
October 2011

297225 2011-10-01 10:01:00 2011-10-01 01:01:30 Sat-01-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 25℃/17℃/20%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[32] Jun-kun Meiji chocolate new CM aired.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[18] More Love suppliment (by Rei Yoshi, more magazine serial IT writer)  this month photo is relax mode, I think it was day that shooting of Permanent part timer buys a house special shooting has just over, so he show his usual face. at shooting, Nino sometimes hums a tune that seems his original one, I thought his spirits was a bit higher, photographer said so. I just wonder interview has this atmosphere!? and this month title, “to lean the end” serial is 35th. soon 3rd year end. I worried, leader misunderstand the serial ends, but no one notice. as first time serial title was “start”. serial soon 3rd year is over, but it seems still continuing. so please support us. as you cheer us, this is power to continue.,
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[21] Problem-Solving after the dinner staff blog <posting after the Lunch>  Hello this is Smile:) how have you been. sorry not to updated. already several week since started shooting. how many nights to airing? kind of so. casts and staffs are having busy days. and sorry keep you wait, Kageyama, senior. finally lines festival has been started.  inference of butler Kageyama at mansion in somewhere in Tokyo get lambent. we hear singing voice of kageyama who got over-boisterous. the other day Lady Reiko was took by Tunnels, and had dinner at dirty place in Tokyo. sure, Kageyama has been there to watch the lady. this on air 10/6 Thursday at 9pm, after the dinner. don’t forget it. and if you are in Kato area, please check freeter of this after noon. from next week various things starts, huge poster at Fuji TV HQ. and Horizontal poster at Hinode Station, and from 10/3 3 will be overflowing… and the hanging ad of train’s tablecloth is real cloth. if you flip it you can see Kageyama. thank you for your opinion about your ideal Kageyama aspect. various things start from October. please be your favor later as well, then farewell. Speak you soon ;)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[48] Orista blog <Aiba-kun get hyper with posture of “here the seat available”!!> Have you already watched. current Orista publishes Masaki Aiba-kun interview who does navigator of “2011 World Artistic Gymnastic” Aiba-kun who appointed to navigator 3 consecutive years. we interview his feeling about from artistic gymnastics to Arashi concert. we tell you inside story at interview, interview was held after the press conf. shooting theme of Orista was “when Aiba-kun watches artistic gymnastics on TV” so we prepare 2 chairs. and he sat there. we tell your request “please make atmosphere you enjoy watching with someone.” “After all you build in!” Aiba-kun says. we did test shooting. he look at it. “it seems like I came someone’s wedding.” he challenge shooting in good mood. then next gag of Audrey Kasuga. kind of “Aiba’s this seat is available!” we tell him situation. “will you really publish this?” he says so. as he was hyper. He pointed “here of Aiba” he took various postures in hyper. photos and interview of Aiba-kun who challenge shooting in hyper, please check in current issue of Orista. 
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16] Jun Iwao-san (Kaibutsu-kun director) twitter so Kaibutsu-kun special's new character is Sheep men (Takahiro Azuma-san) this is completely unique character such as Accuman and Kaiko-san. hope he will be loved by all.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] Kaibutsu-kun special drama web site opened. staff blog <Kaibutsu-kun is back.> after 1 years and half silence Kaibutsu-kun is back. Kaibutsu-kun totally new special on air 10/15 9pm. so as it’s back, staff blog is back too. this “Kaibutsu0kun totally new special"!” is adventure in the Monster land! Love, laugh, tear are fully packed 90 min. as this is completely original story, how ever you have not watched Kaibutsu-kun, you can enjoy it. not only Kaibutsu-kun, also gorgeous characters are fully gathered. this can’t be missed. to tell the charm of Kaibutsu-kun completely new special, so staff blog is back. however this is short time, please support us. so staff blog is starting zamasu. (photo of script book of special drama) staff blog <this also backed> Hello this is staff a. you might already know that popular character is back at 10/5 from 9 airing Kaibutsu-kun totally new special. yes Accuma is back. the one was left at first part of serial drama much to the peoples' regret, that Accuma is back!! In complete new special, what kind of performance he will show!? fan of Accuma in all of Japan, please expect it.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Saturday Arashi site opened pin budge present is you get points watching Saturday Arashi, press “D” button, then register. according to points you can get pin-budge.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50][4]au you can choose your future cm and making
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[32]Keiko Kitagawa-san blog <hello from the set> shooting of drama besically 5 days a week. 2 days are off. so so I started shooting serial drama. shoot drama 5 days a week, the rest of 2days promotion of drama and do other works, then a week passes like a flash, this is fight with body strength. I’m going to shoot from now at studio, the scene at mansion is at the set, it’s hard as I have a lot of lines. I will do my best until this evening.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[18]Tokyo Drama Award press release of prize
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[21]Toho movie hot news <exceeded 1.4 million audience, smash hit long run determinate! God’s medical note active student yell event> content of talk show as this is too long i just gave up to translate.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[48]7 Eleven movie Kaibutsu-kun tie-up campaign from advanced ticket of movie Kaibutsu-kun with Kaibutsu-kun goods from 10/3
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16]Oronamin C new CM JAXA version poster
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] AFLAC new CM and making Kimiko-san version


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
13:00-15:00 Permanent part timer buys a house FTV Kazunari Ninomiya ep 9&10    
16:00-16:30 Circle of friends ETV Episode 5 Masaki Aiba “different autumn from usual” 「いつもと違う秋」地震と津波、原発事故のなか、福島県相馬市のある小学校の6年生たちが、どう日々を過ごすのかを見つめるドキュメンタリーシリーズの第5回。ガレキの撤去は進み、子どもたちが目の当たりにする景色も変わってきた。しかし、38km離れた原発事故は半年たった今も、暮らしに暗い影を落とす。父の田んぼを手伝いたいと願う少年や、放射線の影響を避けて転校した少女の姿を通して、故郷への思いを描く
19:00-20:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special 天才!志村どうぶつ園超生まれたてホヤホヤ101匹大集合!秋の赤ちゃん祭り 志村園長がパンくん10歳の誕生日を祝う!!▽パンくん大喜びのプレゼントとは?▽木下優樹菜が変身!!愛犬の反応は?▽仲里依紗が赤ちゃんワラビーとの別れに号泣堀北真希 上川隆也
no Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV      

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO    
12:30-13:00 Restoration special show of Arashi FM Iwate

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Cinema cinema, cover & front page special: Satoshi Ohno

nachi7x8さんの絵文字 WEBSITE
au you can choose your future

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando 

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30 

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
297672 2011-10-02 12:25:00 2011-10-02 03:25:43 Sun-02-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 20℃/17℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16]Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <also Saturday Arashi is back> it’s staff K, so staff blog is back after long time. hope we make warm up Kaibutsu-kun. so Saturday Arashi is also back so 5days from 10/3 to 7, members of Arashi collaborate with Zip. and tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun’s acquaintance Satoshi Ohno-kun appears, you have to check, zamasu. blog <Kaibko-chan>it’s staff A. as we inform at blog. “Kaibutsu-kun complete new special” Kaiko-chan who appeared at previous special is back too. the romance of Kaibutsu-kun and Kaiko-chan must watch too. please look forward to it.blog <hot topic> it’s staff K, tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun complete new special"!! poster will be displayed from 3 to 9, door of all car of Yamanote line and Chuo line. rubber-faced price that is familiar at web site is design. not only Tokyo resident, also people who live province, please check if you come to Tokyo.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][13] Ai Sano-san (Ah Wild field cast) blog ,<rehearsal is over>.today as well xx-san was nice. when he could make it well, his sign to hold his fist tight makes me twinges. Pretty Ohta-san blog <sectional rehearsal> rehearsal of opening dance, boxing. this still tiring. I feel I fall down really.  
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[22]_thumbOnagawa city(victim area) today’s blog <Onagawa Brevoort festival> Satoshi Ohno-san came as surprise guest (photo of O-chan in his private cloth) the site got turbulent (photo is deleted, as this person who uploaded must not know the Johnny’s portrait rule)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][5]Mitokanaito Fuji twitter http://p.twipple.jp/rG77x Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Hachiko exit of Shibuya station (JR one)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][7]Mainichi Digital <Problem-solving after the dinner, best selling book of 1.6 million sales that got book shop award. sequels release 10 Nov> Problem-solving after the dinner 2 release on 10 Nov. this came 1.6 selling best selling book, and air Sho Sakurai –san of Arashi starring TV drama from October. Hiroyuki Nakamura-san who did cover previous time also did cover too. (the one O-chan collaborate illustration at Shiyagare, that’s why there’s a rumor O-chan stars this drama)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][9]Yuhki Taukikaa-san yesterday blog  <Ah! Wild Field>I got fired up as rehearsal restarts again, but Monday and Tuesday is off.blog I lead  Shuji Terayama book. it’s October. end of this month is stage. well this is scary. Tomizo Nobe-san blog <on Saikyo line> I go today as well to rehearsal studio. “it’s cold. “ as other play was started. yesterday and the day before yesterday was off.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][11]Shotaro-san (Arashi back singer) blog my mobile phone is broken, when I arrange photos in my mobile phone unforgettable Kokuritsu ot the other day I found.  (the photo of back stages)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][13]Harajuku event <the spot you can take photo with Matsujun appeared in Harajuku> Have you seen Hot pepper Beauty new CM. Matsujun applaud your hair and nail. “applaud beauty project” CM. Currently Extra large and same scale of Jun Matsumoto poster appeared and you can take photo with it. at crossing of Jingumae, former Gap shop. display period is from 10/1 to 10/14 (there’re photos of posters)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][3]Shonen club premier next airing 10/21 18:00-18:45-10/22 08:45-09:30 Works ARASHI LIVE TOUR "Beautiful World"
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[16][3]Orista blog <what Kazunari Ninomiya-kun surprised! recently? Kazunari Ninomiya-kun is stunnded with behaviour of his cousin.> current issue of Orista features popular “Permanent part timer buys a house”.  “Permanent part timer buys a house” that got 3 prizes of drama Award 2010 autumn is back as special drama. you can watch again Ninomiya-kun in permanent part timer. in the special drama, perspective of permanent employee and his romance, full of development you feel curious. interview with Kazunari Ninomiya-kun is published in the current issue, during interview, he said petit inside episode, his cousin who is same year of Ninomiya-kun bought a house that related Permanent part timer buys a house was pop out. Ninomiya-kun feelingly gets thoughtful talking it “already got such age.“Permanent part timer buys a house” is in the current issue of Orista, please check this. blog Nino’s quote, “I think I act deep and thick even any act of 2 hours is cut.


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
14:00-15:25 Tetsuko’s room special, TVA, (repeat) inside of Arashi concert 嵐コンサート裏潜入

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO    
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
297910 2011-10-03 11:26:00 2011-10-03 02:26:03 Mon-03-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 20℃/15℃/10%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[32] News Zero twitter at 21:00 Monday is Sho Sakurai caster appearing. today’s ichimen is about physics discovery that might realize time machine, we are currently struggling to pass on easy to understand to the extent possible
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[37] next Nep league fight against Problem solving after the dinner team.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[8]Today’s restoration radio show of Arashi, it was Sakuraba, new tune was aired.youtube  
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[10]Gantz twitter at 18:25 it’s Sato producer, Gantz PA releasing BD and DVD end of next week! full of bonus just like gorgeous version and limited version, the price is same. as many sales expected Gantz, that’s why we could make extra service value pack! please look forward to it. at 18:48 it’s Sato producer, Gantz cafe seems to be fun. application to talk show with Hongo-kun became enormous. thank you very much. so we are thinking additional event not only 14. please look forward to this too. 
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[17]Orista article <Kazunari Ninomiya got grand prize at drama award> article about international drama festival in Tokyo
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[32]Hotei-san (musician) talked he has been to Arashi concert at Sanma no manma aired yesteday, Hotei-san twitter, replay the message: I heard your Arashi added to your car tunes for your daughter. which song do you like among Arashi song? Ninomiya-kun’s un ordinary song, my daughter favourite is Tokumade and Hatenai sora.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[37]Ai Sano-san today’s blog today too I’m looking forward to rehearsal. blog <Yay!> compliment food for rehearsal. Je t’aime-san yesterday blog <rehearsal and practice today as well> afternoon was rehearsal of beginning of Ah Wild Field (seems other room has other scene) Tomizo Nobe-san yesterday blog <from window of Saikyo line> yesterday was dance and dance day, I have to make without thinking process. I can’t express even more, I’m still stumble at processing. I keep practicing. it seems Matsumoto-kun and Koide-kun practice boxing another room. today it seems rehearsal progress today.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[25]Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <TV spot> Hello this is staff, A have you already watched? “Kaibutsu-kun totally new special” TV spot is airing some time 5 patterns of 8sec, 12 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec and 60 sec. if you watch 30 sec and 60sec that you can hardly watch, you are lucky. TV spot is also must to check.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[38] Ajinomoto Frozen Food Hamburg version Cm now you can watch.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[34]Kohoku Shinhosha <teaste of saury fill their heart, “saury catch festival” in Onagawa> Onagawa that has one of great numbers of catch landing sauries in Japan. “saury catch festival” was held as usual after earthquake disaster, Satoshi Ohno-san of Arashi participates local hero “rias fighter eager” show, warm up the site.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[5]Sanspo Arashi serious battle in Yokohama, Matsujun full of confidence> popular group Arashi been to Yokohama Landmark plaza and other to shoot special show “mannequin 5 autumn special, autumn wining date cloth coordination battle in Yokohama! (on air 10/20 9pm). members select cloth with theme of “autumn wining cloth” and wear these on mannequin, compete their fashion sense. Jun Matsumoto (28) full of confidence “I fight with this cloth that show Italian gaiety” how will the result!?Daily Sports <Arashi disgrace their bad sense> Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air 10/20 voting by over 260K, last place member shoot with cloth that approved “worst coordination” , and wrapped these photo trailer run, 5 cities in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and other. this abasement is waiting. from trailer the voice of last place member play and promote the show.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[31]Oricon news <Jun Matsumoto of Arashi new CM, what he acts, is gentleman who travel in chocolate land.> Jun Matsumoto of popular group Arashi is appointed to image character of “Meiji Milk Chocolate” that marks 85th year, and appears to new CM. he act crisply a gentle man who travel in the “chocolate land”. this CM that convey the charm of this product that has been loved since first appeared in 1926 is started from the scene that gentleman (matsumoto) who travels Chocolate land meet that little girl. gentleman talks to to the girl sitting on the bench “your mother and mother of your mother have eaten this chocolate”. he shows magic that chocolate appear in his empty hand. “may be you too…” a girl gets chocolate from smiling gentleman.her aspect to say “I fall in love with you” acting like a grown-up is cute. Matsumoto practiced magic during break, he hone his skills, his improved his skill even professional magician who taught him magic got surprised. he seem anxious “however the magic I could make it, I wonder if I can do this speaking line.” but at take, he perform perfect act with his inbred concentration power. co-staring girl, she watch magic that magician preform together, and chat with him, she get good vibes with him and show natural smile. this Meiji Milk Chocolate new CM “Chocolate land” version” on air from 4 all over Japan. walker plus <85th year “Meiji Milk Chocolate” new CM gentlemen Matsujun> new CM chocolate land version (15 sec and 30 sec) on air from 10/4
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[3]Cinema Cinema Satoshi Ohno-san starring movie Kaibutsu-kun, shooting of cover was busy days after Arashi national stadium concert, the shooting laying down, he automatically try to sleep (!?) he show mischievous.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[17]Depapepe (instrumental unit) twitter, model Coco-chan who show her cute smile on Depapepe’s CD cover, she show cute smile in Meiji Chocolate with Matsujun. she is too cute. actually she started modelling in order to co-staring with Matsjun. she realized her dream, too soon, Coco. congratulation.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[20]Goethe magazine blog <enjoy extreme opposite Arashi vs AKB 48> editor’s feedback of their concert.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[28]Hitachi topics CM airing info updated.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[29]Softbank baseball team championship celebration video this year there’s player with Beautiful World tour towel on his head. actually last year he had last year Kokuritsu towel.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[22]Ueshima-san (Wolf man ) blog Hello releasing movie Kaibutsu-kun is approaching. maybe it’s you who must know the information more than me, at Denny’s you can eat “Kaibutsu-kun kid curry” and “Legend curry” if you order kid curry, you can get “Kaibutsu-kun name sticker”. and tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun advanced ticket with goods start booking at exclusively at 7 Eleven. and 7 net shopping the campaign you can get Kaibutsu-kun ticket is held from 10/1-10/31
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[7]Josei Seven <Ninomiya of Arashi as he forgot lines it was shapeless> Arashi starring drama appear one to another, at first Sho Sakruai starring best selling book “Problem solving after the dinner” Sakurai read the book before he had offer of the role, “as the story was piquant, I turn page with rapidity, I red in full flood. drama version could be more humorous piece. “ he solve the incident with his evil tongue line “Lady, are you blind?” and Kazunari Ninomiya starring special drama “Permanent part timer buys a house” this got 17.1% average audience rate last year. Nino who says “for me this was completely ended, as he is not part timer any more, as he bought a house.” shooting after 7 months. “at shooting of Japanese bar scene ‘who’s next?7 ‘Oh! it’s me’ I was totally unshapen during rehearsal, but at taking cut I had a comfort level” he disclosed. the setting is a year after from the final of serial drama.  


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Satoshi Ohono Arashi special, member are coming up one to another, Satoshi Ohno and Masu come to sea mate. 嵐SP!メンバー続々出演週間大野智と桝が海仲間へ
23:24-24:28 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai realize time machine? Sho Sakurai explain new discovery▽タイムマシン現実に?櫻井翔が新発見を解説

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “what is greeting? this is to open people mind and close to other party” this is the word of former NHK announcer Kenji Suzuki-san, well however you say greeting, this is “good morning” of “hello” there’re various. there’s people who express with body, rather say to express with their body… well shaking hand… errr. that rapper’s greeting, shaking hand then hit shoulders, isn’t it? kind of half hug. he he he, there’s, right. so there’re various patterns among it. while ago when Verval-san appeared at Arashi show. after the show at  the time of “Otsukare sama deshita. thank you.” we shake hand, then do the shoulders a but. so I wonder a bit “what to do” a bit. then Sho-kun shake hand at first, then then original Verbal-san’s one, method. he had method. then “oh, I see, I should do that one” I thought when he came to me, he did normal, shaking hand. it was shocking. I wanted to do that one. I think yep. and infernally strong shake hand person. yep, it’s Gackt-san. he has very strong forearm strength. when he said “Yoroshiku” when he came bhuuuur, then I thought wooooow! that time was too late, my hand, however I put muscle into my hand, this was impossible any more. well, every person is different way. yes. me too I create something next time. yes.

20:00-20:30 restoration radio show of Arashi Date FM

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Cinema Square cover: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun     
TV Guide plus. Arashi with all of 5. front page 8 specials, popping out wide cover Sho Sakurai, more powerful Arashi shiny and glittering card pin up, front page special, looooong pin up Sho Sakurai Problem-solving after the dinner. newly shot pin up to capture Arashi 3 variety shows. autumn version. Kazunari Ninomiya starring Permanent part timer buys a  house special, pin up and interview. Masaki Aiba world artistic gymnastic Tokyo 2011 navigator, Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibutsu-kun special drama, pin up and interview, Jun matsumoto play Ah! Wild Field.    

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a  house poster at Shibuya station.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
298285 2011-10-04 09:39:00 2011-10-04 00:39:29 Tue-04-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 22℃/13℃/10%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672

clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41][1]Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <this guy also appears> Hello it’s staff K. this guy also appears after long time. so a word from police man. you have to watch Kaibutsu-kun completely new special!
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41][1]Kazuhiko Nakajima-san blog <make up for play etc> today lecture of make up for stage of Ah! Wild Field. as this is character dance, this is completely different from Jazz dance and ballet. but don’t have time until the real part. after that. from beginning to 1st act, same scene as yesterday, and different scene. today it as heat up all the time, as it was for long time thinking about casts fatigue today was over than yesterday. but partial character stay to practice, and re-chorepgpahe dance scene too. after all however change cast previous day, they remember the line properly and can act, this is amazing. honestly I can’t do this. tomorrow as rehearsal so my office is off. seems like I can’t go to office who while.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41][3]Another M girl with Aiba-chan release on 10/21
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41] Rei Okamoto-san blog then Permanent part timer buys a house special!! tonight on air, as this is nice piece. please watch this.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]_thumbPart timer, it was Aiba-chan appeared. as Aiba-chan role, he quite Kijima construction, now he work at site. (he brings carton boxes of world artistic gymnastic)  
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Hot Pepper Beauty  detail about CM and poster according to this 47 type of poster will be until from 10/11 on the web site.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Permanent Part timer buys a house staff blog <tonight 9!> Hello it’s Hashimoto (*^-^*) Finally it has come tonight at 9pm Permanent part timer buys a house special on air! (≧◇≦) How Take family became after that… how Seiji and Manami will be… how is Ohetsu Construction. please watch through. actually, until end of end, don’t miss it.(^_-)v
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Dogatch < Saturday Arashi on air in 2 consecutive weeks. ask member their enthusiasm!!> Saturday Arashi on air 10/8 and 10/15 2 consecutive weeks. 10/8 is Arashi ni Shiyagare 90 min extended special!! 10/15 is Kaibutsu-kun totally new special ten Arashi ni Shiyagare. it’s been 1 year and half since Arashi ni Shiyagare became Saturday regular show. asked Arashi members their enthusiasm as this is collaboration with Kaibutsu-kun after long time, it seems they are pleased. Matsumoto murmured “I wonder Kaibutsu-kun come over Arashi ni Shiyagare.” promptly Sakkurai “this is good if he comes as Aniki guest. all of 5 host Kaibutsu-kun, how about we teach him about human world. “ he proposed to Ohno. Ohno thinks a bit. “I tell him” he show smile. and they are asked about this special. I’m scared if embarrassed photo show like previous time….” he gets shy. Ninomiya “as senior of Johnny’s would come as different heat comes up, I want to expect it. “ and they plan to collaborate with Zip! too.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[20] Meiji Chocolate posters and stalls at Tokyo Station.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Dogatch <Kazunari Ninomiya x Karina again tonight! Special drama Permanent part timer buys a house> the other day it got grand prize of Tokyo drama award 2011 serial drama section. and Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi got male leading role award. special drama on air tonight at 21:00. at special drama Take family after they got a house develops with original script, having Seiji and Manami parents story, depict development of relationships of  2. Tokyo Drama awards is not only high quality but also the excellent dramas that have high possibility to be sold at world market. Takahashi producer comment about prize “ha…happy” “this owes to team freeter who have cheered us. thank you” she said her gratitude. about special drama “staffs and casts work the production as one in order to make new story after Permanent part timer buys a house and and new sensation. please support us.”
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44] 7 net shopping Kaibutsu-kun goods
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Hot Pepper Beauty 47 poster location updated. in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro Ginza, and Hachioji could have poster. my Arasih witter community made site to exchange info.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Mainichi <Permanent part timer buys a house special.> ◇where is your house? sequel of serial drama that aired last autumn and caused a stir. Seiji graduated permanent part timer, and became official employee of Ohetsu construction kept having long distance romance with Manami. 2 reduce distances a little by little. Mother’s brother visits to Seiji’s family. Manami came back to her parents house from Wakayama where she has training after long time. and each family relationship begins. the house Seiji got, there family who come up against each other as they are close lives but as they are close, they have strong bond, you can repair. the show asks a question where is “your house”.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <new monster comes up> Hello this is staff K. today’s special drama new character appears the name is “Sheep man” what this Sheep man will do…. We'll see about that. this on air 10/15, gansu staff blog <start shooting> Hello this is staff A. Start shooting of Complete New Special , it was at Monster castle. as we didn’t come at shooting of movie Kaibutsu-kun. this was Monster castle after a year and half. precious shooting. it snowed.What a fond memory. there are many staffs who joined Complete New Special, but the site atmosphere has not changed. and from this time this new monster joined. there are Red tribes, various part upgraded from serial drama. please look forward to these parts.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Meiji Chocolate site is renewed with Jun-kun, you can watch CM, making and download wall paper
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Je t’aime-san yesterday blog afternoon rehearsal of Ah Wild Field, the adjustment of begening part. later from begening to middle of act 1. listening to explanation example line by producer, and volume of voice for lines, intonation, the feeling to charge, situation of scene, I can learn from these. tomorrow too as I have rehearsal, I take a day off of my office. Pretty Ohta-san today’s blog  <yesterday…>  as all of cast was gathered, rehearsal of whole part started.  
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Toru Nomaguchi-san twitter, seems this was appeared at preview, I think this is okay Nep League on air on 10/17 I appears as Problem-Solving after the dinner team.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[44]Aiba-chan and Kageyama (Sho-kun) Mitokanaito Fuji spot aired.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[41]Today’s Mezamashi, Nino’s comment for tonight part timer aired a bit, a members of Arashi will appear as guest cast. ( I guess this is Sho-kun for Problem Solving promotion)


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Sho Sakurai  ▽嵐×ZIP!2日目は櫻井翔
21:00-22:54 Permanent part timer buys a house special “a year later since re-start, next issue after permanent part time is marriage!? Seiji got to know secret of his parents and? what is creating new family?”フリーター、家を買う。スペシャル「再スタートから1年家を買ったフリーターの次なる問題は結婚!?両親の結婚の秘密を知り誠治は?新しい家族を作るって何だろう」 FTV Kazunari Ninomiya, Seiji and Manami, story of 2 families. secret of Seiji’s parents marriage. and future of 2…? [story] it’s been a year since he became a permanent employee of Ohetsu construction. and Take family has peaceful life at new house. but one day, when Sumiko was not at home, brother of Sumiko visited. Seiji and Ayako got know they got married going against the opposition of Sumiko’s parents. Manami who has training in Wakayama visits Tokyo for a week. Seiji and Manami met after long time. Manami lost her father in her early time. laser her mother got remarried. She has mixed feeling about her mother by her family environment. and she had cold feeling about marriage. Seiji has not thought about marriage as his new life has just started. but by some freak coincidence he met Manami’s mother, he got to know Manami’s mixed feeling toward her mother and cold feeling about marriage and he got shocked. One day on the way back home after having drink with Ohetsu construction staffs, Manami found a discarded kitten. under the condition that Manami takes care of it until it gets have a owner, she take in the kitten at her parent place where her mother lives. when she was out for work, mother of Manami gets all shook up as the kitten is bloodless, so with short notice, Seiji took the kitten. and and the existence of kitten , Take family and relationships of Manami and her father start to move…. please look forward to heart-warming family story. and romance development of Seiji and Manami . 武誠治(二宮)は大悦土木の正社員となって一年が経ち、武家は新しい家での生活を穏やかに過ごしていたが、ある日、母・寿美子(浅野温子)の不在時、武家に寿美子の兄(国広富之)が訪ねてきて、誠治と亜矢子(井川遥)は、両親が寿美子の家族の反対を押し切って結婚したことを知る。また、和歌山で研修中の真奈美(香里奈)が東京に1週間滞在することになり、誠治と真奈美は久しぶりの再会を果たす。真奈美は父を早くに亡くし、その後、母・小百合(吹雪ジュン)は再婚。そんな家庭環境から真奈美は母に対して複雑な感情を抱いており、結婚に対しても冷めた感情を持っていた。誠治もまだ、新生活が始まったばかりで結婚を具体的に考えたことはなかったが、ひょんなことから真奈美の母に対面し、真奈美の母親に対する複雑な思いや結婚に対しての冷めた考えを知ってショックを受ける。そんなある日、誠治と真奈美が大悦土木のメンバーと飲んだ帰り道、真奈美は捨てられた子猫を見つける。飼い主が見つかるまで真奈美が面倒をみるという約束のもと、真奈美は母のいる実家で子猫をひきとることに。しかし真奈美が仕事で不在時、子猫に元気がないと真奈美の母が動揺して、急きょ誠治が家に子猫を連れて行くことに。そして子猫の存在がきっかけとなって、武家、そして真奈美と母親の関係が動き出して…。

skmtmsykさんの絵文字  RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “万里一空” (direct meaning:dozen miles and one sky)  yep I don’t understand, yep. I don’t know if this came so far. yep “this is word that appeared ‘book of 5 rings.’ by Musashi Miyamoto, this is interpreted as to work always calm feeling without vacillating or to devote yourself aiming for one goal. and this word was used the other day when Kotoosho Sumo wrester’s celebrating ceremony to promote to Ohzeki. heh, cool. devote yourself aiming for a goal. I know, for me this is err… painting, right? I have something to say here. I said I’d start painting around mid September. this painting, I don’t want to paint with ill-defined feeling. I want to charge my feeling. this is not about extend the deadline. I thought like this, me. how is it? this. I start thinking I want to do thoroughly. I have said within this year. but how about until next March? how about it? how about it? yes. if you think this is good, put your hand up. Oh, ah! there are quite many. he he he. I will finish by March absolutely. if I miss this deadline, I shave my eyebrows seriously. I have decided, Satoshi Ohno

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING      
Arashi ni Shiyagare

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Tokyo Walker, cover Satoshi Ohno

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
298602 2011-10-05 12:13:00 2011-10-05 03:13:43 Wed-05-Oct-2011

gemini0603さんの絵文字 Thank you caring about my health, still have fever but not high, seems I have always fever as seasons change…

Today's Tokyo forecast: t-watagumoさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 19℃/15℃/50%

 UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Trendy angel-san twitter on 10/3 tomorrow it will be amazing day. right, I will see my hero. Nino. twitter on 10/4 Maesetu (warm up audience before shooting) 1st round is over. I was pulled teeth. / thank you very much, if there’s person who is pleased, I’m pleased. as I was so touched I could not watch Arashi a lot. I still can’t focus into them. 1st round audiences are awesome, I’m looking forward to 2nd round. / the person I met it not only Nino, I could see Kaera-san who came for another shooting.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] Pretty Ohto-san blog <full rehearsal> this progress smoothly if you say so. rather say as I’m armature of the theatre, I don’t know where I start to act from acting people.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Mitokanaito Fuji, twitter Problem solving poster will be display at Shibuya Station where Permanent part timer buys a house poster displayed. next to ticket gate. from 10 Octo in front of Ginza Sony Building Problem-solving after the dinner will be displayed. Sakurai-san in butler costume pour wine to Kitagawa-san in lady role.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Umika Kawashima-chan (Utako) yesterday blog <first edition> today I have watched first edition of movie Kaibutsu-kun. this was amazing. I think this won’t fall short of expectations. I want to watch in 3D soon.  Jun Ishimo-san (Kaibutsu-kun director) yesterday twitter staff journal started shooting. I found message tags from fans at side of balcony where prince appears! this makes me heart-warming.  I got power from friends power but not to do too much. to have permission to do that as this is Kaibutsu-kun for all. Hirabayashi-san (kaibutsu-kun vice president) first edition that shot in India. usually this reming me shooting, I can’t get into story but, but as climax came to me properly.  next time this is 3D!
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] Oricon news <Masaki Aiba and Meisa Kuroki as Best Jeanist 2011, new face after 5 years> Press conf of Best Jeanist 2011 to select celebrities that look nice in jeans was held in Tokyo. selected by general voting section, Masaki Aiba (28) of Arashi and Maisa Kuroki (23) was selected. new faces are selected after Kazuya Kamenashi and Kumi Koda who were enshrined in the Hall of Fame. Aiba who got trophy “I can’t believe, I usually wear jeans often, and wear as costume too, so pleased. I make this as family treasure. thank you. Mainichi Digital <Best Jeanist: Masaki Aiba and Meisa Kuroki double first selected, Aiba “want this as as family treasure.” Aiba-san talks in smile “I can’t believe. our show has the section to rate our private cloth, I get harsh criticism. I can revenge with this. this I make this as as family treasure.”  Aiba-san appear in Jacket and damaged jeans. regarding today’s coordination “last night, I decided, members (of Arashi) “how about cut around here?” “not jeans how about denim jacket?” they talks to me noisily. I didn’t listen members' opinion at all. “the jean he wore this day. “This is the one I bought after this prize was determinate. I wear first time today.” Sponichi <Masaki Aiba first Best Jeanist “I have revenged”> Aiba show full of smile and talks passionately “I can’t believe I can get such prize. I’m so pleased. I didn’t expected I’d get such award. I can’t believe. this trophy will be my family treasure. this day he wore a bit thick jeans he wore first time today for this day. he already announced to members about this award. “member participated today’s costume selection. later, a member started saying ‘let’s cut around here” they started acting up. however ‘this time I’m serious.’ but they never listen. all of member said in chorus ‘ it’d be me.’ I could revenge them. this trophy I won’t show member I take photo and send mail to member.” he wear jeans usually. “jeans, you can wear without selecting situation, you can wear all mighty. I actually about 15-20 jeans. I can’t throw away jeans.” selecting point of jeans “comfortably to ear, and size and colour. especially sense of size is most important.” he appears Mannequin five at Himitsu no Arashi-chan. “it would be hard. what I can do. at shooting of show, I will be absent as I have stomach pain. “ in the end “I want to do fashion up to the Best Jeanist.” this year Aiba won sweeping voting number 3 time voting numbers to no.2 Asahi <breaking news, Aiba please with Best Jeanist and diplomatic illness> Aiba “I want to put this at living room where I see most, I make this as family treasure” he got so please. he gets harsh criticism at Himitsu no Arashic-chan fashion coordination section. “this is pressure, I will be absent at shooting of the show saying I have stomach-ache.” he get discouraged.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] Aiba-chan got best Jeanist Award in green jacket and simple jeans with damage on left leg and white sneaker. this out fit is selected with members.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Sanspo Huge Sakurai on building in Ginza, Problem Solving billboard> Sho Sakurai (29) starring Fuji TV drama “Problem Solving after the dinner hug billboard appears on the wall of Ginza Sony Building in Tokyo. this is 13.68M 8 times bigger than actual his height 1.71M, huge Sakurai appears, he in is butler costume, serve wine to heroin actress Keiko Kitagawa. Sakurai who saw the billboard at production site, “Huge!” made stunned face. “if this decorate in Ginza, I’m looking forward to it half, but feel scary half. I’m a bit embarrassed.” Asahi <Sho Sakurai huge poster on the building in Ginza> billboard is Butler Kageyama that is 8 times bigger than actual his size from 7th floor height of 23.5M to 21M below serve wine to lady Reiko acted by Keiko Kitagawa. on the wine bottle has label of title, date to air, Sakurai comments “I wonder this can be read from ground. if you come to see please bring your binocle.” pouring wine is made with 3520 pieces of LED light. these form title of “Problem-solving after the dinner” this has trick run off like wine. this aired in Mezamashi   
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]You wan watch trailer of problem-solving after the dinner preview
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Problem-solving is after the dinner. yesterday staff blog  <Lady, the early bird catches the worm.> Good evening today as well after the late dinner, it’s Smile. how have you been. I’m writing watching Permanent part timer buys a house. this is sudden, today Kageyama-san hurriedly came to Fuji TV. he did an operation. tomorrow please wake up early setting the alarm (mezamashi). must check entertainment news of that person with bow tie (Karube-san of Mezamashi TV) well, the other day wonderful sound track was finished. this is a bit wit, and many tune that get even more attractive as long as you listen. Thank you Mr. Kanno. and opening theme tune is “Love me back” by Kumi Koda-san. this is so stylish tune and cool…. currently creators work hard, this could be very impressive opening. and 10/10 usual autumn festival. This year called “Tamori & Nakai it’s fine with empty-handed…!? dramatic living room!” this is very different from usual.  I got excited. from this day, every day something happen, don’t be bling. please check as hard as one can. I’m going to editing preview. I’m getting so excited. see you in evening. Ciao :)
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Yasushi Nakamura-san twitter at 9am I’m going to site of Problem-solving after the dinner. however I’m regular cast. there’re so many mysteries. this starts from 10/18 9pm. please look forward to it. http://bit.ly/oQrzsy
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]billboards in Tokyo to must check, Jun-kun Homerare posters detail, Jun-kun Meiji chocolate Kiosk at Tokyo station Yaesu exit. Sho-kun problem-solving after the dinner.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Orista blog <we have been to press conf of Arashi Mannequin 5. this will be in the issue on sale 10/7, we have been to Arashi press conf> We have been to press conf of “Mannequin 5 special, autumn wining date cloth coordination battle in Yokohama” of Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air 10/20. members are in great fear with penalty game. Ohno”I’m confident!” Matsumoto “it’s Aiba-san who ‘d be last place.” Aiba “Matsumoto-san gives me pressure sometime” Sakurai “previous penalty game was so embarrassing. I got many mail from my friends.” Ninomiya “this time I pick seriously!” seems each has confident or not. MC of press conf was Okada-san and Matsushima-san of Othello. however press conf that must not air on the TV, he perform “Wow” at full power. members of Arashi “Okada-san you are at full power today as well.” they are stunned his vigor
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]Tokyo Sports article <Satoshi Ohno feels a sense of danger of Fishing lover Shigeaki Kato? painting is hobby is same, and, and their positions are overlapped.> Ohno is fishing lover, who spent 25 hours on the fish. he go to fishing not only his off day, also before shooting or at break of shooting. that’s why his face is always tanned. he had prohibition order of fishing from Johnny’s agency as drama shooting would have trouble. production people says “I heard Shigeaki Kato of NEWS has been to on the ship when Ohno was on the ship for 25 hours. he is quite good in his fishing skill. he had offer from fishing specialty TV show.” but Kato didn’t get this offer. “Kato is 24 years old, he respects Ohno’s feeling who turns 31 years old this year. he didn’t get offer. not only fishing, same as Ohno who familiar about fine-arts and Kato is good at cooking and Ukioke knowledge, and his hobby is painting. he is similar to Ohno. I heard he will have first his exhibition in Ginza” seems both has similar type, this is pleasant to boost exchanges of common hobby, but at view of business the position overlapped. it seems Kato respect Ohno’s feeling. but recently he can’t….the environment surrounded Kato has been changed. as activity as NEWS decreased a lot, he have to increase his solo activity. the situation is getting like he can’t refuse offer of fishing magazine etc. naturally Ohno hears this topics. Ohno feels a sense of danger. if so, is it only way to have fishing battle at the show which is no.1 fishing maniac, to settle this?
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50]magazine Cut blog<Tatsuomi Hamada-kun appears to Cut> ta-dah! we interview with aka Hiroshi of Kaibutsu-kun, Tasuomi Hamada-kun. I got nervous active to talk with active primary school student, but Tatsuomi-kun was so plite, and not sense of sophisticated the entertainment industry, it was nice primary student. he did gag that was approved by Ryuhei Uejima-san (Wolfman) and he drew drawing of Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies on the white board at interview room. it was cute.. next issue of Cut still other people in movie Kaibutsu-kun coming up! please wait for the detail.
clip_image003_thumb_thumb3_thumb_thu[50] Ai Sano-san today’s blog arrived rehearsal studio. Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog <whole rehearsal 2nd day> as all of cast gathered. as having adjustment by Ninagawa-san, it was progressed than yesterday. actually it was day to know horrors of the play.


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Kazunari Ninomiya Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi real opinion talk▽嵐の二宮和也が本音トーク!

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “however other laugh or not, just sing your song.” ho, I think I’ve heard this. “this is word of Japanese artist Taro Okamoto-san. however a bit out of tune, sing your song in your fashion, someday you become good, someday other will understand you.”  yep, I see. right, it’s fine you are not good. it’s song if you sing. the painting to, as you paint as you consider this is  painting, this is the painting. this it it. so. actually Arashi-san  Surprisingly new tune release. (Labyrinth Love Song air here)  oh, this is one, this, this. Arashi new single, this is, title is Labyrinth Love Song and release on 11/2. this is good tune. well, it’s kind of very Arashi. Surprisingly this is theme song of Fuji TV drama that starts on Tuesday 18 October 9pm, Problem-Solving after the Dinner. this is Sho-kun’s drama, yes. right, this somehow, this is good. this tune is. Gosh! right this is brisk, yep. I think this is very Arashi somehow. It’s rather say easy to catch, this sticks in your ear, this chorus and other, yep. quite, how to say. this suits to the drama, I have not watched yet. he he he. soon it’s chorus. from here, let’s go. this, right it was opened here,  this part is good. so please, this is on 11/2, yep, please buy and listen it.

