yep. it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter, I think. Yes, however it’s windy it’s okay, today, something like that. Recently I don’t read fishing information too. If I read, if I read, anyway… something like that. Yep, it’s April. Still. Yep. It’s impossible, something like that. I do my best to film.

Susumeru Pia, Jun Matsumoto
TV Japan


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
80148 2010-04-16 00:57:00 2010-04-15 15:57:18 Friday 16-Apr-2010

UPDATE I god sad news some one copy my content without noticing me. if you copy this please drop me a line.
Ohoku Twitter, at 4:23 this is second day soon starting.  Torch is full operation in the dark and extreme cold.
Taiyo Sugiura-san’s blog. Live airing of Hanamaru Market has been over. Today’s guest is Masaki Aiba-san of Arashi. It was first time I have a long talk with you. He is very good guy who make me cheer up. He is very easy to talk . I talk to him various matter with him. He gave me an energy drink, Aiba-kun! Thank you! Arashi is best
Yatterman movie on air next week. NTV TV chart as i's first appearance on TV there's special present from Arashi.
Rie Kuwabata (comedian she came Arashi-chan several times) blog, 2 years ago, I think. I went to get my new year cards to my agency with my junior comedian, Haru. She got new year card from Aiba-kun. Me: what? Why new year card from Aiba-kun to you? Haru: I do “maesetsu” (to warm up the show) of Shimura zoo. I wrote a new year card to him. Me: heh!? he returns new year card!? And hand writing! I thought it was really amazing. It’s not her who got new year’s card. Aiba-kun return new year card to young comedian who hardly appears on TV. I understand to write popular talent or seniors but to write young comedian. He feel grateful her who do “maesetsu” of the show. He considers her the team that create the show together. Johnny’s agency is not only about good looking. It was story that 34 years old aunty has great esteem of younger boy.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good morning. It’s staff K. Today is hijack of air. Do you watch performances of prince? Ohno-kun gets psyched up since early morning. Meanwhile, at studio we film the part that Ohno-kun doesn’t appear. Team Kaibutsu-kun is full operation. Yesterday we have been to on site filming after long time, but it was very cold. I made cushion jointed portable warmer. All of cast did own measures against cold. Ohno-kun put blanket from head. Today’s pic is script books actually the scrip book are finished till episode 5.
Yomiuri, pop style. <to say charm of Arashi by a word.> friendly & fresh: 39%, Togetherness: 24%, get cheer up: 21%, have individuality 16% so far at 13:00 of 17 April)
Ohoku Twitter, under light rain, filming progress smoothly. It’s continuously the scene of Mizuno (Nino) and Onobu (Maki-chan) at 09:05 it doesn’t stop raining. As we filming in spite of rain. All of staffs work on provision or rain. Can you pray to stop raining? at 13:21  filming at Mizuno family. Mother of Yunojin Mizuno, Yorinobu Mizuno appears. Dialogue of parent kid is superb.at 15:18
Saturday Arashi yesterday's quote by Nino, Finally... Finally.... Kaibutsu-kun・・・and legends starts.・・・And Arashi den tooNino
Cut, today we got copy. This will be at shops next Monday.
Dogatch, <on demand distribution The History of Our family. > The History of our family starts internet distribution on Fuji TV on demand, even at TV dogwatch starts distribution from 16 April.
Arashi ni Shiyagare web site finally renewal.
Arashi ni Shiyagare web site finally renewal.
Kaibutsu-kun blog. Hi, it’s staff S. hijack of air goes on smoothly. Yesterday we brought tape episode 1. So it will on air safely tomorrow. Before delivery we checked the tape. That time I watched. “Saturday Arashi fist day pre show Kaibutsu-kun soon on air special.” That on air same day 16:00-16:55. It was so fun and cute. Please watch this also real part, the photo is Saturday Arashi’s pins
Yatterman preview with Sho-chan aired today's Friday cinema


Today’s filming is over hope tomorrow it gets clear. at 18:35
Kaibutsu-kun web site Original updated. This about original comic.
1000 dreams staff blog updated. About catering and birthday of Kana Tamotsu san’s BD.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good evening today was Kaibutsu-kun hijack of airing. Thank you for related people and Ohno-kun who worked hard alone Otsukare samadeshita. At news every. It was out door, (photo)

5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Satoshi Ohno Hatori-san: Morning O: Morning. H: What’s the ear? O: don’t touch. Q: How did you feel you get offer of Kaibutsu-kun? O: at first I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was a lie. Q: what was lie? O: I didn’t believe I could be Kaibutsu-kun. H: At first you said “30 years old Kaibutsu-kun okay.” O: Is okay? H: no problem at all. H: you are in cute out fit at previous drama. No problem at all. O: good. H; Are you awake? O: a little. H: But as Ohno-kun, this is awake./ H: How is it to do special make up? O: at first I was sleepy I don’t remember the beginning. H: every time you make-up and film, make-up and film right? O: Right first filming was like that. Q: ears are single use? O: this is single use. I will get when it will be over. I hope I can create something. H: How log to remove make up? O: 30-40minutes. Q: can you talk with special makeup? O: but it’s slightly hard. I have uncomfortable feeling a bit. H: how is special make up ( in monster land one) O: I can see who he is. Q: You film in Ikuta studio. You go to canteen in this out fit. H: what gaiety canteen./ H: how is Arashi-den. The past you hardly to know, there. There’s past of member I didn’t know. H: I was there. All were surprised. What is interesting about filming? O: all are fun. There’re strange people too.
8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Satoshi Ohno
10:25-11:30 PON!, NTV Satoshi Ohno


O: I liked Warau Sales man too. Q: how is becoming Kaibutsu-kun? O: well, special make-up, ears and… I got used to. Q: you look good. O: Am I look okay? Q: it’s okay how can I deny tomorrow is on air day. Q: I heard you will collect these ears and create something. O:I hope I can make as these are thrown away I want to do something with them. Q: There’s illustration that Master Fujiko Fujio A drew for Ohno-san. O: I was please. This fortune of my life. / today’s sweet Pineapple juice. O: I like it. I don’t why. I drink this everyday. I like the word of Pineapple, Pineapple isn’t good? I like the word and taste. I only drink this juice. / full monty game. Q: what do you want to tell to Arashi’s members. O: after all they are unique. Q: however at beginning of they show you talk for long time however I was guest I was not called for long time (VS Arashi) O: I ‘m fully satisfied if they are healthy. Q: what do you do if you become Keisuke Okada. O: I wan to be turned off with abandon. Q: When you get up in the morning. If you become a girl what will you do first? O: I try to look at. / cast. O: at drama scene of piggyback ride by Franken, on reflection he is same as mine. He thinks me a son.
11:55-13:55 Don! NTV Satoshi Ohno  I accidently deleted the recording
13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Satoshi Ohno

Miyane: You perfectly become Kaibutsu-kun. O: I did it. How do I look? Do I look nice. M: you suit the image of Kaibutsu-kun. How do you feel? I feel younger. Q: Do you have any particular difficult part? O: well, I hardly extend my arms. The preparation of persona was difficult. / Ueshima-san: next year I turn to 50. Don’t talk on too-familiar terms to me without polite language. Choi Hong Man: O-chan. Otsukare samadesu. Let’s work hard together. M: Hong Man-san is sweet. O: yes he is. He recently got O-chan. He always say O-chan. ? O: All are good persons, however I talk on too-familiar terms. /O: Miyane-san You like me, right? M: I like, I don’t know why I’m interested in you. so O-chan by Choi Hong Man make me jealous a little. I want to call O-chan. O: Please do so. Is it OK I call you Miyane. M: next week Matsujun comes. I wan him to do something. What do you think is the best? O: He is good at imitation of me. As I have never seen it. (seems he force to do that..) /message to Matsujun: when I see Matsujun, you are always eating. Don’t eat too much.
16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV all
17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Satoshi Ohno

Q: you must be tired today. O: I'm here since 5 am but I had a nap.

18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Well, Err.. Drama “Kaibutsu-kun”. Theme song is sung by Arashi, right? new tune. This title is Monster. Yep. Surprising. So me, from tomorrow finally on air. Kaibutsu-kun’s, err…drama. I think there’re quite a lot of elements to enjoy. Although or, it’s fun to do, yep. Err…. After all live action of animation. Err… amazing, characters of all are enormously deep, yep. So that costume, special make-up, its fun, errs… tempo is quite fast. looks good. I don’ have nothing tell you the rest… Story is fun, it’s quite humane drama, yep. Special make up and other really… err…monsters’ special make-up in monster land and in the human world, errr…..of Kaibutsu-kun? are different. Completely. And special make-up in the monster land you don’t know who I am. It’s me! Right. I tell you it’s me. I do such special make up. That took 2 hours half, that special make-up you can see craggy me, he, he, he. I don’t know if you can enjoy from beginning. Err. So go back home at 9 pm at all rates

24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso Today we can play monster, How was song? Can you sing Chika-san. C: moooonster! (it’s very bad as STBY) Monster it seems full version aired? / dream at 13 years old. A: I wanted to be Basketball player or Chinese food. Pepper steak C: you mean cook of Chinese food? Yes. When I was 7th grade I broke bone of left hand. I had a plaster cast. It took long time, 6 month as complex fracture. I broke first part of 7th grade. So when I could move it was latter part of 7th grade. I participated game of 7th grade, I thought I would be a basket ball player. / Q: Do you run into member in the street? A: I often go same shop as Sho-chan for food and cloth. I run into him once. As we came separated group we ate with own group of friends. But in the end Sho-chan came to me say “see you tomorrow.” / small happiness. Before falling sleep, when I go to bed with only my underpants. I like the texture of my skin intertangles with comforter. I feel so happy.

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"   Book in Book Satoshi Ohno (8 pages) Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Kazunari Ninomiya


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
□ Muhi, AIba-chan pop at drag store
Upcomings here 

Recent audience rate here

public 0
80515 2010-04-16 18:38:00 2010-04-16 09:38:08 Upcoming TV shows and Magaznine 19 April~

4/19 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/19 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/19 21:00-21:54 Sekai marumie! TV special investigation NTV Masaki Aiba Latest Korean gourmet. exceed extra hot, extra hard hot food. At studio Mahashiro HIgashiyama and Maskaki Aiba of Arashi fight for the first and last time. tear by"serious, extra hot food match" 超爆笑!最新ホームビデオ!/超激辛!韓国グルメ大汗大涙/超迫力!巨大クジラ南海の死闘/超奇跡!巨大飛行機エンジン停止の怪事件/超芸術!たけしフランス個展の全貌! ①決定的な爆笑の瞬間!ホームビデオ最新版②韓国最新グルメ!激辛を超えた超激辛料理スタジオでは東山紀之と嵐・相葉雅紀が最初で最後の“ガチンコ激辛料理対決”で大涙!③“モリ一本”だけで巨大マッコウクジラに挑む漁師たちに密着!スタジオにも原寸大のクジラを再現!④上空1万メートルで謎の光に包まれた巨大飛行機!更にエンジン停止!だが、絶体絶命の瞬間“奇跡”が起こった!⑤北野たけしフランスでの個展を独占取材!
4/19  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/20 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/20 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/20  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV
4/21 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/21 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/21  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV
4/22 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
4/22 15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun (repeat) NTV Satoshi Ohno
4/22 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV Guest is Team Batista 2 Atsushi Ito, Tohru Nakamura, Ai Kato Hiroyoki Kinoshita, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Miho Shiraishi. At Falling Pipe. Matsujun and Nakamura fight. Nakamura plans to asprawl catch the pipe. But he worried about image of actor “If I can take such pose.” And challenge catch taking cool pose cross-legged. Face off of New drama “Team Batista 2 triumph of General Rouge “team and Arashi team. Arashi’s plus one guest is 2 of Kyaiin. First stage “Bounding Hockey” Hiroyuki Kinoshita gives nick names to members and judge the team work. Tohru Nakamura called as “Tohrucchi” does nice play! The other hand Arashi team’s pass work was jumbled. Udo Suzuki who is nearly get rattled all the time, Arashi points out “Udo-chan, why!?” Next stage is “Jungle bingo” Batista tem show excellent team work, studio gets roar. Arashi team tries not to lose. Jun Matsumoto plans “Let’s approach the edge.” Udo got panic. But unexpectedly miracle happens!? At Falling Pipe. Catcher: Nakamura, Chooser: Matsumoto. Nakamura challenge by original position! Close battle continued!▽火10ドラマの伊藤淳史,仲村トオル加藤あい,木下隆行,戸次重幸,白石美帆と対戦!!ほか▽ゲストは伊藤淳史、仲村トオル、TKO・木下隆行ら「チーム・バチスタ2―」チーム。「フォーリングパイプ」では、仲村が松本潤と対戦。仲村は寝そべってパイプを取る作戦を立てる。だが、「こんな格好をしていいんだろうか」と俳優としてのイメージを気に掛け、足を組んで格好をつけながらキャッチに挑む。新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2」チームと嵐の対決!最後まで勝敗の見えない接戦続き! 今回のゲストは、4月新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2 ジェネラル・ルージュの凱旋」チーム。嵐のプラスワンゲストは、キャイ~ンの2人。 最初の対決「バウンドホッケー」で、早速バチスタチームの木下隆行がメンバーにあだ名をつけ、チームワークを図る。「トオルっち」と呼ばれた仲村トオルのナイスプレーが光る!一方、嵐チームはパスワークが乱れる。終始バタバタと慌て気味のウド鈴木に「ウドちゃん、どうして!?」と嵐からツッコミが。 続いての対決は「ジャングルビンゴ」。巨大立体迷路の天井が5×5のビンゴになっており、迷路の中から天井のマスを開けてどこか一列揃えばクリア!クリアまでの時間を競うタイムレースだ。バチスタチームは素晴らしいチームワークを見せ、スタジオからも大拍手が湧く。嵐チームもそれに負けじと松本潤が「端から攻めない?」と作戦を練る。ウドがパニックに陥るが、ここでまさかのミラクルが!? 「フォーリングパイプ」では、パイプキャッチは仲村、パイプチョイスが松本という対決。仲村はオリジナルスタイルの体勢で挑む!最後までどちらが勝つのか読めない接戦が続く!
4/22no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
4/22 19:56-20:54 Gurugurn Nitynine, NTV   Satoshi Ohno Gochi ninarimasu guest is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi appears. Taichi Kokubun VS Satoshi Ohno!? ▽ゲストに嵐・大野智が登場!“ゴチになります11”▽国分太一VS大野!?ジャニーズ戦争ぼっ発かほか Gochi 11 held hosting Satoshi Ohno, delux Original CHinese food match. shellfish gathering game.大野智を迎えて“ゴチ11”を開催!▽高級創作中国料理対決▽潮干狩りゲーム ほか
4/22  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV
4/23 5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Hatori-san x Arashi
4/23 8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 10:25-11:30 Ommokiri Pon, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 11:55-13:55 Ommoikiri Don! NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV All
4/23 17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/23 Yatterman NTV  Sho Sakurai
4/23  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV
4/24 5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/24 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Jun Matsumoto
4/24  19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
4/24 21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
4/24 21:56-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare totally new show appears on Saturday 22 o’clock. Arashi at the pinnacle of popularity challenge this show is insane by some way, no controlled plan entertainment variety! Arashi challenges the show ad-lib without knowing “who is guest” and “what to do with guest”. “The set “ (draft) ad-lib entertainment by Arashi vs Aniki-guest, the core of segment is “the set “ is plant to learn the professional area by different guest of each week. The seguemet that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thelling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week! [Example] in the case aniki-guest is big name skit comedian: injecting skit with skit set. In the case big name of traditional comic story teller: injecting “Rakugo” traditional coming telling. In the case of big name of Kabuki actor: injecting Kabuki with Kabuki set etc. So like this, this is talk & entertainment show that Arashi challenges ad-lib professional area and plays set for each big name aniki- guest.土曜22時に人気絶頂「嵐」を迎えたまったく新しい番組が登場!人気絶頂の「嵐」がこの番組で挑むのは、ある意味“非常識”な“予定調和一切なし”のエンターテインメントバラエティです!メンバー5人は、「ゲストが誰なのか?」「そのゲストと何をするのか?」を何も知らされず、<即興>で番組に臨みます。【嵐VS.アニキゲスト】の即興エンターテインメント「ザ・セット」(仮)番組の軸となるコーナーは、毎週異なるアニキゲストから“プロの領域”を学ぶ「ザ・セット」(仮)を予定!ゲストによって毎回セットが異なるこのコーナー。ある時は「寄席」セット、またある時は「コント」セット、そしてまたある時は「ひな壇」セット・・・。これは、毎週登場する“その道のプロ”である「アニキゲスト」から、嵐5人に「エンターテインメントな技」を、<即興>で注入してもらうため!例)アニキゲストが大物コント芸人の場合・・・コントセットで「コント」を注入!大物落語家の場合・・・寄席セットで「落語」を注入!大物歌舞伎役者の場合・・・歌舞伎の舞台セットで「歌舞伎」を注入!etc・・・・・・といった具合に、毎週訪れる大物アニキゲスト用に用意されたセット上で、嵐がプロの領域に<即興>で挑み、遊ぶ、トーク&エンターテインメント企画です。
4/26  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/29 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
4/29 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Outlet Mall Mannequin Five, general people vote for fashionable Arashi


4/9 Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
4/13 VS Arashi
4/19 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/27 VS Arashi
4/28 Himitsu no Arashi-chan

4/11 13:00-15:00 Kaibutsu-kun

New-year 2011 Spring 2011GANTZ
Kazunari Ninomiya  Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard.
10/1/2010 Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya mysterious epidemic sweeps over men, Ed, age of Tokugawa, (1608-1868) 80% of man in Japan dead and the population decreased only one-quart of female population. It was reverse world all of important work is done by women and men sell their bodies. The sumptuous place in such an age. It was ohoku the place where 3000 beautiful men serve one female shogun, paradise of men, no women admitted… now a young guy opens its door.

Kimito miru sen no yume  Masaki Aiba at Tokyo Globe Theatre

Aiba-san’s role Ikebe Haruya Former pianist son and heir of shoes shop. One day commercial district of province. son and heir of Ikebe shoes shop that sales Geta and Zouri (traditional Japanese shoes) He graduated well known Music College in Tokyo, he aimed for pianist. But last year he retuned to his home town at death of his mother in order to follow in his father's footsteps. It happened just before important piano competition. Currently he trains to create Zouri under his father. But the relationship of father-son is not favorable. The cold war is still continued.
5/2 19:00
5/3 13:00 & 18 :00
5/5 13:00 & 18 :00
5/6 14:00 & 19:00
5/7 13:00
5/8 13:00 & 18 :00
5/9 13:00 & 18 :00
5/10 19:00
5/12 13:00
5/14 13:00
5/15 13:00 & 18 :00
5/16 13:00 & 18 :00
5/17 19:00
5/19 14:00 & 19:00
5/20 14:00 & 19:00
5/21 13:00
5/22 13:00 & 18 :00
5/23 13:00 & 18 :00
5/24 13:00





5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
21:00-21:54 Sekai marumie! TV special investigation NTV Masaki Aiba Latest Korean gourmet. exceed extra hot, extra hard hot food. At studio Mahashiro HIgashiyama and Maskaki Aiba of Arashi fight for the first and last time. tear by"serious, extra hot food match" 超爆笑!最新ホームビデオ!/超激辛!韓国グルメ大汗大涙/超迫力!巨大クジラ南海の死闘/超奇跡!巨大飛行機エンジン停止の怪事件/超芸術!たけしフランス個展の全貌! ①決定的な爆笑の瞬間!ホームビデオ最新版②韓国最新グルメ!激辛を超えた超激辛料理スタジオでは東山紀之と嵐・相葉雅紀が最初で最後の“ガチンコ激辛料理対決”で大涙!③“モリ一本”だけで巨大マッコウクジラに挑む漁師たちに密着!スタジオにも原寸大のクジラを再現!④上空1万メートルで謎の光に包まれた巨大飛行機!更にエンジン停止!だが、絶体絶命の瞬間“奇跡”が起こった!⑤北野たけしフランスでの個展を独占取材!
22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


CUT Satoshi Ohno

House Foods, Tongari Corn, all

Himitsu no Arashi-chan


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Tuesday 20-Apr-2010


5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

 Non-no serial “2/Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya

Arashi ni Shiyagare



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Wednesday 21-Apr-2010


5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


 Weekly The Television  Cover: Arashi.
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin”  Kazunari Ninomiya x Masaki Aiba
Shonen Sunday spring Arashi. First appearance 5 tech the key about coolness. Pin-up poster. All of 5 key for coolness of guy, party and casual photo, and gorgeous long interview.