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Acteur Satoshi Ohno
Weekly TV guide,cover & front page: Sho Sakurai, Masaki Aiba solo Arashi, Butler Sho Sakurai special double face pin up,  serial Arashi Bin
Weekly The Television Autumn Drama Sho Sakurai Problem-Solving after the dinner, new serial started Satoshi Ohno in Special drama & movie Kaibutsu-kun

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here 
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
298777 2011-10-05 17:23:00 2011-10-05 08:23:35 Upcoming from 6 Oct

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/06 05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Masaki Aiba Arashi x Zip week 4th day, Masaki Aiba appears, impact against with Masu announcer ▽嵐×ZIP!ウィーク4日目!相葉雅紀が登場!桝アナウンサーと激突!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/06 no VS Arashi FTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/06 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/6 21:00-23:24 Tonnnelz Minnasan no Okagedeshita, FTV Sho Sakurai 祝きたなトラン出版人気女優大量緊急来店嵐櫻井&北川仰天めし
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/07 05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Jun Matsumoto
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/7 25:30-26:30 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1, 五輪出場をかけた戦い今日開幕
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/8 14-00-15:00 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/08 20:00-21:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2,

clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/08 25:35-26:35 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2, 夏季オリンピックが行われない年に開催される世界体操が、ことしは東京で行われる。地元開催で息上がる日本勢。注目は男子個人総合で3連覇を目指す内村航平に、女子ではエース・鶴見虹子と昨年のこの大会で「エレガンス賞」を受賞し、メディアなどでもその美貌が話題になっている田中理恵。相葉雅紀をナビゲーターに、10/7[金]から10日間の熱い戦いが始まる。 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/08 18:30-21:54 NTV popular show gathered inter autumn TV show, NTV Satoshi Ohno the song resonate to teacher Kaibutsu-kun’s heart ▽怪物くん先生の人の心に響く歌
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/08 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV 90 min special new segment “Do Return of the Ten” (parody of movie Return of 5), compete baking apple role against comedian team, this special new segment. Do “Return of the Ten” appears and usual Aniki guest section too. ▽ “Do Return of the Ten”, long waited new section “do Return of the Ten” this is letter of challenge from comedian team who did MC of Aniki guest seccction. “Arsahi gun men” VS “comedian western” separated team 5 vs 5. challenge various all-out fight battle. this time “comedian western team” Hiroyuki Ariyoshi, Komoto of Jicho Kacho, Wakabaysashi of Audrey, Oriental Radio, and theme to fight is “baking apple roll cake” divide 5 process to bake, each one person of team challenge one process and bake cake uniting power of 5. first process baking dough, Aiba from Arashi gun men and Nakata from Comedian Western. but dark clouds to baking dough by Aiba… sheriff to judge is Hironobu Tsujiyuki, a pattissier, which team can win? also usual Aniki guest section too!
このコーナーは、これまでセットゲストとしてアニキゲストコーナーを進行してきた芸人チームからの挑戦状。「嵐ガンマン」VS.「芸人ウエスタン」の5対5のチームに分かれ、様々な総力戦バトルを繰り広げる。今回の「芸人ウエスタン」チームは、有吉弘行、次長課長・河本、オードリー・若林、オリエンタルラジオ。そして注目の対決テーマは、なんと「リンゴのロールケーキ作り」! 作り方を5工程に分け、各チーム一人ずつが担当。5人の力をあわせて、ひとつのケーキを完成させる。最初の工程となる「生地作り」を担当するのは、「嵐ガンマン」からは相葉、「芸人ウエスタン」からはオリラジ・中田が参戦。しかし、相葉の生地作りに思わぬ暗雲が・・・。対戦に判定を下す“保安官”はパティシエ・辻口博啓。果たして、どちらのチームが勝利するのか?もちろん恒例のアニキゲスト企画も!Masaki Aiba is baking dough, Sho Sakurai baking garniture, Kazunari Ninomiya challenges baking fresh cream, Satoshi Ohno is rolling the dough, and Jun Matsumoto in charge of decoration. 相葉雅紀は生地作り、桜井翔はガルニチュール(中に巻く物)作り、二宮和也は生クリーム作りに挑戦。大野智は生地を巻く作業を、松本潤はデコレーションを担当する。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/09 19:00-21:54 World no.1 Show Time NTV Jun Matsumoto audiences and big name of each. industry decide appearance fee of performers. lightning-fast quick change of married couple magicians, Tsuton Aoki performs master piece in male and female voice, Art dance that footage and dance synchronize, fantastical sand art, Ikkokudo challenge human beat box in ventriloquy. 観客と各界の大物がパフォーマーのギャラを決定▽夫婦マジシャンによる電光石火の早着替えマジック▽ツートン青木が男性と女性の異なる声質で珠玉のメドレーを披露▽映像とダンスがシンクロするアートダンス▽幻想的な砂の芸術!サンドアート▽いっこく堂が腹話術でヒューマンビートボックスに挑戦ほか
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/09 11:00-13:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/10 13:00-14:00 VS Arashi FTV (repeat)
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/09 24:35-25:35 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1, アテネ五輪以来の団体金メダルへ日本始動▽相葉雅紀
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/10 21:00-23:18 Tamori & Nakai it’s fine with empty-handed …!? dramatic living room! FTV Sho Sakurai 香里奈、櫻井翔、米倉涼子ら秋の新ドラマキャスト陣が一堂に会し、1夜限りのホームパーティーを開催。ドラマの見どころや注目ポイントを、タモリと中居正広が掘り下げていく。ほか、収録現場の裏話など、他では聞くことのできない超豪華トークが展開される。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/10 23:00-25:15 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/10 23:24-25-23:28 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Blind football representative team of Japan x Sho Sakruai… close up report at training camp in Sendai 全盲サッカー代表×櫻井翔…仙台合宿密着
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/10 25:15-26:15 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2, 「男子予選2日目」を放送。内村航平らが決勝進出を目指す。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/11 12:00-13:00 Waratte Itomo, FTV  Masaki Aiba  what is Aiba of Arashi curious▽嵐の相葉が気になることは?
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/11 14:10-16:35 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/11 23:15-24:30 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female group final,      
ゲスト・大塚範一 スペシャルコメンテーター・ナディア・コマネチ 解説・溝口絵里加 実況・吉田伸男 ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀 リポート・遠藤玲子 応援団・中野美奈子 生野陽子 加藤綾子〜東京(録画) 日本悲願メダルへ▽田中理恵出場▽相葉雅紀
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/11 28:30-31:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female group final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 Mezamashi TV, Masaki Aiba Navigator of World Artistic Gymnastics Masaki Aiba appears in live. ▽世界体操ナビゲーター嵐の相葉雅紀が生出演▽
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 12:00-13:15 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female group final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 13 14:07~15:00「チャンネルα・世界体操も知りたがり!」 Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 14:10-17:05 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 19:00-21:24 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male group final, Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa yell     ナビゲーター相葉雅紀 解説・米田功 体操ニッポン伝説種目男子団体33年ぶり悲願の金メダル奪取なるかライバルは五輪王者中国▽内村航平世界一美しい体操で“ドヤ顔”連発!田中和仁&佑典兄弟の絆でつかめ頂点▽日本に力を!櫻井翔北川景子エール
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/12 24:30-27:20 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male group final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 12:00-14:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male group final      
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 14:07~15:00「チャンネルα・世界体操も知りたがり!」 Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 no VS Arashi FTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 19:00-20:24 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male individual final ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀 司会・遠藤玲子 解説・溝口絵里加 実況・森昭一郎 〜渋谷・東京体育館[録]
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 22:00-24:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female individual final    
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 11:55-13:55 Hirunandesu NTV Satoshi Ohno Section of Fernandez
 clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 12:00-13:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 21:00-23:22 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female individual final, 解説・米田功 実況・竹下陽平 ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀 司会・遠藤玲子〜渋谷・東京体育館(録画)▽今大会の最大のテーマは“強い体操ニッポンの復活”▽絶対的エース・内村航平が前人未到の3連覇に挑む!!男子個人総合で3連覇を目指す内村航平に注目が集まる。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 24:30-27:20 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 13:00-15:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 15:30-17:00 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female), 世界体操競技選手権大会ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀 解説・溝口絵里加ほか[録]
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 17:25-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 19:00-22:05 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 19:00-20:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special 匹の捨てられた子犬とある兄弟の絆▽八木山動物園のビーバー・ゴン太の贈り物▽やる気のない職員を変えたハッチと飼育係▽世界が泣いた1枚の写真
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 21:00-22:24Kaibutsu-kun special drama NTV Satoshi Ohno how is current Kaibutsu-kun who has finished his training in Human World and must be grown up? Already several months since he separated his human friend Utako and Hitoshi and back to Monster land. he has been at final stage of preparation for big king inauguration, but… “big kind is busy,” “It's too much of a bother, “ “I don’t want to be big king.” he is still selfish as ever and he has 0 conscious as next king. his companies Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken are beleaguered, they are so pressed. as people around them blame them “all is your fault, the reason why the prince never become new big king.” totally outcast companies as now they are called “half-rotten trio.” “it might possible to be fired. actually not only his companies get pressed. Kaiko-chan, a bride elect of Kaibutsu-kun, however she approaches Kaibutsu-kun, he never feel like that, she gets nervous. and Monster big king is at a complete loss. and Monster big king who drains his patience to the limit at last “I can’t leave to you any more!” he makes an decision. what is his decision? farewell forever of Kaibutsu-kun and his companies!? and Kaibutsu-kun and Kaiko-chan unexpected…! Can Kaibutsu-kun become new big king? surprising story is developed at stage of Monster land!! [Satoshi Ohno comment] Kaibutsu-kun is back as special drama before movie. this is after a year and half to TV. I’m so pleased to see you after long time! this special drama is the content all can enjoy for the people who have watched drama and have not. Kaiko-chan also appears! I think this could be like content after you watch it. “Kaibutsu-kun is super!!” please wait drama also movie!人間界での修行を終え、ひとまわり成長した(はずの)怪物くんは、今・・・?人間界で出来たトモダチ、ウタコ・ヒロシとの別れを惜しみつつも怪物界へと帰還して早幾月―――。怪物くんは、新大王に就任するべく最終準備段階に入っていた。のかと思いきや・・・「大王は忙しい」「面倒くさい」「大王になんかなりたくない!」と、相変わらずのわがままぶりで、次期大王としての自覚ゼロ!!そんな怪物くんのお供であるドラキュラ・オオカミ男・フランケンの3人は窮地に立たされ、ものすご~く焦っていた。何故なら、王子がいつまでたっても新大王になれないのは、全てお前たちの責任だ!と周りからさんざん責められていたからだ。すっかり落ちこぼれ扱いのお供は今や、「腐りかけトリオ」と呼ばれる始末。「このままでは、クビも有り得る!?」しかし焦りの気持ちを抱いているのはお供たちばかりではない。怪物くんの許嫁である怪子ちゃんも、いくらアプローチをかけてもその気になってくれない怪物くんにヤキモキし、怪物大王もまた、我が息子のやる気のなさにほとほと困り果てていた。そして、とうとう我慢の限界に達した怪物大王は、「もはやお供たちに任せておくわけにはいかない!」と"ある決断"をするのだった。その決断とは一体・・・?!怪物くんとお供に永遠の別れが訪れる!?その上、怪物くんと怪子ちゃんがまさかの・・・!果たして、怪物くんは新大王になれるのか? 驚きの展開が"怪物ランド"を舞台に繰り広げられる!!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 22:24-23:18 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is Kazuki Kitamura. theme is “magic formulate of want to be quickly daring human!” Kitamura who says man is attractive rather be daring. set guest is Goto of Football Hour. class set ▽“to be men of Dotonbori” appears once set is spins. Arashi becomes students, learn “charm of daring city, Dotonbori, Osaka” by quiz style. the quiz “in Dotonbori there’s xx tour that is popular for Osaka couple.” and other. what is result? ▽!”Be man of sea!” set turns again, cruiser set appears. then Kitamura change to chiefy costume, 5 of Arashi to sailor uniform. He has licence to drive small boat, and aimed to be pirate seriously in his early time. Arashi learns how to tie rope “bowline bend”, and then practice, the test that if they can make “bowline bend”, with in 5 sec is held. the one who couldn’t sever punishment. ▽”Eat pirate food!” fishery harbour recommended best 3 food are introduced! then the set spins again, Kazuya Kamenashi who co-star with Kitamura in “Specter human Vemu” appear with dinner table set! they challenge Russian roulette. loser can’t eat fishery harbour food. what is result!? 今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・北村一輝。テーマは「はやく破天荒な人間になりたい極意学びやがれ」!男は破天荒なほうが魅力的だという北村から、その極意を学ぶ。
セットゲストは、フットボールアワー・後藤輝基。▽道頓堀の男になりやがれセットが回転すると教室セットが登場! 嵐が生徒となり、大阪出身の北村から“破天荒な街”大阪・道頓堀の魅力を穴埋めクイズ形式で学ぶ。「道頓堀には浪速のカップルに人気の道頓堀◎◎ツアーがある」などの問題、果たして正解は?▽海の男になりやがれ再びセットが回転するとクルーザーのセットが登場。さらに、北村は上官服、嵐5人は服に着替える。小型船舶免許を持ち、昔は本気で海賊を目指していたという北村から、航海体操のほか、船上では必須のロープの結び方「もやい結び」を習う。さらに実践ということで、5秒以内にもやい結びができるかどうかのテストが行われる。できなかった人にはキツいお仕置きが!▽海賊メシ食いやがれ北村おすすめの漁港グルメベスト3を紹介することに! またもセットが回転すると、食卓セットとともに、新ドラマ「妖怪人間ベム」で北村と競演中の亀梨和也が登場! 一同はロシアンルーレットに挑戦、負けた人は漁港グルメを食べることができない。果たして、結果は?    
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 16:00-17:25 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀〜東京体育館[録]
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 17:50-21:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female)
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 21:00-22:30 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/17 19:00 Nep-league, FTV Sho Sakurai    
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/17 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/18 21:00-22:08 Problem-solving is after the dinner Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against kid’s actor
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 21:00-10:56Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Mannequin 5 special
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 19:00- Pekepon, FTV Sho Sakurai     
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Koki Mitani
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/24 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/26 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 14:00-15:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Koki Mitani
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/30 17:00-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest   

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/4 Arashi ni Shiyagare
10/11 Problem Solving after the Dinner.
10/13 Hey! Hey! Hey! talk shooting
10/18 Arashi ni Shiiyagare
10/19 Hey! Hey! Hey! concert shooting
10/25 VS Arashi

ritz-bさんの絵文字 MOVIE
11/26 Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Curry Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
2/4 Japanese Islands, stories about animals main narration by Masaki Aiba

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
10/29-12/2 Ah! Wild Filed!, Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide
10/29 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/30 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/31 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/4 11:30 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/5 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/6 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/13 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/14 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/17 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/18 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/19 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/20 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/21 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/24 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/25 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/26 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/27 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
12/1 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
12/2 12:00 Aoyama theater

kuririn0917さんの絵文字 9/27-11/30Denny’s Kids' event calendar 9/27-11/30
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 10/13 18:30 Kaibutsu-kun pre-release with stage greeting at Tokyo Dome City Hall
kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 content: decoration concept of aliens and display, original menu. ★Gantz sphere, arm of Tanaka alien and Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara that was used in the film, ★panel display ★original menu imaging Gantz (black tapioca Gantz sphere drink)
fuzinoumiさんの絵文字 10/11 10:30-Pre-release of Problem Solving after the dinner and shooting.

10/24 16:30 Tokyo Drama Award International drama festival in Tokyo Academy Hills Kazunari Ninomiya

♪ by yuupan.CONCERT
[Arashi live tour 11-12 “Beautiful World”]
1/3 Tue 18:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/4 Wed 16:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/7 Sat 18:00 Nagoya Dome
1/8 Sun 16:00 Nagoya Dome
1/14 Sat 18:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
1/15 Sun 16:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
2/2 Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 Oronamin C
Sho Sakurai
2/12 Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
2/12 Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
4/1 Sumitomo Life Insurance Masaki Aiba
3/26 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
4/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
4/15 Au by all
4/20 AFLAC Sho Sakurai
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba
5/20 pino Sho Sakurai
5/24 Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
5/26 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/2 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/4 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/11 JAL
6/16 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya,
Jun Matsumoto
6/16 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/17 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/25 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
6/27 AU
7/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
7/1 Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
7/4 AU
7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
7/11 AU
7/15 AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
7/16 Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
7/22 Tanrei Green Label
Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
7/23 Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
8/4 JCB
Kazunari Ninomiya
9/3 JAL
9/13 Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin It's time! Let's celect yummy Japanese food
9/20Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya
9/21Tanrei Green Label
Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
9/28 Aijinomoto Frozen food, hamburg version Sho Sakurai
9/29 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
9/29 Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au you can choose future

10/1 AFLACKimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai
10/1 Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE .
9/27 + act cover: Satoshi Ohno, extra long interview, new photo
9/27 Look at Star, cover: Jun Matsumoto, front page special Ah! Wild Field, pin up
9/28 More, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
9/28 Miss, we 30’ crazy about Arashi, Sho Sakurai
9/28 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, cross talk of 5. Satoshi Ohno serial, Sho Sakurai problem-solving after the dinner, Kazunari Ninomiya Permanent part timer buys a house.
9/28 TV Pia cover: Sho Sakurai
9/28 TV station, catch the Arashi
9/28 Weekly TV guide serial Arashi bin Sho Sakurai, special pin-up solo Arashi, O-chan version and Aiba-chan pin-up, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
9/28 Weekly The Television, Arashi latest photo, Masaki Aiba artistic gymnastic photo, Satoshi Ohno private shot of Kaibutsu-kun
9/28 Japanese movie navi, cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and site report of Kaibutsu-kun
9/30 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/1 Cinema cinema, cover & front page special: Satoshi Ohno
10/3 Cinema Square cover: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun
10/6 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Hanako entertainment therapy: Sho Sakurai, Arashi national stadium concert report
10/7 Fujin Koron Arahi, men that  the era wanted.
10/7 Duet Arashi zoom, Sho Sakruai pin up, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World 
10/7 Wink up Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
10/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World, special pin up Satoshi Ohno & Sho Sakurai         
10/7 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno movie Kaibutsu-kun, Sho Sakurai Jun Matsumoto 
10/8 Casa BRUTUS Sho Sakurai serial travel to learn the architecture,
10/11 Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
10/11 Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
10/12 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Mannequin Five special Himitsu no Arashi-chan special, serial Kaibutsu-kun,
10/12 TV Pia, interview with Sho Sakurai   
10/12 TV station, front page interview with Sho Sakurai , special drama Kaibutsu-kun chummy talk Satoshi Ohno and Tatsuomi Hamada, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special.
10/14 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/18 Pict up, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun speical
10/19 cut cover: Taro Kaibutsu
10/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “yakiimo no Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya

10/20 Cubisum, cover: Satoshi Ohno 
10/21 Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
10/21 M Girl Masaki Aiba in Kimono
10/22 LIPS, Jun Matsumoto 7pages
10/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno and Matsujun.
10/22 Popolo Sho Sakurai & Keikok Kitagawa, Ikemen butler evil tongue cross talk, Satoshi Ohno short holiday is after all awesome 
10/22 Soda cover: Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai Problem Solving after the dinner, Arashi variety shows site report.
10/24 GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
10/24 Monthly TV guide,
10/24 Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
10/24 TV Navi
10/24 TV fan   
10/28 More, cover : Arashi total 13 pages, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,       
10/28 Miss, we still love Arashi that make adults twinge.
10/28 Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. No.60: Satoshi Ohno
10/31+ act mini Cover and front pages: Sho Sakurai appears in Kageyama of Problem-solving after the dinner. 
11/10 Problem solving after the dinner 2 book
11/10 Kaibutsu-kun official book visual version

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 skmtmsykさんの絵文字 CD/ DVD
10/14 Gantz Perfect Answer DVD and Blu-Ray Kazunari Ninomiya
11/2 Labyrinth love song. general edition, and limited edition
11/16 Movie Kaibutsu-kun original sound track
11/30 Problem-Solving after the dinner, original sound track     

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB
This week word by Nino 
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun
Enjoy vol.79 updated 30 Sep (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 89 updated 20 Sep (update every 10th and 20th)
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun

ma-loolさんの絵文字 Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd: Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television  (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

rui9269さんの絵文字 Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto  agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982

public 0
299031 2011-10-06 12:17:00 2011-10-06 03:17:07 Thu-06-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 23℃/16℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TasuhiroNishioshono-san (Poo cast) after I visited Tohoku. I got info Mr. Ohno of Arashi visited Onagawa city. we linked by fate, I thought I exchanged mails. it seemed he visited there to report. it seemed he have interact with people who struggle to restore the city. I got cheerful replay. he want to visit there again. I think next time he would fish with local fisherman (grin) and also Jyunya Kudo who co-star with Mr. Ohno visited Tohoku same timing did various activity.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Best Jeanist ceremony report updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun special drama official site actually hitting number doesn’t increases, maybe people confused with movie. if some didn’t know about this please let them know. Before movie, complete new special on air 10/15 pam. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mariem Massaly-san twitter, right I dance back of N-san, sweets CM.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yugo Kanno-san (compositor) October serial drama soon starting. Problem-Solving after the Dinner. Sho Sakurai-san Keiko Kitagawa-san starring. this is Fuji TV Tuesday 9pm. music finished good. hope you can enjoy with drama.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ai Sano-san blog today rehearsal by all has been over.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Keiko Kigagawa-san blog <Dirty restaurant> Hello, today too we do on site shooting of Problem-solving. yesterday the site was hotel. as the scene was cancelled by rain, as I had time, I had aroma massage at hotel spa after shooting. as these day shooting from morning to night everyday. I could unexpected refreshment yesterday I was pleased. and I have announcement. today I appears to Tunnels no Minasan no Okagedeshita special (21:00-23:24) at section of dirty restaurant with Sakurai-san. please watch.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <scoop2> nice to meet you it’s staff M. today I haven eaten Legend currey that appears in the movie Kaibutsu-kun for my lunch. this is written in the antique documents of curry land that appears in the movie Kaibutsu-kun. curry with 4 integrands. if you eat this you must want to say “Curry Awesome!” why don’t you feel like curry kingdom!?  staff blog <2nd day of on site shooting at Monster castle.> Hello it’s staff A. few days later on site shooting at Monster castle. this day all of monsters gathered. Beauty Monsters and Franken Family. Daughter of Wolf Man, Mone-chan also appears. this is Monster bar on the basement of Monster castle. This time complete new special!! is so many scene at Monster land. there’s many scene that id different from serial drama mainly in the human world. please look forward to these parts too.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Gantz DVD detail of girls session, 10/11 at Eco Firm cafe in Harajuku due date is 10/7 4pm application from here 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Gantz twitter at 11:18 it’s miyan of person of change in DVD promotion. 2nd round of Gantz alien cafe talk event is determinate with shot notice. on 10/11 (Tue) only girls event Gantz girls session in held!! at 11:20 4 of Natsuna, Merii, Rie Midoritomo, Nako Mizusawa-san who fought with aliens appear. audience and casts are all girls, so this is exactly girls session. hope this could be even that is very girls session atmosphere.   at11:26 as event is close, application time getting short. sorry about it. pleases check at http://t.co/qjF1D3Kb actually Gantz cafe event that Hongo-san appears due date is today until 6pm. if you have not applied yet, do it quickly.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 rumor drama from Jan. Monday 9 or Tuesday 9 O-chan with Miho Nakayama, Akiko Kawahara, Yuki Amami original comic by Yuri Ikuta title “if roses, lips, and nights would pass”(バラの唇と夜が過ぎれば) (I don’t know the original story but seems she draws heavy romance, like affair… as co-staring cast are older women…, so curious)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Yuzu theme song of World Artistic Gymnastic and concert DVD release in same time> theme song of World Artistic Gymnastic, “Sho” and concert DVD “LIVE FILMS 2 -NI-“ release same time.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobe-san (Ah Wild Field cast)today blog I’m going to rehearsal getting on Saikyo line. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog <until act 1> in the autumn rain it was rehearsal of Ah! Wild Field. practice of stage make up for character member continuation from yesterday. choreographer has to produce not only dance,also process,formation, other whole dance scene. I do move of large props. and got unexpected role. actually all have. less than a month to the stage. from producer, as we still have time not to force yourself too much, tell me if you have limit of power strength, complain, other, please tell me. after rehearsal, there’s people who leave soon and some take break with tea and catering, some do stretch, some continue to practice, me have light stretch and prepare to leave, so far in the consequence I’m alone on the way to go and back. see you tomorrow. Je t’aime-san yesterday blog today go to Ah world field rehearsal taking off at office. do beginning and act one. tomorrow focus to latter part….
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Dogatch <Sho Sakurai “it’s huger than my imagination” Problem Solving after the dinner, huge billboard appears.> huge billboard using 43 m height of building wall. Kageyama serve the wine to Reiko 21M underneath. and from 10/10 butler Kageyama speaks evil tongue CM spot play at Marunouchi or Yurakucho line’s train channel. from 1014-16 in front of Shibuya 109 event that make artful cloud such like “blind” “problem-solving.” and a week before press conf and pre-release inviting fans and media at luxury liner. first ever in Fuji TV drama history on land (huge billboard , metro) sea (pre-release and press conf) sky (artificial cloud) complete embracement Problem-Solving after the Dinner promotion will be developed.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <we are editing> Hello it’s Staff A. shot Kaibutsu-kun VFX team’s PC, what is this?? please look forward to it on 10/15 at 9pm staff blog <suddenly it’s quiz> Hello it’s staff K, whose these hands? if you know you must freak of Kaibutsu-kun , answer will ben in the staff journal later
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog Aiba-chan quote “I like to breath all in together.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 The Far East TV Entertainment blog on 10/4 <pet model Tenasai Shimura Zoo! special.> we have been to shooting for Tenashi Shimura zoo 2 hours special. this on air from 10/15
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mycom Journal <Masaki Aiba and Meisa Kuroki got first prize “Best Jeanist 2011”> Aiba “as this is award that our senior got, this is unbelievable. I’m so honoured” when he got trophy. “I don’t show to member, I bring back home as soon as possible and make this as family treasure.” he smile “at our show the section that we show our private cloth I always got harsh criticism. as I got award, I want to revenge members.” “this is pressure, I will be absent at shooting of the show saying I’m stomach ache.” Chuspo <Aiba Meisa first prize of Best Jeanist> Aiba has about 20 jeans “the jeans I bought first time when I was 1st grade of high school, I can’t throw away as I have a lot of memory“( actually he wanted wear this yesterday it was too small.) “member says in chorus ‘it was me’ who‘d get the prize.’ I could revenge them.'” Daily Sports <Arashi Aiba touched! Best Jeanist first prize> he has 20 jeans, among is the favorits one is the one he bought fist time when he was 1st grade of high school. “I wore it for color-dulling during sleep. my mother wash it. we had fight.” Sponichi <Masaki Aiba got award with smile “ I can revenge!” Sanspo <Aiba of Arashi and Meisa as Best Jeanist!   

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Masaki Aiba Arashi x Zip week 4th day, Masaki Aiba appears, impact against with Masu announcer ▽嵐×ZIP!ウィーク4日目!相葉雅紀が登場!桝アナウンサーと激突!
no VS Arashi FTV
no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
21:00-23:24 Tonnnelz Minnasan no Okagedeshita, FTV Sho Sakurai Sakurai & Kitagawa stunned dinner祝きたなトラン出版人気女優大量緊急来店嵐櫻井&北川仰天めし Dirty-restaurant, however restaurant is dirty but world class test meal seve, this time triple feature Monday 9 team, Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa Tuesday 9 team, and Thursday 10 team, each have their speciality! what kind of dirty-yummy restaurant coming up today!? can they get star!?きたなトラン 店舗は汚いけど、味は天下一品の店を紹介する「きたなトラン」。今回は超豪華出演者による3本立て。 香里奈、吉高由里子、大島優子の「月9チーム」と櫻井翔と北川景子の「火9チーム」、そして榮倉奈々、菅野美穂の「木10チーム」がそれぞれ“名物料理"を口にする! 果たしてどんな「きたなうまい店」が登場するのか!?そして“星3つ"は出るのか!?

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “the award it not symbol for reward, this is symbol for stimulation.” amazing. this is good but this is sever. “this is word of Japanese chess player Yasuharu Ohyama-san. He has record of historical no.1 official championship 80 periods, championship of Japanese chess 44 times. totally 1433 championship. he go numerous award. he thought award was the stimulation to make him incite.” hum, cool. but Ohyama-san, are you listening. I have wonderful award too. actually, well, already, what. Arashi Discovery, since I have started already… that time I was 22 years old, I think, right. this started October, then this October, actually Arashi Discovery, marked 9 year! wonderful! I’m heading to 10th year. then staff researched, approximately for a year, this Arashi Discovery, 260 times. so we calculated, 2000 times for 9 years. Isn’t it amazing? next year October is already 10th anniversary. well, tentatively, make a goal one more year. tentatively. about later, think it later, he he he (what? Oh-chan thinks quitting radio as well?)

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Hanako entertainment therapy: Sho Sakurai, The last butler page 104, Arashi national stadium concert report page 148

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
299337 2011-10-07 09:53:00 2011-10-07 00:53:19 Fri-07-Oct-2011

osmelmikiさんの絵文字 thanks, I’ve recovered.

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 23℃/18℃/20%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Today’s FTV Suporto from 24:48-, Gymnasts info from caster of World artistic gymnastic Masaki Aiba
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 This is not Arashi-goto but very curious news    Sponichi <Yama P and Nishikigo left “NEWS”> Johnny’s Agency announced Tomohisa Yamashita (26) and Ryo Nishikodo (26) drop out NEWS on 7. Yamashita applies his mind to solo activities, and Nishikido to Kanjani. rest 4 continue activity as NEWS   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-Solving after the dinner staff blog <dinner with good detective> Ola! senor e senorita. tonight as well after the dinner… it’s Smile, how have you been. at site shooting of ep.3 has been started. every day and night, we are editing, team Nazo-Di.  3 consecutive days shooting the other day. we shot scenes of Kageyama and Reiko reach a deduction for 2 episodes. not only recipe dozen pages of line, you have to get it with body, this can’t be acting. I think actors are really hard.  Kageyama-san in 3rd day morning. “I had dream, the site got pressed, I thought I was delayed.” he said. he has even nightmare. and Housei house set is actually amazing. this is Agepoyo set. Once Grand site will be opened, extra gorgeous props will be introduce to you, please look forward to it. and we also unveil the dinner that Kageyama served. well see you in around evening. adios!!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Obe-san blog  Today too, I go to rehearsal of Ah! Wild Field. last night. as I stayed as I wanted to practice where I wanted to do. i have seen, practice of fierce battle of boxing by Matsumoto-san and Koide-san. when the stage curtain goes up, 2 boxers would be there.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cut Magazine blog on sale 10/19. this charged our enthusiasm. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字  Saturday Arashi web site updated with Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <Tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun appears “inter-show” show!”> Hello it’s staff K. tomorrow from 18:30 Kaibutsu-kun and his 3 companies seems appears to  “NTV popular show all gathered! autumn inter-TV show special!!” and there’s rumor he seems to teach Kai Kai exercise. and his acquaintances Satoshi Ohno-san, Norito Yashima-san, Umika Kawashima-chan, Ryuhei Ueshima-san, Choi Hong Man-san, Tatsuomi Hamada-kun and Becky appear too. and seems from 22:00 Saturday Arashi “Arashi ni Shiyagare 90 min, extended special”. you can’t take your eyes off from NTV. staff blog <in the forest> Hello It’s staff A. on-site shooting the other day it was in the mystic forest. the sky was clear. it was gorgeous shot of 2 that appeared. staff got excited a lot. right it was Demokin and Demolina. shot with arm was after long time well, they are really cool. Demolina who lost her life at serial drama. Demokin who lost battle with Kaibutsu-kun. how these 2 will be related to the movie!? please watch brave aspect of 2. don’t miss it!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 O-chan appears Hirunandesu on air 10/14 as guest of Fernandez.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista news <autumn drama expectation ration no.1 is Sakurai and Kitagawa starring “Problem Solving…” Monday 9 and Kimuraku starring piece top 3> Orista had questionnaire to 1000 men and females about new autumn drama. no.1 is Sho Sakurai solve as evil tongue butler difficult case.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san blog Ah Wild Field. still have half way to go .  Yuki Tsukikawa-san blog <Ah! Wild Field.> we have done one difficult tune. hand clap. but the tune was changed. Ai Sano-san today blog today I’m wishing complete xxx. after having coffee. I’m leaving home.Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog it was rehearsal of Ah Wild Field in the autumn clear sky. as I make up I thought I entered rehearsal studio early, but I was the one late. acting stage seems coming to studio earlier than dance stage. content of rehearsal is from beginning to almost end of act 1. listening to not only lines, movement, acting by people, finding default by producer, I learn from these. I think these improved according to numbers of rehearsal.  me, my role name has changed. but as it was out of time carried over to after tomorrow. as beginning tune was changed. tomorrow a part of member enter the studio earlier.  in evening. it was dismissed except part of casts. as I wanted to watch acting I stayed. but it seems after I left re-choreographing of  dance was held. so see you tomorrow. Pretty Ohta-san blog <full rehearsal 4th day?> it progresses adjustment by Ninagawa-san… but. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the dinner yesterday blog <Lady, we conquer all of  land, sea, and sky> ça va? tonight as well after the dinner… it’s smile :)how have you been. today I talk about promotional campaign. the title named by Kageyama-san. “Mission land, sea, sky” this is exactly challenge just like Mission Impossible.e I want many people gets to know about drama.  so we start this. Huge Billboard that Kageyama-san finished, on monitor in the subway called Train Channel flow with devil tongue of Kagayama  from 10. this is just like he talks to you, you might automatically stare at it. don’t miss your station. as this on air as mid night cm spot Kanto area people could watch it by chance!? and poster that you can flip, and poster in the station, these are land. and this is first trial in Tokyo from 14 in front of Shibuya 109, artificial clouds of Kageyama evil tongue disseminated. this is must watch. various shapes cloud fly in air. and, and. pre-release will be held. the venue. right on the sea. according to Sakurai-san, Arashi debut interview was on the ship this is pleasant match. so these are Fuji TV promotion. sorry only in Kanto area. pleases apologize. and this is according to your area TV station if CM spot air or not. and 30 sec teaser you can watch at the site. and at the discretion of Shogakkan, 2000 poster will be display in the bookshop all over the Japan. and and movie and pops coming up at book shop. hope you watch these. I see you in evening. Bon Voyage :) ( I think she wanted say A bientot…) 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista article <Masaki Aiba receive Best Jeanist for the first time. “so honoured!”>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel  version CM and making now you can watch.  

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Arashi Saturday Arashi promotion Jun Matsumoto
25:30-26:30 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1, 五輪出場をかけた戦い今日開幕

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Q: when did you changed your voice, did you have higher voice? I had change of voice at 1st grade of junior high school. hum, it changes, however woman, yep. me? me… since when the voice. I don’t recognize the moment of voice change. err. voice, key has raised… have I told this before? err… at that time of debut of Arashi, the voice a bit, what was it. it was mature voice… wasn’t it. I feel so, yep. then I’m finding higher voice more and more. this is mystery. I didn’t have voice in my early time. if you practice you’d have voice, variously. voice, somehow, yep, if you have only deep voice, you ‘d have deep voice. voice is important. Q: what I should do to get to like mat? hu, hum, it came. Mat, you have no way just to memorize. In Germany, I did on-site shooting in my early time.there’s person who answer promptly however hundreds or thousands, what is dozen x  thousands hundreds is? however asked suddenly. answer for instant.  I asked why? he memorize in his head. however he is asked any, he memorize all of calculation. be like this. (what O-chan, this is impossible….) Q: I love Fukujinzuke (sliced vegetables pickled in soy sauce) I eat it without curry. O-chan do you like Fukujinzuke and do you have anything you eat with curry together? well I understand this. I put a lot of Fukujinzuke. Fukujin-zuke, I actually can eat these however I put these same amount of curry roux. when I don’t have Fukujinzuke, I put soy Wooster sauce a bit, not sauce. me I’m soy sauce type. even croquette, these staffs even a fried cake of minced meat. and I cut egg too. they it come to a bit sweet, comes to mild. if it’s not enough, I put soy sauce. yep. in stead of it, stew is difficult. it can’t be, no egg no stew, yep. so let’s find thing that suits stew.

21:00-21:30 Restoration program by Arashi, Fukushima FM
24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba Bunka Hoso

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Fujin Koron Arahi, men that the era wanted.
Duet Arashi zoom, Sho Sakruai pin up, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
Wink up Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
Potato, serial Around Arashi, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World, special pin up Satoshi Ohno & Sho Sakurai
Orista, serial Secret of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno movie Kaibutsu-kun, Sho Sakurai Jun Matsumoto

Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and booklet, au 3D CM, Chocola BB royal 2 campaign until 9/30 ,Oronamin C campaign until 9/30, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., Hitachi billboard Tokyo Metro until 9/15, JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
299606 2011-10-08 07:34:00 2011-10-07 22:34:05 Sat-08-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 23℃/16℃/20%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672    

ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Anri Okamoto-san blog <Problem-solving and Nep-League> this was shot at on-site shooting of Problem-Solving after the dinner the other day. I get used to female policeman costume. I’m looking forward to siring on 18. I appear 10/17 7pm I appear Nep-league as Problem-solving after the dinner time, my first variety show and my first quiz show. I was nervous about a week before shooting. people around me worried “are you okay” several times. during shooting my knees wee shaking. talk was still too bad hope you watch this.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字   Gantz cafe event  10/10 opening ceremony Original eco bag for 100 persons. 10/11:Gantz girls session by female caste, 10/12 collaboration menu only for 1 day. 10/13 cafe staffs become Black Suits aliens!? 10/14 Gantz maniac event by Kanata Hondo, Sato director, Yusuke Watanabe (script writer) Sato Producer. 10/15 give original coaster if you buy Gantz PA DVD or BD and bring it.10/16 closing ceremony with Tanaka alien
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yuki Tsukikawa-san blog<Ah Wild Field> difficult tune is back. Au Sani-san yesterday blog photo of Compliment from Katsumura-san. Je t’aime-san yesterday blog <Act 1 is completed?> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field is from middle of beginning to end of act 1. seems we could see whole picture until here. it seems tomorrow starts from act 2. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san blog <it seems act 1 is completed?> today also it was autumn clear day. rehearsal of Ah Wild Field was from the beginning that has change of tune, according to tune, this came to Japanese atmosphere. actually today casts expect this scene have not come yet. today we had practice of action scene too, it was so real, and looks painful, the role who gets punches could have scream from fans.(actually this is acting, please calm down!) twist arm and push elbow then run and push with knees. kneeing is not with thigh, with kneecap, kicking is just sliding floor…. hum…I’m just watcher in a flap. but I wanted join them double kicking and roundhouse-kick. today after all from the middle of beginning to end of act 1. it seems I could see whole picture until here. it seems tomorrow storm into act 2. after finishing, that scene, I practice by myself. I got sweat with jumping rope. on the way I took train with 4. A-san who says “want to relax after this.” what he did was icing. it seems he has pain on knee. B-san who sat next to me has some of  common friends of me. so see you tomorrow. Pretty Ohta-san blog <full reheasal 5th day> finally rehearsal starts progress. until yesterday as we don’t have enough time until real part, I wonder if this is okay. but finally it progressed. today was hypocrite T-shirts was popular somehow, people who wanted it  explode          
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the Dinner staff blog  <butlers are increasing!?> Sorry not to see you  for long time it’s Watoson. This is Hojo family house’s set that all got psyched up (there are photos) . Gorgeous and many nice decoration, the decoration that I said “that’d be expensive” to art section people. this was rather to say reasonable price, I show my blindness. we only have set almost interior of Hojo house. riposte of lines of only 2 of Sakurai-san and Kitagawa-san. I take off my hat to 2 never forget smile in spit of amount of lines that seems having heat. latest  staffs’ phrasing increase butler mode “… de gozaimasu” (“it’s…” modest form of speech)  try to use it.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Umika Kawashima-chan yesterday blog in the Monster industry, in Monster Land, I are in action for special drama and releasing movie. tomorrow, we appears “The class I want to take most in the world” inter TV show as Kaibutsu-kun team (there’s photo of the team) please watch it. soon pre-release…. have events. plenty of staffs. I’m looking forward to seeing you.