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here 

Thursday 22-Apr-2010


TV  no Himitsu no Arashi-chan
5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV
15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun (repeat) NTV Satoshi Ohno
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV Guest is Team Batista 2 Atsushi Ito, Tohru Nakamura, Ai Kato Hiroyoki Kinoshita, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Miho Shiraishi. At Falling Pipe. Matsujun and Nakamura fight. Nakamura plans to asprawl catch the pipe. But he worried about image of actor “If I can take such pose.” And challenge catch taking cool pose cross-legged. Face off of New drama “Team Batista 2 triumph of General Rouge “team and Arashi team. Arashi’s plus one guest is 2 of Kyaiin. First stage “Bounding Hockey” Hiroyuki Kinoshita gives nick names to members and judge the team work. Tohru Nakamura called as “Tohrucchi” does nice play! The other hand Arashi team’s pass work was jumbled. Udo Suzuki who is nearly get rattled all the time, Arashi points out “Udo-chan, why!?” Next stage is “Jungle bingo” Batista tem show excellent team work, studio gets roar. Arashi team tries not to lose. Jun Matsumoto plans “Let’s approach the edge.” Udo got panic. But unexpectedly miracle happens!? At Falling Pipe. Catcher: Nakamura, Chooser: Matsumoto. Nakamura challenge by original position! Close battle continued!▽火10ドラマの伊藤淳史,仲村トオル加藤あい,木下隆行,戸次重幸,白石美帆と対戦!!ほか▽ゲストは伊藤淳史、仲村トオル、TKO・木下隆行ら「チーム・バチスタ2―」チーム。「フォーリングパイプ」では、仲村が松本潤と対戦。仲村は寝そべってパイプを取る作戦を立てる。だが、「こんな格好をしていいんだろうか」と俳優としてのイメージを気に掛け、足を組んで格好をつけながらキャッチに挑む。新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2」チームと嵐の対決!最後まで勝敗の見えない接戦続き! 今回のゲストは、4月新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2 ジェネラル・ルージュの凱旋」チーム。嵐のプラスワンゲストは、キャイ~ンの2人。 最初の対決「バウンドホッケー」で、早速バチスタチームの木下隆行がメンバーにあだ名をつけ、チームワークを図る。「トオルっち」と呼ばれた仲村トオルのナイスプレーが光る!一方、嵐チームはパスワークが乱れる。終始バタバタと慌て気味のウド鈴木に「ウドちゃん、どうして!?」と嵐からツッコミが。 続いての対決は「ジャングルビンゴ」。巨大立体迷路の天井が5×5のビンゴになっており、迷路の中から天井のマスを開けてどこか一列揃えばクリア!クリアまでの時間を競うタイムレースだ。バチスタチームは素晴らしいチームワークを見せ、スタジオからも大拍手が湧く。嵐チームもそれに負けじと松本潤が「端から攻めない?」と作戦を練る。ウドがパニックに陥るが、ここでまさかのミラクルが!? 「フォーリングパイプ」では、パイプキャッチは仲村、パイプチョイスが松本という対決。仲村はオリジナルスタイルの体勢で挑む!最後までどちらが勝つのか読めない接戦が続く!
19:56-20:54 Gurugurn Nitynine, NTV   Satoshi Ohno Gochi ninarimasu guest is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi appears. Taichi Kokubun VS Satoshi Ohno!? ▽ゲストに嵐・大野智が登場!“ゴチになります11”▽国分太一VS大野!?ジャニーズ戦争ぼっ発かほか Gochi 11 held hosting Satoshi Ohno, delux Original CHinese food match. shellfish gathering game.大野智を迎えて“ゴチ11”を開催!▽高級創作中国料理対決▽潮干狩りゲーム ほか
  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Fujin Koron Masaki Aiba x Keiko Miyata.
Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san 


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Friday 23-Apr-2010


5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Hatori-san x Arashi
8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
10:25-11:30 Ommokiri Pon, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
11:55-13:55 Ommoikiri Don! NTV Jun Matsumoto 
13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV All
17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Jun Matsumoto 
18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
Yatterman NTV  Sho Sakurai
22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  
Myojo, cover: Arashi, serial "Arashi ato"
Masaki Aiba
Pia EX Masaki Aiba
Anan Satoshi Ohno about blood type, daily matter and myself 血液型のこと、日々のこと自分自身のこと・・・


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Saturday 24-Apr-2010


  5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Jun Matsumoto 
  19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Jun Matsumoto
  19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
  21:56-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare totally new show appears on Saturday 22 o’clock. Arashi at the pinnacle of popularity challenge this show is insane by some way, no controlled plan entertainment variety! Arashi challenges the show ad-lib without knowing “who is guest” and “what to do with guest”. “The set “ (draft) ad-lib entertainment by Arashi vs Aniki-guest, the core of segment is “the set “ is plant to learn the professional area by different guest of each week. The seguemet that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thelling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week! [Example] in the case aniki-guest is big name skit comedian: injecting skit with skit set. In the case big name of traditional comic story teller: injecting “Rakugo” traditional coming telling. In the case of big name of Kabuki actor: injecting Kabuki with Kabuki set etc. So like this, this is talk & entertainment show that Arashi challenges ad-lib professional area and plays set for each big name aniki- guest.土曜22時に人気絶頂「嵐」を迎えたまったく新しい番組が登場!人気絶頂の「嵐」がこの番組で挑むのは、ある意味“非常識”な“予定調和一切なし”のエンターテインメントバラエティです!メンバー5人は、「ゲストが誰なのか?」「そのゲストと何をするのか?」を何も知らされず、<即興>で番組に臨みます。【嵐VS.アニキゲスト】の即興エンターテインメント「ザ・セット」(仮)番組の軸となるコーナーは、毎週異なるアニキゲストから“プロの領域”を学ぶ「ザ・セット」(仮)を予定!ゲストによって毎回セットが異なるこのコーナー。ある時は「寄席」セット、またある時は「コント」セット、そしてまたある時は「ひな壇」セット・・・。これは、毎週登場する“その道のプロ”である「アニキゲスト」から、嵐5人に「エンターテインメントな技」を、<即興>で注入してもらうため!例)アニキゲストが大物コント芸人の場合・・・コントセットで「コント」を注入!大物落語家の場合・・・寄席セットで「落語」を注入!大物歌舞伎役者の場合・・・歌舞伎の舞台セットで「歌舞伎」を注入!etc・・・・・・といった具合に、毎週訪れる大物アニキゲスト用に用意されたセット上で、嵐がプロの領域に<即興>で挑み、遊ぶ、トーク&エンターテインメント企画です。

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5

GQ coever: all
TV station
TV Fun
TV Navi, prep & revision of Himitsu no Arashi-chan
Monthely the television, serial "monthly Arashi", serial "Memorial 10"


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Sunday 25-Apr-2010



22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked

Mon:22:54-23:58  News Zero Sho Sakurai NTV (live)
Thr: 19:00-19:54 VS Arashi FTV 22:00-22:54  Himitsu  no Arashi-chan  TBS
Sat: 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba,
22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare
9:30-14:00 to check Osama no Branch TBS, Countdown TV etc

Regular Radio programs

Mon: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Tue: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Wed: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Thr: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Fri: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, 24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso 
Sat: 10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5
Sun: 22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked

every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
5th:  Non-no 2/ Arashi
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd:  Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television  (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

Arashi Anniversary

25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto  agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982

public 0
80713 2010-04-16 23:15:00 2010-04-16 14:15:50 Saturday 17-Apr-2010

Hochi, <Interview with Ohno of Arashi published on Sports Hocho dated 17.> Satoshi Ohno (29) of Arashi who stars Kaibutsu-kun starts on 17 “invades” Hochi entertainment news pages. We close up mind of out-of-this-world hero about his thought of persona, future of Arashi, his view on marriage
Dogatch <What is matter that changed Kazunari Ninomiya’s decision? “1st night of Saturday Arashi t, Arashi Den”> 1st night of Saturday Arashi. review 10 years of Arashi who has grown up as Best artist of Japan in reality and in name by treasured video. How each of 5 pursued last 10 years. Is this so?! 10 years of Arashi, introduced as Arashi den. Each member’s turning point of life is introduced video from the fresh image at debut, drama, movie, concert images, and restaging drama adding catch line of each character. And give present to each person the quiz according to video. What is content? And also as special show of Arashi They perform Monster, theme song of Kaibutsu-kun for the first time. Is it so!? Arashi Sakurai by Sakurai. What was the encounter of artist that gave him big impact? Is it so!? Arashi Sakurai by Aiba, Aiba who is leader of Arashi making hack at variety show. But that time he was bad at that part…. Who is extra big name comedian who changed him? Is it so!? Arashi Sakurai by Ninomiya. Ninomiya who has already decided to quite agency, what is the matter to changed his mind? Is it so!? Arashi Sakurai by Matsumoto, Matsumoto who is Mr. Stoic of Arashi. His performance of concert hits the wall! Who is world charismatic being effects him
Yoshitomo Nara-san’s blog. A break, I did Kaibutsu-kun’s maniac quiz and my accuracy rate was 90%... I didn’t know how to read actor’s name… I can’t wait to watch Kaibutsu-kun I prefer Mr. ‘s A’s story (Fujiko Fujio A) that has humidity that Mr. F (Fujiko F Fujio, writer of dramemon) that is like dreaming story. Give me one of ears of Kaibutsu-kun! At 4:34 Tomorrow is Kaibutsu-kun, Cut sales day is Monday. 21:20
Ohoku Twitter, it has started today. It’s get clear your thoughts extended. It’s comfortable coldness. (Tokyo is still rainy and partially snowy. So filming in Kyoto??)
Captain TV blog, reencounter Kaibutsu-kun、Kaai Kai kai! Have you heard this melody? So Kaibutsu-kun starts in live action. So I visit Satoshi Ohno-san who do leading role. The place is Midoriyama Studio (TBS’s one) We usually go to Ikuta studio. So Midoriyama studio is first time. At interval of drama filming we started interview. However he filmed since early morning. He talked about highlight of drama, episodes about cast etc. That time Ueshima san breaks in and interview heats up. Both get along very well. They have a great chemistry and they enjoy each other's company. He challenges the game that if you draw the king you win. He drew the king at 1st round. Prince power blows up. He pleased “Oh” hooray! “ This time Dabear wears same cap with him. When he saw Dabear, ”Oh! Same!” he smiles.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good morning. It’s staff A. Today we visit Zoom in Saturday. The spicy atmosphere different from drama. Exterior of studio many people gathered in spite of rain.
Nishida-san (script writer) blog, finally today at 9pm Kaibutsu-kun starts. It’s been 2 years. Before writing Mao, the meeting with producer live-action of Kaibutsu-kun finally realizes. This piece I try to write that young and old enjoy. Drama Kaibutsu-kun that created by charming casts and energetic staffs please watch it.
Kaibutsu-kun web site, Original goods present page updated.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Hi, it’s staff A finally this evening at 9pm episode 1 of Kaibutsu-kun on air. Episode 1 that is full of casts and staffs thought. Please watch it. Another blog it’s staff K. Finally we are here. 45 minutes to go. Are you ready?
Tomoko Fujita-san’s blog. This is cherry blossom near by rehearsal place.

5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Satoshi Ohno NTV rumored Arashi good that heardly get入手困難!うわさの嵐グッズ▽Orista feuture Arashi. 300 people make queue to gets Kaibutsu-kun goods. It's rare to be sold a lot before starting drama at NTV
12:00-13:00 Meringue no kimochi, NTV Sho Sakurai Satoshi Ohno 嵐・櫻井VS大野…爆笑嵐の秘密暴露合戦 20100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00021535920100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00023786720100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00042503620100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00045119520100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00046704420100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00048963420100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00053965020100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00061137520100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00086143020100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00096042920100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00103280120100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00103513720100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00115182020100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00123483620100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00136680620100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00136940920100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00164013620100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00172352620100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_00297957320100417-120000-4ch-1.mpg_002982443

Training. I do once every week since last summer/ Anan, photographer was male. he make ambience. I took off buttons of shirts one by one. / Vancouver, volunteer guy called me "Quiz Show!" I wondered it was me. Japanese were there too, but they waved saying "Aiba-chan!"  It was very cold I didn't know how to report this coldness I just let have running nose. / souvenirs 1st time of Vancouver was knit hat, 2nd time was gloves. message of O-chan, knit hat I could wear but other 3 couldn't as it was too small. and gloves was written Canada not Vancouver. S: I couldn't get 4 caps for adult so 3 were for kids. and Olympic gloves were sold out I got this at hotel. BD present I got from Aiba-chan: golf shoes, From Matsujun, T-shirts.  Ninomiya and Ohno are pending. i actually but the BD presents in gross for N, O & A gave to them December. strange souvenir is T-cut written Atami from Ohno./ trademark phrase of Aiba-chan when he get drunk "I'm happy to be Arashi." / filming talk show for 1 hour half Ono said when it was over "Oh! I forgot to talk." / message from O-chan. Sho-chan like curry. when he eats it he sweat a lot just having bath or shower. I took photo of it twice. message to Sho-kun. Otukaresama, you did hard work doing drama and Vancouver. You always smile without showing tired face.  I honestly like you a lot.
16:00-16:55    Saturday Arashi fist day pre show Kaibutsu-kun soon open.Satoshi Ohno Complete analysis of Kaibutsu-kun遂に今夜9時からスタートする嵐・大野智主演の新土曜ドラマ「怪物くん」を完全分析!「怪物くん」の魅力が凝縮された60分!解禁寸前の極秘情報が満載!
19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno measurement of physical fitness by Ohno-kun & Pan-kun,amazing phy Aiba beaste of 300km/ h. 大野くん&パンくんが“春の体力測定大会” 相葉時速300キロ猛獣   嵐の大野くんがパンくんと体力測定対決!パンくんの驚異の運動能力に大野くんは!? さらに相葉くんは時速300キロで空を飛ぶ猛獣を楽しませる為 上空100メートルに浮かぶすごいシステムを発明!
19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV special guest Satoshi Ohno あなたの知らない物の運び方!魚を眠らせて鮮度を保つ驚き運搬!国宝阿修羅像を傷つけずに運ぶスゴ技とは?▽大好評!武田鉄矢先生の漢字ミステリー!踊る姿が元になって出来た意外な漢字とは?▽花粉症・肌荒れ・ストレス・体のトラブル改善に役立つ!乳製品の正しいとり方公開!簡単(秘)チーズ料理で体の免疫力をアップ!嵐の大野くんも大絶賛!ラーメン&ヨーグルト
21:00-21:54 Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno it’s world faraway from human world. The place the ones that additional evolve has continued success originally. That name is monster land. “Hurrah! Hurrah! Enthronement of new king hurrah!” the castle dominant in the center of monster land. The roar of thousands monsters packed there. “Well, we start ceremony of enthronement of new king, monster Taro, we celebrate ceremony of enthronement! At first the word from Big king….” “….. This is no ceremony of enthronement, this is ceremony of departure. Go Taro.” “Err, dad, I don’t understand what you mean.” Big king of monster wields the scepter to Kaibutsu-kun. That moment a lightning flashed in the sky. The thunder hits Kaibutsu-kun. “ahhhh!” At last in front of Kaibutsu-kun who has been pulled back to consciousness, there’s human world there. そこは、人間界から遠く離れた世界。人類より更なる進化を遂げた者達が独自の繁栄を続けてきた場所。……その名は怪物ランド。「バンザーイ! バンザーイ! 新大王様ご即位バンザーイ!」怪物ランドの中央にそびえ建つ怪物城。そこにつめかけた何万もの怪物達から歓声があがっている。「それではこれより、新大王・怪物太郎様、ご即位の儀を執り行う!まずは、大王様よりお言葉を……」「……これは即位の儀ではない、旅立ちの儀だ。行け太郎!」「あのパパ、意味分かんないんだけど」そう言う怪物くんに向かって杖を振りかざす怪物大王。その瞬間、空に稲光が走り、雷が怪物くんに命中した!「あああああ!」
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  22:00- Arashi Den, NTV Long waited show “Arashi ni shiyagare” stared in the height attention degree, we do special show to increase anticipated value to maximum to lead TV viewers to first episode. The content is… review 10 years of Arashi who has grown up as Best artist of Japan in reality and in name by treasured video. How each of 5 pursued last 10 years. Is this so?! 10 years of Arashi, introduced as Arashi den. Each member’s turning point of life is introduced video from the fresh image at debut, drama, movie, concert images, and restaging drama adding catch line of each character. And also as special show of Arashi They perform Monster, theme song of Kaibutsu-kun for the first time. Getting to know of fun and unknown episode of Arashi, you can’t help watching new show “Arashi ni shiyagare” we press ahead with special show of intensive push!
4月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00194月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00214月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00224月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00234月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00244月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00284月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00304月17日22時0分 日本テレビ_00354月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00024月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00034月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00064月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00074月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00084月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00094月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00114月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00124月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00144月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00154月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00184月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00214月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00234月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00244月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00254月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00264月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00274月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00294月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00304月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00324月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00344月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00374月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00384月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00434月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00444月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00464月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00474月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00484月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00494月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00514月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_00534月17日22時30分 日本テレビ_0057

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5 Today’s is 17 of April. Today Ohno-kun starring Kaibutsu-kun is starting! you can hear Theme song is Monster, I will play monster later/ mail: Dear Matsuzun, Franken’s line “funger“ this is French (actually it’s German…) Do you know the meaning? M: actually why it’s Zun? I think it’s hungry. (He opens the letter, M: ah, tear the paper…) Oh I got it! mail. Matuzun I always cheer you! M: I wonder why Matsuzun. Actually it’s Matsujun. (I call him Zun as well.) / Fasio in Taipei. Mail: I have been to Taipei. The other day I could see Jun-kun every where. A Taiwanese sent me picture of street of ad Fasio and card signed by 20 people. I didn’t know that is aired in Taiwan too. I keep working Fasio, in Taipei too. / This time our leader’s drama song Monster, When did we record? I have impression pretty recent. It was like beginning of March. This is how to say. Changes tempo, has unique view of world, different dimension, such king of image. It’s slightly strange tune. I have danced a lot. Until I wondered if I could danced this. We did until 5 of morning. So we perform at 1st night of Saturday Arashi, Arashi Den. Please watch this thinking we have done till 5 am. Actually you don’t need to. 1 (Zun, played Monster full version) / closing, today Kaibutsu-kun and Arashi Den please watch, this show traces our history and we perform Monster too. and also.... well, I talk about this next week. I'm looking forward to Kaibutsu-kun a lot. I try not to see the pages of Kaibutsu-kun as I want to watch with my first impression.

Nikkan Sports Saturday Johnny's Satoshi Ohno
Hochi Satoshi Ohno


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.


Upcomings here
public 0
80933 2010-04-18 02:20:00 2010-04-17 17:20:17 Sunday 18-Apr-2010

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good evening, it’s staff S. Thank you for watching episode 1. It’s been awhile since airing. I’m surprised it’s been awhile since airing but so many people still wrote their feedback. It’s already over 700. Our cast and staffs will do our best to make better piece in even the slightest terms.
Kaibutsu-kun web site maniac quiz updated.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s Friday’s blog. (1000 dreams cast) Setting photo.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s yesterday’s blog.(Kaibutsu-kun’s cast) how was it? Have you enjoyed? I watched at home. As there’s CG added I couldn’t see at filming I got into watching. I’m glad if you enjoy watching. Then next week, Utako get various troubles ((((゜д゜;)))) Please look forward to it. As I have filming tomorrow too. I go to bed(-_-)zzz
Yoshimoto Nara-san’s blog Choi Hong Man, he is good, I will watch next week at 22:40 certainly gardening of Franken was good. That subtleness had Showa era atmosphere◎!I expect each extra story about Franken, Dracula and Wolf Man. Ohno-kun fit his ears and grumpy character◎◎◎ at0:20 I read almost all of twit to me, there’s many Arashi fans seeing their icons. I’m glad it’s like I ‘m so popular too at 1:45 come to that there’s Kaibutsu-kun at the toilet of this studio photo at 2;30 I wonder Kaiko-chan doesn’t appears. 2:40. Kaiko-can reminds me Kaela Kimura-chan. I wonder this time original story. As I know the original if it wouldn’t so I can enjoy more.2:50: Funger ( I back to work)at3:05 The CG of Kaibutsu-kun was the person who came Aomori to see my paintings!!! It’s a fate. at06:10
Ohoku Twitter. Today’s filming was over. The site is peaceful. Tomorrow also Mizuno works. At 01:02 Today’s filming has started. at 09:06
2nd NTV Zoom in cast talk about Kaibutsu-kun. Hatori: Ohno-kun hasn’t watched animation version. Mori: Ohno-kun is same age as us. H: he must be at fishing. / H: How do you think, Ikegami-san. It’s about Arashi, an idol group. I (he was NHK reporter): I did show with Sakurai-kun. H: How is Ohno-kun. He is slightly has original ambience. I: He is very unique. H: in the end you get along smoothly. I: that sleepy part, I could sympathize.
J-web Prince Satoshi-no Hitotoki, HiIt was started Prince Satoshi-kun no HitotokKaibutsu-kun starts tonight at 9pm So I will bring you inside story and various photos At first this (Kaibutsu-kun’s cap) tit just fits  I will invite to you the world of Kaibutsu-kun from today with this item  Well Please enjoy episode 4.17.10 Satoshi

Umezawa-san’s blog (Kaibutsu-kun special make up artist.) photo of caution, this is actually for Choi Hong Man.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog. Currently I film drama, I got many Dabear.
Kaibutsu-kun blog. Hello it’s staff K. Thank you for your feedbacks. I realized how you expected drama. I say many times. Thank you very much. We all work hard. at any rate. By the way tonight from 9. our price appear at Legal consulting office. Please watch it the photo is dictionary in the Franken’s pocket.
Hochi, <Interview to Ohno of Arashi. “Consultation of psychic powers”> Satoshi Ohno (29) of Arashi starring Kaibutsu-kun had interview of Sports Hochi, He do leading role of drama sealing his favorite fishing and paintings. “I film in a king of strange feeling just like not me.” Leader of national group talkes about Arashi who has 11th year friendship that never changed, marriage view, an high hope of future. [About Kaibutsu-kun] I get a feeling of strangeness at first. But sense of discomfort has been gone on the first day of filming. As all are strange out fit. It was me who was most ordinary. When I got this offer last September, I thought as it’s cute because it was animation. I thought if I do it would be disgusting. But at poster shooting I wore the costume for the first time. I thought I look good unexpectedly. Preparation of role I have done nothing special. I listen to director I do like my regular self. My special make-up is only ears it takes me 30 minutes. Matusoka-kun and others each time it took them 2 hours and half. So this is hard. Every time they say “it’s hot, it’s hot.” I‘m sorry about them. [Acting] I didn’t expect it’ me who do serial drama 2 years ago, so I’m still not good at it. I did several plays but drama seems like no right answers. I watch completion version. I try to do better next time. It was especially difficult at Mao that has no element to laugh. I think it’s easier comedy than serious drama. [About Arashi] The popularity of Arashi seems not about me, this feeling increased than before. I feel kind of not down-to-earth, when I get by myself I feel at ease at last. However I film Kaibutsu-kun I feel very strange there’re viewers. I can’t imagine the popularity even once. I would never. I have never changed but vicinity gets busy, that’s strange. [About members] The relationships of 5 fundamentally haven’t changed anything. Having dinner together furring concert tour is what we’ve done for long time. I often asked. There’s no stuff to fight. However we are dissonant, we have always done all the time. The place to return is automatically there. Things we are going to do will never change. I hope we can do new stuff. But we talk to go somewhere 5together. Actually the schedule hardly meets we can’t. When I watch the work of members on TV I mail them. Recently Sho-kun is amazing. Doing drama and going to Vancouver. It’s absolutely impossible for me. [About Family] as Family has never changed, I feel at ease being together. I can get back to myself I used to be. I haven’t done yet this year. The other day I talked with my parents after long time, we promised to have BBQ when drama will be over. I used to train commuting while back. Unexpectedly they don’t find me. I thought that’s normal. [Marriage] I don’t have with at all. However I say I want to marry people around me must say no. I recently don’t think about it. That’s all. Ideal type. I think it could be fun having matching hobby. [Fishing] Tenya fishing of Pagrus major in Feburay was last time, I seal since filming of drama started in March. I go when it finishes. Next I want to tray big one. I don’t have good chemistry with Pagrus major. I don’t know why they come off the fishhook. Charm of fishing? I don’t like garish atmosphere of Tokyo very much. I want to be healed by nature. [About Illastration] Once drama finishes, I will paint. As I have several ideals now. So I will take it easy to paint later. I keep ears of Kaibutsu-kun and hope to create something with them. [What you feel curious] I have just watched. The news that President Obama plans to send astronauts to Mars by 2030. I want to go there very much. I’ll be 50. I’ll visit to Mars.
Ohoku's shrine is in Gifu


Legal consultancy office, NTV  Satoshi Ohno

22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM
Q: How do you say the line hard to pronounce? N: in that case I speak slowly. Do you have any word hard to pronounce? Kind of apple? STBY: I actually can pronounce apple. S: how about Banana? S: banana as well. I heard Masachika san to have smooth pronunciation, he speak in vowel, and this make your smooth tongue. He memorizes the line of play twice that’s amazing? How id your name in vowel? What vowel? (boin)? N: You don’t know what it is? I thought another boin (breast) N: you know what I mean? S: no. N: what? Are you serious? Don’s you know what is consonant? S: I heard this for the first time. N: Are you talking seriously? How have you lived all the while? / N: Border is horizontal, and vertical is stripe. S: what? Horizontally and vertically different? N: Wa! Wa! Wa! Damn it! It’s scary today. What happen to you? / bring back home by mistake. N: I often back home with socks of costume without noticing. I have never bring back keys. Usually the key you use at work is with big tag like hotel key. What I remember is package of Sho-chan left in the car. It was on the way back to my home. I thought it was his. I said “This could be Cho-chan’s one.” He reacted “Ah!” / Ura Arashi mail: Ata closing of Gantz you handed bouquet also a bag. What did you get? N: what? Um. I think it’s pants, I mean underwear. As I wasted my own underpants with stage blood. You know most of my underpants were in red. You know I go to pee, you hold that one. As my underpants are red that one is also red so my hand gets red too. In the end whole my body was in red. It was hard to wash as my skin is weak when I rub my skin it gets red, I don’t know which is red, my skin or blood? / title of music, you name first or after? I name it after 80-90% is so. / Ohoku, letters are difficult. (Edo era language) I have to study. It would be hard. When I read the script together. I made many fluffs. In the end I was laughing. You say “Soregashi, Gozaru” I have to do it seriously but when I do more, circulus vitiosus, I have to work hard. / N: STBY look like young chimpanzee in flannel shirt


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here

public 0
81166 2010-04-18 23:27:00 2010-04-18 14:27:59 Monday19-Apr-2010

Dacho Club (Ueshima-san) , blog updated on 16. You must know already tomorrow on Kaibutsu-kun episode 1 on air. I do one of 3 companies of Kaibutsu-kun that Ohno-kun of Arashi acting, Wolf man his favorite words “Ganzu” My generation who know Kaibutsu-kun comic must know it but I wonder if young generation has watched it. I will update date to date, next time I will upload photo and others.

Ohoku twitter yesterday 13:23 we take lunch break, at 19:30 filming is over for today. Today at 7:40 special make-up has started. The epidemic decreased quantities of men to quarter of women’s one. Do you know the name of epidemic that only men catch? At 9:41 many got right answer. Amazing. The name of epidemic that only men catch red face smallpox. That’s why reversal of man and women’s position happened at Ohoku. Please remember it , At 15:32 today it was short battle. It has been over safely.
Miss blog, Seeking question to Sho Sakurai-kun。So Miss’s popular project “We 30’s crazy about Arashi!!” Maybe Sho Sakurai-kun would appear Miss. We can unveil detail soon. Please look forward to it. So we seeks question and message to him please apply fro here.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog, I took photo again with Yashima-san of Dracula. It’s really fun site. I touched his ear. Amazing. (;゜ロ゜)笑
Tongari corn aired seems same as previous one.
Audience rate of Kaibutsu-kun 17.5% Arashi den 16%
Maichichi, Mantan-web, Kaibutsu-kun. 17.5 % Satoshi Ohno as prince Kaibutsu, Arashi den also 16%.> Satoshi Ohno-san of popular group Arashi starring live action of popular comic Kaibutsu-kun episode 1 aired on 17. average audience rate was 17.5% and Arashi-den aired after that was 16.0%. Sponichi, <Ohno of Arashi starring Kaibutsu-kun favorable start> NTV 24 news, < Satoshi Ohno of Arashi starring Kaibutsu-kun, first episode’s audience rate 17.5% favorable starts>
J-web this week's quote by Nino. Finally it's starts Arashi ni Shiyagare please watch with all of your family Ninomiya
Imagine (Arashi ni shiyagere production company) Arashi ni shiygagare pre festival. And Arashi ni Siyagare opening special 21:56-23:18. usual on air is 22:00-22:54
Kaibutsu-kun information updated. Promotional shows. 4/19 22:00-22:48 Syabekuri 007, Umika Kawashima, 4/21 21:00-21:54 Sekai Gyoten News, Izumi Inamori, 4/22 19:56-20:54 GuruGuru Ninty nine. Gochi ni narimasu, Satoshi Ohno, 4/24 Tensai Shimura Zoo, Satoshi Ohno.
Cut current issue is Fujiko Fujio A special. Interview to Satoshi Ohno and Dialogue Fujiko Fujio A x Satoshi Ohno that you can read only this issue. Please check this.

Kaibutsu-kun blog, Hello, it’s staff A. Thank for noting your feedback to BBS. We read one by one. And maybe some of people must be noticed already. Web site’s Kaibutsu-kun manic quiz updated level 0 to level 1. The wall paper that you can get once you get all the answers right is updated. Maniac game will be updated after each airing! Please don’t forget to get wall paper.
Omote-sando station, again Arashi festival.

1000 dreams staff blog updated. Inamoto-san who is in charge of music visit rehearsal site.
J-web, Saturday Arashi, today's quote by Jun-kun.Leader's Daibutsu-kun (Buddha) (grin)  it was fun. It was superb Jun

5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Masaki Aiba Arashi week

S: That brings back some memories. I can feel comfortable as it’s not like kind of studio. All: right. A: so here we watch video of member who has been to on site filming. (Aiba-chan’s part of Mayonaka no Arashi, the one of aquarium) Video: A: Excuse me, I’m from Nihon TV. Do you have fishes? / A: Yeah I have been to. It brings back memory. Right that time unknown aquarium I was told to ring the bell to the unknown aquarium in the mid-night. I had to tell I’m from Nihon TV. N: right, you wan to ascribe someone. M: I have impression you are reckless and wild since early times. Hatori: It’s been almost 10 years since then how do you think? A: well reckless… (A hacking cough) All: Grandpa are you okay? A: sorry sorry. I haven’t changed a lot fundamentally. H: How old will you in 10ears. A: 37, H: How do you think all, how will be him in 10years? A: He hasn’t changed at all last 10 years. N: right he hasn’t changed last 10 years. O: face also. S: but I don’t want you to cool down. I want you to keep current Aiba-chan, but same Aiba-chan but accordingly the age he will be called Aiba-san, kind that. H: it’s only the way to call. A: but if I see our senior hoever37 they sing and dance a lot. So I wan to be like that. Every year we have privilege to have concert. Hope this’d be continued. We do aiming more than 10 years. So me in 10 years, please stay Arashi.
15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
21:00-21:54 Sekai marumie! TV special investigation NTV Masaki Aiba Latest Korean gourmet. exceed extra hot, extra hard hot food. At studio Mahashiro HIgashiyama and Maskaki Aiba of Arashi fight for the first and last time. tear by"serious, extra hot food match" 超爆笑!最新ホームビデオ!/超激辛!韓国グルメ大汗大涙/超迫力!巨大クジラ南海の死闘/超奇跡!巨大飛行機エンジン停止の怪事件/超芸術!たけしフランス個展の全貌! ①決定的な爆笑の瞬間!ホームビデオ最新版②韓国最新グルメ!激辛を超えた超激辛料理スタジオでは東山紀之と嵐・相葉雅紀が最初で最後の“ガチンコ激辛料理対決”で大涙!③“モリ一本”だけで巨大マッコウクジラに挑む漁師たちに密着!スタジオにも原寸大のクジラを再現!④上空1万メートルで謎の光に包まれた巨大飛行機!更にエンジン停止!だが、絶体絶命の瞬間“奇跡”が起こった!⑤北野たけしフランスでの個展を独占取材!
22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Sho Sakuri's front page Island volcano


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic was CG. Well, TV drama “Kaibutsu-kun” has started last week, yep. Have you watched it, everybody? Well, but amazing. That amazing technology. Really. Err… CG and special make-up. Right, well, the filming is not finished yet. The other day, as filming was over early, eight…around eight 8 pm it has finished. As one scene skipped due to weather, it was cancelled. So, as it has over suddenly at around 8. SO Yashima-san and Ryuhei Uejima-san, right” Let’s go 3 of us.” kind of that. “Let’s have dinner.” Become kind of that atmosphere. I’ve been to. Err… It was first time. So have dinner and drink, then Yassy (Yashima-san) “Do you come my home?” he he he it come to kind this. Then I’ve been to. It was fun. So next day I had slightly headache. He he he. So that’s not. I try to hang in.


CUT Satoshi Ohno

House Foods, Tongari Corn, all

Himitsu no Arashi-chan


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU & Mario poster at major stations. Muhi pop at drag store.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

public 0
81643 2010-04-19 23:34:00 2010-04-19 14:34:40 Tuesday 20-Apr-2010

Ohoku Twitter at 10:37 filming if off today. To create staff cast need breaks. You also take breaks properly too.
Tsubasa Makoto-san’s blog. I had to do sweeping up like a princess. I wonder how many times I have done. This time it was Ohno-san of Arashi. You have courage to take on. Ah! Is there some one who lift me up?
You and Nihon TV, manifest of Arashi ni Shiyagare, I want to show the real aspect of Arashi you don’t know. To show Arashi’s real face, the key word is ad-lib, ad-lib talk variety show that you can see Arahi’s real face that is in pitter-pat or is pushed in the corner. I hope their various expression broadcast as it is. [What you are aware of?] As Arashi is the unit that is supported by very vast TV viewers, So this show must have influence in the good sense and in a bad sense too. So what we express at show we will produce carefully. [What you want TV viewers to feel] This time no script and veil guest name too. So I think you can see the aspects of Arashi you see only at this show. I wish to create the project being pushed into corner in good sense with all of Arashi together. Hope this would transmit to TV viewers. Q: So Arashi can’t do any preparation at all on ahead? A: only with their body. That moment hope their brain at full blast about various matters. By contraries they plan various mission by their team work of 5,as their togetherness, may talk with guess in the team play. Various formations happen instantly at studio. I hope this to transmit to TV viewers.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s Yesterday’s blog. Today also very spring sunshine. I bask in the sun in front of rehearsal place.
Next Arashi’s Shiyagare’s guest Cream Stew (comedian), Hiroyuki Ariyoshi (comedian), Tetsuo Kaneko (circulation journalist)

Oricon news, <Satoshi Ohno of Arashi the guest he doesn’t want is Matcchi.> Popular group Arashi attendee press conference of new show “Arashi ni shiyagare” in Tokyo. Ad -lib variety show that they don’t know the guest and project content on ahead. Leader, Satoshi Ohno. “If Macchi-san (Masahiko Kondo) would came it would be amazing atmosphere.” in great fear. Jun Matsumoto pointed out “You don’t want him to come?” he bitter smile “no! As I will be nervous.” This show is no plan no control. This is entertainment variety show that Arashi learns guest’s professional skill in ad-lib. According to concept of the show, Masaki Aiba selected MC as surprise. He lets go members out, and interview has restarted. He talks to Sho Sakurai frank tone. “You have cut the hair.” He serves out MC. This show is unhackneyed trial. Aiba “I can be depended on all. I thought if there’s nothing (script) we help each other in this way.” He realized the bond of members. Sakurai “It’s kind of documentary, hope you enjoy what happening in live.” Kazunari Ninomiya was asked the guest he doesn't want. “ I don’t want my relatives. I don’t mind any people except them.” Matsumoto “I don’t want to senior but if our junior would come to learn from them…” Sakurai “I think Murao-san (News caster of Zero) Personally as I see him in the news. I think I want him to come.” He replies with a complex look Mainichi, <Leader Ohno of Arashi the guest you don’t wish is “Macchi-san”NTV 24 news, <Arashi no script ad-lib variety show “nothing to plan and to be controlled.> episode 1 has already filmed. Jun Matsumoto who challenged professional skill leant by guest “ it was fun. As there’s nothing to plan and to be controlled. We could ding the us that we don’t know. “At press conference, Masaki Aiba (27) was appointed as MC. Satoshi Ohno(29) has to think about pose of photo. They are asked the impossible continuously. Bond of 5 is required for the show, Sho Sakurai “ When I find it difficult to respond, other members who come to my rescue are dependable.” He talked love of Arashi.
Rumor, new CM Kinchoru by Sho-kun and Aiba-chan. By the way Muhi pop already in store, Muhi CM must be on air soon.
Oricon weekly ranking dated 26 April 5x10 DVD is no1. sold 86,715 total sales 564,030.
Otonoha, vol 55. title: I’m back (in hiragana) well, it’s me. The other day I have been to golf with Masatoshi Nakamura-san, Katsumi Takahashi-san and Kabachi staffs. 7 in the morning arrive to golf field. But out side it’s getting rain. “Do we play with this weather?” kind of such atmosphere. Masatoshi-san, “so we start half way and if it’s hard to do we stop there!” “Who is rain calling man” we play golf talking that.” me, for half year of drama what I was sun calling man was proved, ha ha ha” stupid guy Sakurai, is vainly cheerful. When half was over. As it was not a downpour. We continued to do latter part. But around after 13th holes I left due to my work schedule. Masatoshi-san “If rain stops Sho is rain calling guy. (grin)” Sakurai “nope. Unfortunately it would keep raining, ha ha ha.”stupid guy Sakurai left the golf field cheerfully. Then that night I got mail from Masatoshi-san. “I have too bad news. After Sho left. The weather got better. After the play we stimulate conversation talking about you. Sho is certainly rain calling guy.” \(^0^)/ well, anew it’s again rain calling guy Sakurai. For half year, the title of sun calling guy diligently worked for came to nothing just for few hours of golf. When filming in studio, out side was snow…. At on site filming, prevision was rain, but it was clear…. Everybody said with smile “It’s because of Sho-kun!” I remember the day all lauded flashing in front of me. Spending dun calling guy for half year, again. I came back as rain calling guy. I AM BAAACK! Yay! Thank you. Well, me… recently…back in piano. I have lesson once a week. I did electrical piano and piano from 3 to 13 years old. Currently I can’t play reading score for the first time any more. I feel frustrated so I started again. I hope I will have occasion to perform. Please support me. 4/20/2010 Sho Sakurai.
Kaibutsu-kun’s blog. Good evening, it’s staff K. at various interview they must talk a bout it. The prince, Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken are in perfect harmony since first day of filming. They say “it seems we feel it’s not first time we act together, feel like acting team we’ve know since old days. Their togetherness more and more day by day. Currently on the day filming is over early. They Wolf and Dracula and Wolf Man eat dinner together often. The other day they finishing of 3 were different but they phone to contact and they had dinner gathering again. They get along a lot. It’s peaceful. This is dinner of on site filming one day. Curry that prince’s favorite.
Dogatchi,<prince of monster land participate war of treat> “Guruguru Ninety Nine” “Gochi ni Narimasu! 11” guest is leader of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno! Treat battle that you order meals set amount no more and no less at high class Chinese Restaurant. If you are last place you have to pay a bill of all from your pocket. The venue is “Joe’s Shanghai” battle of high class original Chinese food. The person who ordered farthest price from set amount is loser and has to pay bills of all from your pocket. Kokubun who match against Ohno from same agency. He advises to Ohno who is in his pace. “Speak tuning up.” But… for “Gochi special menu” 2 piece of chef’s specialties. They play game to get these specialties. “Gathering of clams game!” who did lose money out of one's pocket?

Sanspo, <Arashi, 5 on boy’s comic magazine for the first time “Weekly Shonen Sunday!> Popular group, Arashi appears on the cover and front pages of “Weekly Shonen Sunday” on sale on 21. This is first time 5 of Arashi appears on boy’s comic magazine for the first time. There’s special pin up. And They argue the point about theme of “coolness.” Arashi decade anniversary of unite, feeling for members and talk to put it bluntly.

5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Sho Sakurai Arashi week [Video] the one sand spring bath. A: you frozen, N: But it was on site filming was kind of that. All of all were. S: I was filming then I get scorched and staffs back away more and more. So many matters was very first time. I was surprised. A: In that case, They leave me alone. A: they must film such a face too. N: That time I thought adults are cruel honestly. O: they disappear S: But that angry guy told me “Please explain to me.” If I was told so. I could explain it better than before. A: So, let’s try. Hatori: Could you explain? S: Sorry. This is the show called “Mayonaka no Arashi” on air on NTV. Me, I’m member of Arashi, that is group of 5. This is filming of variety show. We filmed before having permission, I apologize about it not. Could you let us continue filming? Hatori-san: this is matured. A: formal. M: I think however you explain this now. You must say no. H: How do you think you in 10 years? S: 38, well, what recently think is I want to study a lot and suck in a lot. Acting, talking, various matters, I want to study them. H: How about you guys Sho-kun in 10 years? M: He must be Oyaji (big buddy). S: what you mean? M: being a father. S: I am so relieved. I thought I ‘s be an old guy suddenly. M: in 10 years you must have a kid. A: I think that kid would tease me. Tomorrow is Nino.


15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is canteen by fisherman. Hum this good “station of sea” (actually “station of road” exist, local farm house sales local staffs.) Fisherman’s meal, right, it’s good. so. Have I eaten fresh one? Oh! I ate yesterday, yeah. I ate recently Blackthroat seaperch, grilled one, yep it was yummy. The rest, Thread-sail filefish. I ate sashimi of Thread-sail filefish, yep. There’s liver, that liver you put in soy sauce and break it. then you put sashimi in it. that’s yummy, yep. After all seems like sashimi, me, yep, seems like sashimi, yep. So I still seal fishing so don’t talk about fish a lot.

 Non-no serial “2/Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya
 Tokyo 1 week

Arashi ni Shiyagare



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
81725 2010-04-21 00:06:00 2010-04-20 15:06:03 Wednesday 21-Apr-2010

Dailly Sports, <coalition of Arashi and Baka Tono (Stupid King) Aiiin from Fuji TV to another TV company for the first time.> 5 men’s group Arashi filmed new NTV show “Arashi ni Shiyagare” realize collaboration of Baka Tono that is character of the guest, Ken Shimura. The popular character born at Fuji TV appears another TV company is for the first time. Shimura give instruction of his comedy skit skill to somebody else for the first time. So Sakurai (28) I want to you to myself when I was little. “ That day they 5 of members filmed episode 2 on air May 1st just after press conference. Aniki guest (senior bro. guest) Shimura “characters are very important to survive in future!” He gives 3 instruction of character skill by Shimura style. Arashi who transformed to Baka Tono. “However same make-up each is different!” they get a hearty laugh looking at each other’s face. They challenge Baka Tono comedy skit on the elaboratively reproduced set of Baka Tono. Arashi was directly taught by Shimura the getting upset acting with sound of Shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and familiar pleasure dance and other, they are touched the amazing professional skill. Shimura “It’s funny, me it’s first time I see others do make-up of Baka Tono” he was in good spirits. At press conf. Masaki Aiba did MC. They did “ad-lib press conference” Ohno who is asked the guest he doesn’t want “Seniors…If Macchi-san or others would come it could be amazing atmosphere.” He shows his honesty. However Jun Matsumoto follows him “I wonder if I was taught by junior….” He shows his honesty too. Happening of ad-lib evokes laughter. Sanspo, <Arashi in Baka Tono-sama! Ohno freak out by Macchi> Sho Sakurai (28) “It’s kind of documentary. Please enjoy what happened in live.” Satoshi Ohno (29) asked the guest he didn’t want “seniors, Macchi-san. As it would be amazing atmosphere.” Jun Matsumoto “you don’t want him to come? “ Ohno “no. As I gets nervous.” Sponich, <Arashi lets drop the guest they don’t wish to have…>Hochi, <Unexpectedly look good! Arashi challenge make-up of Baka Tono> This is ad-lib variety show without script and guests are not told to member before. That day as it was called “Ad-lib press conf.” suddenly Masaki Aiba (27) was appointed as MS. “I realized 5 help each other if there’s nothing (script). It will strengthen the bonds between us.” After press conf. they filmed episode on air 1 May. Guest talent is Ken Shimura. Shimura teach the make-up of Baka Tono, 5 challenge make-up by watching his example. They burst into laughing each other.

sukkiri & Pon!




Oricon style. This week “ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10” got no.1 of DVD ranking. They got 2 straight weeks victory. This is since “5×10 All the BEST! CLIPS 1999-2009” As Arashi 3 DVD got 2 straight weeks victory. And also as DVD sold 2010 got fist DVD of year that got 2 straight weeks victory. and total sales is 564K exceeded 50K at 2nd week. And this is following by “5×10 All the BEST! CLIPS 1999-2009” that exceeded first ever 500K sales NTV 24 News <Arashi Live DVD got 2 straight weeks victory. Appearing drama and others back up> Arashi live DVD “ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10” got 2 straight weeks victory following by “5×10 All the BEST! CLIPS 1999-2009" as leader Satoshi Ohno (29) starring TV drama “Kaibutsu-kun” starts their TV exposure increased backed up, Oricon analyzed so.
Mariko Kart CM on air with Nino and Jun-kun. now you can see at official site
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good Morning, it’s staff S. Episode 2 money is theme. This money is prepared by producer. Ohoku twitter at09:02 filming has been started for today. Production team going to check the site to film. And casts take another action. At 10:16 You can see official site on mobile phone site since yesterday.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s yesterday blog (1000 dreams cast) costume fit out.
Dream news <weekly Shone Sunday on sale 21 Apr. gravure picture of extra national idol Arashi. This is first time that Arashi appears at boy’s comic magazine. The memorial special issue cover and front pages gravure picture and special pin up of Arashi, such gorgeous content is brought to you. And at long interview 5 debate about theme of “secret tip of coolness” and feeling about members, full of scoops. Please check this special issue.
RBB news, <Nino and Matsujun of Arashi seems fun, “Mario Kart Wll” new CM release on web site. > The CM that Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matsumoto of Arashi play Wii Software “Mario Kart Wii” starts on air. 5 versions of CM released at official web site. The CN released on the web site are “Luighi Circuit version 1 “mushroom canyon version” “Wario mine version” “Moon ridge and speed way version.” “SFC Mario circuit 3 version” Each CM Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matsumoto take the wheel and play Mario Kart Wii. The aspect who drew up with Mario Kart seems fun playing game. it’s been 2 years since Mario Kart Wii has been released. It must get popular again because of CM that is hired Arashi.

TV  check entertainment news for press conf of Shiyagare,
5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV   Kazunari Ninomiya

[Video] Bizen pottery N: that plate. N: right, that one. At pecial it was in the time capsule. As it was my first on site filming so I didn’t make head nor tail of it, I think. [in 10 years] N: I wanna be as Arashi. Hatori-san: what kind of Arashi? At closing of something. Somebody must say worn-out joke or pun. A: I wonder you would like pun around which age? S: Unexpectedly it could be soon. A: it’s going to be “pun is fun”?” N: at when you told “to turn laugh with one word” I think the person who laugh a lot could be 4 of them. Kind of that 10 years from now, I think so. Hatori: how about Nino in 10 years. O: I think he must have new hobby. A: as he gets into completely according to period. S: what it could be. M: sort of marathon? As he is indoor type he doesn’t move but by contraries he wants to go out and do something healthy. H: so far can you imagine Nino does marathon? N & M: No I can’t. N: I must be very healthy person, may be very muscle? M: Maybe you might run good time at Tokyo marathon. S: king of this, goal with smile.