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
10:30-11:20 The class you want to take most in thee world, inter autumn shows special, NTV check preview of today.
14-00-15:00 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1,
20:00-21:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2,

25:35-26:35 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2, 夏季オリンピックが行われない年に開催される世界体操が、ことしは東京で行われる。地元開催で息上がる日本勢。注目は男子個人総合で3連覇を目指す内村航平に、女子ではエース・鶴見虹子と昨年のこの大会で「エレガンス賞」を受賞し、メディアなどでもその美貌が話題になっている田中理恵。相葉雅紀をナビゲーターに、10/7[金]から10日間の熱い戦いが始まる。
18:30-21:54 The class you want to take most in thee world, NTV popular show gathered inter autumn TV show, NTV Satoshi Ohno the song resonate to teacher Kaibutsu-kun’s heart ▽怪物くん先生の人の心に響く歌, Arashi, Chorus of Kaibutsu-kun 嵐しゃべくり笑点AKBマツコが勢ぞろい!怪物くんの大合唱!      
22:00-23:26 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV 90 min special new segment “Do Return of the Ten” (parody of movie Return of 5), compete baking apple role against comedian team, this special new segment. Do “Return of the Ten” appears and usual Aniki guest section too. ▽ “Do Return of the Ten”, long waited new section “do Return of the Ten” this is letter of challenge from comedian team who did MC of Aniki guest seccction. “Arsahi gun men” VS “comedian western” separated team 5 vs 5. challenge various all-out fight battle. this time “comedian western team” Hiroyuki Ariyoshi, Komoto of Jicho Kacho, Wakabaysashi of Audrey, Oriental Radio, and theme to fight is “baking apple roll cake” divide 5 process to bake, each one person of team challenge one process and bake cake uniting power of 5. first process baking dough, Aiba from Arashi gun men and Nakata from Comedian Western. but dark clouds to baking dough by Aiba… sheriff to judge is Hironobu Tsujiyuki, a pattissier, which team can win? also usual Aniki guest section too!
待望の新企画「荒野の十人しやがれ」!     このコーナーは、これまでセットゲストとしてアニキゲストコーナーを進行してきた芸人チームからの挑戦状。「嵐ガンマン」VS.「芸人ウエスタン」の5対5のチームに分かれ、様々な総力戦バトルを繰り広げる。今回の「芸人ウエスタン」チームは、有吉弘行、次長課長・河本、オードリー・若林、オリエンタルラジオ。そして注目の対決テーマは、なんと「リンゴのロールケーキ作り」! 作り方を5工程に分け、各チーム一人ずつが担当。5人の力をあわせて、ひとつのケーキを完成させる。最初の工程となる「生地作り」を担当するのは、「嵐ガンマン」からは相葉、「芸人ウエスタン」からはオリラジ・中田が参戦。しかし、相葉の生地作りに思わぬ暗雲が・・・。対戦に判定を下す“保安官”はパティシエ・辻口博啓。果たして、どちらのチームが勝利するのか?もちろん恒例のアニキゲスト企画も!Masaki Aiba is baking dough, Sho Sakurai baking garniture, Kazunari Ninomiya challenges baking fresh cream, Satoshi Ohno is rolling the dough, and Jun Matsumoto in charge of decoration. 相葉雅紀は生地作り、桜井翔はガルニチュール(中に巻く物)作り、二宮和也は生クリーム作りに挑戦。大野智は生地を巻く作業を、松本潤はデコレーションを担当する。autumn 90 min special, special Aniki is unexpected that Aniki, Shuzo Matsuoka! appeared broken the wall! letter of challenge to Arashi “Arashi you can get more earnest!” earnest Yakiniku… earnest cheering new Shuzo cheering video, charge Arashi’s earnest… and earnest tennis rally, Arashi challenge 50 tines. who is result?        秋の90分SP!スペシャルアニキは…まさかのアノ男松岡修造!壁をぶち破って登場!嵐に挑戦状「嵐よ…君達はもっと本気になれる!」本気の焼き肉…本気の応援で新作修造応援VTRで嵐に本気注入…そして本気のテニスラリー連続50回に嵐が挑む!果たして嵐は…
24:00-24:05 Suporto, FTV, Masaki Aiba  .ロンドンオリンピック出場権獲得なるか!? 世界体操「女子予選」国分太一が現地取材!世界体操キャスター相葉雅紀から選手情報も ▽どうなる?セ・リーグ首位争い

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO     
12:30-13:00 restoration special show of Arashi, FM Iwate

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE


norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue,  JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza.,  JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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299934 2011-10-09 21:39:00 2011-10-09 12:39:32 Sun-09-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 23℃/17℃/20%

 UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <Utako and Hiroshi become rich!/> Hello, it’s staff K. when I see Hiroshi and Utako…. on the finger of Utako, glittering rings, on the arm of Hiroshi as well. gold shiny watch. have they really become rich!? the answer will be unveil on 10/15 staff blog <3 companies> Hello it’s staff A. this time Complete New special"!! Dracula, Wolf man, Franken that perform well last night NTV inter TV show play outstandingly! actually they are in pinch! message from 3 companies. “watch this zamasu!” “watch this gansu” “funger!” biggest pinch to 3 companies! please look forward to it.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web, Taichi-kun journal.today I study like all creation to report of World Artistic gymnastics. tentatively I ask Aiba-kun what I don’t know
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista twitter , Orista on sale 11/4 cover is Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobs-san today’s blog <rehearsal progresses> yesterday rehearsal progress, finally scene I speak my line. modern theatrical spoken language, quiet, theatrical. unmannered daily conversation is not approved. to deny the topical object clearly, get jealous, applauded, king like that, strong conversation that need change of clear tone. in addition technic such like unvoiced sound and add tempo action just like comical theatre. can I do this? however I can’t I must do this. Ai Sano- san blog <arrived> to rehearsal studio. blog   <go home> after rehearsal practice by myself for 2 hours. Gitaro-san blog don’t quirk the lines. speak properly, listen properly. go sleep early, today turn the corner. however it turned but it has just came back to start line. 3 weeks to stage, I will be completely in the mode of Ah Wild Field. Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog <6th day of full rehearsal> rehearsal progress smoothly. of course there’s adjustments… Je t’aime-san blog <act2 progressed> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field progressed act 2, 3days ago, the day before yesterday, yesterday and today. when I was head my profile, I realized I’m head of dance member. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog ,<took the photo> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field, at first photo shooting for pamphlet. hair make up is various according people. I’m looking forward to see the finishes. Me, almost as I am. I’m getting to taking pose for artist photo, today’s photographer could be heterochromatic, I’m curious how I was taken. later I had break so I ate lunch, properly. and rehearsal is until middle of act 2. is you are an actor, you should have various experience, especially if you are young. laugh could be happen if predicted development is reversed. laugh happens language and behavior is different from look. it’s hard to be at stage without lines.see you tomorrow. today’s blog <progressed to act 2> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field is act 2,. progressed more than yesterday. however I critique others’ acting, when I do I don’t know how to do, I feel anxious. leading dancer work actually, it’s often to be normal character, but this time it can’t be. in the script book, detail movement of all casts is not written. each rehearsal, position of actor is differ, you need acting skill and flexibility. this part is different from choreograph of dance. this is difficult and fun of acting. in the end we rehearsal a scene, then personally, I practice a bit and stretched and over, see you tomorrow.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-Solving after the Dinner yesterday staff blog <Lady, do you need promotional show info?> Today as well after the dinner, it’s Smile, how have you been. well, the other day team Nazo-di participated shooting of Nep-League (10/17 from 7 pm on air)! shooting has been finished smoothly. as it was so laughing, I had pain my belly. in the end, detective Kagamztsuri shows great performance just like drama!! (grin)  please see on air if it was cool or laugh.  and Kippei Shina-san, sorry keep you wait. Shina-san who hardly appears our company variety show. this time he show Nep-league and Tamori & Nakai it’s fine with empty-handed …!? dramatic living room! (10/10 from 9pm) and Pekepon (10/21 from 7pm) his mischievous part is fully shown. what you can’t miss is World Artistic Gymnastics!  whoopie! have you seen collaboration CM with Aiba-san? on 12 Wed, Sakurai-san and Kitagawa-san comes as guest cheering team! this was promotional show information. so provably in the evening. good night.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog quote of O-chan “ as 4 are so perfect, I have nothing to say.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomo movie media Kaibutsu-kun updated 10/12 TV life interview with Satoshi Ohno and Becky, Weekly The Television interview with Satoshi Ohno and Tsuomi Hamada 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pict up on sale 10/18 movie Kaibutsu-kun release, closed up aspect of new hero. (photo of Kaibutsu-kun only cap parts… cute)   

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
19:00-21:54 World no.1 Show Time NTV Jun Matsumoto audiences and big name of each. industry decide appearance fee of performers. lightning-fast quick change of married couple magicians, Tsuton Aoki performs master piece in male and female voice, Art dance that footage and dance synchronize, fantastical sand art, Ikkokudo challenge human beat box in ventriloquy. 観客と各界の大物がパフォーマーのギャラを決定▽夫婦マジシャンによる電光石火の早着替えマジック▽ツートン青木が男性と女性の異なる声質で珠玉のメドレーを披露▽映像とダンスがシンクロするアートダンス▽幻想的な砂の芸術!サンドアート▽いっこく堂が腹話術でヒューマンビートボックスに挑戦ほか
11:00-13:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,      
24:35-25:35 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1, アテネ五輪以来の団体金メダルへ日本始動▽相葉雅紀      

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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300103 2011-10-10 08:10:00 2011-10-09 23:10:46 Mon-10-Oct-2011 National Holiday Sports Day

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 choco-milkさんの絵文字 25℃/18℃/20%

  UPDATE as I go outside whole day today as well,  check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 NTV News 24 <Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi appears V6 concert at Yokohama Arena after 10 years> this day Kazunari Ninomiya (28) of Arashi watch at stand seat. Inohara “we’ve been making our best, but our juniors have been danced back of us. today this junior came. Ninomiya-kun of Arashi” he is in spot light according to his call, and face of Ninomiya was screened in the big screen on the center stage, then fans roar. Inhara asked his feedback “how is it, watching V6 concert after long time? “ Ninomiya who used to be back dancer of V6/ “after all it’s most fun by far.” he admires his senior stage. “new tune Sexy Hot Bunny, Sakamoto-san shows sexy at first more than audience expected.” he send passionate line of sight to Sakamoto  Nikkan Sports <Nino came too, Yokohama Arena V6 concert after 10 years> Ninomiya Kazunari of Arashi who did back dancer of V6 came, Ninomiya who had spotlight as introduction by Inohara, “V6 was first concert I appeared. I appeared Inohara-kun’s solo.” “we rerelease new tune on 2 Nov.” he didn’t forget new tune promotion.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobe-san (Ah Wild Field cast) today’s blog<progressed even more> yesterday make meaning of lines, accent where should have accent,use technic such as silence or  tempo, and also have had lyric there. Komakine-san is  good who appear same scene as mine, he has lyric in his line. have to do, however I can’t, however I’m told bad. then after rehearsal, we  practice dance. Koide-san and Matsumoto-san practice boxing. as they are in the separated room, I don’t know how it is. I think they must have sever practice!  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Keiko Kitagawa-san blog <tonight is Iitomo> Good evening. last 5 days, I was nearly dead as my sleeping time was less than 3 hours. I have the moment the turn the date with staffs at site every day. “not Otsukare samadeshita. see you tomorrow.” had greeting kind of “see you later, in 5 hours.” I left the site just like storm. Reiko-san appears a lot at drama.  I leave home every day thinking “as I’m not strong, I wonder I’d come down today…” I don’t know why when I enter the site I increase power, I can get through. this is strange. I wonder I keep my strength with my enthusiasm, and eating a lot. still now, I eat every 3 hours at site, when I get home, have Knoor cup soup before sleep, remembering script book. tonight, I appear “Tamori & Nakai it’s fine with empty-handed …!? dramatic living room!” with Sakurai-san and Shina-san. as I think I can show you highlight of drama too. please watch it.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <Key Point> Hello it’s staff M. after Legend Curry, this time introduce monster food.  these colorful beans called “Monster beans” this is popular food in Monster land. that ???-san loves his beans. actually this has important key of “Complete new special!!” 5 day to airing. please look forward to it!! staff blog <1 year and half….> Hello it’s staff A. Kaibutsu-kun started air from April 2010. this is after 1 year and half this Complete new special.  for us staff, we had shooting of movie, Kohaku, 24 hours TV etc. it passed just like flash honestly. but I learn a historical date. this is about Hiroshi’s growth.  this is Hiroshi and Franken a year and half ago, this is Special’s Hiroshi and Franken. Hiroshi’s height grown 1 horizontal line!! he grown up certainly! sure it’s not height of Franken-san shrank. Hiroshi, his face gets mature too. it was photos I learn a historical date 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV Pia yesterday twitter from tomorrow 10/10 to 16 Building in the Sukiyabashi of Ginza, huge ad of Problem-solving after the dinner appears using 43m height of wall. if you can go, please. and also ads in Yamanote-line also to watch too.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista twitter Kazuanri Ninomiya-kun of Arashi came to V6 concert. I could see Junichi Okada-kun a bit senior brother. I laughed interaction with Inocchi to promote Labyrinth Love Song. Orista promote too! issue on sale 11/4 cover is Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Otonoha, vol.90 “declaration”, well, it’s me. I’m in Kageyama, these day. I shoot everyday from early morning to late night. Meanwhile, me one day when I had time a bit. as I thought all could be tired… so to get sweet, I have been to sweet shop in the morning. then to the site.again in evening, as i got a bit time. I thought all must be tired even more… to get sweet I went to cake shop to get sweet.  at this break. in the CD shop. ( heh!? how about cake sho?) when I hunt out. this could be slightly younger than me. a man talked to me. man “Sakurai-kun!” Sakurai “yes.” man” err… I have been Beautiful World.” Sakurai “Beauty? Oh! yes, yes, concert!” man “to Kokuritsu and Sapporo”  “IZ IT TRUE!!” thanx, thanx!! man”Err……                      I like you a lot!!” Bufoooooo! I was declared his love!! Sakurai “thank you!  well…. see you again”(again, in this situation is see you somewhere again. or see you at concert again. it has 2 meaning. so actually doule meaning.) ← thank you unnecessary explanation in a courteous manner. All told. I have bought CD after long time. get compliment sweets. had slightly fullfilled  break time. yes. actually all got pleased. My pleasure (in Hiragana)  Oh, next update, first episode is already on air. I’m so happy. team Problem-solving after the dinner. actually it’s hard scedule. we shoot enjoying, positivly, cheerfuly. starts 10/18 at 9pm please watch this. 10/10/2011 by Kageyama     
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nino appeared today’s V6 concert. Inocchi asked how is concert. “ beginning of Sakuramoto-san Sexy. Honey. Bunny!, sexy is too sexy. and it was good dashing off after singing solo.” as Nino talks about Sakamoto-san, Inocchi “after all you are curious in leader” Inocchi asked “if Okada is older than you. “Okada-kun “right, Nino!” Innocchi “do you get along?” Nino”at count down concert I’m choked often.” (wrap his arm around Nino neck) Okada-kun “I was together with Sakurai, I did it often  that time too. Unocchi “you are seized with a keen desire to attach.” Inocchi “Arashi release new tune. “ Inocchi “ thank you Nino” and spot light at Nino’s seat’s in the guest seats was tuned off. Inicchi “but do you get along with Gou?” Nino”actually, at dance battle of baseball game, I was Gou-kun team, I should have danced dance that Gou-kun choreographed. but I was not taught.”Gou “I’ like to choreograph dance, but not to teach.”Inocchi “do you go to have dinner together.” Nino “you go to have dinner with my Jun-kun.” Gou-kun, “no, no. that Matjun, right? “ Nino “right, but my Matsujun, I thought he talked about Gou-kun.” Inocchi “ So Arashi release new single “again, Nino promote Labyrinth love song 3 times after all.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomorrow Waratte Itomo, according to TV chart what is Aiba of Arashi curious
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe (Ah Wild Field cast) still now I get feel anxious if the train is right direction, (after all rehearsal seems at Saitama theatre) Dance seems I could follow them under gentle instruction. rehearsal is advanced. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Fuji TV TV chart  Aiba-chan appears Mezamashi TV 10/12 in live.


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
21:00-23:18 Tamori & Nakai it’s fine with empty-handed …!? dramatic living room! FTV Sho Sakurai new drama cast appears all together, have one night only home party. Tamori and Nakai drill down highlight of drama, inside episode at shooting site, gorgeous talk you can’t see in the other is deployed.香里奈、櫻井翔、米倉涼子ら秋の新ドラマキャスト陣が一堂に会し、1夜限りのホームパーティーを開催。ドラマの見どころや注目ポイントを、タモリと中居正広が掘り下げていく。ほか、収録現場の裏話など、他では聞くことのできない超豪華トークが展開される。
23:00-25:15 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2,
23:24-25-23:28 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Blind football representative team of Japan x Sho Sakurai… close up report at training camp in Sendai 全盲サッカー代表×櫻井翔…仙台合宿密着
25:15-26:15 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2,ライバル中国が登場。日本1位通過なるか?現世界王者中国の強さの秘密は?中国練習拠点にカメラが潜入。驚きのトレーニング公開!対する日本代表内村航平特集

skmtmsykさんの絵文字  RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,  
Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “leg become a stick” (legs become stiff) I’ve heard this. Oh, I can’t my legs are tired, when I get tired. this express legs become tired, and muscle get tensed and become a stick. If you stand for long or keep standing, legs become like sticks. hum.I see. you get tired, if you run too much. today is that one. Sports day. Otuskare Samadesu, the person who has event such as athletic meeting and other.  well, really. quite, err, Sports day, you say from the beginning Taiku (体育 Sports) actually (true pronunciation) is “taiiku” but all say basically “taiku”, same as Ototo (younger brother), Otouto which one?  you can see often Japanese like this. “Funiki and ”Fuuinki” (atmosphere) , in the conversation “that Fuinki is…” you hardly say “that Fuuiki is…” words have varsity. Well, Jitensya (bicycle), this is essential. but  you say Jidensha, Arashi tune has, in my solo part, Oh! Yea! tune. I sing “Jidensya no ♪” I was told to sing like this. me personally think “this is Jitensha.” I thought so. but my company people says “Jidensha” I can’t help, this.“Ereetaa” (lift) this is “Ereetaa” right? but that one “Ereeta” (lift) stop (the end) that one? it’s “Funiki” this is not “Tisshu” (Tissue) this is “Tissue” Please remind it.

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB      

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 opening ceremony Original eco bag for 100 persons. Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
300516 2011-10-11 10:44:00 2011-10-11 01:44:58 Tue-11-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 24℃/18℃/20%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cinema Today <Natsuna and girls casts had girls talk at Gantz cafe> Mainichi Digital <Natsuna “sight to see is action” Gantz completed version DVD event at Gantz mode cafe.> movie.com <Natsuna and other girls’ session if held with Natsuna and other at Harajuku Gantz cafe> Shatori Ito-san (girls session event MC) blog (there’s photo of inerior of cafe)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <hand made is good> Hello it’s staff K, when I work studio corridor during shooting. what, ballom? actually with. 3 companies cutting picture, wolf man, Dracula, Franken. actually this was balloon, that Orista-san brought for interview. they made cutting picure and paste it. I felt love for Kaibutsu-kun. Thank you.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista twitter, I have been to press conf of Sho Sakurai-kun of Arashi starring “Problem-Solving after the dinner”! Sakurai-kun appeared in butler aspect. he was touced “press conf on the gorgeous ship is after Arashi debut.” detail sales day will let you on the blog.blog of  Kaibutsu-kun special that on air on 15, the props we brought was introduced.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibuts-kun  track and big balloon movie Kaibutsu-kun track goes to all over Japan 15t track only for movie Kaibutsu-kun ride with Kaibutsu-kun, Giant Slider that was topical this summer at Shiohaku, Huge balloon Kaibutsu-kun  goes to your town, and you can see costume of Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies colsely. and there’re full of thing you can see only here. all dance Kai Kai Exercise! at venue, lecture event of Kai Kai Exercise is held if you participate, movie Kaibutsu-kun trical book.  (under high school student for 300 people) 10/22 &10/23 Sappor at Sapporo factory, 10/29 10/30 Miyagi Movix  parking, 11/5 11/6 Shizuoka Espace dream plaza. 11/12 11/13 Nagoya Nagoya TV tower, 11/19 11/20 hiroshima Aeon Mall Hiroshima Fuchu Soreil 11/26 11/27 Osaka Kobe, Koe Mosaic 1/2 12/3 Sukuoka Hawks town mall.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-storm cover of Labyrinth Love song updated. limited version CD song 消えぬ想い (the feeling never gone)  general version song 2: together, forever, song 3:うたかた (ephemeral) song 4 wanna be...
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 I have been to Ginza you can see here
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Sho Sakurai of Arashi got nervous with press on ship after 11 years.”I feel jumpy.!”> Sho Sakurai of Arashi, Keiko Kitagawa, Kippei Shina had press conf of drama “Problem-Solving after the Sinner” on the ship,  Sealine Tokyo Symphony Clasica. Sakurai harks back debut press conf of Arashi that was held on the cruise ship at Honolulu bay, Hawaii. “Press conference on the ship after 12 years since debut, feel jumpy somehow.” seems he has nervous face. he get fired up “hope I can built new detective style.” this is million selling book, mystery entertainment. Lady Reiko who is daughter of “Hojo group” that is know in the world, work as newly hired detective is torn by childish reasoning of her boss Kazamatsuri detective.. she could not find the clue to solve. Kageyama who is butler and chauffeur listens from stars to end of the incident at her gorgeous mansion, he solve mystery of incident smoothly with evil tongue and closes up the truth. Sakurai act “comfort chair detective” that solve without facing climinal, Sakurai “I read original novel, I didn’t expected I do Kageyama… it was surprising.” he feels pressure. “I had instruction by teacher, I gain an understanding of manner of butler.” actually according to title. question about what do you do after dinner. “I take bath, this is good.” he evokes laughter. drama “Problem-Solving after the Dinner” from 10/18 every Tuesday from 9pm first episode 15 min. extended.Mainichi Digital <Sho Sakurai gets a hustle on “I’m looking forward to pleasant face of Keiko Kitagawa!” press conf of the sip after 12 years since Arashi debut> Sakurai-san “my shooting mostly at mansion, so I afford more than others. so I buy complement sweets. so Kitagawa-san eat a lot. when I go the site getting with food. she gets so pleased. I wonder what to buy next time.” it seems he is butler even without shooting. Kitagawa-san “the shooting of Shina-san is fun. we do promotional show with Shina-san he appears ‘Hello, it’s Sho Sakurai’ this makes me laugh every time. Sakurai-san bus all the time complement food. not only cast but also staffs get cheerful.”  question, what is butler. “the existence to adjust master’s bad part and to produce. I think it’s better a butler to lead good direction.” “hope you watch the drama after the dinner.” Daily Sports <Sho Sakurai smiles, gorgeous ship after the debut> Asahi <breaking news: Sakurai and Kitagawa, after the dinner is “taking bath”>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Gantz cafe U-steam  from 19:00
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hot Pepper beauty Hommerare posters you can see 47 posters. and you can get wallpaper voting these.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV life blog <this Wednesday cover is Nazo-di)  this week pair of Nazo-di Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa are cover. pin up of Sho Sakurai-kun and Keiko Kitagawa-san, Kaibutsu-kun & Kaiko-chan pin up. Masaki Aiba-kun & Jun Matsumoto in tuxedo pin up. special of Himitsu no Arashi-chan Mannequin Five, butler Sakurai extra big pin up.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cirecle of 21 ep.6 “my favorite Isobe primary school.” on air 11/6 16:30-17:00
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 People now there, the site of life, repeat on sir 11/19 16:00-16:54
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the dinner interview with Sho-kun what was your impress when you get offer to cast Problem Solving after the dinner? It was coincidence. as I read original novel, it was surprising for me. when I read the novel. as I didn’t have any conscious at all, it was surprising. because if I act Kageyama imaging original novel,  you get in great fear. if it was drama I’d appears end of 15 min, I have keep talking all the time.” (grin) Q:reading script book? “script book was different from original (grin) scene of Kageyama is not only last one scene like original, as it so, this could be harder… but I feel relived as I don’t speak special language of law. but, I could be overwhelmed around November as I can’t remember all of lines. after all I can’t solve any problem… (grin) this is joking. I properly remember it.” Q: what kind of guy Kageyama is. “Me, after all Kageyama is superman. as he can unfailingly do any thing. this kind of person does a butler, this is charm of this piece, and site to watch.”  Q: you have learnt stage business of butler for preparation persona. “yes, I have learnt how to serve, how to draft chair etc from the person who gives butler instruction. that time, I got sommelier knife, and learn how to open a wine bottle. … then I got wine too, when I practice at home, I come drink. if you open it you drink. so at home the time drinking is much longer than time to practice opening the bottle. I learn butler study with the book and DVD. actually in myself there’s no soil as a butler at all, I research it watching butler in the movies. Q: what kind work butler is, you think. “I think this is amazing work. this is hard to support to your master in order to make easy their work. at dinner to basically they keep serving at dinner just being on the side… if I were him, I will be absolutely get hungry. (grin) you can do it hardly. butler work is not only give service, point fault, and recommend good stuff, adjust they way master goes. in this scenes, our manager could be close to them. Q: Kageyama says evil tongue in cool blood to his lady Reiko, how about Sakurai-san, yourself? “I don’t do evil tongue. if I can say like Kageyama, this could be pleasurable sensation. saying “stupid” “blind” I say these at CM spot shooting I felt good a bit (grin) but evil tongue of Kageyama is not for running down lady. I hope say it meddling in her a bit. “this is mystery drama. Sakurai-san? “I used to read mystery novel quite a lot around junior high school student. I love a lot Columbo what you can see criminal at first. so other novel too I read in the end at first to get criminal, then back to beginning. I did Columbo way by myself. I’m type I can’t be patient.        
I got. this piece, when problem-solving started, it solves with good tempo. as this has exhilaration one feels… actually this should not cast say, this is one of my amusement, Q: how is impression of Keiko Kitagawa-san.” as she appears Arashi show several time. this is not first time to meet. but it was first time to talk properly. during break it’s Kitagawa-san talk to me. actually only questions. “ what is most fun work?” “ do you have days off?” as she does to. it’s easier to spend time together. she is efficient. however she dress up with costume in lady. kind of “yes, okay, next”  this gap is funny.” Q: how do you feel acting Kageyama. “it’s still little time since shooting has started. I hope I value kindness to watch Reiko how ever he is evil tongue. the rest. as language is modest language, accidentally I speak normal language, I have to watch this.maybe in the end of drama I must get used tom then I must say modest language in Arashi shows. (grin) “ Q: message to viewer please. “as story is in one episode, you can enjoy each episode. reason why Kageyama became butler would be depicted in whole episodes. hope the ending scene with Kageyama and Reiko in a car could be heart-warming. as this is drama with dynamism and quick piece, in the end you feel relieved. hope you enjoy it.             
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Je t’aime-san yesterday blog <co-staring with Matsumoto-san> actually rehearsal of Ah Wild Field act 2 is over. I actually co-started with Matsumoto-san previously at TV show.I only remember it was scene of Wanko Soba. so I searched on the  internet. I final find. it was “case file of Kindaichi boy, murder in enchanted dog forest “Kindaichi boy had delusion dog→puppy (Wanko)→ Wanko soba. as he eat too much wanko soba, he becomes Papaya Suzuki. today I asked Matsumoto-san if he remembered that  I co-stared with you at scene of noodle 10 years ago. he thought for several second. he realized it was about Case fine of Kindaichi boy. actually he didn’t notice I was a member of middle age guys dancers. actually this happens always. I feel refreshed now. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yeserday blog <act 2 is almost finished> rehearsal of “Ah Wild Field” at first a scene practice. and actually act 2 is finished. I became replacement suddenly of other scene. I don’t act same way, in the script book, it’s not written  detailed.as persona changes the setting changes, I should create this person in my way. in the consequence, I have some order from producer, but it seems it seemed fine. tomorrow is rehearsal is off, I go to office after long time.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <VS Arashi report is in Orista on sale 10/21, Arashi had serious battle with Japan representative volleyball players> we have been to report VS Arashi on air 10/27, this time opposition is representative of Japan female volley ball team. Arashi get fired up in front of unapproachable athletic body and tall players!! and Plus one guest is Banana man who get along with Arashi appears. as they participate VS Arashi 5th time, their team work is perfect, and they enjoy chatting at break of shooting, it seems they had fun from start to end. VS Arashi report is on the issue of Orista on sale 10/21  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Chuspo<mature V6 tour final, after 10 years, it happened many things at Yokohama Arena> Ninomiya of Arashi participated. he shrewdly new tune appealed. at audience seat, Kazunari Ninomiya (28) of Arashi too, he participate MC “ My first concert as back dancer was V6 concert.” makes 6 surprised. “new tune release on 11/2” he shrewdly appealed. Hochi <V6 Sakamoto yells YamaP and Nishikido who dropped our> Kazunari Ninomiya shows up too. from audience seat with microphone “after all V6 is most fun by far”Asahi <Breaking news, Nino came too, V6 concert at Yokohama Arena after 10 years.> he was shot in spotlight by introduction of Inohara. “the concert I appeared for the first time was V6. I appeared solo of Inohara-kun.” he didn’t forget PR “new tune release on 11/2” this air on Zip

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
12:00-13:00 Waratte Itomo, FTV Masaki Aiba what is Aiba of Arashi curious▽嵐の相葉が気になることは?
14:10-16:35 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2
23:15-24:30 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female group final,
ゲスト・大塚範一 スペシャルコメンテーター・ナディア・コマネチ 解説・溝口絵里加 実況・吉田伸男 ナビゲーター・相葉雅紀 リポート・遠藤玲子 応援団・中野美奈子 生野陽子 加藤綾子〜東京(録画) 日本悲願メダルへ▽田中理恵出場▽相葉雅紀
28:30-31:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female group final,      

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,
Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “60 and 70 are snot-nosed kids, virile age is from 100!” from 100! wonderful. the way I speak. he he he. “this is Japanese carver, Denchu Hiragush-san. There's a saying that Hiragushi-san bought food for 30 years before 100 years old BD. he kept creating until his death,  it was great death of 107 years old.” heh, he bought food for 30 years at 100 years old. so he thought keep painting until 130. amazing, cool. I don’t know as I’m still 30 years. if I buy food for 30 years. I will be 30. it takes a lot. including price. and it’d held to keep, brush could be fun. I think I do this.Hey, did you say anything? (grin) that paint your painting before it? he he he, yes you say funny thin, yep. right. I have to paint. I have said. me, the other day. I will take plenty of time to paint until next March, If I can’t. err… what was it. right. what was it. err… I forgot. I shave my eyebrows. I have a firm resolve like that. as I have decided. as I don’t want to shave, so I’d paint. it’s still October. I still have various work for end of year. in such circumstance, I will take time to paint. please watch for it.         

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
Josei Jishin, Arashi’s autumn is fighting autumn, 4th Mannequin five, who will be unsold? page 14

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 19:00-Gantz girls session. on air on U-Stream. Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice
fuzinoumiさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the Dinner, pre-release, press conference, and shooting.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
300747 2011-10-12 10:42:00 2011-10-12 01:42:56 Wed-12-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 23℃/17℃/10%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Je t’aime-san blog <it was not finished yet.> sorry correction. act 2 has not finished yet. it seemed to be completed tomorrow. so today we did from end of yesterday whole scene. so far it progressed by scene, I realized I didn’t get the process such as time to change costume and make up. not only real acting. not also only symbolic acting, have to mix box well. it seems like, this difficult. costume is nearly decided. so make up also grade up according to this> the shoes I waited for was delivered, got various props, prepare role even more. see you tomorrow. Pretty Ohta-san blog <full rehearsal 9th day (for me 8th day) today we had opening rehearsal, opening members came early, as we did opening after long time I got tired. later we had some adjustment. we did boxing. after that had break then back to rehearsal. I worried about the part I got line. however I missed a bit, I could get rid of it. but my lines increase more. I have to remember these.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cyzo <inside of Masaki Aiba got Best Jeanist, “this was already taken since last year.”!?> Best Jeanist Award that was announced 10/2, Masaki Aiba of Arashi got firs award. he appeared on the stage with Meisa Kuroki “I usually jeans often,, I wear as costume too. so I’m honored. I decorate this at my living room and make it as my family treasure"!” he burst his pleasure. what Aiba ware this day was moss green jacket and damaged denim that he bought for this day. previous day when he asked members about costume, “ here, not wearing denim trouser, why not denim jacket?” “whey don’t you cut around here” they started to play the wanton. he didn’t refer them he decided by himself. this award started ‘84. notionally given to “celebrities the most jeans suitable” but it has tendency seasonal people is selected. and general section that is picked by general voting.  actually this could be even result but male section is Johnny’s talent and female section is Avex talent became sort of typical. so no one takes the result seriously. Reporter who is acquainted with Johnny’s talent “last year no.1 Kazuya Kamenashi of Kat-tun, no.2 was Aiba. so. 2011 awardee must be already decided as Aiba since that time in the agency. this was no.1-4 was just moved up. I feel no.1 is Aiba 11942 voting, no.2 Jejeun 3052, this gap seems unnatural.” at variety show he proposed cropped trousers, and he was teased “here is Aiba length!”. as he has good figure. he can suit any thing. among fans “is Aiba-chan Jeanist?” “I have image of overalls.” called in question. same reporter says “from next year if Aiba keeps Beat Jeanist and get hole of fame could be watched. but last year Kamenashi who finally got hole of fame. but he got award however he lost a lot of popularity comparing 5 years so, it looked sad. so maybe in future, every year awardee could be changed.” anyway how long this burlesque will be continued?   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun Kai Kai Exercise video news <move trailer on air “Kaibutsu-kun complete new special!” > in the end of “Kaibutsu-kun complete new special!” 90 second of latest trailer on air. and this is introduced by 5 of Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 seems like I can’t upload photo with Windows live writer.  photos of Today’s tour around Omote-sando Gantz Cafe to Yoyogi (the site of Wrold Artistic Gymnastics)            
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the dinner Topics <Press conf on the ship!!> Press conf of Problem Solving after the dinner was held with photographer and 100 fans.  comment of Sakurai-san: “this is after 12 years to have press conf on the such gorgeous ship. I’m whim-wham a bit. (grin) this time as I’m evil tongue butler, I says to lady acted by Kitagawa-san sever matter a bit, might look a bit cold. but I act every day adding point that I watch lady with affection. I hope new mystery of Tuesday 9pm with casts and staffs. I think this is the piece that from kids to adult can enjoy after the dinner. please support us. interview with Keiko Kitagawa what was impression og Sakurai-san? “I have appeared several times to Arashi-san variety show. I thought all are kind people. Sakurai-san always try to be nice. when my talk get stutter. he follow it. he is good to move the show forward. he is clever, wit. and also very serious person. this time as we together at shooting. as he talk jock and fun story, it was unexpected for me. of course he is stoic about his work, I felt his instantaneous force to switch to be persona. but he talks friendly  at shooting site not only to me to all of staffs. as I work with him at drama I found new discovery. “
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <Monster land> Hello, it’s staff A. this time Complete New special. is adventure in Monster Land. so I introduce Monster land that appears this time a bit. this is Big king salon that is familiar in the serial drama. this is cliff of Monster land. this is basement room of Monster castle. this is not Monster land, this is Human World,vegetable shop in the commercial street. 3 days to Complete special.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kippei Shina-san manager blog today press conf of “Problem Solving after the dinner” press conf was held. detail will be introduced at Mazamashi and each sports newspaper. finally airing starts next week. 10/18 21:00- please watch.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV guide <Arashi does fashion battle! members of Arashi encounter their fashion sense. Kazunari Ninomiya aim of consecutive victory. Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special on air 10/20> Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special  on air 10/20 on TBS. Mannequin Five special is brought, this time 5 coordinate at huge shopping mall in Yokohama theme of “autumn wining date cloth” for 3 hours and display these not show the name these at TBS Akasaka, MBS in Osaka for 8 days. female visitor vote “which cloth you want your boyfriend to wear.” Total voting number was 261,113. Kazunari Ninomiya who got no.1 to steal other member’s item “my goal is no.1, first ever consecutive victory. I don’t used other’s help, I do it by myself. I pick the one that is close to my private cloth, but I realized original one is hard.” seemed he struggled.  Sho Sakurai who got last place previously. “I had plan to win so far. but I didn’t show my self. this time theme is ‘back to defence’ I’m happy if I can get no.1 with this.” Jun Matsumoto “I fight with cloth that has Italian buoyance.” Masaki Aiba “I take sense of season in plenty. I aim no.1 in earnest.” Satoshi Ohno “theme is ‘authenticity’ the recipe is secret but mature atmosphere.”  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sanspo Sakurai of Arashi “whim-wham” press concurrence on the ship> Sho Sakurai (29) attended press conf of Fuji TV his starring drama “Problem-solving is after the dinner” that was held on the ship in Tokyo bay with Keiko Kitagawa (25) and Kippei Shina (47). Sakurai smiles “I’m whim-wham, as suchpress conference on the gorgeous ship is after 12 years since debut.” Daily Sports  <Sakurai whim-wham with gorgeous ship after debut> Sakurai get fired up “I want to make shit new style of problem solving mystery. I want to bring the piece that from children to adult can enjoy after the dinner.” Hochi <Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa, new drama is stormy (Arashi) departure of vessel!?> Sakurai let out that Kitagawa said about new Arashi tune Labyrinth Love Song “very Arashi” “we discussed what is ‘very Arashi’ with members.” Nikkan Sports <Keiko Kitagawa to Shina “my diaphragma could be trained> Sponichi <Evil tongue? Sho Sakurai after 12 years. Kitagawa has favorable impression> Kitagawa “Sakurai-san bring compliment sweets to the site, we can shoot in good mood>  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <what Sakurai talks “members are common destiny”> Current Issue of Orista feature God’s medical note student only stage greeting.  as he acted struggling doctor in the film, Sakurai-kun send yell to students who has anxious about finding job and feature. “I became Arashi 17 years, 3rd grade of high school. I don’t know this could be reference or you.” but he faced seriously each single problem. “For me I have 4 common destiny that called Arashi.” he comment about Arashi love. please check in the Orista. and this issue, feature Himitsu no Arashi-chan’s Mannequin Five special. Arashi ni Shiyagare, and Kaibutsu-kun special drama close up report and interview with Satoshi Ohno-kun. full of Arashi. please check. next issue will be interview with Sho Sakurai-kun of Problem-Solving after the dinner, introduction of Gantz DVD, VS Arashi closed up report.      

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
Mezamashi TV, Masaki Aiba Navigator of World Artistic Gymnastics Masaki Aiba appears in live. ▽世界体操ナビゲーター嵐の相葉雅紀が生出演▽ Aiba-chan appeared also at Tokudane a bit. 
12:00-13:15 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female group final,
13 14:07-15:00 Want to know about World Artistic Gymnastics, FTV Masaki Aiba
14:10-17:05 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,
19:00-21:24 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male group final, Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa yell ナビゲーター相葉雅紀 解説・米田功 体操ニッポン伝説種目男子団体33年ぶり悲願の金メダル奪取なるかライバルは五輪王者中国▽内村航平世界一美しい体操で“ドヤ顔”連発!田中和仁&佑典兄弟の絆でつかめ頂点▽日本に力を!櫻井翔北川景子エール
24:30-27:20 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male group final,

skmtmsykさんの絵文字   RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,
Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “fight with your back to the wall” “this is analogy to do all one can on the ragged edge. this word is from historical fact, in days of old, Han Xin famous fighter of 漢 fight against arm of 趙, he takes up a position against a backdrop of river on purpose, and make behalf prepare to die  for not to pull back, and defeated enemy”. you mean you can’t escape. me I fight with my back to the wall. well, I do it. properly, it’s ok. well, the situation you have to do. this work is especially so. for example, live airing. ye. but in my early time, I thought to escape. at debut I had a lie-in, had call from manager. I woke up at meeting time. I mistook. I was told “come from now.” but when I see the time, I though I can’t be on time. “well, all right, it’s enough.” he he he. I thought I could be pardonable, as I was young. “no no no, come, come com!” he said. “I see, I go.” then I go, I appear without doing nothing. just as I go, without making up. since then I thought “fight back to the wall” that time. well, since then I do properly. yes. yes me, I think I want to work always fight with my back to the wall. I’m actually planning thinking so. well, fighting with my back to the wall until March. that’s it it was fighting with my back to the wall  (instead of to say Satoshi Ohno)       

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Mannequin Five special Himitsu no Arashi-chan special, serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno     
TV Pia, interview with Sho Sakurai
TV station, front page interview with Sho Sakurai , special drama Kaibutsu-kun chummy talk Satoshi Ohno and Tatsuomi Hamada, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special.
Weekly The Television, show you all of Arashi CM from private shot and on air schedule. double Arashi serial, Satoshi Ohno his companies did ad-lib Manzai!? Sho Sakurai real opinion of butler.
Weekly TV Guide, serial Arashi bin, Problem Solving after the dinner Sho Sakurai, Arashi special book

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 collaboration menu only for 1 day. general menu: Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice    

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

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300923 2011-10-13 00:51:00 2011-10-12 15:51:52 Upcomings from 13 Oct