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is sleeping during class. Japane was heist ratio to note. Amazing. Serious, Japan is, right? When me at junior high… well… slept, yep, certainly. I slept at mat. I’m sorry. But I don’t get scorched, only me. Because that time I was already Johnny’s junior. After class I was waken up. Teacher says “Right, you must be tired.” Kind of that.” …I ‘m busy a little.” I said so once. Sorry! Teacher! That one I was simply sleepy. As it past over 15 years. Is it okay. I’m sorry!


 Weekly The Television  Cover: Arashi.
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin”  Kazunari Ninomiya x Masaki Aiba
Shonen Sunday spring Arashi. First appearance 5 tech the key about coolness. Pin-up poster. All of 5 key for coolness of guy, party and casual photo, and gorgeous long interview.


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations. 
Upcomings here
public 0
81985 2010-04-22 00:33:00 2010-04-21 15:33:18 Thursday 22-Apr-2010



 Cyzo, <The trigger of birth of Kaibutsu-kun is Sho Sakurai!? Must have possibility to have pieces of Arashi> Kaibutsu-kun has started 17. and audience rate was 17.5%. “Weekly magazine reporter says “this after long time high audience rate of frame of Saturday 21 on NTV since Gokusen April 2008. Also Arashi’s special show Arashi Den marked 16% this could be positive sign for new variety show ‘Arashi ni Shiyagare’” And NTV practice a campaign titled “Saturday Arashi spring NTV x Arashi mission” from 10 to 24. As members get a lot of exposure, you have to watch however you don’t want or, don’t watch at any place. As they back up at full power, the result was former. If Kaibutsu-kun will have big success. It might have unexpected development. A drama writer says. “This time Kaibutsu-kun is planned as Yatterman movie has success last year. As they seek the piece that parent kid can enjoy was singled out. And Ohno of Arashi that is popular from parent and kid generations. If this drama would be smash hit. In the future it must have such project, live action of 70’-80’s animation.” In this case member of Arashi could be a candidate of leading role. When cast of Kaibutsu-kun was announced. Due to outrageous fashion, “He is soon 30, shorts is too pitiful. It’s just like penalty game. “Some of Ohno fans can’t be pleased. Certainly hero of childhood can’t always make excited fans, if they plan next project. Hope they avoid live action adaptation “Obeke no Q-taro” or “Tensai Baka bon.” 

Navicon, <Suddenly 5 version! Nino of Arashi this time try his skill against Matsujun! “Mario Kart Wii” New CM release on the web site
GQ Japan June issue on sake on 24. This is the day of first episode of “Arashi ni Shiyagare” on air. It was photo shooting and interview in the busy schedule. They don’t show their fatigue at all, I give props to their professional aspects. I realized in side of popularity there’s backed up. At 3:12
Ohoku Twitter, at 9:14 filming has starting for today. Mr. Matsushima and Mr. Fujinami appear At 10:32 in the rain. The filming is continuing. However the temperature decrease but the site gets excited more and more. And Fuji Nami and Matsushima oh! More and more. At 16:17 filming has continue. Mysterious beauty emergent from Mr. Matsushima and Mr. Fujinami. Girls at site are fainting in agony.at 17:53 Mr. Mizuno (Nino) join us. Mizuno xMatsushima x Fujinami have a tremendous impact.17:53 Mr. Mizuno (Nino) join us. Mizuno x Matsushima x Fujinami have a tremendous impact. At 21:45 still keep concentration. Production team is tireless at all. It’s superb. Please watch for us. 
FC New letter content, O-chan’s Kaibutsu-kun filming report, Jun-kun’s NYC report.100 Q&A of Sho-kun, Nino on the top of Roppongi Hills, Aiba-chan photo shooting of 1000 dreams. Round table talk, a shot of Vancouver by Sho-chan.
Orista, blog. <report of photo shooting of Matsumoto-kun and Ninomiya-kun. Have chatted point-blank> Tomorrow Orista Arashi appears in “Book in Book” We did photo shooting and interview separated 2 teams. Team of Ninomiya & Matsumoto-kun. 2 sit in a chair, shooting has started. We asked “Please do kind of chatting.” They look at one another in the same time as they sit in a chair it’s point-blank. We say “too close isn’t it” Ninomiya-kun did gesture. Matsumoto-kun also looks at Ninomiya-kun they started pleasantly chatting. “Well” Matsumoto-kun says. Answer with ok gesture. After that they did small talk at ease mode. 2 looked so fun.
Fuji TV PR blog, Tonight VS Arashi is “Team Batista 2”
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, message from Umika-chan and Tasuomi-kun. Kaibutsu-kun episode 2 watch it!

Gantz web site updated with news. Kazunari Ninomiya special message Gantz fleece muffler preset!!! Filming of Gants has completed beginning of April. Currently we are editing. It would take long for finishing process of composition with CG. But it’s already fun and amazing movie, so please look forward to it! as it takes time to be released so tomorrow Gantz present announcement will be air during Friday movie, Yatterman. We give the gift of muffler that gave to extra cast for thank you gift. As it is already included a message of Ninomiya-kun that was filmed just before completion. Please watch it. Yay!!!

Ken Shimura-san’s blog. Ystereday I did filming of Arashi ni SHiyagare. It was fun. Members of Arashi all are cool. All did make up of Baka-tono, this is precious image. This on air on 1 May. That day Ohno-kun appears at Shimura-zoo as well.


The Last Promise detail of bonus, booklet 32 pages. 5 postcards, Arashi long interview, Satoshi Ohno & Masaki Aiba BD image, Making (escaping from duct, face off with president/ promised hill.) completion of filming. lighting up ceremony, Arashi making selective images, PR. 




20100422-190000-12ch-1.mpg_00145716720100422-190000-12ch-1.mpg_00146607620100422-190000-12ch-1.mpg_00146964620100422-190000-12ch-1.mpg_00147772120100422-190000-12ch-1.mpg_001479389TV  no Himitsu no Arashi-chan

5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Satoshi Ohno

[Video] the one at Hiroshima Carp bar] N: Who is Sunemoto? (Actually it’s Kanemoto, a pitcher.) A: Leader, that kind of drinking session you are get hyper with unknown people. M: For example at closing party of concert. The truck driver go concert tour together we hardly meet. But it’s leader who approach there people and open out and with their arms around each other's shoulders saying “yay!” I see such occasions often. N: certainly. Hatori: what this mean? O: It’d be easy to communicate. M: but he comes to very familiar. Do you do this unconsciously? O: yes, unconsciously. Hatori, as you can do such things unconsciously you can assemble Arashi as a leader, I think. H: Ohno-san in 10 years, you 39? A: same as Hatori-san now. O: I think I would do what I like, fishing too. M: Will you do fishing that time? O: I will do certainly. I think I’d create something. I wan to do something big in future. S: You used to say that. N: “want to create a log house” you said so. A: you said “you want a chain saw. H: How do you think other? N: I think he won’t be in Japan often. H: you mean. N: do fishing in outer sea. And don’t come back for 2 months, kid of that. H: How about Arashi? N: Surely he does Arashi but he would be the person who permits to do that. S: from xx to xx leader take days off. The notice would be announced. O: this is very annoying man. Tomorrow is Matsujun in live.


15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun (repeat) NTV Satoshi Ohno
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV Guest is Team Batista 2 Atsushi Ito, Tohru Nakamura, Ai Kato Hiroyoki Kinoshita, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Miho Shiraishi. At Falling Pipe. Matsujun and Nakamura fight. Nakamura plans to asprawl catch the pipe. But he worried about image of actor “If I can take such pose.” And challenge catch taking cool pose cross-legged. Face off of New drama “Team Batista 2 triumph of General Rouge “team and Arashi team. Arashi’s plus one guest is 2 of Kyaiin. First stage “Bounding Hockey” Hiroyuki Kinoshita gives nick names to members and judge the team work. Tohru Nakamura called as “Tohrucchi” does nice play! The other hand Arashi team’s pass work was jumbled. Udo Suzuki who is nearly get rattled all the time, Arashi points out “Udo-chan, why!?” Next stage is “Jungle bingo” Batista tem show excellent team work, studio gets roar. Arashi team tries not to lose. Jun Matsumoto plans “Let’s approach the edge.” Udo got panic. But unexpectedly miracle happens!? At Falling Pipe. Catcher: Nakamura, Chooser: Matsumoto. Nakamura challenge by original position! Close battle continued!▽火10ドラマの伊藤淳史,仲村トオル加藤あい,木下隆行,戸次重幸,白石美帆と対戦!!ほか▽ゲストは伊藤淳史、仲村トオル、TKO・木下隆行ら「チーム・バチスタ2―」チーム。「フォーリングパイプ」では、仲村が松本潤と対戦。仲村は寝そべってパイプを取る作戦を立てる。だが、「こんな格好をしていいんだろうか」と俳優としてのイメージを気に掛け、足を組んで格好をつけながらキャッチに挑む。新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2」チームと嵐の対決!最後まで勝敗の見えない接戦続き! 今回のゲストは、4月新ドラマ「チーム・バチスタ2 ジェネラル・ルージュの凱旋」チーム。嵐のプラスワンゲストは、キャイ~ンの2人。 最初の対決「バウンドホッケー」で、早速バチスタチームの木下隆行がメンバーにあだ名をつけ、チームワークを図る。「トオルっち」と呼ばれた仲村トオルのナイスプレーが光る!一方、嵐チームはパスワークが乱れる。終始バタバタと慌て気味のウド鈴木に「ウドちゃん、どうして!?」と嵐からツッコミが。 続いての対決は「ジャングルビンゴ」。巨大立体迷路の天井が5×5のビンゴになっており、迷路の中から天井のマスを開けてどこか一列揃えばクリア!クリアまでの時間を競うタイムレースだ。バチスタチームは素晴らしいチームワークを見せ、スタジオからも大拍手が湧く。嵐チームもそれに負けじと松本潤が「端から攻めない?」と作戦を練る。ウドがパニックに陥るが、ここでまさかのミラクルが!? 「フォーリングパイプ」では、パイプキャッチは仲村、パイプチョイスが松本という対決。仲村はオリジナルスタイルの体勢で挑む!最後までどちらが勝つのか読めない接戦が続く!

19:56-20:54 Gurugurn Nitynine, NTV   Satoshi Ohno Gochi ninarimasu guest is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi appears. Taichi Kokubun VS Satoshi Ohno!? ▽ゲストに嵐・大野智が登場!“ゴチになります11”▽国分太一VS大野!?ジャニーズ戦争ぼっ発かほか Gochi 11 held hosting Satoshi Ohno, delux Original CHinese food match. shellfish gathering game.大野智を迎えて“ゴチ11”を開催!▽高級創作中国料理対決▽潮干狩りゲーム ほか
O-chan had 150K in the Kaibutsu-kun's wallet. What he has spent most recently was for book of portrait for painting 1,800 yen.


24:38-25:08 Satruday Arashi 2nd night "Arashi ni Shiyagare!" pre show. NTV


23:00-23:30 5LDK Jun-kun video?

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Today’s topic is costume play school. Amazing, good this king thing. Do you do costume play. Everybody? Right, costume play is good, yep. Currently I’m costume play. Precisely I do at Kaibutsu-kun. This is strange. Err, me, like Dragon Ball, right? Then that curren….currently animation is on, the animation of Kaibutsu-kun. The voice of animation version of Kaibutsu-kun is…. Err… Goku of Dragon Ball, Masako Nozawa-san, the vice is same as that. Is it when Goku was little? So animation of Kaibutsu-kun is the same. That one, I do in live action Kaibutsu-kun. Seems like, strange, isn’t it? So next me, Go..go, Goku?

Fujin Koron Masaki Aiba x Keiko Miyata.
Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san 


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
public 0
82186 2010-04-22 23:10:00 2010-04-22 14:10:46 Friday 23-Apr-2010

J-web Saturday Arashi yesterday quote was Aiba-chan, Arashi ni Shiyagare You must be excited~  pushed in the corner, Arashi is ... Aiba
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good Morning it’s staff S. The package of episode 2 has just finished. So today we bring this completed package to casts and staff. In the same time I deliver the tape for on air.
Dogatch, < Sho Sakurai challenge haggling over at an electronics retail store > Arashi, a popular group starring new variety show starts! What he challenge is “senseless” “no plan no control at all” entertainment variety show. 5 of members are not told “who the guest is” “what to do with the guest” at all. They challenge all in ad-lib. The core of the show is “The set” to learn “professional skill by different Aniki-guest of each week, The segment that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thrilling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week!  First episode guest is Cream Stew, They are taught ultimate MC skill. What is “3 methods of ultimate MC skill” !? ★Arita gives instruction to 5 “mature fashion.” !? Araita’s private fashionable goods appeared at studio. What he brought are “Disney goods” that men want to wear for regular life. Arita selected items that suit to each member of Arashi. He proposed them to wear it. but…. ★Cream Stew, dangerous rumors appear one and another, “Ueda aims at news caster of News Zero” “Arita seems retired blind date party” others. How develops rumor of Cream Stews extra right up to!? ★Ad-lib collaboration project with Cream Stew! What is ultimate 3 MS skill by Ueda? Ad-lib collaboration segment that Arashi is taught the skill by Aniki guest. Today Ueda’s cleaver MC skill is given instruction by Arita’s 3 methods. “Put your knowledge if you are in a pinch.” And other. What is Ueda’s MS skill that Arita teaches? ★”The set” practice 3 methods. To practice the lesson, main set turns, stage “tiers" comes up. There’s Hiroyuki Yoshida in cranky who is “the most difficult guest in Japan” that prepared by Arita. Can Arashi makes excite Ariyoshi and play their cards right!? ★a close encounter of another kind, the segment that each week a member of Arashi has experience of another kind, This time Sakurai meet Tetsuo Kaneko “chafferer” he gets instruction of secret of bargaining. After that he goes to an electronics retail store by himself. He practices bargaining! Can he succeed?
Dogatch, <Press conference of Arashi ni Shiyagare, MS is variety team’s that person> Report of press cong of “Arashi ni shiyagare” theme of the show Ad-lib so, titled “Arashi produce extra ad-lib press conference” It is Arashi dose MC. No plan no control at all press press conf. It was Aiba who appointed as MC. Hatori announcer said “Please do freely.” He let 4 of member and Hatori-san let them away form the venue. He restarted from the appearance. A: leader. How did you feel when the show determinate. O: I thought it would be exciting as it’s ad-lib no script. A: How was first guest Cream Stew? O: It was first time I had proper talk with them so it was fresh feeling for me. A: How was it Ninomiya-kun, we filmed first episode… N: watching video of 1st episode, I thought they make properly the show. It was us who simply talk. A: right, you mean the technology is amazing. N:…. A: Sakurai-san, good morning. Have you cut your hair? S: I have cut. A: you look good. S: you are like Tamori-san. How about the show? A: If you want to talk about the show, please as camera came today. S: we do in the situation without script without knowing who is the guest, what we do. As the show it seems kind of documentary. This is the show that audiences enjoy what happened in live in real. Please support us. A: How did you feel doing this who. M: it was fun. A: what is different form other shows> M: after all, this is about no plan no control, right? As we can’t prepare, we don’t know who comes, we have to come without preparing what to talk. We do searching what we can do in that situation by 5, that was interesting. First guest was Cream Stew. I think I could see us what we even don’t know. Hatori: according to Aiba-san, how were 4 of member who challenge the variety show without script? A: all are dependable. Really. I thought if there’s no script I see how we help each other. H: Do you feel your bond tighten? A: right.
Ohoku twitter at 7:39 it started today. Production team moves. At 9:43 filming has been started for today. Mr. Mizuno (nino) Mr/ Matsushima and many good looking guys of Ochuro (servant of shogun) appear. 16:00 Afternoon I look at large scale Ohoku’s world!! This is beautiful production by art section, sweat and tears created this. http://twitpic.com/1hp2xc at 18:52 beauty that is emitted from body of cast. The lighting that flatters glitter. I hope to show you all mixture of all of performance soon. At 20:34 filming has been over for today. Otsukare, again tomorrow.
VS Arashi web site has been updated. Photo of poster look cool!
Fujiko Fujio A comics. Comic Kaibutsu-kun cover you can see O-chan in cover
Oricon News favorability rating of CM 2009 No.1 Soft bank, No.2 Suntory. No 8 KDDI
Orista blog, After filming of Ninomiya-kun and Matsumoto-kun, Sakurai-kun, Ohno-kun, and Aiba-kun sit in a bench and filming has started. We requested “Please do like you are chatting!” Aiba-kun made gesture,(why?) talks to Sakurai-kun. Sakurai-kun answers gesture like OK. And in the middle Ohno-kun look at them smiling. Extra happy atmosphere. Suddenly Sakurai-kun “with this team usual always different spirit from that team (Ninomiya-kun and Matumoto-kun) a lot.” He seems unhappy. Then Ohno-kun opens arm hold shoulders of Sakurai-kun and Aiba-kun then he drum they both shoulder gently and says smilingly “Yay!” then 2 says “Yay!” sympathetically. They get smile. Then get hyper 3 scream Yay in one stretch, they took pose. This photo is maximumly happy moment.
Dogatch blog, Arashi fans who enjoyed Monday night, from April Saturday is Arashi night. I have been to press conf. of Arashi ni Shiyagare, Aiba-kun was appointed to MC from Hatori announcer as MS. As he is the variety team of Aiba-kun. He brilliantly interview to members (grin) partially members or Haroti-san point him out. It comes to non-stop laugh press conference. I saw the setting of “Arashi ni Shiyagare” for the first time. My first impression is “wow gorgeous and glittering.” The setting turns. How it turns please check on air. “Arashi ni Shiyagare” starts 21:56- on 24. that day I Ohno-kun appear at “Tensai Shimura-zoo” and Matsumoto-kun at “The the best lesson you want to take in the world,” then Ohno-kun starring “Kaibutsu-kun.”
Dogatch, <Special message from Ninomiya of Gantz if you watch Yatterman until the end.> Tonight in the end of Yatterman part. Gantz present announcement and special message of Kazunari Ninomiya. Gift is fleece muffler not on sale. The gift you can’t get other place. And Ninomiya’s comment just before completion of filming.
NTV news, < Sho Sakurai starring “Yatterman” first appearance on TV> Sho Sakurai of Arashi starting “Yatterman” on air on23 from 9PM. This is first appearance on TV. This is live action of popular animation by Takashi Miike, Sakuai and Saki Fukushima as Yatterman no.1 & 2 cut and thrust about a miraculous stone called Dokuro stone against Dronbo gangster
Mario Kart Wii special CM 90sec CM at Nintendo site.
Orista web site updated.
J-storm cover of Monster updated.
Sanspo < Tokujo Kabachi no problem release DVD> The issue that Osaka Layers association complained Tokujo Kabachi as administrative scriveners get a helping hand of dealing amicable settlement that is infraction of Lawyers Act. TBS announced “It was not cause misunderstanding of TV viewers.” The Executive managing director told “At drama it is marked as fiction and also the work of administrative scriveners is explained at official web site too.” Regarding voluntary restraint of DVD sales and repeat airing “we will do repeat and DVD sales.” DVD on sale in June.
J-web Saturday Arashi yesterday quote was Sho-chan, Final dawn! Please enjoy Arashi who doesn't know what is happening.. Sho

5:20-8:00 Zoom in, NTV Jun Matsumoto 「ARASHI2020×ZOOM」ついに最終回!松本潤さん

Hatori-san: You look sleepy. M: don’t say so! [video] the experiment with cows, cold water ablutions by a fall, he say, “Aiba, Ninomiya, Matsumoto, Ohno, Sakurai we make happy people all over the world.” N: you said good thing! H: how was it nealy 10 years ago. M: That brings back some memories. H: How do you react if it was you by now. M: I want to go the fall. S: You must have different thought from that time. M: what it would be. N: you have told very good thing. M: I simply want to perform cold water ablutions doggedly. H: you don’t say anything any more. A: How the strength of that? M: it’s tremendous. That big one you can’t stand up as per usual. You can’t hardly breath. As I was hit I was crashed some times. I could stand after several challenges. All: amazing. M: we did something amazing. H: you used to do what current Arashi can’t do. M& A: I want to do now. M: I wish if each member goes the destination determinate by dirt at least at once. A: can you let us do that, Hatori-san. H: If you do so, it’s okay. We can do Zoom-in Night. [in 10 years] being with them every day, I hope what we do increases little by little or I hope to seek something curiously. H: you don’t stop, you step forward progressingly M: I wish so sill 37 right? How about you Matsujun in 10 years?? O; he seems to get patent. H: of what? O: any kind. A: the staging not ours one, it seems possible. M: if member does solo, I want to do it once. S: (to Aiba-chan) he will never accept to forget take off the costume. M: I will let you know to your ear monitor: A: Take off!!!/ H: when do you get idea (of staging) M: it’s during meeting with staff. I ask “How about to do this?” As I don’t have any professional skill, I can propose. Then as I say so staffs think this how can make it. Q: Do you do anything special? M: I do to others’ concert often. It’s not for study, basically I like to watch entertainment show a lot. SO unconsciously this must be links. H: you are like a leader. M: Our leader is Ohno. H: Is that guy who goes fishing, right? M: right guy goes fishing. / H: how do you think each member’s 10 years from now? M: it seems possible to realize. But I prefer Aiba-chan is Aiba-chan. I wish that stupid excitement keeps at 37 years old. I prefer tha. H: I hope he was bite his arm by a lion and says “I turn 40 next month,” M: this good. H: Solo live. How do you stage? M: Ohno and Sakurai have already done, Nino as he compose and write lyric he has own world. So this guy (Aiba-chan) after all. It’s worth to do it. H: How do you make it. M: the part seriously and cool. And the part I don’t do anything, and I let him to do, I wonder how he’d do that. H: tomorrow as Arashi ni Shiyagare starts, Aiba-chan also show his strength in the ad-lib. M: Yes he’s already perfoms successfully. As it’s completely in ad-lib [message to yourself in 10 years] A: I think I hope keep having concert every year and lay my life on the line. Afterall I hope to stay in the entertainment industry. S: hope 4 always are next to me, can I do work having fun and smile? Oh, right. H: he can do this now. N: he talks to himself in 10 years! S: I hope you to do your best to aim in another 10 years to study more. N: I honestly wish to work with Arashi and people support us. To keep continue this hope you do your best. O: basically I won’t be changed a lot. I think you must think you build house now. M: hand made? O: yes. I guess you think so. Keep working! M: I think I seek something. That time I hope to enjoy with people surround me. Hope to have dinner together, to go somewhere to play. Of course work we work but if I we can do such things, I would be happy. H: this would be good to watch this in 10 years. S: Hatori-san you have to watch together. M: Hatori-san, will you be at Nihon TV that time? A: so we cut here. When do you think you quit? H: I will be NTV in 10 years. / H: It’s been 10 years since the debut, Do you think it has been changed? M: As I always together. We don’t feel it has been changed. When I met the person after long time I’m told “you have been changed.” We have that part. But I was told the atmosphere has not changed at all after long time. H: around debut at concert “please push over to front” M: I don’t know that push over to front. We use to have parts of seats didn’t filled by audiences. Q: Did you have period you thought “you better do your best.” M: we always do. But we didn’t know what we should do. Q: what you did that time? M: “let’s hang in.” we used to do that. We didn’t find right answer. If we found the answer current situation wouldn’t have happened. H: you search for answers together. You r team work is good. You do so that your team work. M: well, this is feeling hard to explain. Do with 5 at stage and make circle before real part with members and make eye contact with members on the stage. Q: have you ever hit each other? M: we haven’t there’s only blood type A and B. H: Is it because of Blood type? M: They concern a lot. Actually “if I tell more it would be awkward.” So they stop, “you‘d understand as I have told up to here.” H: That why you get along. / Shiyagare, M: no script at all. Meeting finished for 3 minutes. There was 2 sheet of paper. “it would progress in this way.” H: 2 paper for 1 hour show? M: It was first time we 5 talked with Cream Stew-san for the first time. We were taught the MC skill. But it’s so difficult to do it. H: How About most doubtful Aiba-cha. M: not only Aiba-chan. All go down.

8:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Jun Matsumoto 


10:25-11:30 Pon!, NTV Jun Matsumoto ▽ 松潤を金妻がすっポンM: Sakurai seems have time competing drama, the other day I have been to concert with him. We been separately but the seat was next. (Sho-kun was frighten in the air.) M: I feel sorry about it. However myself I feel scary, as I want to do as performance. He says yes. [Sweet of the day] grape fruit orange. When I go to super market I guy these. This morning I brought it and ate it too. [photo at central park in NYC]

11:55-13:55 Don! NTV Jun Matsumoto 


13:55-15:50 Miyane-ya, NTV Jun Matsumoto


16:20-16:30 Captain TV NTV All 今回特集するのは、4月24日(土)よる9時56分スタート「嵐にしやがれ」

Q: what is meaning title, Arashi ni Shiyagare? O: S: there’s no deep meaning. N: How do you apprehend, Ohno-san? Well this is kind of “Do that!” “Do something with it!” Kind of that. “Arashi, do something with it.” so” This comes to “Arashi ni SHiyagare.” S: he says wit good smile. It’s been long time I see such happy smile. / As we don’t have script, we see the memo of staff, that note that staff shows is kind of order or commission. What make me anxious, is interview of magazine. As I can’t say solid answer. As I don’t know context at all. Q: This require ad-lib skill, do you have kind of this skill? All: I don’t have. M: I can’t do anything by myself, But I think we are 5 we can make it. S: this is charm of Arashi. Q: the guest you want to have, A: As I used to like wrestling. Kind of Animal god Thunder Riger, I have never seen real face. Hope he unveil the real face. N: what is profession to show you real face?? M: this is about 3 methods, right? To let unveil real face, what’s this? S: I wish I could see an astronaut, kind of Mamori Mori-san as my generation. As he was a man of dream, I hope to listen to him thoroughly. If I can have experience of nongravity, this could be amazing. M: nongravity, you have to go height. Is it okay? So I will watch members who have experience. M: you actually don’t go? S: I don’t go. Q: Are you acrophobia? S: If you ask me like or not. I dislike it. But if you say to do. I do it, this is me. Q: How about Ninomiya-san? N: Ryo Ishikawa (18 golfer) This is actually it must have possible he would come. S: According to Aniki (old brother.) guest he is much younger than us. M: but if you say about golf he is extremely Aniki. A: The way he speak is kind of Aniki too. He is so mature. N: I think that rule (age) won’t be apply. A: Definitively Kid head of shop (Seishiro Kato-kun, he does Toyota CM as kid head of shop) must come. S: Actually he is head of shop. Q: who is Aniki for you? A: Takky (Hideaki Takizawa) I used to lived almost at Takky’s house before 1-2 years before debut. He let me take me many place, kind of Yakiniku. He took care of me that time. S: for you Aniki is ? A: Takky. Other 4: heh! A: I give him a call later, saying “Anki!” / O: me after all, Matsuoka-kun of Tokio. S: You do together, right at Kaibutsu-kun? O: I still don’t to with him yet. N: You don’t need to say so. It’s not necessary to say so. O: I don’t know his existence is Aniki. N: I see. O: You see, right? Actually it seems he runs on wall. Q: run on the wall? O: it seems he can usual wall around 10 steps. N: he can run 10 steps if he is pretty good. O: Aniki is amazing. [PR time for 10 sec] O: Arashi ni Shiyagare, each time Aniki part of guest comes… M This is Aniki guest. N: it finishes, finishes, finishes! / N: when this starts? O: 24 April. A: at what time? N: 9:56 pm. Q: do you promote? S: Actually we just confirm it. M: it’s not 10 pm, right? what is before Shiyagare? O: Ah! It’s me. Kaibutsu-kun. 4 of them: Oh! S: when the 9pm one is over, O: this, shiyagere. M: you are 2 straight hours? O: yes it is. 4 of them: God. M: Ohno-san you are amazing. N: you appear so long time. Q: I think you promote the show. A: wow camera was shooting. N: why you don’t tell us? M: Sorry to waste the tape. N: You're so mean.

17:00-18:56 news every. NTV Jun Matsumoto 
18:56-19:56 Unchiku-kun, NTV Jun Matsumoto 

[Secret of Matsujun] O: He dose rub disposable chopsticks. That is good as right manner. But he always does that absolutely. Hope he break a habit. N: may be he must already notice. Don’t take the phone from Jun Matsumoto in mid night. The worst one is, once I take the phone, he doesn’t hang up until I come over, and phone rand in quick succession. This is getting known in this industry. Don’t take the phone from Jun Matsumoto in mid night. S: he is tends to pursue and goes the limit. He said, “I start golf. “ I thought he practice to play golf. He started from built his strength. He’s been too residential training with athletes. He face after he build up his physique, a compromising attitude. I was surprised. Q: how about gold now? S: it seems he doesn’t play gold recently. A: Palm teller read Jun-kun’s palm and said, “You are the person who has ultimate desire for sex.” I don’t think so but I wonder how the real? Does he read pink magazine? I’m curious about it. Do you read?

21:00-22:54 Yatterman NTV  Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya Gantz messag 説明しよう!「ヤッターマン」はTV初登場のハチャメチャ面白いエンタメ超大作なのだ!嵐からスペシャルプレゼントもあるよ。みんなで観ないとオシオキだべ~。

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Q: Can you remember face and name quickly. Do you know good method? Hum, Me I can’t remember, I’m sorry. I remember with nick name so I surprisingly don’t know real name. Me, actually can’t remember the name things like that. At first, often at drama first meeting. Staffs are introduced at one stroke. How can I remember! He he he! I think so, yep. I pick them little by little. Well, really the name and BD, really can’t remember. Well honestly I meet some one after long time “Hello it’s been long time.”I was told so I absolutely don’t forget the face. But the name doesn’t come out. In the case of Actor, Arata Furuta, if he doesn’t remember the name, he asks this person “what was your name.” If you are something like Ito. “Well, it’s Ito.” “I know it I mean your first name.” kind that. He asks there. He he he. He is good. he he he. Me, can’t do that, ho ho ho. Anyway you can do in any way. This smart but odious, Yep. This was Satoshi Ohno, watch Kaibutsu-kun!
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso I can control the dream. once I get up If the bad dream I don't dream again. but if it's good dream, I can have rest of dream if I wanted. "Spiral aired.

Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  
Myojo, cover: Arashi, serial "Arashi ato"
Masaki Aiba
Pia EX Masaki Aiba long interview same as susumeru Pia
Ray Masaki Aiba
Anan Satoshi Ohno about blood type, daily matter and myself 血液型のこと、日々のこと自分自身のこと・・・


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here
public 0
82532 2010-04-23 23:22:00 2010-04-23 14:22:58 Saturday 24-Apr-2010

Captain TV yertsrday’s blog, Arashi ni Shiyagare starts from tomorrow. Before that they make storm at Captain TV too. The filming was late night. But all were in nice high spirits. As it aired too during filming or not filming they make hyper saying “kuu!!” when filming starts director counts, “5 sec before, 4 of , 3 of “ It was funny Matsumoto-san said “2 of” (Ni no) during counting. They answered various question but we had to cut these. We note the answers that was not aired. Q: the guest you want. M: comic writer. He wants listen detail of planning and layout. Recently he gets into comic with especially Ninomiya-san. According to Sakurai-san he sees often the picture he talks to comic. A: He has another guest he want to have except Animal God Thunder Riger. That is Ichiro (Baseball player) as he like curry he really want to know if Ichiro eats curry every day. O: Jackie Chan, he wants to lean Drunken method. Matsumoto-san says “I want Sammo Hung to come.” O: “Yuan Biao is good too.” Q: how so you consider Aniki (senior brother) S: Sho Hikawa-san, When I co-stared with him the day of episode 1. He left voice mail. “Congratulations first episode on air.” He was touched how he was nice person. N: Naoto Takenaka-san. He goes driving and has dinner together, He is his Aniki whether business or personal. M: Koichi Sato-san. He was taken to golf together when he was with him at drama. He got carefully advice. Actually it was play to 10 second promotion. But their amazing team work of 5 they promoted fully. That “this is not promotion this is confirmation” mission was taken double than on air. They left waving Dabear with smile. Today’s blog. On Saturday Strom (Arashi) hits Japan. This is not about weather. We had interview with 5 of Arashi. However it was late night filming. They appear fresh smile that never show their fatigue. I greeted them “Sorry, you must be tired, Thank you.” They answered. “Sorry to keep you wait.” Such gentlemen answer. Arashi get along very well. When some one says some thing they say “Kuu!” seems like it’s their boom. They treated Dabare nicely. “Arashi ni shiyagare. “ “Kaibutsu-kun” I feel so grateful. I think I will stop having drinking on Saturday.
1000 dream blog, about Yuichi Koshimura aka Ryutaro Yanagi .
Tomoko Fujita-san’s (1000 dreams) yesterday’s blog. The operation glove used at rehearsal. Another blog, rehearsal, but it’s cold today. The site of rehearsal that rest a little is hot!
Ryuhei Ohnuma-san (1000 dreams) yesterday’s blog. Rehearsal is in the final stretch…
Misa Uehara-san’s (1000 dreams) blog at rehearsal.
Umezawa-san’s blog (Kaibutsu-kun special make up) yesterday’s blog. Currently having meal but filming is continuing.
Ohoku twitter at 10:39 Today it’s clear, Today is a good day to film, all of filming team’s high-spirit is gushing. At11:52 Today early lunch. We store up our power for long filming of afternoon. at 15:05 Filming Mizuno house. Decoration section creates bamboo blind. This makes gives srtistic accent to the atomospher. The site feel awakward to small details of each object. http://twitpic.com/1hypct. at 21:28 it gets night. The moon illuminate clumsy of foot. The air is clear, it’s getting colder than colder. Filming still continue. Have you spent good day today? http://twitpic.com/1i1bhp  at 00:11the filming is over for today. filming starts again in several hours.
J-web the prince Satoshi-kun no Hitotoki Well it's Ohno~ Everybody~Have you watched drama Kaibutsu-kun? Is it Okay kind of that Kaibutsu-kun? (grin) I have show you  how I was spoiled at episod 1, but Please certainly watch how Kaibutsu-kun grows up in future. As this one is live action of comic I empathize with it and act with a serious mind I ususaly don't get mad this is rare. (grin) episode 2 is about money Please watch it Today's photo is ears of Kaibutsu-kun. This is single use so I have them many. This looks like food in a case it looks yummy for instant (grin) So, everybody, Please look forward episode 2 4.24.2010 Satoshi
Kaibutsu-kun’s blog, Hello it’s staff A. It’s 2nd night of Saturday Arashi! Kaibutsu-kun on air from 9pm.

  5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Jun Matsumoto  ▽松本潤もビックリ?!激カワいいペット達が大集合!▽
  16:00-16:55 Satruday Arashi 2nd night "Arashi ni Shiyagare!" pre show. NTV Included Arashi Den and Monster performance. 先週好評だった「嵐伝~そうだったのか?!嵐の軌跡」を緊急放送決定!先週見逃した方必見!▼櫻井翔・メンバーも知らなかった大きな苦悩とは?▼二宮和也・事務所をやめようと思った事があった…▼相葉雅紀・バラエティーが苦手を克服させてくれた人物とは?▼松本潤・コンサートでぶつかった大きな壁とは?▼大野智・嵐を辞めたいと思った…大野を救った意外な人物とは▼嵐・衝撃の新曲「Monster」再び必見!
  19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Jun Matsumoto Jun Matumoto and Masaki Aiba make a great effort to enjoy Japanese monkeys ▽相葉雅紀&松本潤がニホンザルを楽しませるために奮闘!!Matsujun participate Aiba-kun fight make zoon fun.▽マツジュンも参戦!相葉くんが動物園をより楽しくさせるために奮闘!!
  19:54-20:54 Seikaiichi ichiban uketai jyugyou, (the best  class of the word I wan to listen) NTV Jun Matsumoto  ▽人間の心理は音が操っていた!?▽日本が生んだ世界に誇るモノを紹介▽毛細血管とシミやシワの関係性を学ぶ松本潤ほか▽嵐マツジュン初登校谷村奈南&椿鬼奴も!▽シミ・シワ・たるみ毛細血管に原因が!?▽聞いて得する耳のトレーニング▽毛細血管のしくみと老化防止 コロッケ、松本潤(嵐)、森三中らが、中央大理工学部教授・戸井武司、通産省OBで政策研究大学院大教授の橋本久義、医学博士・高倉伸幸の各氏の授業を受ける。
  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno Hiroshi saw the aspect of monster of Kaibutsu-kun. He remembers the promise with Monster king that he his true identity can’t be exposed to humans. Dracula, Wolf Man, Franken got panic not to able to back to Monster land. They let Hiroshi to select his favorite toy at Toy shop for make him quiet. Kaibutsu-kun who doesn’t know existence of money he leaves without paying. The policemen chase him as he thought it was shoplifting. “What is money?” “Money is indispensable humans’ world. You can exchange the place to live and food.” Meanwhile in devil world. Demorina murmurs fondling the aquarium where Dekimon sleeps. “… Mr. Dekimon…. I will suck all of desire from humans and I will revive you absolutely. And she issues an order to Akkuma “What I take advantage next time is symbol of human desire…Money!” Kaibutsu-kun pick 50K yen in the envelop in front of Hiroshi’s house. “Spent it as you want!” Kaibutsu-kun spends money get carried away to use money to playing with 3 companies and Hiroshi. “Well, Money is good!” Kaibutsu-kun was at peak but the money was for living expense that Utako saved doing part time job. Kaibutsu-kun and others got scorched to have spent money. As Kaibutsu-kun and others felt responsibility and try to make money but it doesn’t get through at all. They can’t buy anything as they don’t have money. As Utako is upset she doesn’t cook curry. They feel hungry. Meanwhile. Utako in need of cash visit mysterious building where you can get cash for free…Again Kaibutsu-kun’s rampage in human world! What is plan of Devil world who wish to govern human world!? What Kaibutsu-kun lears in human world? How is going to be the fate of Kaibutsu-kun!?怪物の姿をヒロシ(濱田龍臣)に見られてしまった怪物くん(大野智)。人間に正体がばれてはいけないという怪物大王(鹿賀丈史)との約束を思い出し、ドラキュラ(八嶋智人)とオオカミ男(上島竜兵)、フランケン(チェ・ホンマン)と怪物ランドに戻れない!とパニックになる。口止め代わりに、オモチャ屋でヒロシに好きなオモチャを選ばせるが、「お金」の存在を知らない怪物くんは代金を払わず店を出てしまい、万引きと間違えられお巡りさん(三宅弘城)に追いかけられる。「なあ、オカネって何だ?」「オカネとは『人間界になくてはならないもの。住むところも食べるものも、このオカネと引き換えに手に入れる』ザマス」その頃、悪魔界では―― デモキン(松岡昌宏)の眠る水槽を愛おしそうになでながら、デモリーナ(稲森いずみ)がつぶやく。「・・・デモキン様・・・人間から欲望を吸いつくし、必ずやあなたを復活させる」そして、アックマー(津田寛治)に指令を出す。「次に利用するのは、人間の欲望の象徴・・・金!」怪物くんが、ヒロシの家で茶封筒に入ったオカネ5万円を拾う。「お前達もじゃんじゃん使え!」と、お供の3人やヒロシと一緒に、調子にのってオカネで遊びまくる怪物くん。「いやぁ、オカネってのはイイな!」絶好調!な怪物くんだったが、そのオカネはウタコ(川島海荷)が、アルバイトで苦労して貯めた生活費だった!大切なオカネを使ってしまい、ウタコに怒られる怪物くんたち。
  21:56-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare totally new show appears on Saturday 22 o’clock. Arashi at the pinnacle of popularity challenge this show is insane by some way, no controlled plan entertainment variety! Arashi challenges the show ad-lib without knowing “who is guest” and “what to do with guest”. “The set “ (draft) ad-lib entertainment by Arashi vs Aniki-guest, the core of segment is “the set “ is plant to learn the professional area by different guest of each week. The seguemet that set is different according to the guest, at one stage, “Yose” (traditional comic thelling), then at one stage “skit” set. At another stage “tiers" This is to lean the entertainment technique by the aniki-guest of each week! [Example] in the case aniki-guest is big name skit comedian: injecting skit with skit set. In the case big name of traditional comic story teller: injecting “Rakugo” traditional coming telling. In the case of big name of Kabuki actor: injecting Kabuki with Kabuki set etc. So like this, this is talk & entertainment show that Arashi challenges ad-lib professional area and plays set for each big name aniki- guest.土曜22時に人気絶頂「嵐」を迎えたまったく新しい番組が登場!人気絶頂の「嵐」がこの番組で挑むのは、ある意味“非常識”な“予定調和一切なし”のエンターテインメントバラエティです!メンバー5人は、「ゲストが誰なのか?」「そのゲストと何をするのか?」を何も知らされず、<即興>で番組に臨みます。【嵐VS.アニキゲスト】の即興エンターテインメント「ザ・セット」(仮)番組の軸となるコーナーは、毎週異なるアニキゲストから“プロの領域”を学ぶ「ザ・セット」(仮)を予定!ゲストによって毎回セットが異なるこのコーナー。ある時は「寄席」セット、またある時は「コント」セット、そしてまたある時は「ひな壇」セット・・・。これは、毎週登場する“その道のプロ”である「アニキゲスト」から、嵐5人に「エンターテインメントな技」を、<即興>で注入してもらうため!例)アニキゲストが大物コント芸人の場合・・・コントセットで「コント」を注入!大物落語家の場合・・・寄席セットで「落語」を注入!大物歌舞伎役者の場合・・・歌舞伎の舞台セットで「歌舞伎」を注入!etc・・・・・・といった具合に、毎週訪れる大物アニキゲスト用に用意されたセット上で、嵐がプロの領域に<即興>で挑み、遊ぶ、トーク&エンターテインメント企画です。 Variety show that Arashi does MC. Today Cream Stew (Shinya Ueda & Teppei Arita) comes as guest. Arita teaches “Ultimate technique of MC”, “in a pinch put in your knowledge. Introduce 3 major points”some time you point out.” “If someone you don’t know you do smarty-pants and praise this person. Being in mind these, Arashi challenge MC of talk show in ad-lib. Then challege MC of talk show as Ohno for marshal and Ninomiya for pointing out, Sakurai for knowledge. When guest, Arita talks small voice. Ninomiya feed “Is it Manner mode?” and in a split second Sakurai starts talking “what manner mode is” 嵐が司会を務めるバラエティー。今回はくりぃむしちゅー(上田晋也、有田哲平)をゲストに迎える。有田は”究極のMC術”を嵐に教えるべく、「困ったときはうんちくをぶち込みやがれ」「ときには例え突っ込みをしやがれ」「知らない人が来ても知ったかぶりをして褒めやがれ」という3カ条を紹介。それらを踏まえ、嵐が即興でトーク番組の司会を実践することになり、大野智が進行、二宮和也が例え突っ込み、桜井翔がうんちく、相葉雅紀が知ったかぶり、松本潤がにぎやかしの役を担当する。ゲスト役の有田が小さな声で話していると、二宮は「マナーモードかっ」と突っ込み、すかさず桜井が「マナーモードとは」と語り始める。

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5 Q: Do you lose anything? Actually, Aiba-chan he doesn’t lose. But he leaves often, hat or glasses. He say “bye!” I tell them “glasses!” I lose sun glasses often. I talked this to my acquaintance. Actually when he talked According to this psychic, losing things is by contraries you have strong luck. It’s about chemistry with object. If you don’t have good chemistry with that object you lose it without noticing. Actually this person told my birth date without telling my name. This psychic “This guy must live around this vicinity.” She/ he correctly guess where I live. So I believe what this person says. According to he/ her displacement of dimensionality exist. And once it happens, object disappears. Is it only object? How about human? It was proved scientifically. Once displacement of dimensionality occures it would be like black hole, object disappears or is be back. It doesn’t happen often. One or twice for a life. It’s curious, this kind of story. /Q: I heard you’ve been to the play of Shigo-chan (Katori) Yes, I have been to. I was curious watching objectively as Mitani-san make musical with this material. I found several parts that were very Mintani-san. I have been to greet before play and after the play I told him impression. Actually at Kohaku rehearsal of opening Smap was few groups after us. I talked with Shingo-kun about Mitani-san and drama, as he told me to come. I went to watch it. That time I told how about the photo we took in Omote-sando. He remembers it. He said “I‘ll search it. It would be in my PC. “I asked “Have you bring the photo today? “ he said “Okay let’s take photo today.” We took photo by each camera, mine was cell phone. That time he shows me the photo he took. It was photo with Johnny-san. It was fun. I remember we did same. We pointed focus on him but he didn’t want, he left the room, then we forced to take picture of him. This time seems same. / closing. Today 2nd night of Saturday Arashi. Arashi ni shiyagare starts. I appear at “Shimura Zoo” and” the class you want to take” too. I did on site filming with Aiba-kun. It’s been long time, the on site filming with Masaki Aiba. I appear the Aiba-kun’s that segment.

GQ coever: all
TV station
TV Fun
TV Navi, prep & revision of Himitsu no Arashi-chan
Monthely the television, serial "monthly Arashi", serial "Memorial 10"


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
82842 2010-04-23 23:25:00 2010-04-23 14:25:05 Sunday 25-Apr-2010


Arashi ni Shiyagare web site updated. The contents, BBS has opened.
Kaibutsu-kun Mania quiz updated. You can get new wall paper.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good evening. It’s staff K. actually posting of BBS exceeded 1,000
1000 dreams, publicity information updated. Emiko Uenuma Oshaberi Cooking 13:.5-13:20 5/3-5/5 on TVA Ryosei Tayama. at 12:20 filming of after noon has been started. 15:40 Filming progress smoothly. 17:02 Filming progress smoothly even more.
Ohoku Twitter at 5:26 We start for today. At 6:48 Early morning scene started.