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 12:00-14:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male group final
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 14:07~15:00「チャンネルα・世界体操も知りたがり!」 Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 no VS Arashi FTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 19:00-20:24 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female individual final ナビゲーター相葉雅紀 解説・米田功 歴史的快挙!金メダルを見逃すな!内村航平世界一の美しい演技と世界一の正確な着地で前人未到の世界三連覇へ!ライバルはチームメート山室光史!パワフル体操で日本表彰台ワンツー独占なるか?▽ゆずも日本にエール
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/13 22:00-24:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female individual final
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 11:55-13:55 Hirunandesu NTV Satoshi Ohno Section of Fernandez
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 12:00-13:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 14:07-15:00 Want to know about World Artistic Gymnastics, FTV Masaki Aiba 今夜は、男子個人総合決勝!前人未到世界体操3連覇なるか?内村航平強さの秘密は?対する海外勢はイケメン揃い!▽相葉雅紀が見どころズバリ! 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 19:00-21:48 Music Station autumn special, TVA SMAP福山ミスチル百恵聖子・小泉今日子明菜・美穂・工藤静香安室・ザード・AKBドリカム・EXILEB'zサザン嵐まで… 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 21:00-23:22 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/14 24:30-27:20 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 09:30-14:00 Osama no branch, TBS secret of 5 of Arashi is discovered. whose bag like a roll? ▽嵐5人のひみつが発覚コッペパンのようなカバンの持ち主は誰?
 clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 13:00-15:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male individual final,
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 14:00-15:24 Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special navi.  TBS Mannequin 5 special 4th round, Arashi date cloth battle. before airing, on air past battler at one stoke.来週20日木曜よる9時マネキン特別編第4弾嵐の勝負デート服対決▽放送に先がけ今までの戦いを一挙放送 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 15:30-17:00 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female), 男子『ゆか、あん馬、つり輪』女子『段違い平行棒、跳馬』内村航平全種目出場、つり輪山室光史。女子は鶴見虹子とミラクルガール寺本明日香が段違い平行棒に出場
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 17:25-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 19:00-22:05 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 19:00-20:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special 匹の捨てられた子犬とある兄弟の絆▽八木山動物園のビーバー・ゴン太の贈り物▽やる気のない職員を変えたハッチと飼育係▽世界が泣いた1枚の写真
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 21:00-22:24 Kaibutsu-kun Complete new special drama runaway prince cohabitate? unsavory ties is awesome! NTV Satoshi Ohno how is current Kaibutsu-kun who has finished his training in Human World and must be grown up? Already several months since he separated his human friend Utako and Hitoshi and back to Monster land. he has been at final stage of preparation for big king inauguration, but… “big kind is busy,” “It's too much of a bother, “ “I don’t want to be big king.” he is still selfish as ever and he has 0 conscious as next king. his companies Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken are beleaguered, they are so pressed. as people around them blame them “all is your fault, the reason why the prince never become new big king.” totally outcast companies as now they are called “half-rotten trio.” “it might possible to be fired. actually not only his companies get pressed. Kaiko-chan, a bride elect of Kaibutsu-kun, however she approaches Kaibutsu-kun, he never feel like that, she gets nervous. and Monster big king is at a complete loss. and Monster big king who drains his patience to the limit at last “I can’t leave to you any more!” he makes an decision. what is his decision? farewell forever of Kaibutsu-kun and his companies!? and Kaibutsu-kun and Kaiko-chan unexpected…! Can Kaibutsu-kun become new big king? surprising story is developed at stage of Monster land!! [Satoshi Ohno comment] Kaibutsu-kun is back as special drama before movie. this is after a year and half to TV. I’m so pleased to see you after long time! this special drama is the content all can enjoy for the people who have watched drama and have not. Kaiko-chan also appears! I think this could be like content after you watch it. “Kaibutsu-kun is super!!” please wait drama also movie!人間界での修行を終え、ひとまわり成長した(はずの)怪物くんは、今・・・?人間界で出来たトモダチ、ウタコ・ヒロシとの別れを惜しみつつも怪物界へと帰還して早幾月―――。怪物くんは、新大王に就任するべく最終準備段階に入っていた。のかと思いきや・・・「大王は忙しい」「面倒くさい」「大王になんかなりたくない!」と、相変わらずのわがままぶりで、次期大王としての自覚ゼロ!!そんな怪物くんのお供であるドラキュラ・オオカミ男・フランケンの3人は窮地に立たされ、ものすご~く焦っていた。何故なら、王子がいつまでたっても新大王になれないのは、全てお前たちの責任だ!と周りからさんざん責められていたからだ。すっかり落ちこぼれ扱いのお供は今や、「腐りかけトリオ」と呼ばれる始末。「このままでは、クビも有り得る!?」しかし焦りの気持ちを抱いているのはお供たちばかりではない。怪物くんの許嫁である怪子ちゃんも、いくらアプローチをかけてもその気になってくれない怪物くんにヤキモキし、怪物大王もまた、我が息子のやる気のなさにほとほと困り果てていた。そして、とうとう我慢の限界に達した怪物大王は、「もはやお供たちに任せておくわけにはいかない!」と"ある決断"をするのだった。その決断とは一体・・・?!怪物くんとお供に永遠の別れが訪れる!?その上、怪物くんと怪子ちゃんがまさかの・・・!果たして、怪物くんは新大王になれるのか? 驚きの展開が"怪物ランド"を舞台に繰り広げられる!! I hour and half, original story that link to the movie. Story started from the scene that Kaibutsu-kun has soon succession to the throne but started to say “I don’t want to be big king.” Dracula, Wolf man and Franken got pressed. they try to motivate Kaibutsu-kun but. Kaibutsu-kun tries to escape from training to be the big king, he accept date with Kaiko, he has attitude same as usual Meanwhile, he got approval of Big King of Monster, Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies go to human world again. Kaibutsu-kun and other got so pleased. Utako and Hiroshi he meet were not pleased a all… why? don’t miss the adventure over the bond that happened at Monster land! 物語は、怪物ランドの王位継承を目前に控える怪物くん(大野智)が、大王になりたくないと言い出すところからスタート。ドラキュラ(八嶋智人)、オオカミ男(上島竜兵)、フランケン (チェ・ホンマン)のお供3人はあせり、怪物くんをやる気にさせようとするが、怪物くんは、大王になるための特訓から逃れようとして怪子(ベッキー) のデートの誘いに乗ったり、と相変わらずの態度。そんな中、怪物大王(鹿賀丈史)の許しが出て、怪物くんとお供3人は再び人間界へ。大喜びする怪物くんたちだったが、再会したウタコ(川島海荷)とヒロシ(濱田龍臣)は、少しもうれしそうではなく・・・。いったいなぜ?怪物ランドを舞台に繰り広げられる「絆」をめぐる大冒険をお見逃しなく!    
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 22:24-23:18 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is Kazuki Kitamura. theme is “magic formulate of want to be quickly daring human!” Kitamura who says man is attractive rather be daring. set guest is Goto of Football Hour. class set ▽“to be men of Dotonbori” appears once set is spins. Arashi becomes students, learn “charm of daring city, Dotonbori, Osaka” by quiz style. the quiz “in Dotonbori there’s xx tour that is popular for Osaka couple.” and other. what is result? ▽!”Be man of sea!” set turns again, cruiser set appears. then Kitamura change to chiefy costume, 5 of Arashi to sailor uniform. He has licence to drive small boat, and aimed to be pirate seriously in his early time. Arashi learns how to tie rope “bowline bend”, and then practice, the test that if they can make “bowline bend”, with in 5 sec is held. the one who couldn’t sever punishment. ▽”Eat pirate food!” fishery harbour recommended best 3 food are introduced! then the set spins again, Kazuya Kamenashi who co-star with Kitamura in “Specter human Vemu” appear with dinner table set! they challenge Russian roulette. loser can’t eat fishery harbour food. what is result!? 今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・北村一輝。テーマは「はやく破天荒な人間になりたい極意学びやがれ」!男は破天荒なほうが魅力的だという北村から、その極意を学ぶ。
セットゲストは、フットボールアワー・後藤輝基。▽道頓堀の男になりやがれセットが回転すると教室セットが登場! 嵐が生徒となり、大阪出身の北村から“破天荒な街”大阪・道頓堀の魅力を穴埋めクイズ形式で学ぶ。「道頓堀には浪速のカップルに人気の道頓堀◎◎ツアーがある」などの問題、果たして正解は?▽海の男になりやがれ再びセットが回転するとクルーザーのセットが登場。さらに、北村は上官服、嵐5人は服に着替える。小型船舶免許を持ち、昔は本気で海賊を目指していたという北村から、航海体操のほか、船上では必須のロープの結び方「もやい結び」を習う。さらに実践ということで、5秒以内にもやい結びができるかどうかのテストが行われる。できなかった人にはキツいお仕置きが!▽海賊メシ食いやがれ北村おすすめの漁港グルメベスト3を紹介することに! またもセットが回転すると、食卓セットとともに、新ドラマ「妖怪人間ベム」で北村と競演中の亀梨和也が登場! 一同はロシアンルーレットに挑戦、負けた人は漁港グルメを食べることができない。果たして、結果は?
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 16:00-17:25 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),男子『跳馬、平行棒、鉄棒』女子『平均台、ゆか』跳馬は沖口誠予選2位通過。鉄棒は田中佑典と内村航平が予選1、2位通過。平行棒は内村航平、田中和仁が出場
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 17:50-21:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female)
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/16 21:00-22:30 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/17 19:00 Nep-league, FTV Sho Sakurai 櫻井翔、北川景子、椎名桔平、野間口徹らドラマ“謎解きはディナーのあとで”チームと対決!アイドルなどの流行に関する問題「エンタリーグ」に櫻井翔、北川景子ら“ドラマ「謎解きはディナーのあとで」”チームが登場。ネプチームのハリセンボン・近藤春菜は、北川を勝手にライバル視するが、堀内健に「圧倒的に負けてんだよ!」とののしられる
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/17 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/18 21:00-22:08 Problem-solving is after the dinner Sho Sakurai A men came to Hojo family that manage big company syndicate “Hojo Group. His name is Kageyama. Kageyama is successor butler after Karasawa who has served only daughter of Hojo family for long time. Meanwhile, Reiko was at incident site. She works as a detective at Kunitachi police with her identity concealed. counterpart Kyoichiro Kazamatsuri, Reiko’s boss is a attention seeker who ride fancy car to incident site. he doesn’t hide he is son of Kazamatsuri Motors different from Reiko. Actually he act the part as he is rick. Kazamatsuri doesn’t know Reiko’s real identity. victim of incident is part time employee called Hitomi Yoshimoto. it seems she was killed strangling at her apartment, Reiko feels something is wrong as she dead with boots in her room. Detective Kazamatsuri tries to go before Reiko, he finally get same question. Kazamatusri pop off his reasoning until criminal at one stroke, his reasoning is poor that even primary school student can reason. when Reiko says other view, he promptly takes it. he just connects to it just like it was him who thought. She didn’t like  barefaced impudence Kazamatsuri.  tentatively after investigation Reiko left Kazamatsuri, she kick a stone charging her irritation. but this stone hit a high rank limousine, the men who steps down from there asked answer rough price to Reiko who asks repair charge… but this men vows saying “Lady.” right, this is butler Kageyama. he came to pick Reiko up. Any excellent butler, for Reiko it was ordinary existence for Reiko… but. this suddenly happens at dinner. Reiko who talks summary of incident that happened during day. but Kageyama who heard this suddenly say so. “Excuse me, Lady. Lady, are you stupid?”   ”大財閥『宝生グループ』を束ねる宝生家に、一人の男がやって来た。男の名は影山(櫻井翔)。影山は長年、宝生家の一人娘・麗子(北川景子)に仕えた唐沢(伊東四朗)の後任の執事となる。そのころ、麗子は事件現場にいた。麗子は身分を隠し、国立署の刑事として働いている。一方、麗子の上司、風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)は現場に高級車で乗りつける目立ちたがり屋。麗子と違い、自分が風祭モータースの御曹司であることを隠さない。むしろ金持ちであることをひけらかす。そんな風祭も当然、麗子の本当の素性は知らない。事件の被害者は吉本瞳(木南晴夏)という派遣社員。コーポの自室で首を絞められて殺害されたようだが、麗子は部屋の中でブーツを履いたまま亡くなっていた被害者に違和感を覚える。麗子に先んじるように、風祭は同じ疑問をとうとうと述べ始めた。容疑者像まで一気にまくしたてる風祭だが、その推理は小学生でも話せるような稚拙なもの。麗子が別の見解を述べるとすぐに乗っかり、あたかも自分が考えたことのようにつなぐ風祭。麗子は、そんな厚顔無恥な風祭がウザったくて仕方がない。とりあえず捜査を終えて、風祭と別れた麗子はいら立ちを石ころに込めてキック。その石が高級リムジンにあたってしまった。すると降りてきた男が、修理代を尋ねる麗子におよその値段を答える。しかし…男は「お嬢様」と麗子に頭を下げた。そう、男は執事の影山。麗子を迎えに来たのだ。どんなに優秀な執事も、令嬢である麗子にとっては当たり前の存在である…はずだった。   それは、突然ディナーのときにやってきた。   昼間に起きた事件のあらましを誰にとはなしに話す麗子。しかし、それを聞いた影山が突然、こう言ったのだ。   「失礼ですがお嬢様。お嬢様はアホでいらっしゃいますか?」と…。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 14:00-15:24 Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special navi. TBS  Mannequin 5 special 4th round, Arashi date cloth battle. before airing, on air past battler at one stoke.今夜9時は「マネキンファイブ特別編 第4弾」嵐5人の勝負デート服対決!秋の2時間スペシャル▽放送に先がけ今までの戦いを一挙放送!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against kid’s actor, Mitsu Mangrove to Arashi team, Maeda Madea, Fuku Suzuki, Nozomi Hohashi, Yuki Yagi  “子役チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにミッツ・マングローブほかまえだまえだ 鈴木福大橋のぞみ 八木優希
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 21:00-23:00Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Mannequin 5 special      前代未聞のスケールで“マネキンファイブ秋の特別編”を開催!!▽複合施設を借り切って秋の勝負デート服コーディネートで対決!▽全国の視聴者の投票でランキングが決定!▽1位&最下位メンバーは!? ほか 深田恭子 VERBAL 西川史子 森泉 嵐 松嶋尚美 岡田圭右


clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 18:00-18:45 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 19:00- Pekepon, FTV Sho Sakurai      
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 08:45-09:30 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 激カワ子役・鈴木福くんが動物ニュースキャスターに就任!超かわいい動物たちのニュースを届ける新コーナーを!さらにDAIGOと一緒におっきな動物たちとふれあえる…
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is movie director, script writer Koki Mitani. theme is “magic formula to create nice drama” Arashi learn technique and knowledge from Mitani who handled smash hit movies. and in the end challenge impromptu stage produced by Mitani! at opening as souvenier, “Fuji Soba’s croquette noodle” appears and all eats. at rumor section “it seems he wears suits 24 hours” “ it seems he never had dinner with people.” rumor regarding Mitani’s private life.▽ “get power of expression” once the set spins “rehearsal set that written “Mitani Actors studio” appear. Arashi changes to jersey. practice to express Mitani’s speciality “express to other person with an oblique”. how to express feeling “I want to leave soon”at office during overtime, etc.  appointed member act various situation. can they express sophisticated stunned expression? ▽”get stunned.” unexpected expression such as to get surprised, to get mad and to laugh is needed high sense. so they challenge situation such as “hit to pillar”, “open jack-in-a-box” etc. chan they express sophisticated stunned? ▽”create a stage with Mitani ” one set spins. night city set appears. the setting Mitani thought, winter evening, on the way back home from 2nd party of reunion. 5 act interaction of alumnus. roles: uniter business man is Matsumoto. downhill actor is Ohno, hardheaded IT president is Sakurai, married self-owned business is Aiba, part timer on an unemployment line is Ninomiya (yay! Seiji!) each in costume improvisation theater’s curtain opens.             今回のアニキゲストは、映画監督・脚本家の三谷幸喜。テーマは「ステキなドラマ作りの極意学びやがれ」!嵐は、数々のヒット作を手がけてきた三谷から、そのテクニックや知識を学び、最後には三谷作の即興舞台に挑む!オープニングではお土産として、三谷おすすめの「富士そばのコロッケそば」が登場、全員で試食をする。噂話のコーナーでは、「24時間スーツを着ているらしい」「人とご飯を食べたことがないらしい」など、三谷のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽表現力をつけやがれセットが回転すると、「三谷アクターズスタジオ」と書かれた稽古場セットが登場。嵐はジャージに着替え、三谷脚本のこだわりである「遠まわしに相手に伝える」表現の稽古を行う。残業中のオフィスで「そろそろ帰りたい」気持ちをどう伝えたらいいか、など、様々なシチュエーションを指名されたメンバーが実演。果たして、上手く表現することができるのか。▽ビックリしやがれ
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 23:30-23:55 Music Lovers, NTV 5th anniversary Arashi’s men only concert and others 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/24 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/26 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against representative female World cup volley ball team
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 14:00-15:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Koki Mitani
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/30 17:00-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/07 20:00-20:54 Hey! Hey! Hey! FTV Arashi


rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/4 Arashi ni Shiyagare
10/11 Problem Solving after the Dinner.
10/13 Hey! Hey! Hey! talk shooting
10/18 Arashi ni Shiiyagare
10/19 Hey! Hey! Hey! concert shooting
10/25 VS Arashi

ritz-bさんの絵文字 MOVIE
11/26 Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Curry Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
2/4 Japanese Islands, stories about animals main narration by Masaki Aiba

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
10/29-12/2 Ah! Wild Filed!, Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide
10/29 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/30 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/31 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/4 11:30 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/5 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/6 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/13 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/14 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/17 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/18 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/19 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/20 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/21 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/24 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/25 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/26 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/27 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
12/1 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
12/2 12:00 Aoyama theater

kuririn0917さんの絵文字 9/27-11/30Denny’s Kids' event calendar 9/27-11/30
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 10/13 18:30 Kaibutsu-kun pre-release with stage greeting at Tokyo Dome City Hall
kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 content: decoration concept of aliens and display, original menu. ★Gantz sphere, arm of Tanaka alien and Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara that was used in the film, ★panel display ★original menu imaging Gantz (black tapioca Gantz sphere drink)
fuzinoumiさんの絵文字 10/11 10:30-Pre-release of Problem Solving after the dinner and shooting.

10/24 16:30 Tokyo Drama Award International drama festival in Tokyo Academy Hills Kazunari Ninomiya

♪ by yuupan.CONCERT
[Arashi live tour 11-12 “Beautiful World”]
1/3 Tue 18:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/4 Wed 16:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/7 Sat 18:00 Nagoya Dome
1/8 Sun 16:00 Nagoya Dome
1/14 Sat 18:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
1/15 Sun 16:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
2/2 Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 Oronamin C
Sho Sakurai
2/12 Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
2/12 Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
4/1 Sumitomo Life Insurance Masaki Aiba
3/26 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
4/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
4/15 Au by all
4/20 AFLAC Sho Sakurai
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba
5/20 pino Sho Sakurai
5/24 Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
5/26 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/2 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/4 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/11 JAL
6/16 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya,
Jun Matsumoto
6/16 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/17 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/25 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
6/27 AU
7/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
7/1 Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
7/4 AU
7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
7/11 AU
7/15 AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
7/16 Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
7/22 Tanrei Green Label
Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
7/23 Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
8/4 JCB
Kazunari Ninomiya
9/3 JAL
9/13 Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin It's time! Let's celect yummy Japanese food
9/20Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya
9/21Tanrei Green Label
Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
9/28 Aijinomoto Frozen food, hamburg version Sho Sakurai
9/29 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
9/29 Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au you can choose future

10/1 AFLACKimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai
10/1 Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE .
9/27 + act cover: Satoshi Ohno, extra long interview, new photo
9/27 Look at Star, cover: Jun Matsumoto, front page special Ah! Wild Field, pin up
9/28 More, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
9/28 Miss, we 30’ crazy about Arashi, Sho Sakurai
9/28 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, cross talk of 5. Satoshi Ohno serial, Sho Sakurai problem-solving after the dinner, Kazunari Ninomiya Permanent part timer buys a house.
9/28 TV Pia cover: Sho Sakurai
9/28 TV station, catch the Arashi
9/28 Weekly TV guide serial Arashi bin Sho Sakurai, special pin-up solo Arashi, O-chan version and Aiba-chan pin-up, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
9/28 Weekly The Television, Arashi latest photo, Masaki Aiba artistic gymnastic photo, Satoshi Ohno private shot of Kaibutsu-kun
9/28 Japanese movie navi, cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and site report of Kaibutsu-kun
9/30 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/1 Cinema cinema, cover & front page special: Satoshi Ohno
10/3 Cinema Square cover: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun
10/6 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Hanako entertainment therapy: Sho Sakurai, Arashi national stadium concert report
10/7 Fujin Koron Arahi, men that the era wanted.
10/7 Duet Arashi zoom, Sho Sakruai pin up, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
10/7 Wink up Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
10/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World, special pin up Satoshi Ohno & Sho Sakurai
10/7 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno movie Kaibutsu-kun, Sho Sakurai Jun Matsumoto
10/8 Casa BRUTUS Sho Sakurai serial travel to learn the architecture,
10/11 Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
10/11 Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
10/12 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Mannequin Five special Himitsu no Arashi-chan special, serial Kaibutsu-kun,
10/12 TV Pia, interview with Sho Sakurai
10/12 TV station, front page interview with Sho Sakurai , special drama Kaibutsu-kun chummy talk Satoshi Ohno and Tatsuomi Hamada, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special.
10/14 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/18 Pict up, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun speical
10/19 cut cover: Taro Kaibutsu
10/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “yakiimo no Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya

10/20 Cubisum, cover: Satoshi Ohno
10/21 Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
10/21 M Girl Masaki Aiba in Kimono
10/22 LIPS, Jun Matsumoto 7pages
10/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno and Matsujun.
10/22 Popolo Sho Sakurai & Keikok Kitagawa, Ikemen butler evil tongue cross talk, Satoshi Ohno short holiday is after all awesome
10/22 Soda cover: Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai Problem Solving after the dinner, Arashi variety shows site report.
10/24 GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
10/24 Monthly TV guide,
10/24 Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
10/24 TV Navi
10/24 TV fan
10/28 More, cover : Arashi total 13 pages, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
10/28 Miss, we still love Arashi that make adults twinge.
10/28 Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. No.60: Satoshi Ohno
10/31+ act mini Cover and front pages: Sho Sakurai appears in Kageyama of Problem-solving after the dinner.
11/10 Problem solving after the dinner 2 book
11/10 Kaibutsu-kun official book visual version

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 skmtmsykさんの絵文字 CD/ DVD
10/14 Gantz Perfect Answer DVD and Blu-Ray Kazunari Ninomiya
11/2 Labyrinth love song. general edition, and limited edition
11/16 Movie Kaibutsu-kun original sound track
11/30 Problem-Solving after the dinner, original sound track

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB
This week word by Nino
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun
Enjoy vol.79 updated 30 Sep (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 89 updated 20 Sep (update every 10th and 20th)
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun

ma-loolさんの絵文字 Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd: Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

rui9269さんの絵文字 Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982

public 0
301151 2011-10-13 10:26:00 2011-10-13 01:26:34 Thu-13-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 22℃/17℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Umezawa-san blog <Pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun> Norito Yashima-san twitter, Good, good morning! today pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun. I get so excited the one we worked hard to be unveil for the first time.thank you. Dacho Club manager twitter. it’s pre-release of Kaibutsu-kun, ganzu, hope you watch Kaibutsu-kun special in 2 days.http://p.twipple.jp/UFuU9
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Satoshi Ohno of Arashi crows like a rooster riding over 4t huge elephant, stage greeting of movie Kaibutsu-kun> Satoshi Ohno of popular group Arashi, Masahito Matsuoka of Tokyo, Norito Yashima, Izumi Inamori and other appeared pre-release greeting in the costume of movie. as movie story developed in India, Satoshi Ohno appeared to the stage riding 4.1t huge elephant. he got roar just like school. Ohno who made victory sign with both hand “I was surprised huge scale just like movie. this is piece that from kids to adult can enjoy.” crows like a rooster .  Ueshima (Wolfman) “the time was tight but master bought properly souvenirs for members of Arashi.” Ohno who was revealed heart-warming episode. “I bought decoration at Gandhi section. I was told from member “I really don’t need this.” he drops his shoulders.Nikkan Sports <Satoshi Ohno”promote it!” riding an elephant > Satoshi Ohno attended pre-release of his starring movie Kaibutsu-kun. he appears riding real elephat, Norito Yashima, Ryuhei Ueshima, Masahito Matsuoka, Umika Kawashima, Tatsuomi Hamada, Izumi Inamori, Jyoji Kaga attended same special make up as movie. Ohno promote being Kaibutsu-kun “still have time to release. so promote it!” Yashima evoke laughter “Kaibutsu-kun always being selfish and grows up step by step. so it’s good to make movie every year.” at site 1700 fans and original comic writer, Fujiko Fujio A visid. Choi Hong Man aka Franken, as he had trouble at his bar, so he refrains voluntarily from press conf. as his request.  Movie.com <Kaibutsu-kun appeared riding an elephant, 1700 fans roar>  Ohno “I was surprised with big scale and picture is beautiful.” Yashima (Dracula) “real master is not lambent” he makes an amazed look. “each time master grown up properly saying selfish word. He is like Tora-san, why don’t you make movie every year?”  he expected serial more than Ohno.Ueshima (wolfman) let out Ohno bought souvenir of India to members of Arashi. “I thought he is so kind.” but the souvenier was decoration of Gandhi. “this is annoying if you get.” (Ueshima) “ I was actually told ‘ I don’t need it."’ he evokes laughter. Hamada says “He is just like reliable senior brother when I’m in pinch. at break he quiz me.” Ohno “my arm extend more than usual, promote this more! oh, please support this.” Cinema today <Satoshi Ohno of Arashi starring Kaibutsu-kun, appears hilariously piquantly riding elephant!! 111 years old master is just like Lord Demon (rock singer)>  Ohno says “I was surprised really about huge scale, picture is beautiful. “he commented about movie. as He still have color of Kaibutsu-kun. he was told from Yashima (Dracula) “real master is dowdy.” Masuoka says “you must be drunk” Yashima  “my master is not drunk"!”  his aspect who protect Ohno makes burst roar audiences. “each time my master grown up properly saying selfish word. He is like Tora-san, why don’t you make movie every year? but my master is old 30 years old." he can do until 40 years old…. Ohno “111 years old”promptly answered. “right you are, you are kind of Lord Demon “   

ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter 7:00 Good morning. today is Pre-release of Kaibutsu-kun. all of staffs gathered in perfect look in suit. Kaibutsu-kun cast also make perfect look today appear on stage. that look is off course…10am in front of the site already 100 people there. I feel your expectation. 11am start to move of Kaibutsu-kun is early. / under preparation http://p.twipple.jp/qgRuq 2pm give a peek http://p.twipple.jp/6ghCw show you more http://p.twipple.jp/4xM2p at 4pm dragon http://p.twipple.jp/Cs394 6pm finally started to enter to hall. I see many kids with Kaibutsu-kun cap. at 7pm soon stage greeting is starting. 8 pm already stage greeting is over. screening started. the one decorated the stage is this http://p.twipple.jp/2sUdx 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie Kaibutsu-kun web site updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <2 more days to airing> Hello it’s staff A. finally 2 more days to “Kaibutsu-kun complete special!!” message from that brother sisters. Utako & Hiroshi “please watch!” after all 2 more days. please watch it!!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 O-chan appears tomorrow Pon! too.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-storm you can see cover of Labyrinth Love song larger size. detail of CD  うたかた (ephemeral) rap lyric by Sho-kun, limited edition has 16 pages booklet.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ai Sano-san blog <heated> at site of Ninagawa-san casts are all even. not only veteran, but also star, or me, sever finding default without mercy.  but no one get depressed. all got each task and love and fall over ourselves to clear Pretty Ohta blog <full rehearsal 10th day> today rehearsal has been over without trouble. we had adjustment of stage by Ninagawa-san. tomorrow starts late.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Daily Sports <Choi Hong Man comes to a settlement with college student girl who got assault> He punch college student girl on 8 and this was sent papers to prosecutors. He had press conf in Japan, he discussed this college student girl on 12 evening. they came to settlement. according to his agency, he was tangled with this heavily-intoxicated college student at bar he manages. he asked her to leave and touched her body. But she run into police box.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Dogatch <Satoshi Ohno starring adventure over “bond”> Special drama that on air before movie Kaibutsu-kun, “Kaibutsu-kun Complete New Special"!!” finally on air 10/15 from 9pm. I hour and half, original story that link to the movie. Story started from the scene that Kaibutsu-kun has soon succession to the throne but started to say “I don’t want to be big king.” Dracula, Wolf man and Franken got pressed. they try to motivate Kaibutsu-kun but. Kaibutsu-kun tries to escape from training to be the big king, he accept date with Kaiko, he has attitude same as usual Meanwhile, he got approval of Big King of Monster, Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies go to human world again. Kaibutsu-kun and other got so pleased. Utako and Hiroshi he meet were not pleased a all… why? don’t miss the adventure over the bond that happened at Monster land!    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 More magazine twitter. on 10/6 however this is 3 weeks advance to release More issue of December got no.1 of Amazon magazine raning. thank you. cover and special of Arashi.enliven feeling special. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Soda twitter on sale 10/22. tomorrow finally finish to edit. at first from Saotshi Ohno-san. his gentle also clear facial expression is my favorite. wonder this publish soon  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomorrow Zip,TV chart Kaibutsu-kun Zip
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Shinobu Ohtake-san appeared to Pon! Jun-kun calls her Shinobu-san, Nino calls her Shinobu
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yasushi Nakamura-san (Nazo-di cast) today’s twitter good morning, world. I woke up 4:30, 2 consecutive days. today is very important scene shooting. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Daily Sports <Choi Hong Man critical to Kaibutsu-kun event> Korean martial arts fighter Choi Hong Man (31) was charged to assault college student girl of 20’s and, send papers to prosecutors. Choi says at interview of Daily Sports “no assault. I prepare press conf in Japan tomorrow (10/13)” Toho movie check the fact to Korean agency. If this is an incident, Choi can’t attend today’s event. we check the fact, the decide if he attend the event of not.” and NTV plan to air Kaibutsu-kun Complete New special!! on 10815. they talked “this on air as it planned.”  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Spa! <the singer is that person!? au’s you can chose future campaign CM song is in the air.> you can see au TV CM. this CM music is topical fans. this is that punk band basist of Sex Pistols, Sid Vicious’s “My Way”,
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <Arashi 4 CM> current issue of Orista in the entertainment news. Masaki Aiba-kun, Jun Matsumoto-kun, Sho Sakurai-kun new CM featured. Aiba-kun and Matsumoto-kun appeared  Hitachi new CM, this time fish speaks, comical setting. in the issue of Orista, aspects to check their acting, private shot who are curious in props. Hot Pepper Beauty that automatically twinge. and new CM of retro looking Meiji Milk Chocolate, new CM of Oronamin C new serious. this issue is lot of Arashi CM.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字   TV Life news <Sho Sakurai had Arashi meeting with member?> Press conf of Problem Solving was held, Sho Sakurai Keiko Kitagawa, Kippei SHina appeared. this drama theme song sang by Arashi Labyrinth Love Song. when it was played at shooting site. it was favorable note "this is very Arashi” “ I told this to member. it come to ‘what is very Arashi’ then we got excited ‘very Arashi meeting.! “(grin) “when it was air in the drama, rather say I got hair-raising, I was pleased.” he shows smile.            


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
12:00-14:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male group final
14:07-15:00 Want to know about World Artistic Gymnastics, FTV Masaki Aiba 今夜は、女子個人総合決勝!田中理恵究極のエレガンスとは?元祖エレガンス、白い妖精ナディア・コマネチが解説▽相葉雅紀が見どころズバリ!
no VS Arashi FTV
no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
19:00-20:24 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female individual final ロンドン五輪出場決定!女子日本代表いざ決勝へ!地元開催で悲願のメダル獲得なるか?鶴見虹子&田中理恵&15歳のミラクルガール寺本明日香!相葉雅紀がエール
22:00-24:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female individual final    

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,
Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “real worth of human is seen in difficult times.” heh, this is good word. “this is word of Taro Yamashita, Japanese businessperson. Ymashita-san scrambled for getting oil resources for restoration of Japan after the war. he got concession of offshore oilfield the Gulf in 1957. Next year he established Arabia oil company.” wonderful. well, oil is good. but Kaibutsu-kun is also good. this is under duress. oh! in 2days 10/15, the one I shot the other day, err… special drama, of Kaibutsu-kun. on air. I think I shot for about 2 week. this is about for 1 hours and half. as after serial drama, we have a movie. this is story between these. well. I saw Hiroshi and others after long time, Katsuomi, he got tall, again. actually he don’t sit on my lap any more. I don’t know if he try to be nice.  but content is completely same. and I met Umika after long time too. Umika has not changed. when I said to her”you have not changed.” I get chewed. ‘no, I think I become beautiful a bit.’ right. I’m bad man, yep. this bad man does it. and today, today is that. pre-release of movie. yep. as I appears. yes. well, I will work hard latter part (of year) related monster. so you too, please Complete new special drama Kaibutsu-kun the day after tomorrow, and come to watch movie Kaibutsu-kun 3D    

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Josei Seven, Sho Sakurai show  you cosplay butler that doesn’t in the orifinal novel.” Masaki Aiba .

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING     
Hey! Hey! Hey! talk shooting

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 cafe staffs become Black Suits aliens!?  Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice
kuririn0917さんの絵文字 10/13 18:30 Kaibutsu-kun pre-release with stage greeting at Tokyo Dome City Hall Satoshi Ohno

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, Denny’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
301480 2011-10-14 10:08:00 2011-10-14 01:08:30 Fri-14-Oct -2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 24℃/18℃/50%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672

ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Today I have been to World Artistic Gymnastics. I did mistake site, as Yoyogi, as Yoyogi was site gymnast practice… i was gymnasium next to Kokuritsu, luckily not far from Yoyogi, I could arrive in advance. I was at arena seat. seems 1/3-1/4 audiences there could be Aiba-chan just like me. Aiba-chan was right upper side booth to report. I could see his aspect. he waved fan all the time. mostly he watched Japanese gymnasts. as when He comment that booth closed I couldn’t see how Aiba-chan was hyper. but I could see his victory pose. you can see photos here
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Dogatch <learn “man of sea” from actor Kazuki Kitamura! Saturday Arashi, Arashi ni Shiaygare.10/15 Aniki guest is Kazuki Kitamura. theme is “magic formulate of want to be quickly daring human!” Kitamura who says man is attractive rather be daring. “Be man of sea!” set turns again, cruiser set appears. then Kitamura change to chiefy costume, lean Arashi to sailor uniform. He has licence to drive small boat, and aimed to be pirate seriously in his early time. Arashi learns how to tie rope “bowline bend”, and then practice, the test that if they can make “bowline bend”, with in 5 sec is held. the one who couldn’t sever punishment.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun> Hello it’s staff M. I have been to pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun yesterday. extra spectacular performance such as Kaibutsu-kun appeared riding an elephant. the site got so excited. we got messages. Elephant Randy: Paoooon!” (tomorrow 9pm) Dragon: Ga Ga (Kaibutsu-kun) Dracula and Wolf man: Complete new special!! Pirari & Ka: watch it! don’t miss it. staff blog <finally tomorrow, message from this guy too> Hello it’s staff K. the guy who can see differences. we got message from this guy. “me, Accuma Please watch tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun complete New special!! watch it absolutely. I watch too.” 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Next Shone Club  detail at works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging  and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orisat article <Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun appeared riding huge elephant!”>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <Aiba of Arsahi propose costume of Shimura Zoo!? report Aiba-kun first Best Jeanist> current issue of Orista report Best Jeanist 2011 that Aiba-kun go award. Aiba-kun appeared on stage a bit nervous.he didn’t expect this award. “can’t believe it.” “happy” he show his feeling. and grateful “thank you for the people who vote.” at interview it seems nervous get relieved. Usual Aiba smile burst. Aiba-kun who usually wear overalls at Shimura zoo waches look of Chinatsu Wakatsuki-chan in overalls with many studs. he got curious “I wonder if I proper a Shimura zoo next time.” Wakatsuki-san advice “I think animals won’t become attached to you.” “if so, I won’t”.  please check peaceful ceremony of Best Jeanist in the current issue of Orista.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cyzo < number-one ripe judgment and delicate attention!? slily Masaki Aiba’s real face> fortune telling this time target: Masaki Aiba 12/24/82 blood type AB. Masaki Aiba-san of Arashi. he is be flourished in variety shows. he gets on the right side of his stupid character. and he does narration of next releasing movie “Japanese Islands.” he breaks in new work.  【Charm of Aiba-san】 Aiba-san is most slily among 5, he is skilled at humor. rather say type of comedian. rather make laugh. he is kind of healing type. he doesn’t have factitive thing but he has warm atmosphere. the part that he is always natural not exaggerated must attract many people. he has certainly an established “existence like junior brother.”people around him always smile however he is in any place. 【Essential of Aiba-san】 Masaki AIba-san is so cleaver and is skilled at faculty of reason. he always knows what's going on and sensitivity and faculty of reason to bring together are wonderful. but his mood swings, he is easily warmed up but just as easily cooled down, if he mistake relationship with people, he could be gethsemane for human relationships. 【Work of Aiba-san】 Aiba-san who suits word innocence. He has a lot of energy that gives happiness watching him. his variety show work must be his vocation. he does navigator of World Artistic Gymnastics 2011. this is period that he can plans challenges new thing.  continued outstanding success can be expected. and he need to have decision more than now, so he will have courage to seek new change. but. Unless he have to act laying his foundation watching around him, he would have feeling to smother or agonizing matter.  if he does something, it’s important to act having proper judge. 【Love of Aiba-san】 this must be year that he make surprise others with riotous behaviour.  to have etiquette among approved couple is magic ingredient to have long relationships. as he is busy, this period he has tendency to cool love. he has tendency to break long term relationships according to miss each other. please careful. he will fail if he grows bullish too much. please try to concern his partner.            
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizou Nobe-san today blog <I go today as well!> I go today as well rehearsal of Ah Wild Field. yesterday rehearsal progressed. so good rehearsal by Barikan Koide and Shinji Matsumoto. there’s no my line, but I practice by myself choreograph of dance no to mistake or delay. Pretty Ohta-san  today blog I go to rehearsal studio with professional wrestling T-shits. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog rehearsal of Ah Wild Field is part of act 2 and rest of act 2 actually my part didn’t have finding default. but seems not completed yet. express persona and the place  with volume of line, way to speak. this is not express with word. submitted questioner and profile for pamphlet. I wonder we enter act  tomorrow?  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter. Good morning, at Zip Masu announcer introduce the movie wearing Kaibutsu0kun cap that he sais embarrassed at stage greeting. the elephant that prince rode called Randy-chan. he is so cleaver/ inside story. actually if Ohno-san can appear riding an elephant was according to rehealsal at same day.  He could smoothly ride on the back get off without support. amazing.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 magazine Miss blog this time Sho Sakurai-kun, here a bit in side episode. shooting was a day in August under the heat, held in a studio in Tokyo. Sakurai –kun appears to studio on time a bit feel sleepy. he prepared as quick as a wink, then meeting of shooting. shooting has started.  as photographer was same photographer who shot photo book of God’s medical note. Sakurai-kun sprits raised. theme was “one off day of Sakurai-kun”. scene to wake up, then breakfast and then moonstruck a bit, prepare to go out. such mini drama was developed. facial expression of Sakurai-kun is twinge.  if you have not seen yet. please watch it.  and interview after shooting. Sakurai-kun remove make up as soon as shooting. this is one of tip for beautiful skin.  he said “sorry to eat.” he starts interview biting grape…cute, beautiful, well-behaved and he has beautiful skin. this could be feeding of Vitamin C.this is beauty skin tip 2. interview about more than 1 hour. Sakurai-kun show his honest feeling. what he see as he marked 12th year of Arashi.  his current feeling, his dram, hope you feel whole Sakurai-kun. and after interview he head to drama shooting. he care about his manager who has a lot of luggage in his hands. he press lift button for him.  “thank you!” he left so briskly. after all we are still crazy about Arashi  。
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Reiko Ito-san (the person who thought how to serve English tea to Sho-kun) blog  actually she 9 posts about it
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Chuspo <Ohno “Shut up!” Pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun> movie Kaibutsu-kun pre^re;ease was je;d at Tplup Dp,e city hall.  Satoshi Ohno who (30)  acts leading role Taro Kaibutsu-kun, Norito Yashima (41) Ryuhei Ueshima (50) Umika Kawashima(17) Masahiro Matsuoka of Tokio (34) Izumi Inamori (39) gorgeous cast with special make up on stage. Choi Hong Man who came Japan for this event. he suddenly absent for assault turmoil that was happened in Soeul. this is 3D version of serial drama that was aired last April. this is first starring movie for Ohno. Call of “Bocchan “ (master)  from 1700 audiences. Ohno “Shut up!” just same as animation signature phrase,  and appeared with about 4m height elephant. he appeared so spectacular.rooting of audience re-echo. Ueshima aka Wolfman talks about India on-site shooting. “my master bought souvenir to his 4 friends. “ then Ohno “ I bought Gandhi decoration. I was told ‘ I don’t need this really.’” he made bitter smile. high light of movie “arm and legs extend quite a lot. this come to 3D. theme is Kaibutsu-kun selfish. the way of selfish is various. the content became deep.”Sanspo <Ohno of Arashi members get turned down his souvenir> Mainichi <Satoshi Ohno of Arashi gives feed to comment to Yashima> Daily Sports <Ohno of Arashi, souvenir Gandhi decoration….unfavorable criticism>  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字  NTV 24 news <Kaibutsu-kun appears in blue ray. NTV popular drama “kaibutsu-kun” releae Blue ray Box. “Kaibutsu-kun complete new special “ that on air 10/15  also release in DVD and BD>  and Satoshi Ohno starring movie Kaibutsu-kun release i n3D and 2 D on 11/26 and original sound track release 11/16, so time of Kaibutsu-kun has come. BD box is 6 pack, drama part os 495 min. and bonus footage 164 min. and “Already back, Kaibutsu-kun all new special” that was aired 6/26/2010 is included. as bonus footage complete “delightful, piquant, freaky-deaky days that Kaibutsu-kun was.” complete closed up making camera at shooting for 3 month. from start and completed is included stem to stern. and full of footage that was not included as private shot also released.    

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV    

05:50-08:00 Zip! NTV Satoshi OhnoKaibutsu-kun VS Masu ▽怪物くんVS桝
10:25-11:25 Pon! NTV Torii on-the-spot interview with Satoshi Ohno on-the-spot interview▽嵐・大野君に鳥居突撃
11:55-13:55 Hirunandesu NTV Satoshi Ohno Section of Fernandez

12:00-13:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female individual final,
14:07-15:00 Want to know about World Artistic Gymnastics, FTV Masaki Aiba 今夜は、男子個人総合決勝!前人未到世界体操3連覇なるか?内村航平強さの秘密は?対する海外勢はイケメン揃い!▽相葉雅紀が見どころズバリ!
19:00-21:48 Music Station autumn special, TVA SMAP福山ミスチル百恵聖子・小泉今日子明菜・美穂・工藤静香安室・ザード・AKBドリカム・EXILEB'zサザン嵐まで…
21:00-23:22 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male individual final,
24:30-27:20 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male individual final,

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good morning this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Q: Ohno-kun do you have any sleeping posture? um, me almost always I can sleep any posture. basically what I do is dogleg. at home, at edge of sofa, I put my arm, there’s uneven a bit. I put head and leg there, I automatically I sleep dogleg, yep. no more and no less, the size fit with my height. Yep, me recently this. yep. Q: do you like Oden (vegetables, fish dumplings and various other articles of food stewed in a thin soy soup, and served hot) or steamed bun with meat filling which integrant do you like? well, Oden, it’e enough, Shirateki (noodles made from konnyaku ) and egg. the rest is white carrot. steamed bun, when I was a kid I didn’t like it a lot. after all what is indispensable is steamed bun with cubed piece of pork. that one, really yummy. the size is a bit big. the rest when I go fishing I pop into convenience store I absolutely buy it. steamed bun with cubed piece of pork is indispensable. Q: have you attended wedding? do you have any memory? Me I haven’t attended. what I should do, me, I don’t know. should celebrate? say congratulation? so I have to say any greeting? this. I’m not good this kind of thing. he he  he. sort of having drink in the corner. he he he. Well, when my class mate got married. I couldn’t attend because of work. wrote a letter, me, yep. I wrote to Kacchan. who taught to me to draw.  Kacchan who was preface to draw. when he gets married I wrote a letter, I wrote quite (long) phrase) I have this kind thing. so what? I can’t understand at all atmosphere of wedding. I prefer to join after party.he he he        

24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba Bunka Hoso    

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 DVD
Gantz Perfect Answer DVD and Blu-Ray Kazunari Ninomiya

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Orista, serial secret of Arashi     

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 Gantz maniac event by Kanata Hondo, Sato director, Yusuke Watanabe (script writer) Sato Producer. Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice    

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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301624 2011-10-15 10:46:00 2011-10-15 01:46:55 Sat-15-Oct-2011Sat

Today's Tokyo forecast: t-watagumoさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 27℃/22℃/50%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672     
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <junior, Kamenashi-kun appears to Arashi ni Shiyagare. Ninomiya-kun object to Kamenashi-kun!?>  current issue of Orista features Arashi ni Shiyagare . this time host Kazuki Kitamura-san as Aniki guest. Arashi show aspect in sailor. Kazuya Kamenashi-kun who co-star with Kitamura-san appear in pirate look as surprise guest. Ninomiya-kun in sailor pointed to Kamenashi-kun who looks cool. “this position of junior and senior isn’t wrong? “ he grouches. and Matsumoto-kun “actually original Vemu is bold. what do you do Kame?” he pointed out. “I think I want to produce Vemu of 2011…!” he cringes underneath. please check this Arashi ni Shiyagare in the current issue of Orista.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san yesterday blog on the way back home, it started raining. blog <act 3 entered> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field is until middle of act 3 tomorrow rehearsal is off. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog <entered to act 3, BD cake> today’s rehearsal of Ah! Wild Field. partial rehearsal of act 2 and until middle of act 2. it was over the latest time ever. my scene is not seems determinate yet. what is expression? however I think in my mind, but I have to express with my body, this can be expressed to audience. to be a persona could  have these 2 circles. tomorrow is rehearsal off. it’s hard I can’t plan for long term. then after rehearsal the studio got dark, BD cake came and crackers are burst. on the cake “Happy Birthday Ninagawa-san” and bouquet of roes. tomorrow is 76th BD. cake was cut and present wine. we had then all. Soko Takigawa-san yesterday blog  76 years old. (photo of BD with Boxing gloves and roses) Tomizo Nobe-san today’s blog I was depressed as I was bad at rehearsal of Ah Wild Field. but I just go ahead. after rehearsal, we celebrated Ninagawa-san BD. BD shaped Boxing ring.    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字   NTV News 24 <Kanata Honda “admire Nino and Matsuken more and more”> Kanata Hondo (20) attended memorial event to celebrating DVD and BD releasing at  Gantz /alien x cafe that is held until 16. cafe is decorated with aliens, Hongo who appeared in the film and also fan of original throws up his eyes, Gantz sphere, Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara, Tanaka alien. “it’s first time I visit today, there’re alien every were, and comic panels are displayed, amazing. but for me this is scary a bit. as I fought with aliens.” he makes bitter smile. the one  his is most curious seems Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara. “I have not fought with Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara. that he as you don’t know when he move. he is really scary.” he shows his Gantz freak. Kazunari Ninomiya (28) and Kenichi Matsuyama (26) starred movie. Hongo “I like both of 2  before co-staring. when I met them they have amazing power of concentration. Ninomiya-san has rather say sort of power of concentration for short period, he is amazing to switch. Matsuyama-san has amazing enduring strength. I admire them even more.” Cinema Today <Kanata Hongo, Yuriko Yoshitaka is after all crazy character? “I didn’t understand what she thinks vent 0.1%” > “Ninomiya-san is not like role with my mate (in the film) but at site, he was kind he was sort of team leader. in the end of Promotion campaign. I was told ‘I think I won’t see you any more, good bye.’ but we still do on-line game together.” he unveiled heart-warming episode. Web the television <Kanata Hongo, admire Nino and Matsuken, talks Gantz passionately> Mainichi Digital <Kanata Hongo: accolade attitude of Nino and Matsuken “admire even more”> total audiences of 2 parts 5 million, BO sales 6 Billion yen.  