12:20 filming of after noon has been started. 15:40 Filming progress smoothly. 17:02 Filming progress smoothly even more. 21:04 it’s over for today. I think we will announce that you are curious about this week some where. Please wait. So check TBS!
GQ Japan twitter at 17:58 Have you seen the cover story of Arashi. 2 pages of photo with 5 are really good. If you look closely you can see each character, you can see good team work too. This was shot at interval of Arashi ni Shiyagare that starts today. 18:06Another Arashi story. The cover story’s photo Ohno-san throws an apple. That one is real juggling act using 3 apples. Photographer suddenly forced to do that, but he made it. He is really very good. Leader, I ‘m impressed.
Arashi appears music station on 21 May.
Fujin Koron blog the guest is mother of the play of Masaki Aiba-san. It’s 4th time she work with Aiba-san. There’s many common point. 1, after work is beef. 2. Full of smile. 3. If I ask return 10 answers, the way to talk. 4. Careful consideration. At the stage she lets Aiba-san sit in front of piano. As soon as he sits he plays a verse of children's song. That song is…. It’s depends on your imagination. (Actually it’s secret between interview team. Acutally photo to also published. Please check it.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog, Have you watched episode? I became grandma. detail of inside story will be updated cell phone site.
Cyzo, < “participate if he is invited.” Matsujun loves parties. Tsurube discloses how he gets drunk.> However he looks shy around strangers and hard to communicate. “Loves atmosphere of drinking session.” “If I was cold I participate as much as possible. “Unexpectedly frank and great deal of curiosity, Jun Matsumoto. From members, “I hear ‘I had drink together’ by unexpected person.” “He must appear various places?” He is pointed out his sociability. As this proves at his radio on aired on 10. “Yesterday It was amazing, I had drink with Koichi Sato-san, Takenori Kinashi-san, master Tsurube, Shun Ogruri. After all people called people it got unbelievable.” He disclosed he participated the gorgeous drink session that paparazzi photographers want. Unfortunately this story was not developed the detail at his radio but later this drink session was talked about at unexpected place. That is at variety show that “Kirakira Afro!” that is Turube Shofukutei and Naomi Matsushima of Othello’s talk show. Tsurube talked that he did unofficial participant to Shun Oguri’s radio show because he had live phone call from Takenori Kitanshi. Later he joined the bar that Kinashi and Koichi Sato waited. Seems that is this drinking session. The member of that day according to Tsurube. “Christel Takigawa, Kyoka Suzuki, Meisa Kuroki, Koichi Sato, Kinashi, Matsujun, and Shun Oguri. “ After all amazing members. But Tsurube has to participate next day’s performance he left early. The person who did good action as junior person…”Matsujun, he is good guy. How ever he is drunk too. ‘I catch cab.’ He caught cab gorgeously. I heard he fall after and he slept at Oguri’s place.” “The grougeous catching” is according to gesture of Tsurube, Jump waving both hands… it’d father gorgeous, it’s pretty? Anyway. It seems he must be pretty drunk. The aspect that is totally hyper than usual cool atmosphere, it seems he got Tsurube’s heart certainly. I like if kind of this drink session, I prefer this could be exclusive publish by photo magazine.
1000 dreams blog updated. This is Yasuri KUjiri that Aiba-san introduced at Hanamaru café. This is to make Geta (Japanese style sandal)
Tomoko Fujita-san’s (1000 dreams cast)  blog. Today, rehearsal with costume. Finally it’s getting real part.


22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM Mail: I watched Arashi-chan you have 6 packed muscles. Is it cold the water? N: Have you watched? STBY: Yes, Shinsuke-san was good. N: Actually we don’t talk about this now. We talk about dud Arashi. S: Is it cold the water? N: I was asked this by mail… I have gotten many mails about my abdominal muscle. I actually around 32 packed abs. I wonder how far I will have. Scary. I actually film Ohoku, but I don’t have scene of upper body nude. At all. How ever I trained it’s waste. I wonder if I will have chance to have scene. / complete medical checkup, S: you have to drink barium. that’s awful. I feel like drinking cement, I have not drunk it. But I think it could be like this if I drink it. And I was swung around. I’m told not do gaseous regurgitation but. If I told so I want to do it. It was hard not to laugh. I actually measured 167.9 cm. I was 168cm. This height is regretful/ what I lose, N: Actually if you buy new one you find. I have 6 scissors at home. S: you same. N: I wonder why I buy 5th scissors, 4 scissors are found out at one stroke. I wonder what this. I feel wistful. / N: I stared drinking around 22 years old. That time I didn’t drink a lot but I get up early like 6 or 7 in the morning. I couldn’t understand why people come in late because having drink. I used to sleepy when I have drink. But recently I get early. It’s been 3 week I film. In Kyoto too I have drinks and beck to Tokyo I have drinks too. I get up early. But this Ohoku, early one starts at 3 am. But starting time varies. Today it was before 1 pm. My alarm doesn’t work. / Hair cut, N: I can’t cut my hair a lot. Actually side hair of Ohoku is mine. At Gantz I was told not to cut. Which hair style dose suit me? S: I liked past one when you have short hair. Around 2003 N: let me know by tune. S: Pikanchi. N: short hair is good. it’s easy to wash. It’s okay to shampoo just once. I wonder which timing girls cut hair. / photo at Ashita no Kioku of 5x10. N: actually it was extremely hard! It’s different by family, each family has own ones. I was requested when I was born, at 3, at 5, at entry of primary school, at middle grade of primary school, at junior high school. At junior high, I was already Johnny’s junior. It was so difficult. When I was little I don’t know which one is me. And as I’m 2nd child of family, baby of a family & eldest son. I don’t have many.


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
83086 2010-04-26 00:07:00 2010-04-25 15:07:33 Upcoming TV shows and magazienes 26 April~

4/26  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
4/27 15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun NTV (repeat) Satoshi Ohno
4/29 no VS Arashi FTV
4/29 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Golden week starting special! Mannequin 5. Mannequin 5 special in Gotenba Ouotlet mall, special coordination battle! Reserve whole mall, coordinate serious coordination of spring wining date clothe for limited time 3 hours! These are displayed for a week and select no.1 by popular vote. Who will be unsold? GW突入記念! マネキンファイブ特別編in御殿場アウトレット ガチコーディネート対決! 御殿場アウトレットを貸切り、制限時間3時間で”春の勝負デート服”をガチコーディネート!それを1週間展示し一般投票で1位を決める!はたして売れ残る嵐は誰だ!?Special version of Mannequin Five that members of Arashi fight by fashion coordination. 5 of Arashi visit Gotenba Outlet mall in Shizuoka, buy wining date cloth within limited time. And wear this cloth to mannequin not to show whose one and display for a week in the mall. And visitors slelect no.1 by popular vote. 5 appears in each coordinated cloth. They Guest Hiroko Nishikawa and others review them they announce the result the vote in the end. 嵐のメンバーがファッションコーディネートで対決する「マネキンファイブ特別編」をおくる。 嵐の5人は静岡県御殿場のアウトレットモールを訪れ、勝負デート服をテーマに制限時間内で服などを購入。それを誰のコーディネートか分からないようにマネキンに着せ、モール内に1週間展示し、どのコーディネートが優れているか、訪れたお客さんによる人気投票を実施する。スタジオには5人がそれぞれのコーディネートを着て登場し、ゲストの西川史子らの批評を受け、最後に投票結果が発表される。
5/1 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba ▽飼い主が大変身したらペットはどんな反応をするか試す「タカンドトシの動物自由研究」にTKO・木本武宏が参加。また、スタジオでは、ゲストの大橋のぞみらが、ペットの気持ちになってクイズに答える。
5/1  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun who got to know the meaning of “friend” noticed this applies the relationship with Hiroshi and he makes merry. But as soon as he got to know that a slander about him at Hiroshi’s composition, he bust up with Hiroshi. Meanwhile Dracula and other were ordered to get the stone that he passed to Kaibutsu-kun as soon as possible by Jiiya. That stone has power to unloose the sealed psychic powers. This must not tell to Kaibutsu-kun. Dracula guess it’s not Kaibutsu-kun who has that stone, it’s Hiroshi has. 「友達」の意味を知った怪物くん(大野智)は、それがヒロシ(浜田龍臣)との関係に当てはまると気付いてはしゃぐ。だが、ヒロシの作文に自分の悪口が書かれていることを知った途端、ヒロシと仲たがいしてしまう。一方、ドラキュラ(八嶋智人)たちは爺や(半海一晃)から、怪物くんに渡した石を一刻も早く回収するよう命じられる。その石には封印された念力を解く力があるが、そのことは怪物くんに伝えてはならないと言う。やがて、ドラキュラたちはその石が今は怪物くんの手元にはなく、ヒロシが持っているらしいと察する。Kaibutsu-kun, Dracula, Wolf man, Franken participate athletic festival of the town! Kaibutsu-kun gets hustle, “Look carefully! My performance!” He loses serious fight against policeman. He’s depressed to lose against human “If I could use psychic powers. Hiroshi asks to run together at three-legged race “Why me?” “Is it okay me? “He accepts in bad humor. Before the start, the devil stone shines! Then they win in astounding speed. “My psychic power is back!?” Meanwhile suddenly 3 companies are called by Jiiya. They do to the judgment place, they were told to back the stone that he gave to Kaibutsu-kun. Actually that stone is called the devil stone that unloose the sealed psychic powers. 3 companies try to get the stone while Kaibutsu-kun doesn’t know the secret. But they can’t find the stone. When they search the stone, Wolf Man picks the composition Hiroshi wrote; the title “my friend” is written “I don’t like Kaibutsu-kun.” Kaibutsu-kun got to know this and get furious. “I quite the friend of him.” He announce breakup to Hiroshi. Meanwhile Utako came to help to Kaibutsu-kun and others “Hiroshi is gone.” Soon threat letter arrived that note Hiroshi was kidnapped. Finally big secret of devil stone unveiled. Who is another Kaibutsu-kun that approaches to Hiroshi.怪物くん(大野智)とドラキュラ(八嶋智人)・オオカミ男(上島竜兵)・フランケン(チェ・ホンマン)が、町内運動会に参加することに! 「よーく見とけ!俺の活躍」と張り切る怪物くんだが、お巡りさん(三宅弘城)とのガチンコ勝負で負けてしまう。「念力さえ使えれば・・・」人間に負けて落ち込む怪物くんに、ヒロシ(濱田龍臣)は2人3脚で一緒に走ってほしいとお願いする。「俺なんかでいいのか?」しぶしぶ参加する怪物くんだったが、スタート直前、ヒロシのポケットの中で魔王石が光る!すると、驚異的なスピードで優勝する二人。「念力が戻った!?」そんな折、突然、怪物ランドの爺や(半海一晃)から呼び出しを受けるお供の3人。審判の間に行ってみると、怪物くんに渡した石を返せと言ってきた。 実はあの石は“魔王石”といって、呪いを解く力を持つ特別な石なのだという。
5/1 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" Kazunari Ninomiya participate what is sill protect from daily danger, ▽“未知との遭遇しやがれ”に二宮和也が参戦▽“日常生活に潜む危険”から身を守る対応術とは!?Shimuwa method  Character skill that taught by Ken Shimura. He gives instructioin of Baka Tono make-up to Arashi. 志村けんに学ぶ“志村流キャラクター術”▽嵐に“バカ殿メーク術”伝授
5/3  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
5/2 14:30-17:20 all of NTV popular show gathered! The class you want to take in the world, NTV (repeat) Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
4/27 15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno
5/6 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV  Figure skaeing team, Mao & Mai Asada sisters, Takehiko Kozuka, Takashi HOnda, Daiki Tanaka
5/6 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Mannequin Five "cloth for spring blind date" Kyaiin, Shoji.
5/8 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/8  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno
5/8 21:56-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/10 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/10  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
5/11 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/12 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/13 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto   
5/13  19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV  Koji Imada, Sabanna, Jicho Kacho, Ryota yamazato, Aya Ueto as plus one guest.
5/13 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Doubt Action, Fujiwara, Himura, extra hot sauce, stinky hell
5/15 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/15  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno
5/15 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/17 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/17  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai 
5/18 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/19 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/20 15:55-16:53 Bambino (repeat) NTV Jun Matsumoto 
5/20  19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV 
5/20 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/2119:54-20:54 Music Station TVA
5/22 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/22  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno
5/22 22:00-22:54  Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/25  22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
5/27  19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV 
5/27 22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/29 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/29  21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno
5/29 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV

4/19 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/27 VS Arashi
4/28 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
5/4 Arashi ni Shiyagare
5/11 VS Arshi
5/12 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
5/18 Arashi ni Shiyagare
5/25 VS Arashi
5/26 Himitsu no Arashi-chan 

New-year 2011 Spring 2011GANTZ
Kazunari Ninomiya  Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard.
10/1/2010 Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya mysterious epidemic sweeps over men, Ed, age of Tokugawa, (1608-1868) 80% of man in Japan dead and the population decreased only one-quart of female population. It was reverse world all of important work is done by women and men sell their bodies. The sumptuous place in such an age. It was ohoku the place where 3000 beautiful men serve one female shogun, paradise of men, no women admitted… now a young guy opens its door.

Kimito miru sen no yume  Masaki Aiba at Tokyo Globe Theatre

Aiba-san’s role Ikebe Haruya Former pianist son and heir of shoes shop. One day commercial district of province. son and heir of Ikebe shoes shop that sales Geta and Zouri (traditional Japanese shoes) He graduated well known Music College in Tokyo, he aimed for pianist. But last year he retuned to his home town at death of his mother in order to follow in his father's footsteps. It happened just before important piano competition. Currently he trains to create Zouri under his father. But the relationship of father-son is not favorable. The cold war is still continued.
5/2 19:00
5/3 13:00 & 18 :00
5/5 13:00 & 18 :00
5/6 14:00 & 19:00
5/7 13:00
5/8 13:00 & 18 :00
5/9 13:00 & 18 :00
5/10 19:00
5/12 13:00
5/14 13:00
5/15 13:00 & 18 :00
5/16 13:00 & 18 :00
5/17 19:00
5/19 14:00 & 19:00
5/20 14:00 & 19:00
5/21 13:00
5/22 13:00 & 18 :00
5/23 13:00 & 18 :00
5/24 13:00

1/8 Able,
Sho Sakurai
1/16 Kose, Fasio Jun Matsumoto 
1/24 & 1/30  Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
2/22 House Foods Soup de Okoge, Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 AU all
2/25 AU all
2/18 Dwango Troublemaker
2/26 J storm 
3/16Mistuya CIder Sho Sakurai  
3/18 Super Mario Brothers, Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
3/27 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal T Kazunari Ninomiya
4/2 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/19 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all
4/21 Mario Kart Wii, Kazunari Ninomiya & Jun Matsumoto
Early summer Muhi, Masaki Aiba 


4/21 Weekly The Television  Cover: Arashi.
4/21 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin”  Kazunari Ninomiya x Masaki Aiba
4/21 Shonen Sunday spring Arashi. First appearance 5 tech the key about coolness. Pin-up poster. All of 5 key for coolness of guy, party and casual photo, and gorgeous long interview.
4/22 Fujin Koron Masaki Aiba
x Keiko Miyata.
4/22 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san 
4/23 Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  
4/23 Myojo, cover: Arashi, serial "Arashi ato"
4/23 Popolo,
Masaki Aiba
4/23 Pia EX Masaki Aiba
4/23 Anan Satoshi Ohno about blood type, daily matter and myself 血液型のこと、日々のこと自分自身のこと・・・
4/24 GQ coever: all
4/24 TV station
4/24 TV Fun
4/24 TV Navi, prep & revision of Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/24 Monthely the television, serial "monthly Arashi", serial "Memorial 10"

4/26 More Serial "It" Kazunari Ninomiya , Book in book Arasahi "real daily life" 12 pages of close up of 5 real faces
4/27 Best Stage Masaki Aiba
4/27 Josei Jishin, All
4/27 Cinema Cinema Ganz & Ohoku
4/28 Weekly The Television 
4/28 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
4/28 TV Life Cover Satoshi Ohno "Himitsu no prep & revision”, serial “inside talk to talk, new serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno, Arashi special collaboration project with Himitsu no Arashi-chan.
4/28 TV station
4/28 TV Pia,
4/28 Yomiuri, evening newspaper
4/28 Cinema Square, Gantz and Ohoku

4/30 +act.mini Satoshi Ohno  
4/30 Fuji Gaho Masaki Aiba
4/30 Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  
5/1 Nikkei Entertainment, Satoshi Ohno 
5/2 Theatre Guide Masaki Aiba
5/6 Da Vinchi Kazunari Ninomiya ,
5/5 Weekly The Television  
5/5 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
5/5 Non-no serial “2/Arashi”

5/5 Weekly The Television  
5/5 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
5/7 Duet, serial ”Monthly Arashi-ism”Happy Arashi project”
5/7 Wink Up, serial “Aramashi Arashi”
5/7 Potato, serial “Around Arashi” 
5/7 Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"    a
5/11 Tokyou 1 week, All
5/12 Weekly The Television 
5/12 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
5/12 TV Life Cover Arashi. "Himitsu no prep & revision”, serial “inside talk to talk, new serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno,
5/12 TV station
5/12 TV Pia,
5/13 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san 
5/14 Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI" 


3/26 My Girl DVD box  Masaki Aiba

4/7  Histry of our family sound track CD
4/7 ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10  DVD
5/19 Monster CD □general edition: Monster, TBD, monster Karaoke & TBD song Karaoke □ Monster, TBD song, DVD of Monster and making.
5/26 Kaibutsu-kun sound track CD
6/2 The Last PromiseDVD, general version and limited version.
6/2 Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Otoko, DVD box  Sho Sakurai
6/23 Tokujo Kabachi DVD box  Sho Sakurai


This week word by Nino
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 134 15 Mar 
Enjoy vol.61 30 Mar (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 55 updated 20 April (update every 10th and 20th)
Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki 24 April
serial Tokujo 21 March 
No. 1 (Aiba~ one) 14 Sep (last)
My girl mail: 12/11
Annoying mail from all 3 March. 
Annoying mail from Aiba-chan 17 May,
Annoying mail from O-chan 16 Mar 3 Sep
Annoying mail from Sho-chan 17 Jan
Annoying mail from Jun-kun 9/3
Tenkimi mail from Nino: 9/24
Ura Arashi: 8/28: Aiba-chan, 8/29: O-chan, 8/30: Nino, 9/18 Jun-kun, 9/19: Sho-chan, 9/25: Matsujun, 9/26: Aiba-chan,  11/14: Nino, 11/15: O-chan.12/4: Sho-chan, 12/5 O-chan, 12/6 Aiba-chan. 1/16 Nino, 1/17: Matsujun 1/25: All


Monday 26-Apr-2010


22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama




□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

Tuesday 27-Apr-2010


15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun NTV (repeat) Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

More Serial "It" Kazunari Ninomiya , Book in book Arasahi "real daily life" 12 pages of close up of 5 real faces
Best Stage Masaki Aiba
Josei Jishin, All
Cinema Cinema Ganz & Ohoku

VS Arashi


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Wednesday 28-Apr-2010



6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama


Weekly The Television 
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
TV Life Cover Satoshi Ohno "Himitsu no prep & revision”, serial “inside talk to talk, new serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno, Arashi special collaboration project with Himitsu no Arashi-chan.
TV station
TV Pia,
Yomiuri, evening newspaper
Cinema Square, Gantz and Ohoku

Himitsu no Arashi-chan

CHECK □ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here 

Thursday 29-Apr-2010 National Holiday


TV  no VS Arashi FTV
22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Golden week starting special! Mannequin 5. Mannequin 5 special in Gotenba Ouotlet mall, special coordination battle! Reserve whole mall, coordinate serious coordination of spring wining date clothe for limited time 3 hours! These are displayed for a week and select no.1 by popular vote. Who will be unsold? GW突入記念! マネキンファイブ特別編in御殿場アウトレット ガチコーディネート対決! 御殿場アウトレットを貸切り、制限時間3時間で”春の勝負デート服”をガチコーディネート!それを1週間展示し一般投票で1位を決める!はたして売れ残る嵐は誰だ!?Special version of Mannequin Five that members of Arashi fight by fashion coordination. 5 of Arashi visit Gotenba Outlet mall in Shizuoka, buy wining date cloth within limited time. And wear this cloth to mannequin not to show whose one and display for a week in the mall. And visitors slelect no.1 by popular vote. 5 appears in each coordinated cloth. They Guest Hiroko Nishikawa and others review them they announce the result the vote in the end. 嵐のメンバーがファッションコーディネートで対決する「マネキンファイブ特別編」をおくる。 嵐の5人は静岡県御殿場のアウトレットモールを訪れ、勝負デート服をテーマに制限時間内で服などを購入。それを誰のコーディネートか分からないようにマネキンに着せ、モール内に1週間展示し、どのコーディネートが優れているか、訪れたお客さんによる人気投票を実施する。スタジオには5人がそれぞれのコーディネートを着て登場し、ゲストの西川史子らの批評を受け、最後に投票結果が発表される。

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Friday 30-Apr-2010



6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso

+act.mini Satoshi Ohno  
Fuji Gaho Masaki Aiba
Orista,  All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here j

Saturday 1-May-2010


19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba ▽飼い主が大変身したらペットはどんな反応をするか試す「タカンドトシの動物自由研究」にTKO・木本武宏が参加。また、スタジオでは、ゲストの大橋のぞみらが、ペットの気持ちになってクイズに答える。
21:00-21:56 Kaibutsu-kun NTV Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun who got to know the meaning of “friend” noticed this applies the relationship with Hiroshi and he makes merry. But as soon as he got to know that a slander about him at Hiroshi’s composition, he bust up with Hiroshi. Meanwhile Dracula and other were ordered to get the stone that he passed to Kaibutsu-kun as soon as possible by Jiiya. That stone has power to unloose the sealed psychic powers. This must not tell to Kaibutsu-kun. Dracula guess it’s not Kaibutsu-kun who has that stone, it’s Hiroshi has. 「友達」の意味を知った怪物くん(大野智)は、それがヒロシ(浜田龍臣)との関係に当てはまると気付いてはしゃぐ。だが、ヒロシの作文に自分の悪口が書かれていることを知った途端、ヒロシと仲たがいしてしまう。一方、ドラキュラ(八嶋智人)たちは爺や(半海一晃)から、怪物くんに渡した石を一刻も早く回収するよう命じられる。その石には封印された念力を解く力があるが、そのことは怪物くんに伝えてはならないと言う。やがて、ドラキュラたちはその石が今は怪物くんの手元にはなく、ヒロシが持っているらしいと察する。Kaibutsu-kun, Dracula, Wolf man, Franken participate athletic festival of the town! Kaibutsu-kun gets hustle, “Look carefully! My performance!” He loses serious fight against policeman. He’s depressed to lose against human “If I could use psychic powers. Hiroshi asks to run together at three-legged race “Why me?” “Is it okay me? “He accepts in bad humor. Before the start, the devil stone shines! Then they win in astounding speed. “My psychic power is back!?” Meanwhile suddenly 3 companies are called by Jiiya. They do to the judgment place, they were told to back the stone that he gave to Kaibutsu-kun. Actually that stone is called the devil stone that unloose the sealed psychic powers. 3 companies try to get the stone while Kaibutsu-kun doesn’t know the secret. But they can’t find the stone. When they search the stone, Wolf Man picks the composition Hiroshi wrote; the title “my friend” is written “I don’t like Kaibutsu-kun.” Kaibutsu-kun got to know this and get furious. “I quite the friend of him.” He announce breakup to Hiroshi. Meanwhile Utako came to help to Kaibutsu-kun and others “Hiroshi is gone.” Soon threat letter arrived that note Hiroshi was kidnapped. Finally big secret of devil stone unveiled. Who is another Kaibutsu-kun that approaches to Hiroshi.怪物くん(大野智)とドラキュラ(八嶋智人)・オオカミ男(上島竜兵)・フランケン(チェ・ホンマン)が、町内運動会に参加することに! 「よーく見とけ!俺の活躍」と張り切る怪物くんだが、お巡りさん(三宅弘城)とのガチンコ勝負で負けてしまう。「念力さえ使えれば・・・」人間に負けて落ち込む怪物くんに、ヒロシ(濱田龍臣)は2人3脚で一緒に走ってほしいとお願いする。「俺なんかでいいのか?」しぶしぶ参加する怪物くんだったが、スタート直前、ヒロシのポケットの中で魔王石が光る!すると、驚異的なスピードで優勝する二人。「念力が戻った!?」そんな折、突然、怪物ランドの爺や(半海一晃)から呼び出しを受けるお供の3人。審判の間に行ってみると、怪物くんに渡した石を返せと言ってきた。 実はあの石は“魔王石”といって、呪いを解く力を持つ特別な石なのだという。
22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" Kazunari Ninomiya participate what is sill protect from daily danger, ▽“未知との遭遇しやがれ”に二宮和也が参戦▽“日常生活に潜む危険”から身を守る対応術とは!?Shimuwa method  Character skill that taught by Ken Shimura. He gives instructioin of Baka Tono make-up to Arashi. 志村けんに学ぶ“志村流キャラクター術”▽嵐に“バカ殿メーク術”伝授

10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5

Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki

Nikkei Entertainment, Satoshi Ohno 
Theatre Guide Masaki Aiba


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

Sunday 2-May-2010



22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here


public 0
83385 2010-04-26 00:17:00 2010-04-25 15:17:31 Monday 26-Apr-2010

Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good evening it’s staff K. episode 2 of Kaibutsu-kun was about money.
Cyzo, <break up with her? Mature guy Kazunari Ninomiya, The reason why he is witnessed in night Ginza> Kazunari Ninomiya, a member idol group Arashi is witnessed at high class night club “Gre” in Ginza 8 chome. Club related person says “It seems he came senior Hiroyuki Higahiyama-san for the first time. There’re many Johnny’s talent are frequent I hear someone says that in Ginza “Gre” is Johnny’s favorite club.” “Gre” is the blub Kumiko Mitsuyasu who used to be a hostess of “Club Junko” of Tamura Junko who was called the empress of Ginza opened. It was known the club that Shintaro Katsu, Tetsuya Watari and other frequent. An Owner of bar says “At this club hostess was not paid on credit it was like kind of part time. So it was popular to the entertainment people who are habituated to have drinks in Ginza. As they host new comer without any additional charge it the bill was cheap. This was reason to be popular. Last year Mitsuyasu owner retired. She gave her position to M.” Club related people “M is super achiever who came to Ginza from Roppongi. Kimono is rental, she always has patron. The story whole family build up M is famous. Management method hasn’t changed before. Johnny’s talent is just usual client. So they must have drink 20K each. As this bar is high class bar with reasonable price and guarantee privacy, that’s why Ninomiya is frequent.” TV related people say he has reason to frequent Ginza not only for money. “Ninomiya is currently completely single. He told closed person. “Recently I break with her.” I think the reason why he frequent Ginza, however he is busy, and he wants to have time to talk with girls. “Recently he has sexually attractive that mature guys. Heart break and study in night town must play a part to increase his charm.
Audience rate Arashi ni Shiyagare 17.3%, Kaibutsu-kun 15.6%
Ohoku Twitter, at 11:43 Today filming off day. I got many replies please feel relived. I will let you know the day we report. Please look forward to it.
J-web this week quote by Aiba-chan, Soon Aibacchi enters his key stage of the play I do my bestA
Sponichi <proved by figure positive starts of "Arashi ni Shiyagare" The show of idol group Arashi, "Arashi ni Shiyagare" episode 1 started on 24. and average audience rate was 17.3. It shows positive starts and popularity of Arashi was proved by figure. and Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibutsu-kun that on air before Arashi ni Shiyagare at 9 pm kept good audience rate 15.6% (episode 1 was 17.5%) Oricon News, <Arashi's new show "Arashi ni Shiyagare" positive start with first audience rate 17.3%> it seems Saturday night they make storm.
Kaibutsu-kun blog, Hello this is staff K. a photo of the on site filming the other day. It was Baba announcer.
Mario Kart new 90 sec version 2. CM, now you can see at official web site.
RBB Today <Latest CM song popularity ranking.> According Biglobe poluratity vote. No.1 Perfume Natural beauty Basic, no.2 Masaharu Fukuyama “Revolution// Evolution” Asahi Super Dry, N3. Arashi “Life” Able. Asashi, <Biglobe latest TV CM tune ranking>
GQ Japan, at 20:06 Thinking about fierce popularity of Arashi, I think this is because of togetherness when 5 get together. When there are with 5, each character is seen even more prominent and harms and gives superb harmony. I think the photo of double page of cover story prove this eloquently as much as anything. How do you think?
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog, Good evening, it’s staff S. about Kanji Tsuda aka Kuuma, the letter on his face actually in Arabic written “Tsuda” and mirrored letters of Tsuda.
Ohnuma-san’s blog (1000 dreams co-star) The process to create at rehearsal place has over. Well every day all the casts challenged new matters, we have spent uncompromised time with fun. This is last time I see these set at rehearsal place. Next time I see you in Glove Theater. It’s a week to premier. I do my best to show you properly active character.

22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Front page: inspection jury


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is Instant Ramen memorial house. Heh, I wanna eat ramen. Currently at filming… filming of Kaibutsu-kun I have spare time, including transportation, transportation break. That time I used to eat Ramen all the time. But this time, err as that costume is clear yellow I can’t slop the soup right. So I have fewer occasions to eat outside. Occasionally when I use restroom at toilet I said to cleaning aunty “I use toilet.” Kind of “Sure.” They I abruptly look at her, she looked at me weirdly. Well, next time I don’t care and eat Ramen. I will see the reaction of people around me and report you.



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.

Upcomings here
Recent audience rate here

public 0
83570 2010-04-26 09:39:00 2010-04-26 00:39:10 Notice

I close this Arashigoto to public for the moment. I'm sorry for inconvenience.

Latest upcomings here

public 0
83884 2010-04-27 00:02:00 2010-04-26 15:02:15 Tuesday 27-Apr-2010

Fujita Tomoko-san’s blog. We move from rehearsal venue to Glove Theater. The large props we had rehearsal every day will be taken away. As tomorrow is installation day. So the rehearsal is off. So we did the party “Otukaresama and get hustle” meet. Together with stage director Keiko Miyagawa-san, we had Shabu Shabu. I think this is really gaiety companies.
Dogatch, < Mannequin Five Special! Arashi serious battle with wining date cloth!!> This at Himitsu no Atashi-chan, very popular segment “Mannequin Five” special on air. “Wining date cloth” coordination the cloth from nothing at Gotemba Premium Outlet Mall. Limited time is 3 hours of early morning (6:30-9:30) The clothes selected by member are displayed at Mall for a week without showing name, and girls who visit the mall vote which one you want your boy friend to wear. And ranking is announced at studio later. This is different from usual Mannequin Five. You don’t know whose one, don’t have preconceived notion. We don’t give the point to the visitors. As mannequin that voters thinks good get votes. So it must have possible the acceptable coordination that hardly gets unsold usually don’t get votes. At show, on site filming of document of each Arashi’s shopping, point of coordination and other. Also ranking announcement at studio subsequent day.
Hochi, <NTV Arashi show positive starts> Arashi ni Shiyagare got 17.3% MD Katasuhiro Masukata reviewed “we got figure as our expectation.”2nd episode of Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibtsu-kun got 15.6%. and prime time (19-23) average audience rate was 16.9% and draw high audience rate away 2nd rank TBS (10.7%) an They immediately get good results of Arashi
Kaibutsu-kun blog, Hi it’s staff S. filming of episode 3 athletes meet was held. Please check Kaibutsu-kun and other’s performance. You can see very cute cap on cap too.
TV life blog. Too cute Kaibutsu-kun appears on huge gravure picture. Miraculous 29 years. Old. His cuteness is monster level!! Kaibutsu-kun that did positive start. Familiar look with red-blue cap, yellow long shirts, cute look Kaibutsu-kun just like you misjudge with a primary school student, It’s Satoshi Ohno who does leading role currently 29. We feature Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibutsu-kun, called “Miraculous 29 years old! Too cute extra large gravure picture. “ We hire him cover and gravure picture. We will transmit fully the charm of Satoshi Ohno =Kaibutsu-kun. The hot article is extra large scale of gravure picture of Ohno. The photo took Ohno lies flat, Camera close the cute look of Ohno. This is not same scale, actually scale of 1205. This is monster level gravure picture for Ohno fans. And at interview “Is it Okay I'm going to be 30 soon. But According to filming progress ‘I look good, do I look younger?’ kind of that feeling. I don’t have sense of discomfort at all.” It seems he felt uncomfortable a bit to act Kaibutsu-kun just before 30. But currently it’s perfect role for him. He enjoys filming.
Ohoku, important announcement on 29 according Melody.
TV life blog. Miraculous 29 years old. TV life on sale 28 is “Kaibutsu-kun miraculous 29 years old special.” Cover is Ohno-kun of Arashi, He looks dazzling in yellow shirts and Red blue cap. I actually couldn’t attend photo shooting of cover and front page gravure picture. I looked forward to seeing Ohno-kun in Kaibutsu-kun look. I actually had another meeting. So I left message of 3 words to reporter G who is in charge of Gravure picture. 3 Catch phrases. “Miraculous 29 years old.” “Too cute gravure picture” “His cuteness is monster level.” How After all, the charm of Ohno-kun x Kaibutsu-kun, how he can bring out his cuteness. I asked him to take pictures that match catch phrase. Next day I see the photos. My feed back it. I really surprised. Actually this is exactly miraculous 29 years old. I think it’s only Ohno-kun who can show this cuteness among 29 years old guys in Japan. This is perfect shot that makes me think so. And! The double page of photo of Ohno-kun’s face is really big. Is it real scale? Actually we measured, this is not real scale, and this is 120% larger than real face. This is big impact, when you open the page. If you brose at bookshop, Please be careful not to accidently vocalize with this impact. The photographer of this photo is usual photographer Mr. H. This time Mr. H seems likes the word “miraculous 29 years old.” During filming he keep on calling to Ohno-kun “miraculous 29 years old” But actually Ohno-kun turn off a bit. (Mr. H, don’t mind it!)  But he is the best photographer who brings out best smile in Japan. This time too he took gravure picture full of smiles. Well, I have in side story heard from reporter G. It’s getting long so I will note this later.

15:55-16:53 Kaibutsu-kun NTV (repeat) Satoshi Ohno

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama

Today’s topic is art of rice paddy. Hum, This good. it’s art. It’s good the word, “art”. If you think this art, anything could be an art, yep. Me, recently, don’t paint, yep. Well, what is so fun is, err…. Recently I play with mobile phone. What I painted, err…. I take picture with mobile phone. Then the photo. I played with them using special effect. Then there’s “twinkle” feature. Wondered “what this?” Then I press button, blip. Then my picture got glitter beautifully. I thought it would be fun to make my picture glitter. I have an itch to paint, he he . If I do now, I must get into and cant get out any more. I can’t recite my lines, sleeping time too, I won’t sleep any more. So that’s why I control it, he he he. So when the drama gets over. I won’t make them glitter. I hope to show you some day.

More Serial "It" Kazunari Ninomiya , Book in book Arasahi "real daily life" 12 pages of close up of 5 real faces.This is really must buy!!!!
Best Stage Masaki Aiba
Josei Jishin, All Arashi make nights in Japan, child of era at 3 variety show page 33, Whichi Arashi do you like Cool & Aiin? get photo of cover page 6.
Cinema Cinema, serial
Ganz & Ohoku
Tokyo 1 week

VS Arashi


□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here
public 0
84020 2010-04-27 23:38:00 2010-04-27 14:38:39 Wednesday 28-Apr-2010

1000 dreams publicity updated. TV Osusume! NTV 5/1 9:25-9:30 Guest Ryosei Tayama.
The big poster of Tokyo Golve theater has been changed to Aiba-chan yesterday.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Good evening it’s staff A. following by staff A. in troduce athlete meet. This was filmed beginning of April.
TV Life blog, Miraculous 29 years old 2. However I made it actually totally get into this word “Miraculous 29 years old”. In side story of photo shooting of the issue on sale 28. There’s scene he struggled. That was wink. As it’s “Kaibutsu-kun ‘Miraculous 29 years hold’s special issue! I requested the several requests and posing that 29 years old could hardly do. “What 29 years old hardly does." One of them, wink to show in front of camera. He complies with our request being embarrassed. Actually he is bad at winking. However he tried to wink, he closes both eyes. “I can’t to wink well. “ Ohno-kun looks apologetically through a camera. Ohno-kun who is highly service-mindedness feels heavy, because he could not to comply with our request, seems it’s just like his fault. Aspect of such Ohno-kun, photographer Mr. H changed the way to shoot and tried to give up winking. That time!! As Mr. H gives up as he must be released from the pressure. He shows natural wink! Then Mr. H presses shutter button in a hurry. Then, there’s the wink photo on the issue.
Mario Kart Wii additional 3CMs now you can watch at official site. So far 10 CMs!
TV Guide blog “It’s normal, normral! This time cover is starring Kaibutsu-kun, Satoshi Ohno-kun, a leader of super group, Arashi. I asked how he spend as a leader. He answered above. Well, you can hardly say. “normal.” Please check deep meaning of front page interview. The photo of cover, we request meaningless order that “walking from over there, kind of ‘find you’” Ohno-kun answers “Yes!” The finishing of that I thought after all he make excite us editor’s mind. And the cover Arashi and Kaibutsu-kun appears so it’s fun finish. Please check this.
Hiroyuki Oku-san’s (Gantz comic writer) blog updated. The photo of Gantz bike that was given from Young Jump. And shopping bad of Village Vanguard.
TV Life press conf. of Kaibutsu-kun. Satoshi Ohno says “When I head I do Kaibutsu-kun, I wondered it’d be ok. However I turn 30 soon. Since filming has started. I feel I look good with this costume. At poster shooting I make up this costume for the first time I thought ‘I look younger’ I hope you watch Kaibutsu-kun who leans in human world, and this could be piece that stimulate you to learn something.” Fujiko who watched live action “I did serial of comic of Kaibutsu-kun 45 years ago. I wondered if it could be okay as this has never been to live action. When I saw the disguise of Ohno-kun for the firs time. I was surprised if this was written by me. As what Kaibutsu-kun leans in human world is depicted from episode 1. When Kaibutsu-kun got the word “Thank you” and learn the human word for the first time, I nearly automatically cried. I thought I wrote what amazing stuff. I moved I did such great thing. Me, 76 years old grandpa. I was invited such big moment. On Saturdays I will watch it as one of TV viewer, separated from original writer.”
More, Current issue, 13 pages of popular group Arashi featured. Book in Book. “Arashi~a day in our life ~” a member Kazunari Ninomiya says “I get into Leader starring “Kaibutsu-kun” Leader, Satoshi Ohno who does leading role of Kaibutsu-kun. “I’m told to be just as I am. As I’m not a monster so it’s difficult.” He disclosed his complex mind. This special report closely a day of members. Peaceful round table talk and rare sexy shots also published!? And what you have in your bag, your favorite place, what you do when you get up in the morning. These express each member’s character, extra private Q & A and full of interview.
Cyzo, <still continues hashish doubt of Ohno, Johnny’s agency jumbles regarding how to settle.> I heard Johnny’s agency vacillates regarding how to settle Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Major agency person who familiar with Johnny’s agency. “The hashish doubt of Ohno that was reported last year was reheated behind the scenes, Johnny’s agency vacillates how to settle Ohno.” Last July Weekly Gendai reported that a parol evidence by a girl who smoke hashish together with Ohno. On the article the photo of Ohno that totally got hyper is also published, it seemed this could cause big loud bang. But Johnny’s agency didn’t sue this article. And Weekly Genday didn’t pursuit further. The doubt has done. It seems both side has political reckoning….. but. counties is at paid site. According to other gossip reporter I talked it seems he didn’t do. It seems as Arashi gets so popular they want to keep mention it, I assume.
Ohoku twitter, at 8:05. Sorry to keep you wait, good news. Tomorrow Mizuno and Yoshimune will be unveiled at sports newspaper. Also on TV Mizuno will be unveiled on TV too.
Kaibutsu-kun staff blog. Hello! It’s staff S. Today we have meeting of music and sound effect of episode 3. Episode 3 has many high lights. Please wait till Saturday. Today’s photo is Hong Man-san, taken by Tatsuomi-kun. Actually bits of knowledge, Choi Hong Man’s one gulp is 1/3 of pet bottle.
Chocola BB poster on the stations.


Nobuyuki Kadota-san’s blog, yesterday I have been to variety show after long time I was nervous. This is national idol Arashi’s show that on air every Thursday on FTV. This time I participated as captain of muscle team with Kenjiro Ishimaru-san, Bobby Ologun-san, physics Hiromichi Sato brother. Wakky, Tomoharu Shoji-kun, fought against Arashi. Sho Sakurai-kun of Arashi is in tank top even winter. He is cold Kakuoda of Arashi. During interval of change setting of games, Ninomiya-kun visited our dress room. It seems he was interested in my special skill of trial breaking that was in my profile, he asked me to do that. As there’s suitable material at dress room I show him to break it. His eyes widened with surprise, then next interval, all of Arashi members lie in wait in front of our dress room. I show them it again. All are surprised a lot and pleased. I warn them no to simulate this. As it’s dangerous. I became Arashi fan.
Hiromichi Sato-san’s blog, from evening I have been to FTV’s VS Arashi. My team is muscle team with Nobuyuki Kakuda-san, Kenjiro Ishimaru-san, Bobby Ologun-san, Wakky-san and Shoji-kun. Well, it was fun. We had such things, “heh! Kidding” this will be on air 3 June 19:00- Please watch it.
Cover of Nikkei Entertainment, O-chan’s photo!!


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is world cut tour 4 days 0 night. Amazing. They don’t stay any where. Well I did it too. Not foot ball. Asia tour, the press conf. we tour 3 places for a day. So flied with small jet airplane. At first we had to speak Thai at press conf. kind of 1 min. speech. Well, Thai was difficult. Then while a while ago before press cong. “Oh, sorry, how ever you recited, I mistake one phrase.” We were told kind of this. Well, stop it. You know how hard I recite this? I thought so, that time. As it was told 15 mi. before the real part. It’s enormously my concentration of Satoshi Ohno that time. He he he. I actually haven’t concentrated a lot like that. Really. It was in my life my best concentration… right, of the moment. I do concentrate the drama too. Of course. Please watch Kaibutsu-kun!