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
09:30-14:00 Osama no branch, TBS secret of 5 of Arashi is discovered. whose bag like a roll? ▽嵐5人のひみつが発覚コッペパンのようなカバンの持ち主は誰?
13:00-15:25 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male individual final,
14:00-15:24 Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special navi. TBS Mannequin 5 special 4th round, Arashi date cloth battle. before airing, on air past battler at one stoke.来週20日木曜よる9時マネキン特別編第4弾嵐の勝負デート服対決▽放送に先がけ今までの戦いを一挙放送
15:30-17:00 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female), 男子『ゆか、あん馬、つり輪』女子『段違い平行棒、跳馬』内村航平全種目出場、つり輪山室光史。女子は鶴見虹子とミラクルガール寺本明日香が段違い平行棒に出場
17:25-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
19:00-22:05 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
19:00-20:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special 匹の捨てられた子犬とある兄弟の絆▽八木山動物園のビーバー・ゴン太の贈り物▽やる気のない職員を変えたハッチと飼育係▽世界が泣いた1枚の写真 actually Aiba-chan sheds a few tears  
21:00-22:24 Saturday Arashi Kaibutsu-kun Complete new special drama runaway prince cohabitate? unsavory ties is awesome! NTV Satoshi Ohno how is current Kaibutsu-kun who has finished his training in Human World and must be grown up? Already several months since he separated his human friend Utako and Hitoshi and back to Monster land. he has been at final stage of preparation for big king inauguration, but… “big kind is busy,” “It's too much of a bother, “ “I don’t want to be big king.” he is still selfish as ever and he has 0 conscious as next king. his companies Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken are beleaguered, they are so pressed. as people around them blame them “all is your fault, the reason why the prince never become new big king.” totally outcast companies as now they are called “half-rotten trio.” “it might possible to be fired. actually not only his companies get pressed. Kaiko-chan, a bride elect of Kaibutsu-kun, however she approaches Kaibutsu-kun, he never feel like that, she gets nervous. and Monster big king is at a complete loss. and Monster big king who drains his patience to the limit at last “I can’t leave to you any more!” he makes an decision. what is his decision? farewell forever of Kaibutsu-kun and his companies!? and Kaibutsu-kun and Kaiko-chan unexpected…! Can Kaibutsu-kun become new big king? surprising story is developed at stage of Monster land!! [Satoshi Ohno comment] Kaibutsu-kun is back as special drama before movie. this is after a year and half to TV. I’m so pleased to see you after long time! this special drama is the content all can enjoy for the people who have watched drama and have not. Kaiko-chan also appears! I think this could be like content after you watch it. “Kaibutsu-kun is super!!” please wait drama also movie!人間界での修行を終え、ひとまわり成長した(はずの)怪物くんは、今・・・?人間界で出来たトモダチ、ウタコ・ヒロシとの別れを惜しみつつも怪物界へと帰還して早幾月―――。怪物くんは、新大王に就任するべく最終準備段階に入っていた。のかと思いきや・・・「大王は忙しい」「面倒くさい」「大王になんかなりたくない!」と、相変わらずのわがままぶりで、次期大王としての自覚ゼロ!!そんな怪物くんのお供であるドラキュラ・オオカミ男・フランケンの3人は窮地に立たされ、ものすご~く焦っていた。何故なら、王子がいつまでたっても新大王になれないのは、全てお前たちの責任だ!と周りからさんざん責められていたからだ。すっかり落ちこぼれ扱いのお供は今や、「腐りかけトリオ」と呼ばれる始末。「このままでは、クビも有り得る!?」しかし焦りの気持ちを抱いているのはお供たちばかりではない。怪物くんの許嫁である怪子ちゃんも、いくらアプローチをかけてもその気になってくれない怪物くんにヤキモキし、怪物大王もまた、我が息子のやる気のなさにほとほと困り果てていた。そして、とうとう我慢の限界に達した怪物大王は、「もはやお供たちに任せておくわけにはいかない!」と"ある決断"をするのだった。その決断とは一体・・・?!怪物くんとお供に永遠の別れが訪れる!?その上、怪物くんと怪子ちゃんがまさかの・・・!果たして、怪物くんは新大王になれるのか? 驚きの展開が"怪物ランド"を舞台に繰り広げられる!! I hour and half, original story that link to the movie. Story started from the scene that Kaibutsu-kun has soon succession to the throne but started to say “I don’t want to be big king.” Dracula, Wolf man and Franken got pressed. they try to motivate Kaibutsu-kun but. Kaibutsu-kun tries to escape from training to be the big king, he accept date with Kaiko, he has attitude same as usual Meanwhile, he got approval of Big King of Monster, Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies go to human world again. Kaibutsu-kun and other got so pleased. Utako and Hiroshi he meet were not pleased a all… why? don’t miss the adventure over the bond that happened at Monster land! 物語は、怪物ランドの王位継承を目前に控える怪物くん(大野智)が、大王になりたくないと言い出すところからスタート。ドラキュラ(八嶋智人)、オオカミ男(上島竜兵)、フランケン (チェ・ホンマン)のお供3人はあせり、怪物くんをやる気にさせようとするが、怪物くんは、大王になるための特訓から逃れようとして怪子(ベッキー) のデートの誘いに乗ったり、と相変わらずの態度。そんな中、怪物大王(鹿賀丈史)の許しが出て、怪物くんとお供3人は再び人間界へ。大喜びする怪物くんたちだったが、再会したウタコ(川島海荷)とヒロシ(濱田龍臣)は、少しもうれしそうではなく・・・。いったいなぜ?怪物ランドを舞台に繰り広げられる「絆」をめぐる大冒険をお見逃しなく!
22:24-23:18 Saturday Arashi  Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is Kazuki Kitamura. theme is “magic formulate of want to be quickly daring human!” Kitamura who says man is attractive rather be daring. set guest is Goto of Football Hour. class set ▽“to be men of Dotonbori” appears once set is spins. Arashi becomes students, learn “charm of daring city, Dotonbori, Osaka” by quiz style. the quiz “in Dotonbori there’s xx tour that is popular for Osaka couple.” and other. what is result? ▽!”Be man of sea!” set turns again, cruiser set appears. then Kitamura change to chiefy costume, 5 of Arashi to sailor uniform. He has licence to drive small boat, and aimed to be pirate seriously in his early time. Arashi learns how to tie rope “bowline bend”, and then practice, the test that if they can make “bowline bend”, with in 5 sec is held. the one who couldn’t sever punishment. ▽”Eat pirate food!” fishery harbour recommended best 3 food are introduced! then the set spins again, Kazuya Kamenashi who co-star with Kitamura in “Specter human Vemu” appear with dinner table set! they challenge Russian roulette. loser can’t eat fishery harbour food. what is result!? 今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・北村一輝。テーマは「はやく破天荒な人間になりたい極意学びやがれ」!男は破天荒なほうが魅力的だという北村から、その極意を学ぶ。     セットゲストは、フットボールアワー・後藤輝基。▽道頓堀の男になりやがれセットが回転すると教室セットが登場! 嵐が生徒となり、大阪出身の北村から“破天荒な街”大阪・道頓堀の魅力を穴埋めクイズ形式で学ぶ。「道頓堀には浪速のカップルに人気の道頓堀◎◎ツアーがある」などの問題、果たして正解は?▽海の男になりやがれ再びセットが回転するとクルーザーのセットが登場。さらに、北村は上官服、嵐5人は服に着替える。小型船舶免許を持ち、昔は本気で海賊を目指していたという北村から、航海体操のほか、船上では必須のロープの結び方「もやい結び」を習う。さらに実践ということで、5秒以内にもやい結びができるかどうかのテストが行われる。できなかった人にはキツいお仕置きが!▽海賊メシ食いやがれ北村おすすめの漁港グルメベスト3を紹介することに! またもセットが回転すると、食卓セットとともに、新ドラマ「妖怪人間ベム」で北村と競演中の亀梨和也が登場! 一同はロシアンルーレットに挑戦、負けた人は漁港グルメを食べることができない。果たして、結果は?

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO      
tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Qlap, Sho Sakurai Problem-Solving after the dinner, Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun Complete new special

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 Gantz maniac event by Kanata Hondo, Sato director, Yusuke Watanabe (script writer) Sato Producer. Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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302004 2011-10-16 11:15:00 2011-10-16 02:15:19 Sun-16-Oct-2011 図: 動く絵文字サンプルSatoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994

Today's Tokyo forecast: t-watagumoさんの絵文字 choco-milkさんの絵文字 28℃/22℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pretty Ohta-san (Ah Wild Field cast) blog today’s <this stage> I have lines and in charge of important scene. this is hard. but I don’t think I will be applauded by Ninagawa-san. Ai Sano-san today’s  blog it was fun today. I’m getting timing. and established a rhythm. get used to acting. it was fun today as well, I will do my best tomorrow too. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog  <Sho Sakurai surprised with cake> current Orista special feature no.1 autumn drama that you want to watch  that selected by Orista 1000 readers. no.1 most interested cast of autumn drama is Sho Sakurai-kun of Problem Solving after the dinner. this is 2 consecutive victories. to celebrating it. we prepare small cake that you can see page 32-33. actually this one you can eat red kingly throne and crown too. Sarkuai-kun got surprised. “is this cake? you can eat whole?” so he ate it. “Oh, underneath was whole chocolate, delicious!!” he surprised with taste.”up-to-date cake is amazing.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Chocolate biscuit Mary, CM from 10/18 O-chan & Yuki Nakama
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Today’s Hey Hey Hey shooting. Nino appear with short blond hair.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Web The Television <Sho Sakurai has his fill butler> Nep-league on air 10/17 19:00-19:54 Sho Sakurai of Arashi, Keiko Kitagawa, Kikkei Shina, Toru Nomaguchi, Anri Okamoto appears. they fight against Haruna Kondo, Neptune team at Entertainment league that quiz about craze about idol and other. Before the game Kitagawa and Shina declare they are weak about entertainment quiz.as was expected the battle was extremely harsh for “Problem-Solving after the dinner” team but Sakurai who is captain of the team follow these like all creation. and Sakurai talks his enthusiasm “want to have gorgeous lunch box at shooting site of drama wining the game!”  he show his concern to drama staffs. can they win? and Sakurai as butler is sight to watch too.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 tomorrow Zero Kohei Uchimura comes to studio. secret story of his 3 consecutive years championship asked by Sho Sakurai
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Machida-kun journal. today this is memorial day for me. thank you for the people who support me all the time. and congratulations Ohno-kun who has joined agency same year.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 been to Shibuya for Nazo-di artificial cloud. photos here
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 forgot add link of Friday Ganz maniac meeting U-stream
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nara-san yesterday twitter. to night I thought to watch Kaibutsu-kun special. I wonder why this dairy is so popular, this is + act! shoud be, zamasu http://t.co/EnrHEhpv      
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mitokanaito-fuji artificial cloud event in front of 1009 starts from 13 today.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <key item> Hello staff A. already staff M mentioned. key item Monster beans, Kaibutsu-kun mountain field is just like this. this colorful Monster beans could be key item. please check 9pm to night. blog <on air in 3 hours> 3 hours to airing. to the person who didn’t wait. message from this person (Monster King) “please watch it carefully.” today’s airing. not only monster also big king in trouble…!? this fact unveil tonight at 9pm. actually 10/5 quiz’s answer is hand of Monster king. blog <2 more hours> good evening staff A. finally Kaibutsu-kun Complete New special on air in 2 hours!! this new special is adventure in Monster land! complete new full of love, laugh and tear. you can enjoy however first time of Kaibutsu-kun. gorgeous 90 min. please watch it. blog <1 more hour> Good evening it’s staff M. finally 1 hour to air. blog <soon airing> good evening. it’s staff K. Kaibutsu-kun complete new special. soon starting zamasu. are you ready, gansu. Funger. so drawing of Hiroshi. so please call your neighbour, relative and friends, special drama is starting. DVD <complete new special!!” DVD and BD release 12/14 2011!  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ueshima-san (blog) blog movie Kaibutsu-kun, pre-release the other day was amazing. 1300 audience in front of my eyes. prince came with elephant, all cast in the persona. I realized I was at amazing place. hope you watch this as it release 11/26.watch first today from 21 NTV Kaibutsu-kun Complete New special.if you watch this, this is perfect. watch this absolutely, gansu. Shizuka Shigenai-san (Dacho club manager) Legend curry that Denny’s and Kaibutsu-kun collaboration! I have already. Kaibutsu-kun fan, have you already had? please eat this http://p.twipple.jp/wM494 
/ soon Kaibutsu-kun special on air on NTV, gansu. I want to watch this, gansu http://p.twipple.jp/L4td9 Nishida-san (script writer) blog finally, today from 21. drama Kaibutsu-kun special on air. this is pre story of movie Kaibutsu-kun. this epict Kaibutsu-kun and other’s time since drama version has finished. this is very funny content. please watch and enjoy this remembering that groove Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies! Umika Kawshima-chan blog <pre-release> the day before yesterday was pre-release of Kaibutsu-kun. I appeared not as Utako, Pirari that appears in the movie, queen of Curry Kingdom, I tanned whole body, paint foundation. as all gathered, I get hyper more than usual. stage greeting. I got nervous… actually tomorrow Kaibutsu-kun complete new special on air from 21 on NTV. please look forward to it. tomorrow is Utako. Tasuomi Hamada-kun manager blog tonight is Kaibutsu-kun complete new special on air on NTV. this is special drama prelude to the movie, please watch it. photo is Umika Kawashima-san who makes a pet of him like junior brother, today in queen Pirari costume. Becky twitter tweet about Kaiko a lot. that’s all. thank you for watching Kaibutsu-kun. my cooking for return. http://pick.naver.jp/becky/2131868644127708706?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fnaver.jp%2Fbecky%3Fguid%3Don&guid=on Shinshu Ueda Film Commission blog <announcement complete new Kaibutsu-kun special on air> Kounosu appears as monster mountain in the drama.Kazuo Kawabata-san blog <Kaibutsu-kun complete new special!> this Saturday at 21. I appear Kaibutsu-kun complete new special. head of Wolf family. Shinji Matsubaysashi-san  blog <appearance info> I appears Kaibutsu-kun complete new special. 

ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web movie Kaibutsu-kun stage greeting report. Marching J,  Power of word updated.

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
10:00-11:45 Warrate Itomoo spcial issue, FTV  Nakai name of Aiba嵐相葉の名を中居が…
16:00-17:25 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),男子『跳馬、平行棒、鉄棒』女子『平均台、ゆか』跳馬は沖口誠予選2位通過。鉄棒は田中佑典と内村航平が予選1、2位通過。平行棒は内村航平、田中和仁が出場
17:50-21:00 World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female)
21:00-22:30 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),
16:00-17:25 World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),男子『跳馬、平行棒、鉄棒』女子『平均台、ゆか』跳馬は沖口誠予選2位通過。鉄棒は田中佑典と内村航平が予選1、2位通過。平行棒は内村航平、田中和仁が出場   
J-melo Arashi Lotus    

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

kunichan-445さんの絵文字 10/10-10/16 Gantz/ aliens x cafe at Eco Firm cafe 632 closing ceremony with Tanaka alien. Gantz BLT hamburger, “Welcome back brother” cake, fluffy omelette of Ayumu-kun, black tapioca juice

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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302227 2011-10-17 10:57:00 2011-10-17 01:57:13 Mon-17-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 25℃/19℃/20%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web this week’s quote, Arashi says Nazo-di, but I never see the people say so Sakurai.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sho-kun appears to Bakusyo Japan Akan police on air 10/23
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Japanese baseball team Kaibutsu-kun collaboration T-shirts
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Jun Iwao-san (Kaibutsu-kun producer) twitter, actually Kaibutsu-kun special. there’s scene that Franken  speaks in Japanese during commotion. did you notice?
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-net Sho-kun appears to Mizamashi and Tokudane tomorrow
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobe-san blog yesterday rehearsal is finally climax, xxxx (ring) set was installed at site. xxxxxx(boxing) game is acted. convincing acting by Koide Barikan and Shinji Matsumoto, this is vigorous, just like real xx (match) amazing. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san blog <tentatively until end> rehearsal of ah Wild field is done until end. I was called final scene suddenly, but I think I can handle it. I appears many scenes. this is already announced in the public and script book is on sale. there’s battle scene of Matsumoto-san and Koide-san. this scene is quite convincing. in the end of rehearsal. personally I practiced tap.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yuki-san (Gantz cast)  yesterday blog,< strange cafe> head to cafe. where I head was Gantz/ alien case in Harajuku. actually as it was Saturday it was crowded. but when enter there’re nostalgic thing. well, I feel nostalgic. Gantz sphere, arm, Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara and Tanaka alien. they have not changed (this could be normal…) I feelingly watched them. however I’m in the cafe I feel as nervous as a cat. I don’t know if I could refreshed. but I could completely in the world of Gantz after long time. then I watched Gantz PA after back home. Yuji Shimomura-san blog 10/14 <please watch it> finally today I phone 4s release, not this Gantz Perfect Answer DVD and BD released.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Music Lovers next preview 10/23 5th anniversary Arashi’s men only concert and others.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <how was yesterday airing?> good evening it’s staff K. how was yesterday Kaibutsu-kun complete new special? we still seek your feedback please send it. and we got message from these people. “please watch movie Kaibutsu-kun too!”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kikuchi producer (FTV music show producer) blog today was shooting of Hey! hey! Hey! on air 11/7 Arashi.


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
19:00-19:54 Nep-league, FTV Sho Sakurai Sho Sakurai of Arashi, Keiko Kitagawa, Kikkei Shina, Toru Nomaguchi, Anri Okamoto appears. they fight against Haruna Kondo, Neptune team at Entertainment league that quiz about craze about idol and other. Before the game Kitagawa and Shina declare they are weak about entertainment quiz.as was expected the battle was extremely harsh for “Problem-Solving after the dinner” team but Sakurai who is captain of the team follow these like all creation. and Sakurai talks his enthusiasm “want to have gorgeous lunch box at shooting site of drama wining the game!”  he show his concern to drama staffs. can they win? and Sakurai as butler is sight to watch too.ドラマ「謎解きはディナーのあとで」”チームとして、嵐・櫻井翔、北川景子、椎名桔平、野間口徹、岡本杏理が登場する。ネプリーグは、ネプチューンチームとゲストチームの2チーム(それぞれ5人1組)が対抗形式でクイズに挑戦するバラエティー番組。10月17日の放送ではアイドルなどの流行に関する問題を出題する「エンタリーグ」でハリセンボン・近藤春菜ら、ネプチューンチームと対戦する。ゲームが始まる前に北川、椎名の2人はエンターテインメント問題に弱いことを告白。案の定、苦戦を強いられる“ドラマ「謎解きはディナーのあとで」”チームだが、そんなチームメイトをキャプテンを務める櫻井が必死でフォローしていくことに。また、櫻井は「ゲームに勝ってドラマの撮影現場のお弁当を豪華にしたい!」と意気込みを語るなど、ドラマに携わるスタッフへの気遣いも垣間見せる。見事、勝利なるか? 櫻井の“執事”っぷりに注目だ。
10/17 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Kohei Uchimura comes to studio. secret story of his 3 consecutive years championship asked by Sho Sakurai  内村航平がスタジオへ…櫻井翔が聞く“前人未踏V3”秘話

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO      
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,   Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “ if your soul and body in good shape, work absolutely works well.” heh, this is Western proverb. health is the best. it’s important to be in good health. yes. recently I got quite many mails about my throat health. sorry about it. well, somehow, me, from last year, I get. last year err… beginning of July, I got light cold. since I recover cold. but the only dry gorge remained. 4 month it’s long isn’t it? I wonder what it is. then my acquaintance and other say this is “tussisconvulsiva” (in Japanese name: 100 days cough) I heard it first time. tussisconvulsiva. so what? so I should recover in 100 days. so I would recover soon. then it took 4 month. what it was. 120 days cough? then this time, about end of August. me, nasal inflammation of nose. so when I go to to dirty place, since I can't stop sneezing, I start coughing. then got dry gorge remained again. then recently recovered. sorry make you worry. well, I see signs of revival. please relieve. I will make best in future too.

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
302475 2011-10-17 12:20:00 2011-10-17 03:20:07 Upcoming from 18 Oct

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/18 05:25-8:00 Mezamashi TV, FTV Sho Sakurai Keiko Kitagawa 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/18 12:00-13:00 Waratte Itimo, FTV Kikkei Shina, guest of Telephone Shocking, Keiko Kitagawa
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/18 21:00-22:08 Problem-solving is after the dinner Sho Sakurai title: “Great detective appeared!… take off your shoes at scene of the killing!?”「名探偵登場!…殺人現場では、靴をお脱ぎください!?」 A men came to Hojo family that manage big company syndicate “Hojo Group. His name is Kageyama. Kageyama is successor butler after Karasawa who has served only daughter of Hojo family for long time. Meanwhile, Reiko was at incident site. She works as a detective at Kunitachi police with her identity concealed. counterpart Kyoichiro Kazamatsuri, Reiko’s boss is a attention seeker who ride fancy car to incident site. he doesn’t hide he is son of Kazamatsuri Motors different from Reiko. Actually he act the part as he is rick. Kazamatsuri doesn’t know Reiko’s real identity. victim of incident is part time employee called Hitomi Yoshimoto. it seems she was killed strangling at her apartment, Reiko feels something is wrong as she dead with boots in her room. Detective Kazamatsuri tries to go before Reiko, he finally get same question. Kazamatusri pop off his reasoning until criminal at one stroke, his reasoning is poor that even primary school student can reason. when Reiko says other view, he promptly takes it. he just connects to it just like it was him who thought. She didn’t like barefaced impudence Kazamatsuri. tentatively after investigation Reiko left Kazamatsuri, she kick a stone charging her irritation. but this stone hit a high rank limousine, the men who steps down from there asked answer rough price to Reiko who asks repair charge… but this men vows saying “Lady.” right, this is butler Kageyama. he came to pick Reiko up. Any excellent butler, for Reiko it was ordinary existence for Reiko… but. this suddenly happens at dinner. Reiko who talks summary of incident that happened during day. but Kageyama who heard this suddenly say so. “Excuse me, Lady. Lady, are you stupid?” ”大財閥『宝生グループ』を束ねる宝生家に、一人の男がやって来た。男の名は影山(櫻井翔)。影山は長年、宝生家の一人娘・麗子(北川景子)に仕えた唐沢(伊東四朗)の後任の執事となる。そのころ、麗子は事件現場にいた。麗子は身分を隠し、国立署の刑事として働いている。一方、麗子の上司、風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)は現場に高級車で乗りつける目立ちたがり屋。麗子と違い、自分が風祭モータースの御曹司であることを隠さない。むしろ金持ちであることをひけらかす。そんな風祭も当然、麗子の本当の素性は知らない。事件の被害者は吉本瞳(木南晴夏)という派遣社員。コーポの自室で首を絞められて殺害されたようだが、麗子は部屋の中でブーツを履いたまま亡くなっていた被害者に違和感を覚える。麗子に先んじるように、風祭は同じ疑問をとうとうと述べ始めた。容疑者像まで一気にまくしたてる風祭だが、その推理は小学生でも話せるような稚拙なもの。麗子が別の見解を述べるとすぐに乗っかり、あたかも自分が考えたことのようにつなぐ風祭。麗子は、そんな厚顔無恥な風祭がウザったくて仕方がない。とりあえず捜査を終えて、風祭と別れた麗子はいら立ちを石ころに込めてキック。その石が高級リムジンにあたってしまった。すると降りてきた男が、修理代を尋ねる麗子におよその値段を答える。しかし…男は「お嬢様」と麗子に頭を下げた。そう、男は執事の影山。麗子を迎えに来たのだ。どんなに優秀な執事も、令嬢である麗子にとっては当たり前の存在である…はずだった。 それは、突然ディナーのときにやってきた。 昼間に起きた事件のあらましを誰にとはなしに話す麗子。しかし、それを聞いた影山が突然、こう言ったのだ。 「失礼ですがお嬢様。お嬢様はアホでいらっしゃいますか?」と…。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/15 14:00-15:24 Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special navi. TBS Mannequin 5 special 4th round, Arashi date cloth battle. before airing, on air past battler at one stoke.今夜9時は「マネキンファイブ特別編 第4弾」嵐5人の勝負デート服対決!秋の2時間スペシャル▽放送に先がけ今までの戦いを一挙放送!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against kid’s actor, Mitsu Mangrove to Arashi team, Maeda Madea, Fuku Suzuki, Nozomi Hohashi, Yuki Yagi“子役チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにミッツ・マングローブほかまえだまえだ 鈴木福大橋のぞみ 八木優希
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/20 21:00-23:00Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special TBS Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special  on air 10/20 on TBS. Mannequin Five special is brought, this time 5 coordinate at huge shopping mall in Yokohama theme of “autumn wining date cloth” for 3 hours and display these not show the name these at TBS Akasaka, MBS in Osaka for 8 days. female visitor vote “which cloth you want your boyfriend to wear.” Total voting number was 261,113. Kazunari Ninomiya who got no.1 to steal other member’s item “my goal is no.1, first ever consecutive victory. I don’t used other’s help, I do it by myself. I pick the one that is close to my private cloth, but I realized original one is hard.” seemed he struggled.  Sho Sakurai who got last place previously. “I had plan to win so far. but I didn’t show my self. this time theme is ‘back to defence’ I’m happy if I can get no.1 with this.” Jun Matsumoto “I fight with cloth that has Italian buoyance.” Masaki Aiba “I take sense of season in plenty. I aim no.1 in earnest.” Satoshi Ohno “theme is ‘authenticity’ the recipe is secret but mature atmosphere.”  嵐のメンバーがファッションセンスを競う「マネキンファイブ」の特別編をおくる。今回は「秋の勝負デート服」をテーマに、5人が横浜の巨大ショッピングモールで3時間かけて洋服などをコーディネート。それらを誰のものか分からないよう東京・赤坂のTBS、大阪のMBSに8日間展示し、どの服を恋人に着てほしいかを女性来場者が投票する。インターネットなどによる応募も含め、投票総数は26万1131票に上った。前回、他のメンバーが購入したアイテムを盗み見して1位を獲得した二宮和也は「狙うは1位、初の連覇です。しかも皆さんの力を借りずにオンリーワンでいきます。普段着に近い感じでちゃんと選んだのですが、オリジナルは大変だなと思いました」と苦労した様子。一方、前回最下位に沈んだ桜井翔は「これまでは勝つために策を練ってきましたが、自分を出していませんでした。今回のテーマは“守りに戻る”。これで1位を取れたら幸せです」とリベンジを期す。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 18:00-18:45 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/21 19:00- Pekepon, FTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 08:45-09:30 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 激カワ子役・鈴木福くんが動物ニュースキャスターに就任!超かわいい動物たちのニュースを届ける新コーナーを!さらにDAIGOと一緒におっきな動物たちとふれあえる…
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/22 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is movie director, script writer Koki Mitani. theme is “magic formula to create nice drama” Arashi learn technique and knowledge from Mitani who handled smash hit movies. and in the end challenge impromptu stage produced by Mitani! at opening as souvenier, “Fuji Soba’s croquette noodle” appears and all eats. at rumor section “it seems he wears suits 24 hours” “ it seems he never had dinner with people.” rumor regarding Mitani’s private life.▽ “get power of expression” once the set spins “rehearsal set that written “Mitani Actors studio” appear. Arashi changes to jersey. practice to express Mitani’s speciality “express to other person with an oblique”. how to express feeling “I want to leave soon”at office during overtime, etc. appointed member act various situation. can they express sophisticated stunned expression? ▽”get stunned.” unexpected expression such as to get surprised, to get mad and to laugh is needed high sense. so they challenge situation such as “hit to pillar”, “open jack-in-a-box” etc. chan they express sophisticated stunned? ▽”create a stage with Mitani ” one set spins. night city set appears. the setting Mitani thought, winter evening, on the way back home from 2nd party of reunion. 5 act interaction of alumnus. roles: uniter business man is Matsumoto. downhill actor is Ohno, hardheaded IT president is Sakurai, married self-owned business is Aiba, part timer on an unemployment line is Ninomiya (yay! Seiji!) each in costume improvisation theater’s curtain opens. 今回のアニキゲストは、映画監督・脚本家の三谷幸喜。テーマは「ステキなドラマ作りの極意学びやがれ」!嵐は、数々のヒット作を手がけてきた三谷から、そのテクニックや知識を学び、最後には三谷作の即興舞台に挑む!オープニングではお土産として、三谷おすすめの「富士そばのコロッケそば」が登場、全員で試食をする。噂話のコーナーでは、「24時間スーツを着ているらしい」「人とご飯を食べたことがないらしい」など、三谷のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽表現力をつけやがれセットが回転すると、「三谷アクターズスタジオ」と書かれた稽古場セットが登場。嵐はジャージに着替え、三谷脚本のこだわりである「遠まわしに相手に伝える」表現の稽古を行う。残業中のオフィスで「そろそろ帰りたい」気持ちをどう伝えたらいいか、など、様々なシチュエーションを指名されたメンバーが実演。果たして、上手く表現することができるのか。▽ビックリしやがれ
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/23 23:30-23:55 Music Lovers, NTV 5th anniversary Arashi’s men only concert and others
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/23 19:00-20:54 Laughing Big Japan too bad police special, FTV Sho Sakurai アカン飯に櫻井翔・KARA・鈴木福登場!   
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/23  18:10  Music Japan, NHK Kohaku press conf. Arashi
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/23 23:00-23:30 Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.5
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/24 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/26 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV Sho Sakurai  Good mood Rriko comes to dinning room where Kageyama prepare. good-humoredness of Reiko is because she got up before alarm. then Kageyama tells her blackout happened during night, and plugged in type alarm was stopped. She realized she didn’t get up early, she got up late. Reiko who heads to police station in hurry by limousine of Kageyama receive a call from Kazamatsuri  inspector. he was ordered to head directly to Wakabaysashi veterinary hospital. at site, hospital director Tatsuo was dead, wine bottle and glass near by dead body. poison was detected from the glass, but didn’t detected from bottle. Kazamarsuri  assumes this was suicide of Tatsuo. that night, Reiko started to talk detail of incident to Kageyama. when Tasuo died, 4 of family was at house. brother of Tatsuo, Teruo, oldest son, Keiichi and his wife Harue, younger son, Shuji. family meeting about marriage of  Tasuo and his maid Masami Fujidai was talked about. Tstuo was opposed by family goes to his favorite bar and he shows tear in front of owner. and Reiko tells Kageyama about testimony of a boy who lives in the house opposite who says he saw a fire ball in the Tasuo room. the first person to find Fujidai’s story. After all, Reiko and Kazamatsuri inspector consider the cause of death as suicide. Kageyama murmurs this is big problem. and he says this is homicide. “Excuse me,  are lady’s eyes blind? “ what it truth of Tatsuo that Kageyama solves.      影山(櫻井翔)が控えるダイニングに、ご機嫌な麗子(北川景子)がやって来る。麗子の機嫌の良さは、目覚まし時計が鳴る前に起きたこと。すると影山は真夜中に停電が起き、その間コンセントに差し込むタイプの目覚まし時計が止まっていたことを麗子に教える。その話から麗子は早起きをしたのではなく、寝坊したことがわかる。影山のリムジンで慌てて警察署に向かう麗子の携帯電話に風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)から連絡。若林動物病院への直行を命じられる。現場では病院長の辰夫(大和田伸也)が死んでいた。死体のそばには、ワインボトルとグラス。グラスからは毒物が検出されたが、ボトルからは発見されなかったため、風祭は辰夫の自殺と推測する。その夜、麗子は影山に事件の詳細を話し始める。辰夫が死んだ時、家には4人の家族がいた。辰夫の弟、輝夫(飯田基祐)、長男の圭一(ムロツヨシ)、春絵(阿南敦子)夫婦、次男の修二(姜暢雄)。辰夫と家政婦の藤代雅美(春木みさよ)の再婚について家族会議が開かれた。家族から反対された辰夫は行きつけのスナックへ行き、ママ(釈由美子)の前で涙を見せたという。さらに、麗子は若林家向かいの家に住む少年から辰夫の部屋に火の玉を見たという証言や、死体の第一発見者、藤代の話も影山に伝える。ともあれ、麗子と風祭警部は辰夫の死因を自殺とした。影山は、それは大問題だとポツリ。そして殺人事件だと言い放つ。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against representative female World cup Japanb volley ball team! Banana man to Arashi team 竹下佳江,荒木絵里香ら“バレーボール全日本女子チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにはバナナマンが参戦ほか
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/27 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/25 26:35- 27:05 Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.5
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 14:00-15:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba  今夜も超かわいい赤ちゃん動物がたっくさん登場!女優・榮倉奈々ちゃんが、今、会いたい赤ちゃん動物ベスト3とご対面!なんと一番会いたかったのはあの猛獣の赤ちゃん!!
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/29 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Katsuhisa Namase fives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. nostalgic B class gourmet. Arashi host Katsuhisa Ikuse as Aniki guest. as he used to live in Kyoto, gives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. as Namase wants them know B class gourmet of Kyoto, introduce Omelette rice that he used to ate when he was student. and rickshaw set appears, Arashi experience virtually tourism spot and Mr. Conncoisseur spot of Kyoto” and Jun matsumoto and other challenge Salon play with Geisya of Gion.生瀬勝久が教える明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ▽懐かしのB級グルメ アニキゲストに生瀬勝久を迎える。昔、京都に住んでいたことがあるという彼は「明日から”通”を気取れる裏・京都の極意」を嵐に伝授する。生瀬は京都のB級グルメを知ってほしいと、学生時代に食べていた喫茶店のオムライスを紹介。また、人力車のセットが登場し、嵐は観光客がよく行くスポットと通好みのスポットをバーチャル体験する。他に、松本潤らは祇園の芸者とのお座敷遊びに挑戦。 this time guest is Katsuhisa Namase, an actor. theme is “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air  as Mr. Connoisseur that you can use from tomorrow.” set guest is Peace. rumor section: “seems he has 7 vacuum cleaners.” “it seems as he has too many hobbies, he’s at the edge of his capabilities.” ▽”eat nostalgic B class gourmet” introduce B class gourmet that is different from traditional Japanese meal brought in courses. Omelette rice of Mon Ami that Namase used to eat when he was a student. all try to eat it.   ▽ “travel autumn two sides of Kyoto” once set turns, rickshaw set appears. Arashi divides person who pull a rickshaw and ride it. and experience virtual wandering recommended spots that screened in the monitor. this time 2 patterns of high road typical spots and and Mr. Connoisseur loves are introduced.▽”do Salon Play in Gion” once the set turns, a Salon set appears. Namase and Arashi challenge Salon play classic “Konpira fune fune” with Jeisya of Gion. and penalty game if they lose.    今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・生瀬勝久。テーマは「明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ」!学生時代から7年間京都に住んでいたという生瀬が、京都通しか知らない「裏京都」の極意を伝授する。セットゲストはピース。噂話のコーナーでは、「掃除機が家に7台あるらしい」「趣味が多すぎてもう限界らしい」など、生瀬のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽懐かしのB級グルメ食いやがれ京懐石などとは違う京都のB級グルメを紹介。生瀬が学生時代に食べていた懐かしの喫茶店モナミのオムライスがスタジオに登場、みんなで試食を行う。▽秋の裏表京都旅しやがれセットが回転すると人力車セットが登場。嵐は人力車を引く人と乗る人に分かれ、モニターに映る京都のオススメスポットをバーチャルぶらり体験する。今回は、王道コースの定番スポットと、通好みの裏スポットの2パターンを紹介!▽祇園でお座敷遊びしやがれセットが回転すると、祇園のお座敷セットが登場。生瀬と嵐は、祇園の舞妓さん&地方さんと一緒に、お座敷遊びの王道「金比羅船々」に挑戦する。負けたら罰ゲームの洗礼も
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/30 17:00-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest      
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/31 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/1 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV sp. 3 Sho Sakurai    
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/3 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV drama Hunter team 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/3 22:0022-56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Yukari Ishida with Ohmiya 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t10/5 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/06 23:30-24:00 Music Lovers, NTV Arashi 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/6 16:30-17:00  Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.6 “my fovorite Isobe primary school” end of September, art and craft time, 6th grade students got theme of “to paint favorite place in the school” each child has place full of memory… a kid pick hall where all students gather  in order not to forget died friend and mate who left school. student who fled for refuge from Minami-Soma due to Nuke plant “ picked the place she met class mates for the first time”.  there’s kid who paint piano full of paper, he picked wishing to keep touching with kids who left school after earthquake. in the earthquake disaster, kids drew about their feel about their school.  9月下旬、図工の時間、6年生たちには「学校のなかで一番好きな場所を絵にする」という課題がだされた。子どもたちは、それぞれの思いの詰まった場所がある…。亡くなった友だちや転校した仲間のことを忘れないようにと、ある子は、“全校児童が集まるホール”を選んだ。原発事故のせいで南相馬から磯部小学校に避難してきた子は、“はじめて同級生と出会った場所”を選んだ。そして、“音楽室のピアノ”を画面一杯に書く子もいた。地震後去っていった友だちとも、変わらず仲良くしていきたいという願いをこめて選んだという。震災のなか、子どもたちの学校にかける思いを描く。
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/07 20:00-20:54 Hey! Hey! Hey! FTV Arashi
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/07 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/1 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV  ep.4 Sho Sakurai 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/3 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV  
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/3 22:0022-56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/05 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t11/21 19:00-19:56 problem-solving variety show Tore! NTV Satoshi Ohno 
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_tBest Artists 2011, NTV MC Sho Sakurai and Shinichi Hatori
clip_image00121_thumb_thumb1_thumb_t12/31 19:15pm-23:45 62th NHK Kohaku song festival, NHK MC Arashi


rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan    
10/16 Hey!HeyHey talk
10/18 Arashi ni Shiiyagare 
10/25 Hey!HeyHey concert
10/25 VS Arashi
10/26 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
11/1 Music Lovers
11/1 Arashi ni Shiyagare
11/15 Arashi ni Shiiyagare
11/22  VS Arashi
11/29 Arashi ni Shiyagare

ritz-bさんの絵文字 MOVIE
11/26 Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Curry Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
2/4 Japanese Islands, stories about animals main narration by Masaki Aiba

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
10/29-12/2 Ah! Wild Filed!, Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide
10/29 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/30 18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/31 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/4 11:30 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/5 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/6 13:00 &18:00 Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/13 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/14 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/17 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/18 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/19 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/20 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/21 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/24 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/25 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/26 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/27 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
12/1 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
12/2 12:00 Aoyama theater

10/24 16:30 Tokyo Drama Award International drama festival in Tokyo Academy Hills Kazunari Ninomiya

♪ by yuupan.CONCERT
[Arashi live tour 11-12 “Beautiful World”]
1/3 Tue 18:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/4 Wed 16:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/7 Sat 18:00 Nagoya Dome
1/8 Sun 16:00 Nagoya Dome
1/14 Sat 18:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
1/15 Sun 16:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
2/2 Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 Oronamin C
Sho Sakurai
2/12 Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
2/12 Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
4/1 Sumitomo Life Insurance Masaki Aiba
3/26 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
4/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
4/15 Au by all
4/20 AFLAC Sho Sakurai
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba
5/20 pino Sho Sakurai
5/24 Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
5/26 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/2 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/4 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/11 JAL
6/16 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya,
Jun Matsumoto
6/16 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/17 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/25 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
6/27 AU
7/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
7/1 Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
7/4 AU
7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
7/11 AU
7/15 AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
7/16 Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
7/22 Tanrei Green Label
Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
7/23 Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
8/4 JCB
Kazunari Ninomiya
9/3 JAL
9/13 Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin It's time! Let's celect yummy Japanese food
9/20Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya
9/21Tanrei Green Label
Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
9/28 Aijinomoto Frozen food, hiamburg version Sho Sakurai
9/29 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
9/29 Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au you can choose future

10/1 AFLAC Kimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai
10/1 Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
10/18 Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama
10/18 Mario 3D CM  
Kazunari Ninomiya     


tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE .     
10/1 Cinema cinema, cover & front page special: Satoshi Ohno
10/3 Cinema Square cover: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun
10/6 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Hanako entertainment therapy: Sho Sakurai, Arashi national stadium concert report
10/7 Fujin Koron Arahi, men that the era wanted.
10/7 Duet Arashi zoom, Sho Sakruai pin up, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
10/7 Wink up Arashi liver tour Beautiful World
10/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi, Arashi liver tour Beautiful World, special pin up Satoshi Ohno & Sho Sakurai
10/7 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno movie Kaibutsu-kun, Sho Sakurai Jun Matsumoto
10/8 Casa BRUTUS Sho Sakurai serial travel to learn the architecture,
10/11 Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
10/11 Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
10/12 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Mannequin Five special Himitsu no Arashi-chan special, serial Kaibutsu-kun,
10/12 TV Pia, interview with Sho Sakurai
10/12 TV station, front page interview with Sho Sakurai , special drama Kaibutsu-kun chummy talk Satoshi Ohno and Tatsuomi Hamada, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special.
10/14 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/18 Pict up, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun speical
10/19 cut cover: Taro Kaibutsu
10/19  Ah Wild Field script book
10/19 an an, Jun Matsumoto
10/19 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
10/19 weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Ploblem-solving Sho Time. show you all of Arashi CM
10/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “yakiimo no Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya

10/20 Cubisum, cover: Satoshi Ohno
10/21 Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
10/21 M Girl Masaki Aiba in Kimono
10/22 LIPS, Jun Matsumoto 7pages
10/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno and Matsujun.
10/22 Popolo Sho Sakurai & Keikok Kitagawa, Ikemen butler evil tongue cross talk, Satoshi Ohno short holiday is after all awesome
10/22 Soda cover: Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai Problem Solving after the dinner, Arashi variety shows site report.
10/24 GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
10/24 Monthly TV guide, cover: Sho Sakurai   
10/24 Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
10/24 TV Navi, this month A la shot: Sho Sakurai, Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn special 
10/24 TV fan, cover: Sho Sakurai interview and shooting report, private shot of butler in apron.
10/25 Nigata Komachi, cover: Satoshi Ohno,
10/26 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare,  serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno x Masahiro Matsuoka x Izumi Inamori, Himitsu no Arashi -chan Mannequin Five, pin up of wining date cloth Jun Matsumoto  
10/26 TV Pia, serial Sho Sakurai Secret time of butler Sho Sakurai
10/26 TV station, serial catch the Arashi
10/25 Monthly Komachi, cover & interview: Satoshi Ohno   
10/26 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto   
10/26 weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Problem-solving Sho Time. Himitsu no Arashi-chan Mannequin five Arasahi wining date cloth and pin up. 
10/27 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/28 More, cover : Arashi total 13 pages, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
10/28 Miss, we still love Arashi that make adults twinge. Jun Matsumoto   
10/28 Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. No.60: Satoshi Ohno
10/28 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi  Sho Sakurai, Satoshi Ohno
10/31+ act mini Cover and front pages: Sho Sakurai appears in Kageyama of Problem-solving after the dinner.
11/1 PS, Satoshi Ohno 
11/2 3rd grade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno 
11/2 4thgrade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno 
11/7 Duet Arashi zoom,         
11/7 Wink up,        
11/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi,
11/7 Esse, special interview with Satoshi Ohno 
11/7 Ane can, Satoshi Ohno
11/10 Problem solving after the dinner 2 book
11/10 Kaibutsu-kun official book visual version
11/10 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
11/10  Fine boys, cover: Satoshi Ohno
11/15  Location Japan, cover: Satoshi Ohno 
11/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “gift no Arashi” Masaki Aiba x
Kazunari Ninomiya 
11/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno .
11/22 Popolo
11/26 Screen, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno  

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 skmtmsykさんの絵文字 CD/ DVD     
11/2 Labyrinth love song. general edition, and limited edition
11/16 Movie Kaibutsu-kun original sound track
11/30 Problem-Solving after the dinner, original sound track

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB
This week word by Nino
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun
Enjoy vol.79 updated 30 Sep (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 89 updated 20 Sep (update every 10th and 20th)
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun

ma-loolさんの絵文字 Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd: Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

rui9269さんの絵文字 Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982

public 0
302610 2011-10-18 12:03:00 2011-10-18 03:03:03 Tue-18-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast:picoaltoさんの絵文字 choco-milkさんの絵文字 21℃/18℃/20%

 UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner Story of ep.2 updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Dwango  Press release TV CM of Labyrinth Love song on air from 10/25
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 CD Journal <Chaku-Uta of Arashi new single Labyrinth Love Song stats downloading on dwango jp. from 10/19>  mobile phone site dwango. jp and smart phone site, you can download Machi Uta and melody Call.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Morinaga twitter, the small chocolate biscuit that required by many. actually CM will from 10/20
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 mail, title: from Sho Sakurai. Well, it’s me, Sakurai, renamed to Kageyama. Problem-solving after the dinner from today 21:00 starting. so. so I took many photos to publish to short term serial that stars next week. 1 month half since shooting has started. I started shooting form beginning of shooting. so I don’t know any more which photo was when. (←the unforced errors.) so I track my memories to the utmost and bring you precise information, please support this (←a sense of anticipation is Zero) well, well, tonight 9pm!! if I could see you in front of TV, this could be most pleasure  m(__)m 10/18/2011 Sho Sakurai
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner  staff blog <how about beautiful flower?> it’s Watson again. have you watched Tokudane and Iitomo. there’s flower from Sakurai-san to Shina-san at Telephone Shocking. actually this was ordered Sakurai-san imaging Kazamatsuri detective white suits during his break. Shina-san pleased so much so see you after dinner tonight at 21. (um that’s why it’s different from usual Arashi flower name card)  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Seven net twitter, newly members of Arashi composite and lyric  エナジーソング~絶好調超!!!!~(energy song, extra top gear) included Beautiful World with face towel exclusive 7 net shopping,(7 net original version)  booking from 10/24. (according to Oricon album sales total until 10/10 no.1 AKB kokoni itakoto 806K no.2 Arashi Beautiful world.792K that’s why….)  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kan-san twitter, VS Arashi info. sorry keep you wait. this weeks on air    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter. from today, magazines with cover of price release one to another. today’s Pict up cover is Ohno-san, interview with Yashima-san, Ueshima, SHoi, Kawashima Hamada Nakamura director and Nishida-san of script writer. at official site news other magazines info http://bit.ly/pj4WIp 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Naive collaboration product with Kaibutsu-kun on sale and from 10/21 campaign to win of Naive and Kaibutsu-kun collaboration product start
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Labyrinth Love song PV was aired today at Mezanyu and Mezamashi. this was just like having board game in the world of puzzle, no dance.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san blog <let’s dance dance> (seems she is dancer role of Ah Wild field) Tobiso Nobe-san blog today as well, hoping progress even 1 mmm. hope not get depressed. I hustle to go to to rehearsal studio of Ah Wild Field. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog <rehearsal today too > it was hot but not warm like yesterday. today been to office at first. then later rehearsal of Ah Wild Field. as it already finished whole scene. so this is rehearsal of partial rehearsal. next scene if I have costume change, should I change or I stay as it is, I feel wonder. some scenes didn’t have no finding default, some could progress like that. after finished. rehearsal by each scene. still in this stage, new scene has created. there’re scene still having rehearsal, I left earlier. see you tomorrow. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nomaguchi-san twitter, seems Nep-league is finished. what was pity was, I could not scream Junichi Okada (however he know answer, didn’t have his turn to answer) Keiko Kitagawa blog <Nep-league> hello, I kept having life less than 3 hours sleeping time. I got fever over 38 degree. it was hard for me after long time. today I have announcement. tonight, Nep-League, Problem-solving team appears to game. please watch. Konatsu Tanaka-san blog tomorrow is airing of “Problem solving after the dinner”  Yasushi Nakamura-san blog  I appears to Problem-solving after the dinner. I’m junior of Kippei Shina-san “Satoru Yamashige” crime lab of Kunitachi police. I appears a bit. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cut Magazine blog <Cut completed with cover of Kaibutsu-kun> 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog Aiba-chan quote “hope to make a lot of memories with this jeans>”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the dinner staff blog <breakfast at FTV> sorry not to see you for long time. this is Smile. finally we mark this day. finally airing!! of course cast are standby since early morning for live airing. Mezamash-san, and Tokudane-san. and Iitomo-san, please support us. please check who appear to where. and this Friday Pekepon (Kitagawa-san and SHina-san) and Akan Police (Sakurai0san )  on 23 Sunday. I will back before airing. so See you soon!! staff blog <tonight 9pm, please do not forget.> Good morning. it’s Watson, finally airing tonight. have you watched Mezamashi with Sakurai-san And Kitagawa-san. they perform un expected skill. not only story  excellent sever by Sakurai-san and costume of each episode also take notice. they appears to Tokudane too. please look forward to it.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Stardust production agency of Kippei Shina-san and Keiko Kitagawa-san  news <Kippei Shina, pre-release and press conf of Problem-Solving after the dinner.> news <Keiko Kitagawa, pre-release and press conf of Problem-Solving after the dinner.>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Satori Ito-san (Gantz maniac meeting MC) blog 10/14 I did MC of Gantz maniaz meeeting with Sato producer, Kanata Hongo kun, Shinsuke Sato director, Yusuke Watanabe-san of script writer. (photos of Gantz cafe with all) 


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
05:25-8:00 Mezamashi TV, FTV Sho Sakurai Keiko Kitagawa
8:00-09:55 Tokudane, FTV Sho Sakurai Keiko Kitagawa
12:00-13:00 Waratte Itimo, FTV Kikkei Shina, guest of Telephone Shocking, Keiko Kitagawa
21:00-22:08 Problem-solving is after the dinner Sho Sakurai title: “Great detective appeared!… take off your shoes at scene of the killing!?”「名探偵登場!…殺人現場では、靴をお脱ぎください!?」 A men came to Hojo family that manage big company syndicate “Hojo Group. His name is Kageyama. Kageyama is successor butler after Karasawa who has served only daughter of Hojo family for long time. Meanwhile, Reiko was at incident site. She works as a detective at Kunitachi police with her identity concealed. counterpart Kyoichiro Kazamatsuri, Reiko’s boss is a attention seeker who ride fancy car to incident site. he doesn’t hide he is son of Kazamatsuri Motors different from Reiko. Actually he act the part as he is rick. Kazamatsuri doesn’t know Reiko’s real identity. victim of incident is part time employee called Hitomi Yoshimoto. it seems she was killed strangling at her apartment, Reiko feels something is wrong as she dead with boots in her room. Detective Kazamatsuri tries to go before Reiko, he finally get same question. Kazamatusri pop off his reasoning until criminal at one stroke, his reasoning is poor that even primary school student can reason. when Reiko says other view, he promptly takes it. he just connects to it just like it was him who thought. She didn’t like barefaced impudence Kazamatsuri. tentatively after investigation Reiko left Kazamatsuri, she kick a stone charging her irritation. but this stone hit a high rank limousine, the men who steps down from there asked answer rough price to Reiko who asks repair charge… but this men vows saying “Lady.” right, this is butler Kageyama. he came to pick Reiko up. Any excellent butler, for Reiko it was ordinary existence for Reiko… but. this suddenly happens at dinner. Reiko who talks summary of incident that happened during day. but Kageyama who heard this suddenly say so. “Excuse me, Lady. Lady, are you stupid?” ”大財閥『宝生グループ』を束ねる宝生家に、一人の男がやって来た。男の名は影山(櫻井翔)。影山は長年、宝生家の一人娘・麗子(北川景子)に仕えた唐沢(伊東四朗)の後任の執事となる。そのころ、麗子は事件現場にいた。麗子は身分を隠し、国立署の刑事として働いている。一方、麗子の上司、風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)は現場に高級車で乗りつける目立ちたがり屋。麗子と違い、自分が風祭モータースの御曹司であることを隠さない。むしろ金持ちであることをひけらかす。そんな風祭も当然、麗子の本当の素性は知らない。事件の被害者は吉本瞳(木南晴夏)という派遣社員。コーポの自室で首を絞められて殺害されたようだが、麗子は部屋の中でブーツを履いたまま亡くなっていた被害者に違和感を覚える。麗子に先んじるように、風祭は同じ疑問をとうとうと述べ始めた。容疑者像まで一気にまくしたてる風祭だが、その推理は小学生でも話せるような稚拙なもの。麗子が別の見解を述べるとすぐに乗っかり、あたかも自分が考えたことのようにつなぐ風祭。麗子は、そんな厚顔無恥な風祭がウザったくて仕方がない。とりあえず捜査を終えて、風祭と別れた麗子はいら立ちを石ころに込めてキック。その石が高級リムジンにあたってしまった。すると降りてきた男が、修理代を尋ねる麗子におよその値段を答える。しかし…男は「お嬢様」と麗子に頭を下げた。そう、男は執事の影山。麗子を迎えに来たのだ。どんなに優秀な執事も、令嬢である麗子にとっては当たり前の存在である…はずだった。 それは、突然ディナーのときにやってきた。 昼間に起きた事件のあらましを誰にとはなしに話す麗子。しかし、それを聞いた影山が突然、こう言ったのだ。 「失礼ですがお嬢様。お嬢様はアホでいらっしゃいますか?」と…。

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama,    Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “my legs are heavy.” hum my legs are heavy, well, this that. Err.. this is not really legs are heavy. this one, yep, I know. “this is common expression to express not feeling like doing, however you have to go. “ err, for example. I promise to go to have dinner with Radi-friend, but as it started o rain, my legs a bit heavy. this is kind of this right? yep. you are in no mood, yep. kind of what you feel indisposed. me, err… my legs are heavy about close thing every day. err… me, when I take back. that one, well, any way I take bath absolutely. it’s heavy, my legs are, really. that’s a bother. (grin) I wanted to like bath, me, 5 min. latest could be 8 min. thing gets longer a bit. as I come to do rinse. me, I used to do only shampoo. then, err Naive, err… there’s  very sweet smell rinse. peach one. that one it smells so good. My order is like this. I do shampoo, then rinse, I put on my head, then wash body. then this soaks to my hair, the rinse does. then in the end, the process to shower and the process to put rinse increase, so this takes a time a bit. then, so as it owes this takes time a bit more. such being the case. Err… Naive is sweet smell really, 

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING      
Arashi ni Shiiyagare

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
Morinaga, Mary Chocolate biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE      
Josei Jishin Arashi VS kids actor serious battle VS Arashi page 15
Pict up, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun speical

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
303096 2011-10-19 13:42:00 2011-10-19 04:42:25 Wed-19-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast:picoaltoさんの絵文字 choco-milkさんの絵文字 18℃/15℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Morinaga Mary chocolate biscuit CM now you can watch
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner Dinner before problem-solving updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Chika-san, Kan-san, Fuji Taro-san, Sato producer all cerebrate Arashi Kohaku MC>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Keiko Sumiyoshi-san (food coordinator) blog I’m in charge several serial drama on this season including Problem-solving after the dinner. Especially Problem-solving after the dinner each time I cook autentic Frech. I inctoduce ep.1 food. (photo of dishes)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 NHK 62th Kohaku song fest web site updated with MC.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <This year Kohaku MC is determinate as Mao Inoue Ohisama and Arashi for 2 consecutive years.> NHK announced MC of year end 62th NHK Kohaku song fest are actress Mao Inoue, popular group Arashi, and general MC is Ayumu Abe NHK announcer. Inoue who did heroine of morning serial drama Ohisama, first time to TV show MC this time. Inoue says “I try not to work against singers, and study and support Arashi.” he has nervous face. she says about Arashi “they are reliable” but “as Red team lose for 6 consecutive years. hope we win this year.” she show a rivalry. Jun Matsumoto “I didn’t expected to MC for 2 consecutive year. so this is honoured. we do MC in the year we got a lot of victim such as East Japan earthquake disaster, this could be hard. hope we make fun final day of year, cheerful fun Kohaku” Masaki Aiba “we did it last year too, I was so nervous but it was so fun. I can watch the performance of representative artist of year so closely, I got power though songs. I didn’t expected we can get offer this year too.” he was pleased consecutive hiring. Kazunari Ninomiya “we concern our selves in Kohaku 3 years. 2 years among these is MC, this is so honored. I hope warm up Kohaku song festival.” Sho Sakurai “Kohaku song festival, this is closure of year 2011. this was special year as we had many disasters. and I think still many can’t feel close the year. this year theme is ‘sing about tomorrow’ hope this could be Kohaku that leads to 2012” Satoshi Ohno “we did MC for the first time last year. we could make nice closure of year. hope we can make this this year. when last year white team won, I could hold flags, I felt sorry about it. but I hope I hold this again this year.” evokes laughter. this year “sing about tomorrow.” Kohaku cheering team are Terry Ito and AKV 48. airing time is 4 hours and half. 7:15pm-11:45pm so far red won 28 times white won 33 times Nikkan Sports <This year Kohaku MC are Mao Inooue and Arashi!> Daily Sports <Arashi 2 consecutive years Kohaku white team MC, red team is Mao Inoue> Sankei <Kohaku MC are red team, Mao Inoue, white team Arashi for 2 consecutive years> NHK <Kohaku MC are Mao Inoue-san and Arashi>Sho Sakurai-san, member of Arashi” this year I felt power of song. Arashi worked believing power of song. I hope we can bring this feeling as position of MC.” Jun matsumoto-san “this year a lot of people suffered. hope every sing day of next year could be fun day, hope make cheerful fun Kohaku.” Yomiuri <Kohaku MC determinate to Mao Inoue-san and Arashi> Arashi <Mao Inoue and Arashi as NHK Kohaku song fest MC> Mainichi < Kohaku song fest. this year MC are Mao Inoue-san and Arashi> Asahi <breaking news, MC of Kohaku this year are Mao Inoue and Arashi!>47 News <Kohaku MC are Mao Inoue-san and Arashi, NHK announced>     
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 11/3 Arashi-chan ohmiya with yuriko ishida
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobe-san today’s blog <cloudy sky> chilly cloudy sky, yesterday rehearsal, run through first part. as Matsumoto-kun was absent (for Shiyagare shooting) we didn’t do detail. however he is off to rehearsal, he must be busy for other work. daily hard rehearsal, and handle TV and media work, national star is so tough. Pretty Ohta-san yesterday  blog <14the day of full rehearsal> today too partial rehearsal then did full rehearsal. full rehearsal, from opening to past to middle then rehearsal was over. as I have told you . Kazuhiko Nakamura-san yesterday blog <completed first part?> today’s Ah Wild Field rehearsal was from beginning to middle of act 2. I finally get the process. yesterday there’re some who stayed to practice late but today all finished in same time. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sponichi <still could be increased!? Sho Sakurai & Keiko Kitagawa, first ep. was 18.1%> Sho Sakurai (29) Keiko Kitagawa (24) double starring Problem-Solving is after the dinner, first episode was 18.1%. previous drama of this time fame “absolute 0 degree.” was 15.4 for the first ep. and average was 13.1% so comparing this, this is made amazing sprint from the start. as degree of expectation is high, it has possibility to increase more. Oricon News <Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa starring Problem-Solving after the dinner, first ep.18.1%> this was positive start after North Pole by Takuya Kitamura (22.2%), “Mita, a maid” by Nanako Matsushima (19.5%) Mainichi Digital <Problem-Solving after the dinner: first ep. 18.1& made positive start. drama adaptation of book shop award novel.> 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <reimpression of Movie Kaibutsu-kun official guide book is determinate just after 6 days> Satoshi Ohno starring movie Kaibutsu-kun official guide book “movie Kaibutsu-kun official book complete box” sis positive sales, and reimpression is determinate after 6 days of release. first printing 80K is already sold 1/2 for booking and at shop this time reimpression if 10K copies. this is anomalous speed to sale. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 News NTV 24 <Gantz DVD BD 2 victories of 2 consecutives pieces> DVD and BD of Gantz Perfect Answer got no.1  of Oricon weekly DVD general ranting. BD general ranking. 2 victories of 2 consecutives pieces is fest ever for Japanese movie.Mainichi Digital <Gantz no.1 same time DVD and BD 2 victories of first and latter part> Oricon News <Gantz serial, 2 serial got 2 consecutive victories of DVD and BD>       
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <Arashi got crazy about kids!! Arashi is crazy about nanny more than game!?> Current issue of Orista feature VS Arashi on air 10/20. have you already checked? this time opposition is kids actor team lead by Fuku Suzuki-kun who is known “Maru Maru Mori mori”. 5 of Arashi as soon as they appeared, they makes with a big smile on their face from start to end. at break of game they talk to them with smile and give advice….. it seems they are too cure. Especially Aiba-kun as Momoka-san who did parent kid role at drama My Girl, he did piggyback ride and have mist on his eye watching her great success. they make a pet of them  just like real parent kid or brothers!!  there’re many precious moments you can glimpse their unexpected senior brother behaviour.please check Arashi crazy about kids .         
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV life blog <tomorrow 10/20 is Himitsu no Arashi –chan> tomorrow is Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special. if you say Arashi-cahn special. this is Mannequin 5 special. if you say Mannequin 5 special, right, exclusively on TV life Mannequin penalty game pin up.so who will be no.1 of mannequin five special? and which member will be last place who gets penishement? this time it goes crazy!!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu—kun staff blog <Kansha Kangeki Ame Arare (deep thank you) > Good evening. it’s Staff M. I have read comments. I’m relieved you have enjoyed Kaibutsu-kun special. I feel grateful for people who love Kaibutsu-kun. finally 11/26 movie Kaibutsu-kun releases.Cully Kingdom with full of rages, now selfish will be legend.” please look forward to this too. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ito Yokado movie Kaibutsu-kun releasing celabrating Curry Fair 10/11-10/31


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “when you wriggle and struggle, this is actually chance.” yes wriggling. well, when you struggle, actually this is actually chance that you grow up. this is word of Japanese comic writer Yoshihiro Koizumi-san” ho, hum, after all. are you recently wriggling? aren’t you? me, the other day on 13. I had pre-release of movie Kaibutsu-kun. when I did stage greeting. I appear riding on elephant. err… real one. you would think I wriggle. I didn’t wriggle at all. well, elephant is also cleaver. really well trained. er, strange move, at all. kind of star walking suddenly,I think as it was a wonderful elephant. well, it was quite amazing. when I flap the leg of elephant a tie. he take one foot on air.  then I ride from this foot in air. he makes steps. he makes a foothold. that is amazing. then I hold his ears. thin part of year. I get up holding these. I felt sorry. this was Randy-chan. it was fun. he was amazing. it was fun. as this came to wonderful pre-release. well as movie Kaibutsu-kun release in a month a bit. please come to watch it.    

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
cut cover: Taro Kaibutsu
Ah Wild Field script book
an an, Jun Matsumoto  
weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto  
weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Problem-solving Sho Time. show you all of Arashi CM   

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
303148 2011-10-20 08:20:00 2011-10-19 23:20:48 Thu-20-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 21℃/15℃/30%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Otonoha updated. title: started.  well, it’s me Kageyama Shooting every day is my “every day”. suddenly….. meat! at any price meat!! I have such feeling, so I go to Yakiniku restaurant. I detain my class mate of primary school, finished booking. this was an event on such a day.  this was evning  first episode airing of Problem Solving after the dinner. after work as Arashi. Ninomiya-san says “hurry up!!” Nazo di is starting!” when I look at watch. it was past 20. members get on the car one to another to make it on time.(for me, It seemed so to me. I’m not sure all didn’t have work after it. this is definition according glasses with color of Sakurai) I feel so happy but I had sense of perversion as actual people involved is heading to Yakiniku restaurant.) (me, I have already watched yesterday…) ( if I miss this timing. I won’t have chance to go dinner…) I head to restaurant excusing to me a lot. met meat after long time. when it’s time to go. that time my mobile phone rang.  when I look at it. it was mail from Aiba-san. >watched drama. you solved problem at one stroke, I didn’t understand at all! amazing, Kageyama-san. (゚□゚;) ack… (゚□゚;) seriously…. this was so shocking.  my pleasure that he watched and sent me a mail was bursted. *next day I checked with Aiba-san… this doesn’t mean he didn’t understand however he watched until end. he watched it marking down a criminal, but he didn’t find the criminal until the end. so please relieved. “Japanese is difficult”. all told first episode aired without trouble. please support it until Dec. …ah. this year to we do Kohaku song festival MC. after last year. I was surprised, in same time I was so honored. please support me until final day of 2011. m(_ _)M10/20/2011 Sho Sakurai (Kageyama)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Morinaga twitter, Chocolate biscuit Choice version starts on air end of Nov
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Konatsu Tanaka-san (nazo-di cast) this is Ejiri, female policeman. Shina-san aka kazamatsuri inspector that Ejiri is madly in love, he is really cool. not only Ejiri, Tanaka also in love. Oh, he is so nice
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ai-Sano-san today’s blog (wild field cast) <meal session> this is meal session held by Matsumoto-san.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun yesterday staff blog <slily Kaiko-chan> Good evening. it’s staff K. review the shooting of special drama a bit. Kaiko-chan during shooting. she draws something. Kaiko-chan who enjoy scrabbling was so slily. in the movie there’s no scene with Kaiko-chan. but I think she’s day “please absolutely watch the movie Taro-chan does great performance.” so please support movie Kaibutsu-kun. today’s staff blog <what?> Hello it’s staff A. when I walk in the street, familiar faces. Oh seems Movie Kaibutsu-kun is starting in various way. (this is 7 eleven. you can see banner at each 7-eleven)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner staff blog<how about homicide wine?> How are you doing, Lady? it’s Smile. I feel relieved as ep.1 was aired without trouble. hurrah audience rate more than expectation. this owe to your personal communication. thank you. but we keep run out from here. and ep.2 and ep/3 story and character gather speed! yesterday ep.2 has completed as it has tempo and also mature atmosphere. I think this came to interesting piece. ep.1 was close to original novel. after ep.2 original trick and problem-solving are increasing. no.1 is guessing criminal is main part. so you too as. who is criminal. or is it suicide. please guess making noise. people who has already read original book, please dare. so Good nights (in Kazamatsui style, actually Kazamatsui English is all in plural form
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nintendo Nino in Mario CM now you can watch
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san yesterday blog Ah Wild Field rehearsal continued. Ai Sano-san today’s blog I go to rehearsal today as well.Yuki Tsukikawa-san yesterday blog <10 days to Ah Wild field> 10 more days. I’m looking forward to it. I don’t know how is rehearsal. but I’m quite sure catering is so rich. Tomizo Nobe-san today’s blog today’s rehearsal plan to starts from beginning. Kazuhiko Nakajima blog < act 2 to act 3> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field is from middle of Act 2 to middle of act 3. there’re people who act various character according to scenes. I wonder how come he come such ideal.  but he instruct to some actors to be same characters. today rehearsal has been over early. it seems was shortest rehearsal so far. ( as Jun-kun had press conf?)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hitachi appliance Air-conditioner, TV CM coming soon. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nintendo Supeuur Mario 3DS new CM with Nino in Mario starts on air.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nikkan Sports <Sakurai of Arashi starring drama highest audience rate among Fuji TV this year.> Problem-solving after the dinner recorded 18.1% in Kanto area. this was highest audience rate of 1st episode Fuji TV drama of this this year. Sho Sakurai commented “I’m so pleased that many people watched helping smash hit book power. please support later as well.” Asahi <breaking news, Sakurai of Arashi starring drama highest audience rate of this year among Fuji TV drama>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hochi <Arashi and Mao Inoue as Kohaku MC! fresh combination of average age 27.8 years old> 62th NHK Kohaku song festival MC was announced on 19. white team is Arashi for 2 consecutive years and red team is Mao Inoue (24) for the first time. Arashi had favourable notice last year Kohaku MC, entirely satisfactory appointed. Inoue was appointed as she acted heroine of morning serial drama. gorgeous members lined up on the stage. average age is 27.8 years old fresh combination, they are face of 2011 Kohaku. Arashi who does big role for 2 consecutive years. they get used to atmosphere of press conference with a bunch of  press gathered. Jun Matsumoto (28) “I think there are many suffered by earthquake and typhoon disaster. hope make Kohaku that next year would be fun. I want to cheerful fun Kohaku believing our skill.” Sho Sakurai (29) “hope make Kohaku that will be connect to 2012.” MC selection was started around summer, at the head Arashi name was appointed. Harada chief producer explain “last year Kohaku MC was splendid, had favorable notice.” they makes a strong effort to restoration support. they are selected in a unanimous. 2 group have experience to co-star at drama and variety shows they are intimate mate. Masaki Aiba (28) who stumbled many time at rehearsal. “if you stumble at rehearsal, you will be reported by media.” he evokes laughter. Mainichi <NHK Kohaku song fest, MC are Mao Inoue and Arashi> year end 62th NHK Kohaku song gest MC is determinate to red team as mao Inoue-san (24) and white team as popular group Arashi for 2 consecutive years. Daily sports <NHK Kohaku MC determinate to Mao Inoue and Arashi> Arashi who does big role “hope make fun final day of this year.” they declare cheer Japan who aim from disaster of East Japan Earthquake and Nuke accident and other. Arashi colse Japan year of 2011 that was depressively down by huge damage by unpredicted Earthquake and Typhoon with their inbred gaiety. big role after previous year.Jun Matsumoto (28) “I didn’t expected to do 2 consecutive year. I’m hornored. this is hard to do MC in the year many had suffered, hope we make fun final day of year very us.” after earthquake disaster member participate charity event, and visited damaged area personally. Sho Sakurai says he felt many occasion to feel power of song that was past theme of Kohaku “we have worked as Arashi believing power of song. hope to support and bring power of song of participant artist” Kazunari Ninomiya “honestly I was surprised, I was stunned.” last year press conf. he was asked this year plan. “I think to do enjoying. as this was year many thing happened. hope this cheerfully and connect to tomorrow.” this year theme is “sing about tomorrow” Arashi certainly participate as singer for 3 consecutive years. 5 work as a bridge to 2011 filled with hope by their song, dance performance and good MC. Mainichi <Kohaku song gest “aim high score with Mao x Arashi!” MC announced> Mao Inoue first time MC “I’m worried. I think I follow the example of Arashi who did MC last year as well.” this year theme is “song about tomorrow” Inoue and Arashi is fits to this theme, combination that can aim for high audience rate. Mao Inoue starring serial drama average audience rate was 18.8% that was 0.2% more than Nao Matsushima last year red team MC starring “Wife of Gegege”. last year Kohaku MC with Arashi was 41.7% and rised 0.9% than 2009. they did East Earthquake restoration aid “Arashi exciting school” was held. and Inoue and Matsumoto starring drama “Hana yori Dando” part 2 aired 2007 recorded average rate 21.6%. as she didn’t has experience, she hardly accepted the offer. finally this month she accepted. Producer says “Arashi MC of last year was favorable note, they are powerful and present. I felt positive power when 2 group lined up.” Chuspo <Ohisama Mao, wont to win against Arashi, Kohaku MC announced>  Sho Sakurai (29) “God’s medical note stage was Nagano, I have been to there many times, when I get off the station poster of “Ohisama” was there. personally I want to cheer as team ‘Matsumoto city’” he tag team with her on his own.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Yukie Nakama and Satoshi Ohno co-staring first time CM in total synch> actress Yukie Nakama and Satoshi Ohno of popular group Arashi are appointed to image character of “small chocolate biscuit” appeared to CM. in the CM Nakama as frank type maid, Ohno as particular type of master they perform light ad-lib.  CM has 2 versions of “Choco biscuit Mary” version and “choco biscuit Choice”. in Mary version aspect that Ohno name it “Cho-biscuit” is cute. and in the Choice version. Ohno requests “eat this after saying ‘I eat this’” and Nakama accepts it with resignation. 2 perform acting in total synch. according to numbers of take, their ad-lib was honed and exquisite dialogue is developed. Nakama automatically laughed by furious acting by Ohno. she scream “Cut!” the shooting progressed in the peaceful atmosphere. this “Cho-bicuit Mary” version and “Cho-biscuit Choice version on air from 20” 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie.com <Aiba navigator “Japanese Island” illustration of competition is held> documentary movie “Japanese islands, story of animals” that Masaki Aiba of Arahsi does the navigator implements “animal illustration competition”. this competition seeks illustration of bear, monkey, earless sea, hog that are the basis of story. whether method of production, seeks think-outside-the-box illustration. application period is 10/14-11/30 award reward is parent kid pair return ticket for Yaku Island. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 7 net shopping twitter, 10/24 12:00 special site “Arashi net de shopping where you can find a copy of Arashi” will be opened. if you buy a product. you can get 7 net exclusive “Arashi A5 clear folder”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Anri Ban-san Blog Thank you for watching Problem-solving after the dinner ep.1. I was role of Kutsuko Shirai. was it scary. (actually she was in Pikanchi Shun’s girl friend)   

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
14:00-15:24 Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special navi. TBS Mannequin 5 special 4th round, Arashi date cloth battle. before airing, on air past battler at one stoke.今夜9時は「マネキンファイブ特別編 第4弾」嵐5人の勝負デート服対決!秋の2時間スペシャル▽放送に先がけ今までの戦いを一挙放送!
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against kid’s actor, Mitsu Mangrove to Arashi team, Maeda Madea, Fuku Suzuki, Nozomi Hohashi, Yuki Yagi“子役チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにミッツ・マングローブほかまえだまえだ 鈴木福大橋のぞみ 八木優希 Fuku-kun participate for the first time. talented kids actor team vs Arashi!! Arashi touching Maru Mori dance, Nozomi Ohashi climbs cliff! Mitssu attacks kids actors!? Fight against kids actors team with Shinji Uchiyama, Maeda Maeda, Nozomi Ohashi, Yuki Yagi, Momoka Ishii, Fuku Suzuki. helper is Mittsu Mangrove. at Pin Ball Runnder Mittsu challenge with heals. he appeals to his favorite Sho Sakurai “I do my best as mature woman.”福くんが初参戦天才子役チームVS嵐!!嵐感激マルモリダンス大橋のぞみが崖登り!!ミッツが子役を襲撃!?ゲストの内山信二、まえだまえだ、大橋のぞみ、八木優希、石井萌々果、鈴木福の「子役チーム」と対戦。助っ人はミッツ・マングローブ。「ピンボールランナー」では、ランナーのミッツがヒールで挑戦。お気に入りの櫻井翔に対し「大人の女として頑張ります!」とアピールする。
21:00-23:00Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special TBS Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn 2 hours special on air 10/20 on TBS. Mannequin Five special is brought, this time 5 coordinate at huge shopping mall in Yokohama theme of “autumn wining date cloth” for 3 hours and display these not show the name these at TBS Akasaka, MBS in Osaka for 8 days. female visitor vote “which cloth you want your boyfriend to wear.” Total voting number was 261,113. Kazunari Ninomiya who got no.1 to steal other member’s item “my goal is no.1, first ever consecutive victory. I don’t used other’s help, I do it by myself. I pick the one that is close to my private cloth, but I realized original one is hard.” seemed he struggled. Sho Sakurai who got last place previously. “I had plan to win so far. but I didn’t show my self. this time theme is ‘back to defence’ I’m happy if I can get no.1 with this.” Jun Matsumoto “I fight with cloth that has Italian buoyance.” Masaki Aiba “I take sense of season in plenty. I aim no.1 in earnest.” Satoshi Ohno “theme is ‘authenticity’ the recipe is secret but mature atmosphere.” 嵐のメンバーがファッションセンスを競う「マネキンファイブ」の特別編をおくる。今回は「秋の勝負デート服」をテーマに、5人が横浜の巨大ショッピングモールで3時間かけて洋服などをコーディネート。それらを誰のものか分からないよう東京・赤坂のTBS、大阪のMBSに8日間展示し、どの服を恋人に着てほしいかを女性来場者が投票する。インターネットなどによる応募も含め、投票総数は26万1131票に上った。前回、他のメンバーが購入したアイテムを盗み見して1位を獲得した二宮和也は「狙うは1位、初の連覇です。しかも皆さんの力を借りずにオンリーワンでいきます。普段着に近い感じでちゃんと選んだのですが、オリジナルは大変だなと思いました」と苦労した様子。一方、前回最下位に沈んだ桜井翔は「これまでは勝つために策を練ってきましたが、自分を出していませんでした。今回のテーマは“守りに戻る”。これで1位を取れたら幸せです」とリベンジを期す。 他のメンバーも「イタリアの陽気さが出た感じの服で、いざ勝負です」(松本潤)、「季節感をふんだんに取り入れました。今回は本気で1位を狙っています」(相葉雅紀)、「テーマは“確実”。その秘策は内緒ですが、大人の雰囲気です」(大野智)と、それぞれに特色を出して上位を狙う。

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote “you can do today all you can do someday” ho, this is good word. this means when you do this, if you don’t do it now. “this is word of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, French philosophe.” right. this long. well, anyway this is good word. well, some how recently. I heard you receive amazing letter. this is, err. “have you get driver’s licence?” well, certainly, in my early days. “I take drivers licence when I turn 30.” kind of that. I have memory I told so, oh, yes. as I said so, oh yes. well, I won’t get. actually this impossible. however I can get licence, I don’t think I drive. this absolutely dangerous. because me, I often ride manager’s car, I think often “how come he turn here.” often I think “how come he can park here.” me, because. what it was, car in front of us stopped, at waiting at stoplights, there’s a car in front of us. I’m in the back, of manager’s car. I don’t know how far I should make distance between cars. so I think “this would hit”. Radio control, driving of it. I’m so bad. I had big accident to head to tussock. well, I’m thinking of obtaining ship licence. but however I get ship licence I don’t have a boat. I think it’s better to get on the ship with captain who knows fishing point. so I don’t get it. 

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “yakiimo no Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya
Cubisum, cover: Satoshi Ohno
Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
Josei Seven, Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
303604 2011-10-21 08:54:00 2011-10-20 23:54:34 Fri-21-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 21℃/16℃/40%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog<full rehearsal 16th days> today we started boxing part rehearsal, then started full rehearsal. later, we had dinner meeting with casts held by Jun Matsumoto-san. as it’s good team, I’m looking forward to finishing of Ah Wild Filed. tomorrow is off day after long time.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mao Inoue yesterdeay staff blog <62th Kohaku song fest> maybe many might be surprised by annoucenment of yesterday. until just before press conf Mao-san was so nervous.but at dressing room she was talked by Arashi. then it seems she feels relived.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Naive campaign Naive x Kaibutsu-kun bath set until 1/10
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kazuhiko Nakajima-san (Wild Field cast) yesterday blog <dinner meeting> rehearsal of Ah Wild Field from middle of beginning to middle of act 3. it seems my change make up and change costume could be no problem, there’re parts not determinate ye. this could be fine to open the curtain. after rehearsal, there’s dinner meeting. as there’re numbers of people. I didn’t talk all of people

ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 location Japan <11/15 issue cover is that prince> Location Japan on sale next 15. Yellow cloth, red blue cap, big ears, and extended legs and arms, spoiled prince Kaibutsu-kun acted by Satoshi Ohno-san of Arashi.different from cute look of Kaibutsu-kun, Ohno-san in chic and cool jacket talked a lot about on site shooting in India and band with mates with mimic of face and gesture. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV life blog <result of Mannequin 5> champion is Sho Sakurai aka Mamoru Sakurai (defence Sakurai) congratulations revenger from last place. and last place is Jun matsumoto-kun. marked reverse 3 victory for 4 competitions. and TV life on sale 10/26 penalty pin up, backed emperor, Jun Matsumoto-kun appears. our staffs automatically nearly talked to him”welcome back.” interview of reverse 3 victories, I will post Friday night. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Himitsu no Arashi-chan opening title back. wrapping trailer from 10/21 to 11/3 in 5 cities, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Recomen How was 10th anniversay from Yakiniku restaurant? we got so heteroclite excited in the room. Kuro P same and STBY make dopey, Aiba-kun laughed. it was noisy talk meeting only men. I didn’t expected leading role goes to toilet at ending. after shooting we kept eating there. Aiba-kun seemed pleased “we could make legendary episode after ‘for Elise’” this week is “10 anniversary live telephone festival”   

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
18:00-18:45 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert posssstponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!
19:00- Pekepon, FTV Keiko Kitagawa and Kippei Shina

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Q: Dragon ball, I have read until vol.4. until which vol. I should read. which one is Ohno-kun recommendation? hum, vol.4? where it is. vol.4 is Kame hermits at martial arts world competition. Oh, I should not say a lot. this one, he he he. well, so. err. it’ getting more and more fun. err. from the scene that Vegeta appears, a bit, quite vivid. then, me, the one I loved most. after all, Freeza, there’s a planet called Namekku, Freeza appears there. this is so great. really. and, and there  Ginew special rangers appear. this is full of humor, yes. and in the middle, in more earlier time…. well it should be fine by now, yep. the one called Saibaiman, well, could be fine, (grin) err.. enjoy it . Q: perilla kelp match with cream stew. perilla kelp ? and also from Ichina-san. toasted soybean flour matches to stew. toasted soybean flour? hold on. does perilla kelp match with stew? so, this could be feeling like soy sauce? heh! who came up with this. maybe heard from some one? at first eat stew, there’s no people think “ well this is for perilla kelp”. and toasted soybean flour? If you put toasted soybean flour, this come to dry? You put only toasted soybean flour right, you don’t put rice cake, usually. toasted soybean flour rice cake.  this is toasted soybean flour rice cake stew, this is. err. but whey don’t we try this. recently we don’t have this kind of food section, right? early time when I introduce, strawberry came out, didn’t? some how. recently. no food, no product things…as we don’t have any thing. let’s do. let’s do experiment! which integrant you put in the food could be delicous. as this is 10th anniversary. well, actually most of these I can eat. he he he he        . . 