Weekly The Television 
TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” Masaki Aiba x Satoshi Ohno , Satoshi Ohno Natural monster. close up charm of Ohno-kun who challenge naturally Kaibutsu-kun. Center special: Arashi slowly peacefully speing special gravure picture.[怪物くん]に“自然体”で挑む大野くんの魅力に迫る! 八嶋智人&川島海荷&上島竜兵&チェ・ホンマンインタビュー、大野&濱田龍臣仲良し2ショットグラビア!♪今モンスター級の人気を誇る嵐のリーダーの大野くん。そんな多忙を極める大野くん自身は至って自然体。共演者のコメントから見える大野くんの素顔を探ってみましょ~!! 嵐 ゆっくり、のんびりと。センターSP付録 春のまったりスペシャルグラビア嵐が思う&過ごす5月について聞いてきたよ。「嵐にしやがれ」会見リポートも!!♪5月といえばまったりのんびりと過ごしたい季節。そんな5月のイメージと理想のゴールデンウィークのプライベートトークやお仕事のお話も! 嵐のプレゼント企画もあるよ~♪
TV Life Cover Satoshi Ohno 7 pages,  "Himitsu no prep & revision”, serial “inside talk to talk, new serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno,
『怪物くん』連載  大野智のユカイツ~カイト~ク!  大野智×上島竜兵  怪物&悪魔 キャラクター図鑑&最新収録ルポ, Himitsu no Arashi-chan TV Life what is exclusive collaboration on air 29 April?
TV station
TV Pia,
 Yomiuri, evening newspaper
Cinema Square, Gantz and Ohoku
Melody, Ohoku
Josei Seven, pop up gravure picture, all

Himitsu no Arashi-chan

CHECK □ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

public 0
84258 2010-04-28 23:33:00 2010-04-28 14:33:42 Thursday 29-Apr-2010 National Holiday (The day of Showa)

Sanspo, <Ninomiya of Arashi starring Ohoku, first aspect of Mage unveiled.> The poster of Kazunari Ninomiya (26) of Arashi that challenges first samurai movie, starring movie “Ohoku” has been completed and unveiled first aspect of Mage. (samurai hair style) Ninomiya says about fitting Chon-mage “comfortable.” “I wonder I must look fresh as my first samurai drama. It seems the costume is getting pomp.” In Edo era, (1603-1868) role of man and woman reversed, 3000 handsome guys serve female shogun (Kou Shibasaki). Additional new casts are Kuranosuke Sasaki, Emi Wakui, NTV news 24 <Shogun is female. Kazunari Ninomiya starring reversal ”Ohoku” all cast announced.> Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi (26) starring Ohoku announced additional cast Kuranosuke Sasaki, Emi Wakui, Mitsuko Baisyo and others. All of casts name unveiled with Kou Shibasaki, Maki Horikita, Tadayoshi Ohkura, Hiroshi Tamaki and Sadawo Abe. Filming has started in Shiga prefecture in the middle of April. Ninomiya doesn’t bring the script book, he put his all of lines in his mind and tries the filming. This is the piece depicted reverse idea that 3000 handsome guys serve one female shogun. Ninomiya as first samurai drama and gives comment “this visual effects is different from usual samurai drama, I think this could be fresh feeling. I hope this character could be favorable for people who watch, and get hustle on.” Sponichi, <Ninomiya in Chon-mage, Ohoku poster completion> This started filming in Kyoto, Ninomiya says “As what I wear and prop are different from our age drama, it’s fresh feeling. As samurai drama is first time. I must have ungraceful part. I hope you like this character including this part.” Movie Pia, <Kou Shibasaki unveiled female Shogun Yoshinobu, additional cast announcement too> This started filming on 15 April. The cast are the ones already announced Maki Horikita, aka Onobu, a city girl, Tadayoshi Ohkura aka Tsuruoka master of sward, Sadawo Abe aka Sugishita who is senior of Ohoku, Hiroshi Tamaki aka Matsushima, Kuranosuke Sasaki Fujinami who manage Ohoku, Emi Wakui aka Hisatsugu Kano who is servant of Yoshinobu, Aoi Nakamura, aka Kakizoe a boy who serve kimono salon and Mitsuko Baisho & Muga Takewaki as parents of Mizuno (Nino) Advance tickets with Original Nezuke (traditional cigarette case) strap for mobile phone on sale on 1 May all over Japan. Nezuke strap has 2 types of design one with symbol of Tokugawa family and another one with symbol of Mizuno family. 60,000 sets only. Hochi, <Ninomiya in Chon-mage, completion of poster, movie “Ohoku”> Ninomiya says about fitting of wig “It’s comfortable, as it’s good season” ( not hot like summer) Eiga.com ,<Kou Shibasaki dominant shogun, visual of men women reversal “Ohoku” unveiled> Additional cast are Kuranosuke Sasaki, Emi Wakui, Mitsuko Baisyo, Aoi Nakamura, Tikai Sakimoto, Nobuaki Kaneko, Yuka Itaya and others. Oricon News < Kou Shibasaki female Shogun, men women reversal “Ohoku”> The posters and flyers will be displayed and distribute at cinema. Hollywood Channel <real samurai drama “Ohoku” new cast announcement, visual of female shogun kou Shibasaki also unveiled> Comic Nathalie, <Kou Shibasaki dominate Shogun, men women reversal “Ohoku” new visual unveiled for the first time> Cinema Today, <Kazunari Ninomiya and Kou Shibasaki starring Ohoku, all the cast determinate! Expert actors Emi Wakui, Mitsuko Baisyo too> Sasaki as Fujinami who manage Ohoku, Wakui aka Hisatsugu a childhood of Yoshinobu Tokugawa. The poster that will be displayed during golden Ninomiya and Shibasaki in Samurai Mizuno and Shogun Yoshimune Tokugawa are unveiled. Ohoku released on1 October at Piccadilly Marunouchi and others.


Ohoku web site updated.
TV life blog, <tonight, at Himitsu no Arashi-chan” regarding tonight Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air from 10pm. Today’s Himitsu no Arashi-chan as fans must know “Mannequin Five special “ on air. I can’t write detail. A member of this mannequin five loser got shocking (!?) penalty game. (Actually I know what kind of penalty game. When I heard this, “this could be talked about it” I thought so, suck kind of amazing penalty game.) And actually back stage of penalty game TV life set up a trap. During airing there’s nothing announcement “This collaborate with TV Life” but after announcement of penalty game TV life did secret collaboration project emission of Himitsu no Arashi-chan. We can’t announce until the end of today’s on air. I’m sorry that to extend the conclusion, Please check today’s airing. And check this blog later. (Well, however you don’t check this blog this will be next issue on sale 12 May too)
Comedy Natalie, <6 of Ken Shimura and Arashi collaborate Baka Tono> At Arashi ni Shiyagare on air 1 May Ken Shimura appears as guest. The show progress members of Arashi without knowing the guest and the project content until real part. Episode 1 they leart MC skill by Cream Stew, and perform additional guest is Hiroyuki Arisyoshi.This time Shimura who appears at the segment “the set” gives instruction. He shows white make up of Baka Tono (stupid shogun) transforms himself with Arashi. Short skit that getting upset along with Sakuhachi (bamboo flute) melody, dance express that express enjoyment “I’m glad.” It seems we can watch collaboration of Baka Tono with 6. At his blog he says this feedback of after filming “It was fun. Members of Arashi, all are good person. All make up Baka Tono. This is rare image.” At “Tensaki Shimura zoo” Masaki Aiba regulary appears, Please look forward to Baka Tono of Shimura and Arashi that get along just fine.
Ahh! it was mezamashi aired filiming image not Asa zuba!
Ohoku Twitter 10:38 Today is clear day , filming has started.
Today’s Waratte Itomo atelephone shocking, guest are Yajima Biyoshitsu flower from Arashi there.
Yuri Shirahane-san’s blog (Ohoku cast) today Ohoku cast announced. I will do Shino , Younojin Mizuno’s elder sister. This is studio for the first time. I filmed with nervness. The father role is Muga Takewaki and mother’s role is Mitsuko Baisyo-san. I leant a lot from seniors.
Navicon, <”Mariko Kart Wiii” additional 3 versions CM of Nino and Mtsujun of Arashi total 10 versions you can watch as much as you want>
Navicon, <Ninomiya of Arashi starring “Ohoku” comfortable “first Chon-mage” unveiled. PV also distribute at official site.>
Kaibutsu-kun staff bog, Hello, it’s staff S. Garlics we used for episode 2 were distributed in plenty by art section. What we used for filming we eat by casts and staffs.
Ohoku Twitter, afternoon part of filming has started., Sugishita appeared. At 17:53 Conversation of Mizuno (Nino) Sugishita (Sadawo Abe-san) they are natural. If you watch this you must think so. This is wonderful.
Shota Matsushita-kun’s blog, finally I can announce the reason why I have been to Kyoto and I grow my hair. I have privilege to participate Kazunari Ninomiya-san starring Ohoku. I’m looking forward to it. This is my first samurai drama. I wear wig and beautiful costume. This is gorgeous in many senses.
Yoshihiko Hosoda-san’s (cast of Ohoku) blog, I’m currently in Kyoto again.
TBS, spot TBS chen aired Himitsu no Arashi-chan version. so cute. but missed to captured...
TV life, <Collaboration with Himitsu no Arashi-chan> Have you watched tonight Himitsu no Arashi-chan? The bottom was unexpectedly Matsujun. And penalty game is wrapping bus. “Matsujun x wrapping bus” The last place of coordination that he did it by himself lets warp on the bus and it go trough the city during Golden Week. I think this could be really embarrassing penalty game for Matsujun. But you can see large scale Matsujun in the street. For fun this is pleasant. So what TV life collaborate with Himitsu no Arashi-chan was, Have you noticed that photographer who took the picture for the bus. Right, that photographer Mr. H who took “Miraculous 29 years old too cute monster level gravure picture” As Photographer H of TV life took the photo means. You are right. Photo of wrapping bus that last place coordination of Matsujun and 4 watch for him will be published exclusively on TV Life. (Applause) And it’s waste only to do wrapping bus, the bottom coordination of Matsujun. So we’ll publish the gravure picture of large scale of last place Matsujun’s coordination. (Applause)

TV  no VS Arashi FTV
22:00-22:54 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Golden week starting special! Mannequin 5. Mannequin 5 special in Gotenba Ouotlet mall, special coordination battle! Reserve whole mall, coordinate serious coordination of spring wining date clothe for limited time 3 hours! These are displayed for a week and select no.1 by popular vote. Who will be unsold? GW突入記念! マネキンファイブ特別編in御殿場アウトレット ガチコーディネート対決! 御殿場アウトレットを貸切り、制限時間3時間で”春の勝負デート服”をガチコーディネート!それを1週間展示し一般投票で1位を決める!はたして売れ残る嵐は誰だ!?Special version of Mannequin Five that members of Arashi fight by fashion coordination. 5 of Arashi visit Gotenba Outlet mall in Shizuoka, buy wining date cloth within limited time. And wear this cloth to mannequin not to show whose one and display for a week in the mall. And visitors slelect no.1 by popular vote. 5 appears in each coordinated cloth. They Guest Hiroko Nishikawa and others review them they announce the result the vote in the end. 嵐のメンバーがファッションコーディネートで対決する「マネキンファイブ特別編」をおくる。 嵐の5人は静岡県御殿場のアウトレットモールを訪れ、勝負デート服をテーマに制限時間内で服などを購入。それを誰のコーディネートか分からないようにマネキンに着せ、モール内に1週間展示し、どのコーディネートが優れているか、訪れたお客さんによる人気投票を実施する。スタジオには5人がそれぞれのコーディネートを着て登場し、ゲストの西川史子らの批評を受け、最後に投票結果が発表される。 very popular segment “Mannequin Five” special on air. “Wining date cloth” coordination the cloth from nothing at Gotemba Premium Outlet Mall. Limited time is 3 hours of early morning (6:30-9:30) The clothes selected by member are displayed at Mall for a week without showing name, and girls who visit the mall vote which one you want your boy friend to wear. And ranking is announced at studio later. This is different from usual Mannequin Five. You don’t know whose one, don’t have preconceived notion. We don’t give the point to the visitors. As mannequin that voters thinks good get votes. So it must have possible the acceptable coordination that hardly gets unsold usually don’t get votes. At show, on site filming of document of each Arashi’s shopping, point of coordination and other. Also ranking announcement at studio subsequent day.

S: why this show always feature mannequin five? A: After all double parker suit me! Sho-kun's coordination title: Spring and fake Aiba cloth. / Aiba-chan's coordination double shirts and lady's trouser. / Nino: 2 hours half just play around and tease O-chan and Aiba-chan. / O-chan, spend an hour at Outdoor goods shop, he was recommended fish decoration by shop staff so he had to buy it. and he took completely coordination at the shop. Jun-kun pointed out at shop/  Jun-kun picked fast but shirts on shirt just overlaps with Aiba-chan. He changed mind. Impression of cloth; S: looks like grandpa, too organic. A: I don't like as he is so proud he could wear lady's cloth. N: care small detail just like Italian guy. the stool is just like hand towel wash the body. O: leave things unfinished, he was pointed out fish decoration. Actually that shop staff made me buy this. "hey you watch this!"  Ranking, no.1 O-chan. no.2 Sho-chan got charley horse too much pleased! no.3 Nino "This is no.1 of Original" as O-chan's is half shop's coordination and Sho-chan is fake Aiba-chan. No.4 Aiba-chan, no.5 is Jun-kun, " I feel gap with others." / Penalty game take photo by Mr. H typical idol posing. and whit photo will be ad car that will be run around Tokyo.

6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Today’s topic is farming of eel. Hum this amazing. It’s ell, everybody! It’s yummy really. Well, really, err. I currently wonder, err… who ate ill for the first time. That gooey texture. This is brave to eat. I wonder especially sea egg. That needle kind… This is actually “ I have poison” kind of that, and it’s black. At first to touch that one, I can’t imagine to eat the content. I wonder who ate this. Don’t you think so? You think right? So you have to eat believing absolutely from the beginning you can eat, I think this person discovered the daintiness of sea egg by penalty game. I think when I see sea egg, this is eaten by penalty game. (grin)



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
Upcomings here

public 0
84727 2010-04-30 00:10:00 2010-04-29 15:10:37 Friday 30-Apr-2010

Orista blog, curent issue of Orista, cover and front page is Arashi, who don’t stop their victory appears at Orista. They talked first part of year performance individually and as group. Weekly entertainment new Arashi’s new show Arashi ni Shiyagare, at TV inside report is Arashi ni Shiyagare, Arashi got white make-up? Full of laugh site is reported. At serial “Secret of Arashi, this time digest of first part of year of serial.
Joy-san’s blog Himitsu no Arashi-chan appearance for 2nd time. Same as previous one fashion battle being a mannequin. Previously I was left with Sakurai-san. But I could avoid the bottom. And how is result this time? On sir 17 June.
Deview blog, debut on sale 1 May, Arashi appears. We report their new show Arashi ni Shiyagare. Fun talk during press conf. is also reported.
Kaibutsu-kun’s staff blog, Hello, it’s staff A. familiar as “Kaai, Kai, Kai” Ohno-kun singing the song “Yukai (gaiety) Tsukai (piquant) Kaibutsu-kun”. This is pretty goof at episode 3! Animation and drama dream collaboration finally realizes! This is athlete meet scene that on air soon don’t miss it.
Hiroyuki Oku-san (Gantz comic writer) blog gallery updated.
Yahoo News, Kara a Koren group will be debut in Japan this summer. The start of their popularity is Gekidan Hiroti, he talked their charm passionately at “Arashi no Shukudai-kun” and others he spreads the name at a oner.
Tomoko Fujita-san’s (1000 dreams cast)  blog, from today I enter the theatre.
Misa Uehara-san's (1000 dreams cast) staff blog updated. with photo "flash report appearance at 1000 dreams I ahve with you."
Ohoku Twitter, at 22:01 filming is still continued. Can you go with us? Mizuno and Sugishita also perform. At 1:09 filming has been over for today. Thank you for keeping our company. Tomorrow too, filming from early morning. At 6:27 Today it’s clear day. We move. At 8:47 Filming has been started, many handsome guy gathered. The brisk costume mixed with green of garden. at 13:45 it's clear afternoon too. Filming progresses. 15:05 it's annoucement the mobile site of Ohoku is http://www.tbs.co.jp/QRcode/ohoku.html at 15:26 filming within limited time. casts and production team progress smoothly. All shoot their bolt. 21:35 today it started raining but filming has over safely.
J-web Enjoy updated. Vol.61 updated. Well it’s Matsumoto who became last place at Mannequin I thought it could be cool~ I thought it could be good to wear mannequin~ So it seems decoration bus with photo that taken during show runs I wonder what this show is I did pretty pose after long time. During Golden Week people visit Tokyo please find it Also Arashi ni Shiyagare has startedThe on air on 5/1 guest is Shimura-san The person we have watched form our childhood. I didn't imagine we'd be Baka Tono that we have watched since childhood. ... It's amazing, isn't it hope you enjoy extra ad-lib...   In tokyo it's getting warm, and gets comfortable, so far I enjoy warm weather J-web Arashi ni Shiygare special site, Message from Aiba-chan, As We don’t know who come as guest before the filming. I was nervous same as first episode! I think in future this thumping feeling thinking “Who will be the guest? “Won’t be change. And this time Shimura-san came as Aniki guest! This really amazing!!! The process to be Baka Tono, and part of Shimura-san you can’t see usually. He teaches us various matters. It was fun very much! I think it is hard to be Baka Tono with all of Arashi (grin). I hope we out the lesson that Aniki took in future. Shimura-san usually shows the completion version. As he shows us the process. This could be the one you can hardly see. So please watch on air. / Message form Jun-kun, It was really surprising that Shimura-san came as guest for this filming! As he is the person I’ve watched on TV. “It’s simply so amazing that the big name senior that has image of “TV person” And I haven’t imagined that I’d be Baka Tono some day.(grin) I see my self, “Oh! It’s Baka Tono! I was pleased after all. Then Aiba-chan was unskilled a bit. it was dirty. (grin) I think this show is about how we can do the part of ad-lib, so it could be more interesting each time. I hope you check these. Honestly I think it’s amazing that professional people teach their skill. As each time it’s different story. so It’s fun us who do these. 1st May that is beginning of Golden Week, Please watch it too with whole family. / message form Nino, I watched before filming the draft edition of special (on aired 24 April) I thought this got to make a proper show, What we who don’t know anything about talks on our own way. (grin) “Arashi ni Shiyagare” has different guest each time. It won’t be same as 1st episode as 2nd episode. We can’t calculate how it going to be. Honestly today’s filming was fun too. I was taught the make-up of Baka Tono by Shimura-san, unexpectedly this doesn’t take time. (grin) I look at myself. “I’m Baka Tono” I hope you watch that Arashi does various matters enjoying! And the “a close encounter of another kind shiyagere” that plan to on air in future (the segment each member does on site filming.) I stand in front to of dog all the time, I actually don’t do anything (grin) this could be surreal. I wondered what this is. I’m looking forward to watch on air. 5/1 on air filming report; No one knows who is guest and what to do. They move to common room next to studio. Interval to filming. Ninomiya “I go to toilet” he tries to go to toilet. Staffs get into a flurry! As they have to research not to meet the guest before the filming. “As we don’t know anything, the moment camera works it has started. This is kind of documentary.” As Sakurai says. Extra ad-lib variety show. Then real part. 5/1 on air the guest is Shimura-san. Arashi learns the “3 methods of Characters” to survive in future. Aiba who co-star with him at Shimura Zoom “I didn’t know it.! Amazing!!” he talks such rare stories. And he teaches Baka Tono make up. Members are glued to sample of Shimura-san who transform quickly. Members of Arashi tries by watching his example. However they did same make-up, “all are different at all” as Ohno says. “I become Baka Tono that I have watched since child hood.” Sakurai say. Aiba and Matsumoto look at each other and burst into laughter. And they challenge shot skit too. Then in peaceful atmosphere the filming has been over safely. Members back to dress room to remove Baka Tono make-up. “This could be good memory.” Ohno speaks with deep feeling. Ninomiya took the photo of him then members follow to take photos of each others. This on air on 5/1
Arashi ni Shiyagare web site update with date broadcasting. The show interface with data broadcasting
TV life blog, <Collaboration with Himitsu no Arashi-chan.2> I have report yesterday at blog, Matsujun that is taken by TV life photographer Mr. H. and 4 watch for Matsujun, The photo of the wrapping vehicle (nick name Special Matsumoto car) will be published exclusively on TV life. And it’s waste only for wrapping car… we made this extra large scale gravure picture in the center. This is the staffs of show’s thought “becoming warping car is already penalty game but it runs only Golden Week in Tokyo. I think if this could be seen by people all over Japan. This could be real penalty game.” “However it’s bottom, it’s styling of serious coordination by member. Anybody wants to see it. It would be a waste not to be introduced this at magazine.” The thought of TV life matches to them, this was realized. According to Golden week, printing company will be close so we delivered the copy than usual. So I don’t have the copy with me any more. But I see many times the photo I named “Genius handsome gravure picture.” However styling was bottom, but looks is Matsujun, the hero of gravure picture is geniusly good looking. Actually coordination is a little Karube announcer (of Mezamashi TV) (oops sorry!) but if this comes to gravure picture after all he looks cool. You must think this would be a penalty game. But this is hard penalty game for Matsujun. At shooting of penalty game we announced “Instead of wrapping car runs only in Tokyo, we offer Matsujun coordination using TV life’s page to all over Japan.” Members burst into laughter “Are you serious? Not only the car? what? Are you really publish this!?” it seems he disappointed seriously. (Sorry) it was just more moment, he back to usual Jun Matsumoto of Arashi, “Well, Let’s do it! As it’s a penalty game, I have to accept graciously. Mr. H let’s do it! “He rediscovers his feelings. He handled various posing.
Coca cola, Golden week special project Trip song ranking no.1 Happness no.2 Tabibito by Green, no.3 Tabidachi byFunky Monkey Babys
Gantz Media info updated. 5/10 The Telebision completion of filming 5/6 DaVinci cine featured, 5/1 Cinema Square, movie introduction.
Shota Matsushima-san’s blog (Ohoku cast) got evening shower. Today’s filming was at a temple. This is the garden to temple it was enormously beautiful. This is Kyoto, Japan is wonderful I forgot to take photos so I can’t show you. but if you watch Ohoku you will see that.
Umika Kawashima-chan’s blog. Today it was good weather. I got happy. Today I took photo with Ryuhei Ueshima-san of Wolf Man. As he is okay to put this on blog.


6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery (Morning Step) Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama Q: Did you talked you are same age with Choi Hong Man? If you have any fun episode please let me know. Hum, Well, I used to say so since olden days, same age is Choi Hong Man. Then this time, at Kaibutsu-kun we do together. Hong Man-chan is… Well, I call him Hong Man-chan. He is fun, His Japanese is good, yep. So, it seems he likes to learn Japanese recently, yep. So he catch senseless words. So he says suddenly “Nanndato? “ (What that?) Sometimes I surprise. He he, ‘you catch this now.” Kind of that, he, he he. While ago at on site filming there’s gallery, they call me “O-chan, hang on!” “ O-chan, O-chan!” that time he caught “O-chan” since then he calls me “O-chan, O-chan, O-chan.” He always says so. Well his Japanese is really good, So err… I think I learn Korean, yep. What I recently I got is “죽을 만큼 배가 아프다” This is “my stomach hurts to death” he he he, I got this one, yep. If so, some day I go Korea at greeting it’s not memorize one any more I can say the words as I think, yep. I will learn by Hong Man-chan.
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso Replay all. I do often. I don’t replay “sorry mail” I just leave it. It’s just “what he is doing.” Kind of that./ herbivory guy. Chika-san: carnivorous guy must be appetent. A: I actually don’t do any collection often guys tend to collect something, like figures. I actually don’t want to collect anything. Chika: this kind of guy must be Akihabara type of guy (nerd) A: But I like Car also bike, I must be omnivorous type of guy. Actually I don’t collect anything my home is bare. I got only TV, sofa, Golf patter mat… / Axolotl, mail: it’s sold as food; the fry is sold 500 yen. No, I already decide to feed it. and decide call it “wooper rooper.” Actually I know the guy who feed sardine. I think I feed sardine, Ch: you need big aquarium if you feed school of sardine. A: it’s enough to have one. C: Actually it’s too week only single sardine. As it’s written, 鰯 fish+ weakness. It must be group. A: in that case I prefer smaller fish, after all, Axolotl is the best. / Yurase Imawo, Mail: who is saying “ha!” at intro? Staff: it must guitar player? A: what? What happening. The machine in the studio broken, scary, I can’t hear the voice out side of studio. It must the voice we should not hear? A: how did you record this. This must be orchestra? A: we did separately. C: I think this could be some one from the band.

+act.mini Satoshi Ohno   completely exculsive, just shot portrait and long interview with 11,000letters. leader of Arashi that grew up national idol, Satoshi Ohno. He doesn't talk at lot. but talks deeply with 11000 letters interview. his current real thought.完全独占!撮り下ろしポートレイトと11000字超ロングインタビュー!!今や国民的アイドルグループに成長した「嵐」のリーダー・大野智。決して言葉数の多くない彼が、11000字にも及ぶインタビューでじっくりと語る、等身大の"今の想い"
Fuji Gaho Masaki Aiba
Orista,  cover: All, Serial "Secret of ARASHI"  
Story Masaki Masaki Aiba



□ AU April catalogue, “Color x design“poster & booklet 
□ Kddi design studio Arashi x 2010 spring event until 30 April
□ AU posters, Kaibutsu-kun, Shiyagare, Mario poster at major stations.
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