24:00-24:30 Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba Bunka Hoso 

Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
M Girl Masaki Aiba in Kimono
Orista, serial secret of Arashi

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
303664 2011-10-22 10:18:00 2011-10-22 01:18:32 Sat-22-Oct-2011

Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995

Today's Tokyo forecast: t-watagumoさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 23℃/16℃/70%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <thank you for visit> first day of Kaibutsu-kun trailer 1st day @ Sapporo. however it started rain, many came, thank you. tomorrow we are plan to open at 10am. we are waiting for you at Sapporo factory.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner staff blog <Shut up!> Good evening. it’s Smile. how have you been. than you for your precious opinions and feedback. to share in same the time people in all over Japan and we become bridge to connect people and people. this is our ideal. I have several line that I wish this could be popular at school or other such as evil tongue of kageyama, “fired, fired, fired!” by Reiko “yes, yes, yes” by Kazamatsuri. but I didn’t expected “Shut up” got such reaction. this is exactly acting power (acting and staging) and also thank you many pointing as well, we are inadequate in may parts, but we will do our best refereeing your voices. please say evil tongue like Kageyama. so well see you around in evening.   Sleep tight!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cobs online <theme male version: which idol group you want to add as a new member? ranking> ask 20’s men. no.1 Arashi 38.2% “as same generation and popular, I want to have concert tour together! (28 yrs old/electricity/ technical profession) “as members are chummy, I want to have various experience going to on-site shooting” (27 yrs old/ mechanical/ sales person) “as they are same generation, and they seems welcome me cheerfully. ) (28 yrs old/ other / desk work specialist) “as they are viragoes, I want to appear drama” (26 yrs old/ food & beverage/ sales and service) “as they du multiple activities and they are chummy.” (25 yrs old/ government public organization/technical) 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cyzo <Sho Sakurai starring drama makes positive start! but “he can be seen as only servant or lower position”!?> Sho Sakurai and Keiko Kitagawa double starring drama “Problem-solving after the donner” episode 1 recorded 18.1%. this drama got Book Shop Award 1.6 million copies best selling book is original. Sakurai and Kitagawa is firs time co-staring. expectation to original novel and casts lead to high audience rate. Sakurai comments about this positive start. “I’m so pleased many people watched drama Problem-solving after the dinner having help of smash hit original novel.” one of TV watcher says “unfortunately audience rate could be dropped a lot next episode.” “I expected acting of 2 leading role. but staging and script book were too bad. problem-solving part was too rough. inference is progressed such as “women in white high heal shoes could must have much pride”.  the finish like American comic is by halves too. what was topical before airing was only devil tongue of Sakurai in butler, person who expected serious mystery without knowing original comic could drop out soon. as this is simple story that you can follow without constant watching, this could be better suited for watching doing something else. after next episode only fans who look forward in Sakurai in butler and Kitagawa’s Lady fashion would watch this.” actually on internet. “I expected this was mystery.” “I switch channel after 15 min.” “lack of talent as this is Sakruai, he can be seen as only servant or lower position” many mourning opinions this was bringdown.I’m curious ep.2 audience rate. what is result? (staging and script book is too bad, I think.)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter at 12:30 Arashi trailer is running around Tokyo Ikebukuro, Kaibutsu-kun trailer is currently exhibit at Sapporo factory. we have started to exhibit earlier than 30 min. seems heat by all blow rain cloud.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie Kaibutsu-kun blog opened. blog <hope this weather keeps> as plan, event will be held at Sapporo Factory, from 13:00 exhibition of trailer starts, from 15:00 Kai kai exercise lecture starts
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kirein Taanrei Green Label new wallpaper downloadable.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista article <the man you want him to cook.> no.3 Jun-kun no.9 O-chan
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <Prince Ohno appeared riding elephant>current issue of Orista features Ohno-kun of Arashi starring movie Kaibutsu-kun. we report fully interaction with elephant and casts. we introduce episode that was not published in the pages. curious Ohno-kun stared elephant in the end after the shooting. at real part, prince Ohno-kun riding elephant, he enjoyed riding elephant for while, comic theater with Yashima-san aka Dracula and Ueshima-san aka Wolfman. Ohno-kun who held back laugher, he was overtaken with laughter with fun talk of 2. Yashima-san promptly points him out. he bounce back, 3 take other casts, matsuoka-san in Demokin costume appeared flying the bird. Prince and others who wait for Demokin on the stage. the made cool pose such as “Yeah” of Dacho Club one. Matsuoka-san laughed by unpredicted answer. later also Ohno-kun burst his foolish, peaceful atmosphere from start to end.  blog <Ninomiya-kun of Arashi train acting in red jersey. > current issue of Orista feature report of Arashi ni SHiyagare. this time guest its Koki Mitani-san. Arashi challenge acting training in earnest. Arashi learns “magic formula to produce wonderful drama.” members hit the wall one to another by sever teaching by Mitani!Ninomiya gets downhearted by businesslike progress by Mitani! “we don’t have time to think…” 5 who must have rich experience of acting are hopeless by detailed settings that change one to another. at training of acting to be surprised. Aiba-kun perform over reaction “Oh! Wow!!” but he gets depressed by chill atmosphere of Mitani-san!? 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 seems new version of Mario Nino aired today.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mitokanaito Fuji Nazo di artificial cloud movie.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Toho movie media updated. kaibutsu-kun, 10/22 Popolo interview with Satoshi Ohno, 10/23 Soda, cover and interview with Satoshi Ohno, 10/24 TV guide interview with Satoshi Ohno, 10/26 TV life Interview with Satoshi Ohno, masahiro Matsuoka, Izumi Inamori, 10/28 Como, interview with Satoshi Ohno.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV life blog <glistening Jun> Himitsu no Arashi-chan Special aired 10/20 Mannequin Five autumn special version! Autumn wining date cloth coordination battler in Yokohama that got 261,131 voting. audience rate was 18.4% it was great successful. this is really amazing project. as at show it have announcement, last place coordination, Jun Matsumoto-san’ wrapping trailer seems to run in 3 major cities. and this times too for the fun who can’t watch this, TV life introduce last place coordination pin –up of Matsumoto-san. this has meaning of part of penalty game for the show. as I have feeling that however this is last place, styling that member coordinated in all seriousness, all must want to watch, not only fans. this is project was born by members’ strength of seriousness. 4th Mannequin five special version that Arashi members challenged coordination in earnest. no.1 is Sho-kun, no.2 is Nino, no.3 is Aiba-kun no.4 is Ohno-kun and last place is Matsujun who made comeback 3rd time to reverse 3rd victory. I could not be at site as the show requested. I introduce episode that I heard from editor and writer. the shooting that we participate without knowing anything. this was shooting whose is one the cloth. when last place was determinate to Matsujun. I scream in my mind receive cell phone mail from staff, “Matsujun is back to penalty pin up!” I was thinking Emperor Matsujun facial expression who will be published pages of penalty game pin up page 3rd time without knowing his coordination. I raise expectations. blog <glistening Jun 2> Matsujun who made last place for 3 times. I thought he would make a virtue of necessity, but Matsujun who appeared shooting site was serious Matsujun as usual. right there’s Matsujun who is depressed just like wreck. before shooting the director of the show try to ask him feedback again. Matsjun thinks “err…” he is left speechless. Sho-kun who noticed such Matsujun. “please leave him as he is depressed more then you imagine.” Matsujun show small small to Sho-kun. Then penalty game shooting by hyper TV life photographer started. Matsujun made smile and posing more then usual for the show and fans. according writer the aspect that he switched his mind was so professional. shooting in hyper for 20 min. Matsujun who released from than finally could answer interview. this is 3rd loser interview. after shooting. he voluntarily took the seat for interview saying “I made it.”however it was last place, but he felt grateful for the number of voting that can fill Budokan. and he answer interview keeping up cheerful as writer can report easily. he understand really this project. I have draft edit of penalty game, his smile is really awesome face, I title is “matsujun who challenged valiantly glistening” for short “Gira-Jun” this on sale 10/26
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Web the Television <good news if you missed to watch, Sho Sakurai and Yuko Ohshima come to your mobile phone> mobile phone streaming service Fuji TV on demand, distribute. Fuji TV drama that started from October.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Live door <Fuji Serial drama however high audience rate but bad critic on internet> Fuji TV Monday and Tuesday 9 drama made positive start. “Problem Solving after the dinner” critic is bad than Monday 9. as this is drama adaptation of Book Shop Awarded popular book. many expect interaction of Sakurai and Kitagawa, but… “however I watch expecting it, it was extremely not interesting.” “if it’s that meanness I won’t watch from next episode. “this is too bad as miscasting.” “I think the figure could be juggled.”  there’re many acrid opinions very few positive opinion. (um, right, I thought this could be be more interesting according to novel)    

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
06:00-08:30 Mezamashi Saturday, FYV Sho Sakurai and Keik Kitagawa 
08:45-09:30 Shonen club premium BS premier,works feature Arashi 4th concert at Kokuristu. concert postponed due to typhoon. in the rain cloud, at Arashi appearance, it started to rain. once Believe started, audiences groove gets maz at one stroke. at the show, from new album “Niji no Kakera” “Rock this” “always” “mada minu Sekai he” we feature very Arashi spectacular staging and dynamic dance. and touching double encore 5x10 in the heavy rain is also brought. please look forward to it.WORKSでは、今年で4回目となった嵐の国立競技場でのライブをお送りします。 台風の影響で順延になる中で9月4日に行われたコンサート。雨雲が行き交う中、嵐の登場と共に雨が降り始めましたが、♪「Believe」が始まると共に会場のテンションは一気にマックスに!番組では、ニューアルバムの中から♪「虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~」、♪「Rock this」、♪「always」、♪「まだ見ぬ世界へ」など、嵐ならではの華やかな演出とダイナミックなダンスをたっぷりとお届けします。更に、大雨の中で歌われた感動のダブルアンコール曲「5×10」もじっくりとお届けしますので、どうぞお楽しみに! 
14:00- Saturday Studio Park, NHK Kohaku press conf.
19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 激カワ子役・鈴木福くんが動物ニュースキャスターに就任!超かわいい動物たちのニュースを届ける新コーナーを!さらにDAIGOと一緒におっきな動物たちとふれあえる…
22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This time Aniki guest is movie director, script writer Koki Mitani. theme is “magic formula to create nice drama” Arashi learn technique and knowledge from Mitani who handled smash hit movies. and in the end challenge impromptu stage produced by Mitani! at opening as souvenier, “Fuji Soba’s croquette noodle” appears and all eats. at rumor section “it seems he wears suits 24 hours” “ it seems he never had dinner with people.” rumor regarding Mitani’s private life.▽ “get power of expression” once the set spins “rehearsal set that written “Mitani Actors studio” appear. Arashi changes to jersey. practice to express Mitani’s speciality “express to other person with an oblique”. how to express feeling “I want to leave soon”at office during overtime, etc. appointed member act various situation. can they express sophisticated stunned expression? ▽”get stunned.” unexpected expression such as to get surprised, to get mad and to laugh is needed high sense. so they challenge situation such as “hit to pillar”, “open jack-in-a-box” etc. chan they express sophisticated stunned? ▽”create a stage with Mitani ” one set spins. night city set appears. the setting Mitani thought, winter evening, on the way back home from 2nd party of reunion. 5 act interaction of alumnus. roles: uniter business man is Matsumoto. downhill actor is Ohno, hardheaded IT president is Sakurai, married self-owned business is Aiba, part timer on an unemployment line is Ninomiya (yay! Seiji!) each in costume improvisation theater’s curtain opens. 今回のアニキゲストは、映画監督・脚本家の三谷幸喜。テーマは「ステキなドラマ作りの極意学びやがれ」!嵐は、数々のヒット作を手がけてきた三谷から、そのテクニックや知識を学び、最後には三谷作の即興舞台に挑む!オープニングではお土産として、三谷おすすめの「富士そばのコロッケそば」が登場、全員で試食をする。噂話のコーナーでは、「24時間スーツを着ているらしい」「人とご飯を食べたことがないらしい」など、三谷のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽表現力をつけやがれセットが回転すると、「三谷アクターズスタジオ」と書かれた稽古場セットが登場。嵐はジャージに着替え、三谷脚本のこだわりである「遠まわしに相手に伝える」表現の稽古を行う。残業中のオフィスで「そろそろ帰りたい」気持ちをどう伝えたらいいか、など、様々なシチュエーションを指名されたメンバーが実演。果たして、上手く表現することができるのか。▽ビックリしやがれ

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Ray, Jun Matsumoto 
LIPS, Jun Matsumoto 7pages
Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno and Matsujun.
Popolo Sho Sakurai & Keikok Kitagawa, Ikemen butler evil tongue cross talk, Satoshi Ohno short holiday is after all awesome
Soda cover: Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai Problem Solving after the dinner, Arashi variety shows site report.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
303938 2011-10-23 09:32:00 2011-10-23 00:32:19 Sun-23-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 t-watagumoさんの絵文字 25℃/21℃/50%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 O-chan appears to Problem-solving variety Tore on 11/21
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web report of press conf of Kohaku updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Mika Ninagawa-san twitter, Masaki Aiba-kun’s M girl god’s triangle. it seems quite nice favourable rating. I get nervous this shooting,as all look at thoughtfully. so I’m seeking the situation that you want to see him next time. feel free to tweet me. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Amazon game twitter Super Mario Land 3DS sold out with in a minute.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter, replay to “it seems Arashi chan wrapping trailer runs in Sapporo. I wonder if you do collaboration.” we actually can’t move from Sapporo factory, So we are waiting for it./ as weather is bad in Sapporo, today’s Kai Kai exercise lecture cancelled. Kaibutsu-kun special blog <what?> Hello, it’s staff A. when I go to book show. what? this seems started here as well (photo of Kaibutsu-kun complete book) Kaibutsu-kun movie blog <Kai Kai exercise lecture from 15 o’clock is cancelled> due to rain today’s Kai Kai exercise that planed from 15 is cancelled, exhibition of trailer until 16:00
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 rumour Jun-kun acts movie adaptation of comic ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイアモンドは砕けない (bizarre adventure of Jojo, diamond never crash) as Jojo with Tegoshi-kun
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yuki Tsukikawa-san yesterday blog <Keisuke> Recently Keisuke (Koide) is seen only Barikan. I nearly cried at last scene. amazing Keisuke. Souko Takigawa –san yesterday blog the Theater guide I bought, actually cover is “Ah Wild Field” I forget I participate such amazing play, as I was into daily issues. ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun special blog <Today is! and tomorrow too> good evening. it’s staff K. today Kaibutsu-kun trailer goes to Sapporo, it was not good weather, but it seemed a lot people came, I’m so pleased. thank you!!! hope to see a lot of people tomorrow as well not only we, human staffs but devil also monster wish so. “all, come along to see Kaibutsu-kun trailer” “come to see it, zamasu!” Kazuhiko Nakamura-san yesterday blog <Original book arrived> the book of Ah Wild Field that I bought on the internet was arrived. it seems 4 books are published.  also script version issued on 10/19. the rain since yesterday came to ease off, go to rehearsal studio. however I walked a bit, I get sweaty. BTW, boxing is sports? or martial arts? actually for the person to act, I feel difficulties that is different from action.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 ATP (All Japan TV Production Assosication)  award grand prize excellent award drama section to Permanent part timer

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
18:10 Music Japan, NHK Kohaku press conf. Arashi
19:00-20:54 Laughing Big Japan too bad police special, FTV Sho Sakurai アカン飯に櫻井翔・KARA・鈴木福登場! 
23:00-23:30 Circle of 21 (repeat) ETV Masaki Aiba
23:30-23:55 Music Lovers, NTV 5th anniversary Arashi’s men only concert and others

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
304307 2011-10-24 09:01:00 2011-10-24 00:01:40 Mon-24-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 21℃/18℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 pockey new Cm aired. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Ninomiya of Arashi accomplished Tokyo Drama Award 2 victories. but was nonplused over the question of MC Koji Ishizaka.> Kazunari Ninomiya attended ceremony of Tokyo Drama Award that was held on 24 in Tokyo. his starring drama “Permanent part timer buys a house” got grind prize. Ninomiya who got leading role prize “I feel grateful getting amazing prize.” he expressed humbly his pleasure. but MC Koji Kitagawa-san “Arashi is in a class of their own among numerous groups of Johnny’s?” he suddenly asked. “No, no, I can’t say such thing from my mouth.” he was nonplused over the question.” Walker Plus <Beauties such as Kyoka Suzuki, Yukie Nakama, Hikari Mitsushima gathered to ceremony of Tokyo Drama Award> Mainichi Digital <Mana Ashita got youngest Tokyo Drama Award female reading role prize>Kazunari Ninomiya-san of Arashi and other also attended. Ninomiya-san humble himself “director and staffs thought all togeher, I just joint to it” but he express his plesure making small punch the air. The Television <Kazunari Ninomiya, Mana Ashida, Kyoka Suzuki, Hikari Mitsushima and other got prize of Tokyo Drama Award!>Ninomiya who act leading role of Fuji TV drama “Permanent part timer buys a house” greet “thank you” to MC Koji Ishizaka. ishizakai applauds “All of Arashi are good at acting.” Aspect of Ninomiya that feels pressed and timid “no, we are not.” evoke laughter at the venue
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 VS Arashi on air 11/3  drama Hunter team.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字   Tokyo Sports <Yuke Nakame appears to Kaibutsu-kun offering by Satoshi Ohno! role of fox girl. > Yukie Nakama seems to appear to Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibutsu-kun new year special drama that is plant to air new year. “what Nakama acts is fox girl. seems she is pretty get excited. and at special version romance with Kaibutsu-kun is depicted as well.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 7 new shopping original Beautiful World detail updated original towel is same design as concert one. book one by one piece. jacket cover is same as general version. Love rainbow, dear snow, lotus, to be free, Hatenai Sora is not included. with towel one is sold out. this afternoon.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Best Artist 2011 MC Sho-kun and Bird.    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Nintendo 3DS Mario Land new CM with Nino updated. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog <18th day of full rehearsal> today we did trough from opening to the end. it was Okay. but it might have adjustment and correction. personally my part was decreased, I’m a bit sad. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san blog today’s rehearsal, I have extra small mistakes, but I think I can handle to change of costume, make up and props. monthly Theater Guide features interview with Ninagawa-san, Matsumoto-san and Koide-san.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Koki Mitani-san twitter I have watched airing of Arashi ni Shiaygare a bit. it was first time I rehersal objextively, I wonder how impatient producer I am. I feel amazed Arashi could follow me.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog Norito Yashima-san quote “real Ohno-san is geek, zamasu.”  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Arashi appears Music Loves ion 11/7


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Sho Sakurai explains TPP at front page ▽櫻井翔イチメンでTPPを解説

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote ”People mind is just like a parachute. you can’t use it unless it opens.” Ho, this is good word. hum, you can’t go ahead if it’s opened. “this is word of John Osborne, English script writer. he compare human’s mind as parachute. you should not keep open or keep close the parachute.” right. I wonder what kind of person who can easily open the mind. any way, here, me, err once.  I open my mind once, yep. here we do. err… Kurihara-san (Morning step DJ) Kuri-chan. Happy Birthday (clap hands) Happy Birthday! well, I know it. I thought it’s coming. it was today. your BD. 10/24 so, how old you are? 20? Err… you are not fresh. well have already long friendship with Kuri-chan. but we have not been for a drink even once. Yokoham’s bar… he never take me there. I have told this already about 8 years. yes. I see him sometime. at Kokuritsu concert too. err… when I go to greet to related people, you suddenly came out from toilet, right? you thought “ack! I see you for instant often. maybe next year, how about in Yokohama, err cool bar. Isn't it time to open your mind!! well, anyway Kurihara-san Happy Birthday.

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 CD
12:00-Beautiful World with Energy Song, exclusively at 7 net shopping.

Award Ceremony
16:30- Tokyo Drama Award Kazunari Ninomiya at Academy Hills, Roppongi

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
Monthly TV guide, cover: Sho Sakurai
Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
TV Navi, this month A la shot: Sho Sakurai, Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn special
TV fan, cover: Sho Sakurai interview and shooting report, private shot of butler in apron.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
304567 2011-10-25 11:17:00 2011-10-25 02:17:56 Tue-25-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 26℃/18℃/20%

 UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner staff blog <tonight episode 2 on air> sorry not update for long time it’s Watson. already episode 2 on air tonight. and problem-solving power is upgraded, and it’s become curious piece. please look forward to it. style of deduction of Kameyama-san is even more cool. and special guest of episode 2 is Yumiko Shaku. I can’t tell the detail but this is special cast. don’t miss it. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Monthly the television twitter, this month Arashi serial “Monthly Arashi” Ninomiya-san and AIba-san challenge cooking Spicy Chinese Tofu!! as they cooked unique Kofu, please check /   after enjoying cooking tofu. Ninomiya-san who are ready to go home talks in smile “Aiba-san, congratulations Best Jeanist!” and left studio. this was so impressive. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Model press <Jun Matsumoto’s curious wish to to get marry.> at interview of Magazine lay. he talks about mater man. Jun Matsumoto analyse himself “I don’t realize I grew up.” about his wish to get marry. “when I find a women I wish to marry, if I have good timing. I would marry.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web this week’s quote. finally it has started Nazo-di let’s watch this all Ninomiya, serial “before the dinner” vol.1 well,, it’s me. Kageyama, today episode 2. the core if wine story. it’s really difficult to remember name of wine. I realized how sommelier are amazing. well, photo of today. living room set where I did problem-solving at episode 1. Have you noticed stained glass above the fire place? and together with big “H” there’s family symbol of Hosho Family. and this family symbol and the butterfly design items are hidden to the set too. this could be fun to search. so see you tonight at 21:00 10/25/2011 Sho Sakurai    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hankai-san (Jiiya in Kaibutsu-kun, boss of Seiji at his first office he worked) blog <clear day, on-site shooting> however as weather was not good, schedule was hardly fixed. finally good for on-site shooting. Arashi is continured (Nazo-di script book photo)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 7 net shopping Kaibutsu-kun special site
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-cast news <stampede to Arashi internet exclusive album booking, 7 net apologize as site was down. > Beautiful World of Arashi internet exclusive version album, booking came to flood, this came to furor. as it was hard to connect to server, and many fan could not buy, so sales site apologized. include members lyric and composited tune. 7 net version has original song “Energy song, awesome extra!!!” is included. and and face towel comes with as bonus.  10/24 booking was started. from start access to the net was flood. however 1 copy for each one. in the end of afternoon it came to sold out. at twitter of 7 net announced “ currently site is so buy, please access the site later.” and as this will be sipped from 11/15-11/28 however it was not delivered yet. already this is bid at Yahoo auction. however the price is 2,800. the price rose 10,000 yen. and on 25/ 7net apologizes “this time sorry for busy connection on our site.” however booking sales was over. “we are currently preparing to re-sale.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun JET releases, today O-chan at Haneda airport, Kaibusu-kun twitter: currently make preliminary examination, this huge. monthly airline magazine twitter, Kaibutsu-kun JET release.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web and J-net movie updated. Labyrinth love song is 2nd and final single of this year. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san today’s blog <final day of rehearsal at rehearsal studio> rehearsal time  was past like flash, just like a flash. finally we are going to be at theater. Gitaro-san blog rehearsal is over. wow!! finally rehearsal, that I don’t have compulsive idea at all, is this Ninagawa magic? but actually it’s starting. rehearsal for a month. period to stage is a month too. what will be happening?Yuki Taukikawa-san blog <5days to premier of Ah Wild Field> 5 days to premier of Ah Wild Field!!! think this soon. I think I can get rid of it however this is hard. this is soon. I will do my best. Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog <full rehearsal 19 days> today too from opening to end, run though. it was okay. but at stage, we’d have correction and adjustment. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog <rehearsal is progressing> visitors (related people) today’s rehearsal seems more than usual. I have some acquaintances but mostly are unknown people. so I could do just like real performance. small mistake of yesterday was okay today but I nearly mistook costume. 4 days to the play. well, this could okay. as catering if so rich, have to loss weight a bit.     
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Daily Sports <Kazunari Ninomiya smile to accomplishment of 3 victories> Kazunari Ninomiya (28) of Arashi attended to ceremony of Tokyo Drama Award 2011 that was held in Tokyo. 3 victories of male leading role prize his starring Fuji TV drama “Permanent part timer buys a house.” grand prize of serial drama, produce prize are accomplished. “I’m so grateful to get such great prize. I have spent fulfilled time with this piece” 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Goo ranking <young actor that suit lovable play boy> no.1 Masaki Aiba, no.7 Kazunari Ninomiya, no 8 Satoshi Ohno. no.10 Jun Matsumoto, no.13 Sho Sakurai. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Toho Movie <stage greeting of movie Kaibutsu-kun> MC: have you watched movie? what is your impression? O: I watched. I was surprised by big scale and picture is so beautiful. (venue burst laughter)  Yashima-san: real Ohno-san is geek. (venue burst laughter)  MC: Kaibutsu-kun special on air on 10/15 how is it? O: this is story between serial drama and movie as I was in virtual world, various happenings happen. latter part is this is about friendship with his companies… if you watch this you can enjoy movie even more. better to watch it. and you should watch this. message on Ohno-san in the end: this time 3D and arm extended a lot. and legs extended a lot. this plan to comes to 3D. the story theme is selfish. Kaibutsu-kun is basically selfish, but there’s various way of selfish, deep story. the movie from kids to adults can enjoy. if you watch this. still have time to release, so promote this more and more!!    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Talent power ranking ( attractive degree x recognition degree) no.2 Arashi. (previously May 2011 no.1)  Digest no. 16 Sho Sakurai no.16 (previously no.5)  Sho Sakurai no.23 Masaki Aiba (previously no.37) no.26 (previously no.15) Kazunari Ninomiya, no.30 Jun Matsumoto (previously no.27) no.31 Satoshi Ohno. Nikkei Entertainment features this ranking. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ura-TV guide Inside story of cover shooting. movie God’s medical note⇒ evil tongue butler of Problem solving after the dinner (TV guide plus) ⇒ this time, we shot Sakurai-san 3 times these month. we could have chance to hear from him. what I notice through these 3 chances. Sakurai-san is always calm and serious. actually delicately, this is very sparse level, he show different facial expression at each time. when he act struggling doctor, he showed fragile facial expression and talk just like he has problems, he made me heartburn. at evil tongue butler, I felt exited his “how do I look” just like Sadish. and this time he makes his eyes glittering just like a boy who found a new excitement. I get twinge  with his face that talks about his mates. he really like Arashi,. at interview I didn’t noticed as this was before annoument. but this could be Kohaku song fest MC. please enjoy Sakurai-san’s facial expression and pin-up and interview that express his mind finely.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Monthly TV Guide twitter, actually according to”Arashi 365 days every day memorial day book” weekly TV guide Arashi’s serial started (’01)” this is first step of long life serial. let’s check what kind of Arashi memorial day your day is!  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Duet twitter Arashi in Duet Nov. issue. extract from National stadium concert report Q: what was most impressive during concert. A: as pen light of goods was colorful. audiences pen lights are very beautiful. (by Ohno) Q: give me any special espied about Kokuritsu concert set or costume! A: however it rained, it was good we could do staging very Kokuritsu such as balloon and firework. and rain too (grin) it was just like staging ( By Matsumoto) / report ceremony of Tokyo Drama Award. Kazunari Ninomiya his starring serial drama “Permanent part timer buys a house”. Nino-san received trophy playing theme song Hatenai Sora. this will be introduced issue of Dec. He was told that “all of Arashi are good to acting.” by Koji Ishizaka-san, MC “  “Th,thank you.” Nino-san was so timid. Ishizaka-san “previously, I did acting with Ohno-san (Mao) with Ohno-san…. I like Kaibutsu-kun too.”  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 7 net Shopping Beautiful World. “we are now preparing to sale again.” 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tokyo Drama Award prize list updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog seeks question fo Aiba-chan for serial Secret of Arashi due date is 10/25 at 23:00.  


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV Sho Sakurai Good mood Rriko comes to dinning room where Kageyama prepare. good-humoredness of Reiko is because she got up before alarm. then Kageyama tells her blackout happened during night, and plugged in type alarm was stopped. She realized she didn’t get up early, she got up late. Reiko who heads to police station in hurry by limousine of Kageyama receive a call from Kazamatsuri inspector. he was ordered to head directly to Wakabaysashi veterinary hospital. at site, hospital director Tatsuo was dead, wine bottle and glass near by dead body. poison was detected from the glass, but didn’t detected from bottle. Kazamarsuri assumes this was suicide of Tatsuo. that night, Reiko started to talk detail of incident to Kageyama. when Tasuo died, 4 of family was at house. brother of Tatsuo, Teruo, oldest son, Keiichi and his wife Harue, younger son, Shuji. family meeting about marriage of Tasuo and his maid Masami Fujidai was talked about. Tstuo was opposed by family goes to his favorite bar and he shows tear in front of owner. and Reiko tells Kageyama about testimony of a boy who lives in the house opposite who says he saw a fire ball in the Tasuo room. the first person to find Fujidai’s story. After all, Reiko and Kazamatsuri inspector consider the cause of death as suicide. Kageyama murmurs this is big problem. and he says this is homicide. “Excuse me, are lady’s eyes blind? “ what it truth of Tatsuo that Kageyama solves. 影山(櫻井翔)が控えるダイニングに、ご機嫌な麗子(北川景子)がやって来る。麗子の機嫌の良さは、目覚まし時計が鳴る前に起きたこと。すると影山は真夜中に停電が起き、その間コンセントに差し込むタイプの目覚まし時計が止まっていたことを麗子に教える。その話から麗子は早起きをしたのではなく、寝坊したことがわかる。影山のリムジンで慌てて警察署に向かう麗子の携帯電話に風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)から連絡。若林動物病院への直行を命じられる。現場では病院長の辰夫(大和田伸也)が死んでいた。死体のそばには、ワインボトルとグラス。グラスからは毒物が検出されたが、ボトルからは発見されなかったため、風祭は辰夫の自殺と推測する。その夜、麗子は影山に事件の詳細を話し始める。辰夫が死んだ時、家には4人の家族がいた。辰夫の弟、輝夫(飯田基祐)、長男の圭一(ムロツヨシ)、春絵(阿南敦子)夫婦、次男の修二(姜暢雄)。辰夫と家政婦の藤代雅美(春木みさよ)の再婚について家族会議が開かれた。家族から反対された辰夫は行きつけのスナックへ行き、ママ(釈由美子)の前で涙を見せたという。さらに、麗子は若林家向かいの家に住む少年から辰夫の部屋に火の玉を見たという証言や、死体の第一発見者、藤代の話も影山に伝える。ともあれ、麗子と風祭警部は辰夫の死因を自殺とした。影山は、それは大問題だとポツリ。そして殺人事件だと言い放つ。

skmtmsykさんの絵文字  RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote ”the reason is only one, I do as I want to do, I have another reason.” this is cool “this is word of  American psychologist, Wayne Dyer. this is not about doing as I have to do, as I do as I want to do.” right, this is right. I do as I want to do. I think this is fine. as you have this life only once.  why there’s atmosphere you should not to do what you want to do.  I can't be helped. I do my self. I put SPF 50, every 1 hour, I put that one properly. but I can’t be helped. yep. but if I’d be told “it’s better you should not go.” but I want to do, as long-awaited holiday, as I worked hard. I want to do this for my relaxation. if this was sealed. I wander who I am, I think so. me, yep. so I want to to say a word. this can’t be helped. as you have your life only once, right? you should do what you want to do. as you don’t know when and what would happening, right? he he he . so, kind of . so I think so. you should do want you want to do. this, yep. so me, that. I have only one reason. I do as I want to do, I have another reason.  (Oh! O-chan finally got holiday for fishing!)

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
Hey!Hey! Hey! concert part
VS Arashi

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Josei Seven, press conf of Kohaku page 5,

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
Dwango, Labyrinth Love Song

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Josei Seven, press conf of Kohaku page 5,

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
304829 2011-10-26 11:00:00 2011-10-26 02:00:18 Wed-26-Oct-2011

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 19℃/14℃/10%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem solving after the dinner ep.3 preview video and dinner of ep. 2  and guest of ep.3 updated
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog <Arashi chokes up with funny strategy of Ohno!?, all practice Ohno’s strategy to win game.> current issue of Orista feature VS Arashi report on air 10/27. this time opposition is Japan female volleyball team. Arashi who has lost against sports players, they have a lot of drive more, the more oppositions are strong, they challenge game. but there’s member that his enthusiasm goes different way. at Kicking Sniper, Ohno-kun and Sakurai-kun and Shitara-san of Banana Man challenge big trick that Tunnels invented. They are so serious about doing it in band language. Ninomiya-kun and Matsumoto-kun who saw it. “Don’t absolutely do it.””don’t do it!!” they strongly oppose. then Sakurai and Ohno-kun We can’t be helping to do so!!” they ignore tremendous opposition. check on air the curious result. and also the scene that Ohno-kun instruct strategy to opposition too. Ohno-kun who made good score gives instruction but. the tip is “think nothing.” he murmured. and all members of Arashi drop their jaw. then he murmured again “don’t think anything.” at first all boo, in the middle of the games this day this was just like test word, once something happens “don’t think anything!!” all say each other. please check this VS Arashi report.            
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 I just got received a mail from FC. there's shooting for Arashi special show on 11/3. what this on 12th anniversary day????
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV pia twitter, cover is 5 of Arashi and front page pin up. today on sale. cute posture of cover, have you seen it? our request “ please be close and tight, and lean!” they understand promptly, an all of Arashi show chemistry smile. Matsumoto-san who was right end called “here we go.” 5 lean the body in same time. and took several shot. then “get back” and back to previous posture. as they lean left side, I felt heart warming about 4 who care naturally about Aiba-kun in left end that got pressure of weight.      
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Chika-san twitter this week we are planning to air “Kienu Omoi” (never fade feeling)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web “Labyrinth Love song” special site opened. topics of PV shooting report updated.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 VSArashi with Nazo-di team on air 11/10    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Recomen Arashi remix last week was live phone call festival. as we called without having appointment. many could not take the call. so 10th anniversary project is over. from this week open as usual. and the tune that has never aired on air. new tune might air!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Goo ranking<character you can’t leave alone ranking> no. 1 Masaki Aiba.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter. [participation to Kai Kai exercise change to numbered ticket] this weekend Kai Kai exercise  lecture at Kaibutsu-kun trailer exhibition in Miyagi, numbered ticket will be distributed 2 hours before the starts in order to consideration of improved congestion / according to distribution of numbered ticket we give you trial book to. please check Kai Kai exercise start time in each area at official site.      kaibutsukun-movie.com
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 According to TV magazine Arashi appears to Music Station on 11/11
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ah Wild Field poster at Shibuya station. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Takeshi Sawa-san blog < play Ah Wild Field entered to the theater> finally premier is closing. at net auction ticket and even flyer becomes amazing. ticket of related people is sold out just like making a legend. this staffs and casts who create all and acted. but Ninagawa-san keep challenging however he turns 76. he was clear staring vision and he has audiences eye line… he is not self-complacency staging director. I respects him always. however hurdle is higher than usual and sever. all follow him! rehearsal until premier could be just like to faint. but it would be fun. I’m looking forward to audiences smile and tears. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san blog <rehearsal is off> today was rehearsal was off. I go to office.I come to appear next Ninagawa-san’s play .
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yumiko Shaku-san yesterday blog <Problem Solving after the dinner> tonight on FTV drama called Problem-solving after the dinner, I appears as owner of outlying bar. (actually what was most surprised yesterday episode was change of Shaku-san.)  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kan-san (VS producer) twitter at 24:28 VS Arashi shooting both 2 rounds got excited too much. these would be full of highlight. however it was fun but I’m exhausted. at 24:28  PS group of 5 were cheerful and chummy as usual. Fuji Taro-san (VS producer) tat 23:36 today’s shooting was fun.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem Solving after the dinner Story of ep.3 updated. yesterday staff blog <Tue 9 alibi is perfect.> Good evening. it’s Smile. it’s getting cold, how hove you been. how was ep.2. we are waiting for your opinion, feedback, outspoken teaching!! and stage of ep.3 is high class hotel. this time international conspiracy is triggered….wh, what? actually  tonight airing we watched by whole team Nazo Di. actually actor section challenge something. hint is this photo (yesterday was VS shooting) I see you around evening. Sleep well.         

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote ” 後の祭り” (direct meaning after the festival) hum, after the festival?? “this means when you notice, time is delayed, it’s too late. “ hum, this is something not so goo. well, point is; summer vacation homework, if you do it  at first… I can’t do it in the end. ahh…. this is after the festival. this is kind of, I actually could go to real festival, right?  this is good.  now, yep. well, but, recently, what would be in my case? well what I do is painting for my private life. I paint it. really, a little by little, yep. err… quite, well, I have to cover with in this year. this is really, hard. yes. as I think to paint from back side.  sot this is quite hard. I finish cover within this year. next year, January, have 2 month. next month… well, March 2 month a bit. well, next year, I have 2 month and something. (um… because of work? and concert tour?)  well, I think I can make it he he he. I think I can make it. me, I think I can make it, yes. so, I feel pressed a bit. well, when I paint I’m not pressed, yep. well, I think I want to paint this picture thoroughly and carefully.  hope this won’t be “after the festival.” if this come to so, I won’t have eyebrows any more. please support me. 

rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
Himitsu no Arashi-chan

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno x Masahiro Matsuoka x Izumi Inamori, Himitsu no Arashi -chan Mannequin Five, pin up of wining date cloth Jun Matsumoto
TV Pia, serial Sho Sakurai Secret time of butler Sho Sakurai
TV station, serial catch the Arashi
Monthly Komachi, cover & interview: Satoshi Ohno
weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto    
weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Problem-solving Sho Time. Himitsu no Arashi-chan Mannequin five Arashi wining date cloth and pin up.

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

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305114 2011-10-26 12:08:00 2011-10-26 03:08:41 Upcoming from 27 Oct

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV

10/27 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against representative female World cup Japan volley ball team! Banana man to Arashi team 竹下佳江,荒木絵里香ら“バレーボール全日本女子チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにはバナナマンが参戦ほか
10/27 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
10/28 26:35- 27:05 Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.5
10/29 14:00-15:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
10/29 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 今夜も超かわいい赤ちゃん動物がたっくさん登場!女優・榮倉奈々ちゃんが、今、会いたい赤ちゃん動物ベスト3とご対面!なんと一番会いたかったのはあの猛獣の赤ちゃん!!
10/29 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Katsuhisa Namase fives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. nostalgic B class gourmet. Arashi host Katsuhisa Ikuse as Aniki guest. as he used to live in Kyoto, gives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. as Namase wants them know B class gourmet of Kyoto, introduce Omelette rice that he used to ate when he was student. and rickshaw set appears, Arashi experience virtually tourism spot and Mr. Conncoisseur spot of Kyoto” and Jun matsumoto and other challenge Salon play with Geisya of Gion.生瀬勝久が教える明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ▽懐かしのB級グルメ アニキゲストに生瀬勝久を迎える。昔、京都に住んでいたことがあるという彼は「明日から”通”を気取れる裏・京都の極意」を嵐に伝授する。生瀬は京都のB級グルメを知ってほしいと、学生時代に食べていた喫茶店のオムライスを紹介。また、人力車のセットが登場し、嵐は観光客がよく行くスポットと通好みのスポットをバーチャル体験する。他に、松本潤らは祇園の芸者とのお座敷遊びに挑戦。 this time guest is Katsuhisa Namase, an actor. theme is “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur that you can use from tomorrow.” set guest is Peace. rumor section: “seems he has 7 vacuum cleaners.” “it seems as he has too many hobbies, he’s at the edge of his capabilities.” ▽”eat nostalgic B class gourmet” introduce B class gourmet that is different from traditional Japanese meal brought in courses. Omelette rice of Mon Ami that Namase used to eat when he was a student. all try to eat it. ▽ “travel autumn two sides of Kyoto” once set turns, rickshaw set appears. Arashi divides person who pull a rickshaw and ride it. and experience virtual wandering recommended spots that screened in the monitor. this time 2 patterns of high road typical spots and and Mr. Connoisseur loves are introduced.▽”do Salon Play in Gion” once the set turns, a Salon set appears. Namase and Arashi challenge Salon play classic “Konpira fune fune” with Jeisya of Gion. and penalty game if they lose. 今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・生瀬勝久。テーマは「明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ」!学生時代から7年間京都に住んでいたという生瀬が、京都通しか知らない「裏京都」の極意を伝授する。セットゲストはピース。噂話のコーナーでは、「掃除機が家に7台あるらしい」「趣味が多すぎてもう限界らしい」など、生瀬のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽懐かしのB級グルメ食いやがれ京懐石などとは違う京都のB級グルメを紹介。生瀬が学生時代に食べていた懐かしの喫茶店モナミのオムライスがスタジオに登場、みんなで試食を行う。▽秋の裏表京都旅しやがれセットが回転すると人力車セットが登場。嵐は人力車を引く人と乗る人に分かれ、モニターに映る京都のオススメスポットをバーチャルぶらり体験する。今回は、王道コースの定番スポットと、通好みの裏スポットの2パターンを紹介!▽祇園でお座敷遊びしやがれセットが回転すると、祇園のお座敷セットが登場。生瀬と嵐は、祇園の舞妓さん&地方さんと一緒に、お座敷遊びの王道「金比羅船々」に挑戦する。負けたら罰ゲームの洗礼も
10/30 17:00-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest
10/31 5:50-08:00 Zip! NTV unveil Kaibutsu-kun JET, Masu announcer infiltrates,Matsujun starring play ▽怪物くんJETお披露目に桝アナ潜入▽松本潤主演舞台▽ 
10/31 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai population of world finally exceed 7 billion. what will be changed Sho Sakurai explain at front page.世界人口ついに70億人を突破へ 何が変わる?櫻井翔イチメン解説▽
11/1 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV sp. 3 Sho Sakurai title: Becareful with two-timing 「二股にはお気をつけください!!」Kageyama drives Reiko Hosho’s limousine heading to incident site on Sunday morning. Reiko is a bit bad mood as it was Sunday. this day what Reiko and Kazamatsuri inspector are assigned to homocide ot active member of the Diet, Shinichi Nozaki. Nozaki was dead being knocked his temporal part in the hotel where Nozaku usually stayed. The dead body was only in shorts. Hazamatsuri huffs over as this is related to big conspiracy of Nagata-cho (where government buildings are). as usual, Reiko finished voluntary questioning with Kazamatsuri watching by Kageyama. when she back to her mansion, she talks about voluntary questioning to Kageyama as usual. what became clear, Nozaki made calls to only women before he was filled. and and she got precious information from Hotel page and his body guard. after Nozaki’s estimated time of death, hotel page saw the person of 180cm came out from his room. and Body guard saw a person about 160cm entered to the room before estimated time of death. Reiko try to relay on Kageyama who heard the epitome to solve the problem. Kageyama put on the cold attitude just like guessing it. Reiko get angry. Reiko defies Kageyama,” this time amateur reasoning is far my head. then… “Excuse me Lady, could you retire for some little time?” feigned politeness Kageyama language bursts. as expected Reiko got even more angry, he calm down her, what is truth of solving incident by Kageyama? 影山(櫻井翔)は、日曜日の朝から事件現場に向かう宝生麗子(北川景子)のリムジンを運転。せっかくの日曜日なのにと麗子は少しおかんむり。この日、麗子が例によって上司の風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)と担当したのは現役国会議員、野崎伸一(水橋研二)の殺害事件。野崎は定宿としているホテルの部屋で側頭部を殴られ死んでいた。死体はなぜか、麗子も赤面のパンツ一丁。風祭は永田町の巨大な陰謀が絡んでいると息巻く。例によって、風祭とともに一通りの事情聴取を影山に見守られながら終えた麗子。屋敷に戻ると例によって、影山に聴取の詳細を話す。そこで判明したのが野崎は殺される直前、女性ばかりに電話をかけていたこと。そして、ホテルのボーイとボディーガードからも貴重な情報を得ていた。野崎の死亡推定時刻後、ボーイは部屋から出てくる身長180センチほどの人物を目撃。ボディーガードは、死亡推定時刻前に部屋へと入る身長160センチぐらいの人物を見ていた。あらましを聞いた影山に、いつものように解決を頼ろうとしてしまう麗子。それを見透かしたかのように、影山はつれない態度をとる。怒った麗子は、今回は素人推理では歯が立たないと影山を挑発。すると…。「失礼ながらお嬢様。やはりしばらくの間引っ込んでおいてもらえますか?」。慇懃無礼な影山節が炸裂。案の定、さらなる怒りに火がつく麗子をなだめすがめつ、影山が紐解く事件の真相とは?
11/3 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV RyokoYonekura, Shuhei Tanihara, Mirei Kiritani, Koutaro Koizumi drama Hunter team, Yonekkura shows specialty splits. 米倉涼子,谷原章介,桐谷美玲,小泉孝太郎ら“HUNTER”チーム▽米倉が得意の開脚を披露ほかRyoko Yonekura appears and she is at her best. repeating good play, Arashi is in pinch. must watch, shaking waist dance of Ryohei Tanihara, Mirei Kiritani scream, Sayaka Yamaguchi plays outstandingly. Matsjun complains to Kayiin’s mission. 米倉涼子初登場で絶好調!好プレー連発で嵐大ピンチ!必見・谷原章介の腰フリダンス!桐谷美玲が大絶叫&山口紗弥加が大活躍!!キャイ~ン(秘)作戦に松潤ダメ出し at Dual Curling individual game, Yonekura perform her favorite splits legs as warm up, Jun Matsumoto provokes “ I don’t need such warm up”  ゲストは米倉涼子、谷原章介、桐谷美玲、堀内敬子、小泉孝太郎、山口紗弥加のドラマ「HUNTER―」チーム。助っ人はキャイ〜ン。「デュアルカーリング」の個人戦では、準備運動として得意の開脚を披露した米倉に対し、松本潤が「私にはそんな運動は必要ありません」と挑発する。    
11/3 22:0022-56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Yukari Ishida to VIP Limousine. Mitsuru Matsuoka and Rocchi appears to “this is normal you can make it is you are an adult” Ohmiya▽“VIPリムジン”に石田ゆり子が登場▽“オトナはできて当然SHOW”に松岡充&ロッチが登場!ほか at VIP Limousine, Satoshi Ohno and Kazunari Ninomiya host Yuriko Ishida by retro cafe date. they visit to Tsukiji, and visit cafe in business for 50 years and other, 「VIPリムジン」では、大野智と二宮和也が石田ゆり子をレトロな純喫茶デートでおもてなしする。東京・築地を訪れた一行は、築地で一番最初にできた創業50年の喫茶店を訪問。ほか、「オトナはできて当然SHOW」に松岡充、ロッチが登場。大人なら知らないと恥ずかしいことに挑戦する。it was 3 Nov that Arashi made CD debut with A.ra.shi 1999. Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air such memorial day. at opening talk, Satoshi Ohno and Kazunari Ninomiya look back Arashi at the time of debut and talk their ambition. guest of VIP Limousine is Yuriko Ishida. it was first time to meet. so they tell impression of each other. from Ninomiya “you don’t unveil your private life.” Ishida who was told so “as I was not sough so I don’t tell.” then “I don’t think these 2 of Arashi are interested in me.” venturous statement. then Ishida shows her own hidden rule. then Ohno unexpectedly has many common points. and they are having a nice chat including Ninomiya. what is her surprising rule!? as they get along little by little. 3 visited Tsukiji to seek fro retro cafe that Ishida likes a lot. they wander in Tsukiji fish market, they head to retro cafe 50 years business Maco, and 30 years business popular cafe Mac more. what kind of topic would come out at retro cafe that Ishida loves. and “this is normal that you can do if you are an adult show” Mitsuru Matsuoka, Rocchi, Ohno and Ninomiya challenge the quiz that you can make it if you are an adult.1999年に嵐が「A・RA・SHI」でCDデビューを果たしたのが11月3日。そんな記念日に放送される『ひみつの嵐ちゃん!』(TBS系)は、オープニングトークで大野智と二宮和也がデビュー当時の嵐を振り返り、今後の抱負を語る。 「VIPリムジン」のゲストは女優・石田ゆり子。今回がはじめましてだという石田と嵐は、まずはお互いの印象を伝え合うことに。二宮から「プライベートを披露されないですよね?」と言われた石田は「求められないので言わない、っていうのはありますよね」と言った後、「普通に考えて嵐のこの二人が私に興味があるとは思えない」と大胆発言。続いて石田は、独自の禁断マル秘ルールを披露。すると大野と意外な共通点が多々見つかり、二宮を含めトークが弾んでいく。その驚きの独自ルールとは一体!? 徐々に仲良くなったところで3人は、石田が大好きだと言う"レトロな喫茶店"を求め築地へとやってきた。築地市場内をブラ歩きすると、創業50年、築地で最初にできたレトロな喫茶店「マコ」や内装がザ・純喫茶となった創業30年の人気喫茶店「マックモア」へと向う。石田が大好きなレトロ喫茶でどんな話が飛び出すのか!? また、「オトナはできて当然SHOW」では、松岡充、ロッチが大野、二宮と共に、オトナならできて当然の問題に挑戦する。
11/5 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 山田花子が大変身!▽街角ふれあいMAP▽路線バスの旅は京都の動物園へ
11/5 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV this time guest is Hikaru Ijyuin, Mitsuru Yaku, Nakata of Oriental Radio, aka “Strongest Three Musketeers of Quiz” theme is "learn magic formula to be invincible king of quiz"  3 who play outstandingly at various quiz shows give instruction of strategy of various quiz. set guest is Audrey.▽”master ○× quiz.” at first Ijyuin Aniki, polymathy king of quiz gives instruction of  basic of quiz “○× quiz”. Once the set spins. “traverse America Ultra Quiz” set appears! Arashi challenge quiz learning points such as “take stock quiz statement” “imagine after right answer.” ▽”master rhythm quiz” grind king of quiz, Nakata Anki teaches rhythm quiz. one the set spins, the set of “Magical brain power” appears. 3 Anki guests and Arashi challenge Magical Banana. ▽ “encounter 5 vs 5” in the end, lean speed association quiz from Yaku Aniki. association quiz  for 1 minutes is held with Three Musketeers team with 3of Aniki and Audrey VS Arashi team. guess right answer from the tips by one captain of each team. loser team has certainly penalty game! can Arashi win against Three Musketeers team ? 今回のアニキゲストは、伊集院光、やくみつる、オリエンタルラジオ中田。名付けて「クイズ界の最強三銃士」!!テーマは「無敵のクイズ王になるための極意学びやがれ」!数々のクイズ番組で活躍する3人が、様々な種類のクイズの攻略法を伝授する。セットゲストはオードリー。▽○×クイズ極めやがれまずはクイズの基本「○×クイズ」の攻略ポイントをクイズ界の博学王・伊集院アニキが伝授する。セットが回転すると、「アメリカ横断ウルトラクイズ」のセットが登場! 嵐は「問題文を吟味する」「正解後を想像する」などのポイントを学びながら、○×クイズに挑戦する。▽リズムクイズ極めやがれクイズ界のガリ勉王・中田アニキが教えるリズムクイズ。セットが回転すると、「マジカル頭脳パワー」のセットが登場。アニキゲスト3人と嵐は、それぞれリズムに乗りながら連想を続ける「マジカルバナナ」に挑戦する。▽5対5で対決しやがれ
最後は、やくアニキからスピード連想クイズを学ぶ。アニキ3人にオードリーが加わった「三銃士チーム」VS.「嵐チーム」で1分間の連想クイズの対決を行う。チームごとに1人のキャプテンが出すヒントから連想し正解を当てる。負けたチームにはもちろん罰ゲームが! 果たして嵐は最強のクイズ三銃士チームに勝てるのか?   
11/6 16:30-17:00 Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.6 “my fovorite Isobe primary school” end of September, art and craft time, 6th grade students got theme of “to paint favorite place in the school” each child has place full of memory… a kid pick hall where all students gather in order not to forget died friend and mate who left school. student who fled for refuge from Minami-Soma due to Nuke plant “ picked the place she met class mates for the first time”. there’s kid who paint piano full of paper, he picked wishing to keep touching with kids who left school after earthquake. in the earthquake disaster, kids drew about their feel about their school. 9月下旬、図工の時間、6年生たちには「学校のなかで一番好きな場所を絵にする」という課題がだされた。子どもたちは、それぞれの思いの詰まった場所がある…。亡くなった友だちや転校した仲間のことを忘れないようにと、ある子は、“全校児童が集まるホール”を選んだ。原発事故のせいで南相馬から磯部小学校に避難してきた子は、“はじめて同級生と出会った場所”を選んだ。そして、“音楽室のピアノ”を画面一杯に書く子もいた。地震後去っていった友だちとも、変わらず仲良くしていきたいという願いをこめて選んだという。震災のなか、子どもたちの学校にかける思いを描く。
11/06 23:30-24:00 Music Lovers, NTV Arashi Arasi special concert. perform each 5 drama songs one to another. and also topical new tune too!! Arashi consult Arashi! private rare information you can’t hear other. guest is gorgeous too.嵐スペシャルライブ!5人の主演ドラマ主題歌を次々披露!さらに話題の新曲も!嵐が嵐メンバーに悩み相談!他では聞けないプライベートレア情報が満載!ゲストも豪華! Arashi one night special concert, Azusa Iwashimizu, Masanobu Katsumura▽嵐が一夜限りのスペシャルライブを披露!岩清水梓 勝村政信
11/07 20:00-20:54 Hey! Hey! Hey! FTV Arashi 嵐,西野カナが新曲を披露&トーク▽名曲HEY×3にKARAが登場ほか トリンドル玲奈ほか 
11/07 22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
11/08 21:00-21:54 Problem-solving is after the dinner FTV ep.4 Sho SakuraiKageyama  was accompanied to wedding party of Reiko Hosyo’s friend Yuri Sawamura. Inspector Kyoichiro Kazamatsuri was also invited to party that was held at Sawamura’s mansion. Kazmatsuri is falling in love with Reiko in lady without noticing she is his junior. Yuri’s partner, Teruya Hosoyama is much older than bride. Reiko felt doubt about this gap. young brother of Yuri, Yusuke talks throwing off his sister Miyuki’s inhibitions “he was after for Sawamura family fortune.” According to Yusuke, this mansion was belong to Saionji family but they went to ruin, old owner, Kotoe can’t maintain, and asked for help to Yuriko’s mother, Takako, her distant relatives. as alternated Sawamura family lives in the mansion, he says. Hosoyama did consulting lawyer targeting Saionji family fortune. but once he knows they don’t have money, he approached to Sawamura family, gets to the point to marriage. Yusuke continued. During party. scream from Yuri’s room, when Reiko dashed off, butler of mansion, Yoshida desperately tries to open the door. Yoshida opens the door with double key. Yuri was down with knife on her back. Luckily there is no threat to Yuri’s life but… Reiko was considered as crime suspect by reasoning of Kazamatsuri who still doesn’t notice she is his junior. what Kageyama would do by pinch of his master.         影山(櫻井翔)友人の沢村有里(小林涼子)の結婚パーティーに招かれた宝生麗子(北川景子)のお供。沢村家の屋敷で行われるパーティーには風祭京一郎警部(椎名桔平)も招かれていた。しかし、風祭はお嬢様姿の麗子が自分の部下だと気付くこともなく、恋をしてしまう始末。さてこの日の主役、有里の結婚相手、細山照也(湯江健幸)は花嫁よりずいぶん年上。麗子がこのギャップに疑問を感じていると有里の弟、佑介(若葉竜也)が妹、美幸(村崎真彩)の制止も聞かず、沢村家の財産目当てだと話しかけてきた。佑介によると、もともとこの屋敷は西園寺家のものだったが没落してしまい、琴江(手塚理美)という老齢の当主では維持できず、遠い親戚である有里の母親、孝子(栗田よう子)に援助を求めてきた。その代わりに、屋敷には沢村家の面々が住むことになったと言う。細山は西園寺家の財産狙いで顧問弁護士をしていたが、金がないと分かると沢村家に近づき、有里との結婚まで漕ぎづけたと佑介は続けた。パーティーの最中、有里の部屋から悲鳴が。麗子が駆けつけると屋敷の執事、吉田(森本レオ)が必死にドアを開けようとしているが鍵がかかっている。吉田が合鍵でドアを開けると背中にナイフが刺さった有里が倒れていた。幸い有里の命に別状はなかったのだが…。麗子は未だに部下だと気付かない風祭の迷推理で容疑者とされてしまう。主人のピンチに影山は?

11/09 26:01-26:51Shonen Club premium request special, (repeat) NHK Happiness, move your body, we can make it. 
11/10 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV Problem-Solving after the dinner team Plus one guest is Kum koda.北川景子,椎名桔平ら“謎解きはディナーのあとで”チーム▽櫻井翔はゲストとして他メンバーと対決!  
11/10 22:0022-56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS host Sawa Suzuki by VIP Limousine, bridegroom husbund appears, Nobuhiro Takeda and other challenge dawn vest coordination. with O-chan and Aiba-chan ▽“VIPリムジン”で鈴木砂羽をもてなす▽新婚の夫登場▽武田修宏らがダウンベストコーディネートに挑戦   
11/11 19:54-20:54 Music Station, TVA Arashi
11/12 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Masaki.com special. Aiba who has made various systems to make fun animals 10 times more. this time what he make enjyo is Homare Sawa, female football player. Aiba invent an surprising system for Sawa, animal lover.  he makes a great effort to make enjoy Sawa player and animals.○マサキ.com~特別編動物園の動物たちを10倍楽しくさせる為、毎回様々な動物園で“楽しませシステム”を作り上げてきた相葉。今回楽しませるのは、女子サッカー選手の澤穂希。動物が大好きだという澤選手。相葉はある動物のための驚きのシステムを開発し、澤選手も動物たちもダブルで楽しませようと奮闘する。
11/12 22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV this time Aniki guest is Ryosuke Tanihara, theme is “learn ultimate smart to spend in Yokohama!”  Tanihara Aniki born and groan up in Yokohama, talks “Yokohama is deep place, it has various faces from deep to latest spot.” gives instruction charm of Yokohama to Arashi. set guest is Koji Ayabe of Peace. ▽”wear suite smartly” Tanihara suits suit as he was selected no.1 “ the celebrity who suit suits most.” questionnaire to female shop staffs of suit shops. so lean points to wear suit in Tanihara style. Tanihara selcts British suits for Arashi. 5 appear changing to this suit. ▽”wondering Yokohama smartly.” virtually wonderling mainly Motomachi of Yokohama, from classic to deep, he introduce the spots where you can be smart just going there. and Motomazhi Pizza that appeared on video appears to studio. all eat it. ▽” cook smartly men’s Chinese food” Tanihara who cooks everyday performs his chines food skill in the studio. Arashi helps him, the mevue is friend rice with baby sardines and shrimps. pepper steak and Hot and sour soup. how is the taste?          今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・谷原章介。テーマは「究極にスマートな横浜の過ごし方学びやがれ」!横浜生まれ横浜育ち、「横浜はディープなところから最新スポットまで、いろんな顔をもっている」と語る谷原アニキが、その魅力を嵐に伝授する。セットゲストはピースの綾部祐二。▽スマートにスーツを着こなしやがれスーツ販売店で働く女性に実施した「最もスーツが似合う著名人」というアンケートで1位に選ばれた!というほど、スーツが似合う谷原。そこで、谷原流スーツの着こなしポイントを学び、さらに谷原がそのポイントを満たしたブリティッシュスーツを、嵐のメンバー用にセレクト! 5人は早速そのスーツに着替えて登場する。▽スマートに横浜ぶらりしやがれ今回は、横浜の元町を中心にバーチャルぶらり。定番からディープまで行くだけでスマートになるスポットを紹介する。さらにVTRにも登場した店の人気メニュー「本牧ピザ」がスタジオに登場。みんなで試食を行う。▽スマートに男の中華作りやがれ
11/07 20:00-20:54 Hey! Hey! Hey! FTV Sho Sakurai   
11/21 19:00-19:56 problem-solving variety show Tore! NTV Satoshi Ohno   
11/21 24:59-25:09 Kaibutsu-kun ni Shiyagare, NTV Satoshi Ohno
11/22 24:59-25:09 Kaibutsu-kun ni Shiyagare, NTV Satoshi Ohno
11/23 19:30-20:43 Arashi's trip that bridges to tomorrow , NHK
11/23 24:59-25:09 Kaibutsu-kun ni Shiyagare, NTV Satoshi Ohno  
11/24 25:08-25:18 Kaibutsu-kun ni Shiyagare, NTV Satoshi Ohno
11/30 19:00  Best Artists 2011, NTV MC Sho Sakurai and Shinichi Hatori
12/31 19:15pm-23:45 62th NHK Kohaku song festival, NHK MC Arashi


rayxsoraさんの絵文字 STUDIO SHOOTING
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
11/1 Music Lovers
11/1 Arashi ni Shiyagare
11/3 special show
11/11 Music Station
11/9 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
11/15 Arashi ni Shiiyagare
11/22 VS Arashi
11/29 Arashi ni Shiyagare

ritz-bさんの絵文字 MOVIE
11/26 Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Curry Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
2/4 Japanese Islands, stories about animals main narration by Masaki Aiba

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
10/29-12/2 Ah! Wild Filed!, Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide
10/29 18:00 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/30 18:00 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
10/31 13:00 &18:00 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/4 11:30 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/5 13:00 &18:00 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/6 13:00 &18:00 Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater
11/13 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/14 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/17 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/18 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/19 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/20 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/21 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/24 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
11/25 12:00 Aoyama theater
11/26 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
11/27 12:00 & 17:00 Aoyama theater
12/1 13:30 & 18:30 Aoyama theater
12/2 12:00 Aoyama theater

10/24 16:30 Tokyo Drama Award International drama festival in Tokyo Academy Hills Kazunari Ninomiya

♪ by yuupan.CONCERT
[Arashi live tour 11-12 “Beautiful World”]
1/3 Tue 18:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/4 Wed 16:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/7 Sat 18:00 Nagoya Dome
1/8 Sun 16:00 Nagoya Dome
1/14 Sat 18:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
1/15 Sun 16:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome

kittodaijoubuさんの絵文字 CM
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
2/2 Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 Oronamin C
Sho Sakurai
2/12 Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
2/12 Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
4/1 Sumitomo Life Insurance Masaki Aiba
3/26 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
4/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
4/15 Au by all
4/20 AFLAC Sho Sakurai
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba
5/20 pino Sho Sakurai
5/24 Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
5/26 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/4 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/11 JAL
6/16 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya,
Jun Matsumoto
6/16 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/17 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/25 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
6/27 AU
7/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
7/1 Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
7/4 AU
7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
7/11 AU
7/15 AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
7/16 Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
7/22 Tanrei Green Label
Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
7/23 Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
8/4 JCB
Kazunari Ninomiya
9/3 JAL
9/13 Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin It's time! Let's celect yummy Japanese food
9/20Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya
9/21Tanrei Green Label
Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
9/28 Aijinomoto Frozen food, hiamburg version Sho Sakurai
9/29 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
9/29 Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au you can choose future

10/1 AFLAC Kimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai   
10/1 Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
10/18 Mary Chocolate BiscuitSatoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama
10/18 Mario 3D CM
Kazunari Ninomiya
11/3 KFC hot pie
Jun Matsumoto       
11/07 Mikakuto menthol drop Masaki Aiba
11/10 Benesse Junior high school course Sho Sakurai

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE .
10/8 Casa BRUTUS Sho Sakurai serial travel to learn the architecture,
10/11 Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
10/11 Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
10/12 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Mannequin Five special Himitsu no Arashi-chan special, serial Kaibutsu-kun,
10/12 TV Pia, interview with Sho Sakurai
10/12 TV station, front page interview with Sho Sakurai , special drama Kaibutsu-kun chummy talk Satoshi Ohno and Tatsuomi Hamada, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special.
10/14 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
10/18 Pict up, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun speical
10/19 cut cover: Taro Kaibutsu
10/19 Ah Wild Field script book
10/19 an an, Jun Matsumoto
10/19 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
10/19 weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Ploblem-solving Sho Time. show you all of Arashi CM
10/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “yakiimo no Arashi” Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya

10/20 Cubisum, cover: Satoshi Ohno
10/21 Flix cover: Satoshi Ohno interview and photos
10/21 M Girl Masaki Aiba in Kimono
10/22 LIPS, Jun Matsumoto 7pages
10/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno and Matsujun.
10/22 Popolo Sho Sakurai & Keikok Kitagawa, Ikemen butler evil tongue cross talk, Satoshi Ohno short holiday is after all awesome
10/22 Soda cover: Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai Problem Solving after the dinner, Arashi variety shows site report.
10/24 GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
10/24 Monthly TV guide, cover: Sho Sakurai
10/24 Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
10/24 TV Navi, this month A la shot: Sho Sakurai, Himitsu no Arashi-chan autumn special
10/24 TV fan, cover: Sho Sakurai interview and shooting report, private shot of butler in apron.
10/25 Nigata Komachi, cover: Satoshi Ohno,
10/26 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno x Masahiro Matsuoka x Izumi Inamori, Himitsu no Arashi -chan Mannequin Five, pin up of wining date cloth Jun Matsumoto
10/26 TV Pia, serial Sho Sakurai Secret time of butler Sho Sakurai
10/26 TV station, serial catch the Arashi
10/25 Monthly Komachi, cover & interview: Satoshi Ohno
10/26 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto
10/26 weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything. Sho Sakurai serial Problem-solving Sho Time. Himitsu no Arashi-chan Mannequin five Arasahi wining date cloth and pin up.
10/27 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/28 More, cover : Arashi total 13 pages, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
10/28 Miss, we still love Arashi that make adults twinge. Jun Matsumoto
10/28 Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. No.60: Satoshi Ohno
10/28 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi Sho Sakurai, Satoshi Ohno
10/31+ act mini Cover and front pages: Sho Sakurai appears in Kageyama of Problem-solving after the dinner.
11/1 Nicola, interview with Satoshi Ohno  
11/1 Story, interview with Satoshi Ohno
11/1 PS, Satoshi Ohno
11/2 1st grade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno 
11/2 2nd grade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno
11/2 3rd grade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno   
11/2 4thgrade of primary school, interview with Satoshi Ohno
11/2 Weekly The Television, serial Satoshi Ohno come anything Satosh Ohno , serial Problem-Solving sho time. SHo Sakurai Arashi party new tune Labyrinth Love Song, labyrinth cross talk.
11/2 Weekly TV Guide, cover: Arashi, serial Arashi bin, 8 pages center photo book
11/3 Ciao, interview with Satoshi Ohno
11/4 Orista, cover: Arashi serial Secret of Arashi Kazunari Ninomiya, Jun Matsumoto  
11/4 Dramatic Actor, movie introduction of  Kaibutsu-kun
11/5 Da Vinci, Sho Sakurai Problem-Solving after the dinner interview
11/7 Duet Arashi zoom,
11/7 Wink up,
11/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi,
11/7 Esse, special interview with Satoshi Ohno
11/7 Ane can, Satoshi Ohno
11/8  Story Box Sho Sakurai  
11/8  Chiba Walker Masaki Aiba
11/9 TV life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, serial Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai secret tips
11/9 TV Pia, serial secret time of butler Sho Sakurai, VS Arashi report, Jun Matsumoto Ah WIld Field report, Satoshi Ohno 11/9 TV Station, serial Catch the Arashi front page interview with Satoshi Ohno 
movie Kaibutsu-kun prince and companies cross talk
11/10 Problem solving after the dinner 2 book
11/10 Kaibutsu-kun official book visual version
11/10 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
11/10 Fine boys, cover: Satoshi Ohno
11/11 Bailla special interview with Jun Matsumoto talks about play 
11/18 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi 
11/15 Location Japan, cover: Satoshi Ohno
11/19 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “gift no Arashi” Masaki Aiba x
Kazunari Ninomiya

11/22 Myojo work site of Sakurai, Ohno .
11/22 Popolo
11/22 Soda
11/26 Screen, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno
11/24 GQ, serial GX x Arashi ni Shiyagare “road for gentleman”
11/24 Monthly TV guide,
11/24 Monthly The Television, serial monthly Arashi
11/24 TV Navi, this month A la shot:
11/24 TV fan,
11/26 + act, Masaki Aiba
11/26 Screen cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno 
11/28 More,  serial It Kazunari Ninomiya, Satoshi Ohno
12/1 Cinema square, Masaki Aiba
12/1 Eye-Ai cover and front pages: Arashi national stadium concert report


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 skmtmsykさんの絵文字 CD/ DVD
11/2 Labyrinth love song. general edition, and limited edition
11/16 Movie Kaibutsu-kun original sound track
11/30 Problem-Solving after the dinner, original sound track
12/14  drama Kaibutsu-kun BD
12/14 Kaibutsu-kun complete new special! DVD and BD

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB
This week word by Nino
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun
Enjoy vol.80 updated 30 Oct (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 81 updated 20 Oct (update every 10th and 20th)
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun

ma-loolさんの絵文字 Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd: Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

rui9269さんの絵文字 Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982

public 0
305595 2011-10-27 11:41:00 2011-10-29 02:41:52 Thu-27-Oct-2011

My LJ access suspended. I actually ask inquiry to LJ so far no replay.
Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 18℃/12℃/10%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Permanent Part timer buys a house staff blog <sorry delayed..> Hello, this is Hashimoto(*^-^*) every day temperature swings wildly, how are you doing? thank you always to your comments. maybe you might already watched at news, this is announcement however this was delayed. at ceremony of ATP TV grand prize that was held last weekend. Permanent part timer buys a house got grand prize in all of section!! (≧◇≦) yay! we got announcement of grand prize of drama section, as at ceremony day grand prize suppose to be annouced among dramas, variety shows, documentary shows. and drama award that was already announced, ceremony was held on 24. Ninomiya-san, Hashibe-san of sprit writer, Kono director, Takiyama-san of editor and Mizuno-san and me Hashimoto participate! I was so nervous. but it was so nice ceremony. we could get such nice prize owing to you all who always support us. thank you very much.m(_ _)m
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 KFC news release <Jun Matsumoto-san appears KFC TV CM!! winter usual menu Hot Pie TV CM. “hope all’s winter get warm on air from 11/3> Jun Matsumoto-san who appeared KFC hot pie CM after precious year. this time shooting is nice collaboration of cool attitude of Jun Matsumoto-wan in black costume at black set and warm hot pie. shooting staffs automatically stares to monitor of aspect of Jun Matsumoto-san who eat hot pie with keen relish. eating cut of Jun Matsumoto-san who eat both red and white hot pie was so smooth just like staffs amazed.  as Jun Matsumoto-san who has eaten hot pie more than any one, warm hot pie CM that you want to eat was finished.    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 VAP Gantz cafe report
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Hot Pepper Beauty Homerare poster popular voting result “don’t turn out so suddenly beautiful. who are you?.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Reiko Kitagawa-san yesterday blog sorry not to update while I didn’t feel well these days, worked having pills. all of staffs feel grateful that many people watch Problem-solving after the dinner. I have actually practiced to roll my eyes in the back of my head. I finally could make rolled half back. so I did it at first episode. have you noticed it. I practiced so hard. finally I could make it at episode 1. hope I can upgrade this until final episode.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon  news <problem-solving recaptures top after 24 weeks> book ranking general section. Problem-Solving after the dinner sold 41K copies and back to top after 24 weeks. Sho Sakurai starring drama started last week, and first ep. audience rate was 18.1% this is expected record-smashing until end of year.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Weekly Josei, <Sho Sakurai taking bath for long time, Masaki Aiba is booking Johnny’s talents’ hobby>Masaki Aiba, TV people says”he is into cooking, he cook by himself. he often goes to supermarket. recently stew joined to his repertoire. as his parents house is Chinese restaurant, he could be good cooker blood. “ but what Aiba-kun cooking is so original is told. Sho Sakaurai entertainment production people says “recent his favorits is bath after dinner. it seems he enjoyed long time bath with various bath agent”    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 model press <Jun Matsumoto what he asks for female fashion> Jun Matsumoto appeared to magazine Lips. he prefer stylish women. but it’s not about latest fashion, he prefer women who wear most confortable and favorite stuffs. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista article <Arashi is appointed to NHK62th Kohaku song Festival MC for 2 consecutive years.>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pretty Ohta-san yesterday blog <stage rehearsal first day> from today first day of stage rehearsal. after all stage is so different from rehearsal studio, so this is so hard. so lines has to be heard whole theater too. Kazuhiko Nakamura-san blog <rehearsal at stage> from today rehearsal at stage. usually when I entered to rehearsal studio 40 min before most of people are already there, so I planed to enter 1 hour and half advance. but when I arrived to the station, it was different from usual, there’s no related people around me. but I entered to dressing room without caring about it. actually it was me arrived last. and delayed 1 hour. I didn’t recognized starting time. sorry to make related people worried. but I could join checking back room, stage, corridor, costume, make up, luggage and make and rehearsal time. the space is larger than rehearsal studio and according to lighting, I don’t recognize wall, the large props area too, specious and far, as it’s dark, I can’t recognize it. I feel worried about stuffs related to me a bit. as position to put props, and my standing position, and moving route are reviced, must to check and be careful. we are re-planning mission (various preparation) but this is stage of the real performance I can settle down to challenge. tomorrow I will enter as plan. Romizo- Nobe-san blog <soon> Ah Wild Field opens curtain this Saturday. yesterday we did rehearsal making an arrangement of scene changes on the stage, until first part before break.        

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against representative female World cup Japan volley ball team! Banana man to Arashi team 竹下佳江,荒木絵里香ら“バレーボール全日本女子チーム”と対戦!▽嵐チームにはバナナマンが参戦ほか Japan volley ball representative team!! Arashi in pinch by Takeshita & Saori Takeshita super play. Bababanab laughing secret technique!! new game that Masaki Aiba accolade appears. players Erika Araki, Saori Kimura, Maiko Kouno, Sachiko Ebata and Motoko Ohbayashi are hosted. Arashi amazed by their height. Banana man joins to Arashi team. Jumgle Bingo is disadvantage to tall guests but Jumping shooter is advantaged for volley ball players. guest team makes an onslaught on Arashi. at new game “Koro koro biking” that Arashi challenge first time. all let the ball roll on the game board looks like pirate ship to the goal without dropping hole.     女子バレー日本代表!!竹下&木村沙織超絶プレーで嵐ピンチ、バナナマン爆笑(秘)技!!相葉絶賛新ゲーム登場 竹下佳江 荒木絵里香 木村沙織 狩野舞子 江畑幸子 大林素子 バナナマン 嵐 伊藤利尋 ゲストチームに、女子バレーボール・竹下佳江、荒木絵里香、木村沙織、狩野舞子、江畑幸子の各選手と大林素子を迎える。嵐は、彼女たちの背の高さに驚く。嵐チームには、バナナマンが加わる。狭いジャングルの中をはい回る「ジャングルビンゴ」は、長身のゲストには不利だったが、バレーボール選手にはもってこいの「ジャンピングシューター」では、ゲストチームが嵐を猛襲する。嵐も初挑戦の新ゲーム「コロコロバイキング」では、海賊船のようなデザインのゲーム台の上を転がるボールを、チーム全員で息を合わせ、穴に落とさないようにゴールまで転がしていく。
no Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote ”cultural enlightenment” ho, cool. err. “this is the society opens and  life becomes convenient. especially beginning Meiji Era (1868-1912) western culture was proactively brought in life. the phenomenon of rapid Occidentalization and modernization” ho. well, currently the era, is more more, to live, become convenient more more. but I feel amazing. human’s unlimited possibility is imaginative. well, for example if I say with something familiar, slicing fruit machine. there’s one you can peal so nicely binding a fruit and winding. and remove dust of washing machine. then rice ball’s 1.2.3 steps. (to put dried laver seaweed)  amazing. the person invented that one. yep. I think there’re still close things. well, what I feel this becomes useful, err.. well, mobile phone is so. you can search anything. the other day. err I cut bonito at my friend house, yes. err… that Radi- friend. then come to “let’s eat this” I was told “can you cut this?” “I can make it through.” I said. then before going to my Radi-friend house, I sneakily searched how to cut bonito with my mobile phone by myself. it comes out, a lot. then I didn’t say anything to my friend. I did it. I was told “you made it” I said “ I know pretty much how to do it.” in the end “no, actually I saw it.” I said so. he he he. well every body, please try to search. 

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
Hanako, serial HImitsu no Arashi-chan Satoshi Ohno “mature coordination is expensive!?” page 156

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
305879 2011-10-28 11:42:00 2011-10-29 02:42:13 Fri-28-Oct-2011

My LJ access is suspended. I actually ask inquiry to LJ so far no replay. さんの絵文字
Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 20℃/12℃/10%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pretty Ohta-san (Ah Wild Field cast)  <run through> today was run though, run though is actually rehearsal close to real part. however Ninagawa-san pointed out but finished without problem. tomorrow finally real part. I surely get fired up. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 NTV TV chart 10/31 Monday, unveil Kaibutsu-kun JET, Masu announcer infiltrates, Jun Matsumoto starring play.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner photo gravelly of ep.2 and Story of ep. 2 updated
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Lora blog on 10/26 I appeared to Arashi-chan. all were so characteristic so it was fun. Nanao-san blog
on 10/26 I had shooting of VS Arashi on 10/25
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字  Model Press <Masaki Aiba feels disturbed with members behaviour. what is truth of bouquet case?> 5 of Arashi appeared to More magazine. what is bouquet case that is topical among members of Arashi? interview with each 5 of Arashi that talks thinking and memory. seems Arashi doubt present sense of Masaki Aiba… Sho Sakurai felt uncomfortable feeling Masaki Aiba appeared to his Birthday party bringing white roses bouquet. “it was just like Showa era star” I was rattled. Kazunari Ninomiya disclose he got “ bone pattern jersey” on his birthday. in the pages 5 talks chummy “what they want to give to members and what they get from fans.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner blog <be careful with two-timing.> Happy Halloween. It’s smile. How have you been? operative example, after Sazae-san and the little match girl, at ep.3 a duo appears. and in the reasoning of Kazamatsuri dreaming collaboration with foreign star!?!? this piece, problem solving of butler who take care of personal care,  foreshadowing of humours mystery. I hope these could be amusement that is different from usual inspectors’ drama. this time my favorite is. opps. nearly talk too much. the continuation on 11/1! if you watch digital broadcasting in real time, don’t forget D button.  there’re evil tongue awaiting you. (is you have any evil tongue you want to be told by Kageyama, please poste) the previous photo answer will unveil on 11/10 (seems VS Arashi with Nazo di team on air 11/10) if you didn’t guess with these, you are really blind about Fuji TV show. so that’s all for today. Otukare-chan
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Yuki Tsukikawa-san today’s blog <run through> today is run through, show to related people, so nervous.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字   Weekly the television, twitter I glanced Arashi special of next week issue, this is wonderful. I really feel love of person of charge.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Asahi newspaper evening newspaper 1 page ad of Ah Wild Field.
 ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Wakayama pref. PR blog <Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi report Yuasa Soy Sauce at NHK special show”11/23 on air> this is big news of TV related. popular group Arashi’s first NHK show content of Arashi's trip that bridges to tomorrow was announced. today this was reported today’s sports newspapers and others. Kazunari Ninomoiya-kun visit soy sauce brewer at birth place of soy sauce, Yuasa city and report and report feeing of 4th generation.  I think say sauce of 170 years old could be Kadocho-san. Kadocho is already introduced several time on  TV.    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kohaku blog <AKB 48 x Kohaku countdown and Arashi special show> write about Arashi special show detail.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Duet twitter, Duet November issue currently on sale! from report of Arashi national stadium concert. member questionnaire, what was most impressive scene. A: after all change from sunset scene to night scene. and time to share it with audience. this feel so good. (by Ninomiya)  / A: Aiba-kun slips the wet set by rain. bi did it too ( by Sakurai) / A: it seems Sakurai-kun breaks down height, But what is the truth? (by Aiba)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Arashi's trip that briges to tomorrow the site opened.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Arashi first NHK special show in November, rediscovery of strength and possibility of Japan> popular group Arashi has first new show on NHK that air in November special show “Arashi’s trip that bridges to tomorrow.” thi is documentary show that all of 5 fly to all over Japan and report and introduce charming people who forge the future of Japan. and re-discover strength and possibility of Japan. Kazunari Ninomiya who visited spy sauce brewer in Yusen Yuasa city, in Wakayama pref. “I could learn human, technique, tradition and bond of Japan. I hope you feel this magnificence too. “ strongly comment. Arashi who does MC of 62th NHK Kohaku song festival this year again betake themselves to each province of Japan and bring charm of these. person and group who save tradition over come various situation, move ahead to future and introduce their activity and feeling with swinging talk. leader Satoshi Ohno close up the local hero, Eager that continue to have hero show for local children after East Japan Earthquake in Ongawa-cho, Ojika-gun, Miyagi pref. Jun Matsumoto visit family-run business of bag and accessory that are loved by world wide celebrities and explore their popular items’ birth. the rest, Sho Sakurai fly to Tomioka city of Toyama pref. interview to 25 years old women who works at farm of their parents at hear home town. introduce her feeling to decided to work in agriculture. Masaki Aiba who visited to Kajima city of Saga pref. where “Mutsukake fishing” that catch the mudskippers in Ariake Sea by original fishing method. He visit heir young men that appeared after 30 years and challenge fishing in tidal flat. “Arashi’s trip that bridges to tomorrow.” on air 11/23 7:30 pm. Mainichi Digial <Arashi first show on NHK, 5 of member rediscovery of Japan in each province of Japan. “ trip that bridges to tomorrow”; at studio 5 have fun talk and present each video, this is the show you can enjoy with family. Ninomiya-san visited say sauce brewer of 4th generation of family who keeps tradition taste in Yuasa city Wakayama. this show on air from 11/23 7:30pm to 8:43 pm Hochi <Arashi first NHK show “Arashi’s trip that bridges to tomorrow.” > Sanspo <Arashi visited each province of Japan! first show on NHK> Sponichi <Arashi first show on NHK! visit each province of Japan.> Nikkan Sports <Arashi first show on NHK, convey strength of Japan>
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Gitaro-san yesterday blog <Magic hour> I have entered theatre. Saitama fine arts theatre is really good theater, I realized this is good theater again. both theater and theater wings are huge, and voice is well projected. and catering curry is yummy out and away!! in the evening I get out from theater for break (photo of beautiful sunset) hope I can see this tomorrow.  Tomizo Nobe-san today’s blog <it’s tomorrow, tomorrow> yesterday after break rehearsal make an arrangement of scene change of latter part, progressed smoothly without making a fuss. today is run through, and tomorrow is premier. (Oh today is run though. so better to check entertainment new this afternoon!!)  Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog today I arrive to the theater just like others. rehearsal is continuation of yesterday. standing position, large prop position, lighting, etc. there’re many things to check. after rehearsal, actually at studio, some go back early but practice by themselves, doing maintenance, passing slowly.  but now most leave the back room. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista twitter at 8:55 Orista on sale 11/4 finished editing. at interview new tune that is called very Arashi, they held meeting about what is very Arashi!? at pin up. we shot 5 in black suit in gorgeous situation. this is nice.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Himitsu no Arashi-chan photo library updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Tokyo drama Award ceremony report updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 seems Kaibutsu-kun local only CM spot airing since yesterday.

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
10/28 26:35- 27:05 Circle of 21 ETV Masaki Aiba ep.5

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi.  mail: from lovey with O-chan. Thank you! mail: how do get 90 points at Karaoke? me I have never gotten80 points. yep. I get 60 points. that one is not about musical pitch, err.. try to sing loud in abandon. you know my class mate, actually there’s guy who scream just like not a song. he got 98 points. any song was err.. really 90’s points. I think currently this could be made more delicate but try this once. so it you get that score, this is wonderful, yes. Q: Ohno-kun, what kind of taste pine mushroom is? pine mushroom (high class integrant in Japan), I eat this often, me, pine mushroom, hm… well, that one. err.. this could be texture? right? taste. err. honestly I don’t know. sorry . me, I hardly eat it. he he he. Mother please let her eat once. mail:from Tama-chan. I perform dance at school festival. can you tell Kaibutsu-kun to cheer me. I see, I tell him. mail: I decided to save money to got o graduation trip with my friend. how can I save money properly? he he he, I think because you don’t think properly your graduation trip. err… with your friends, err… graduation trip in the end… properly… but this I think you should do this. as this could be good memory. and memory of your lifelong memories. do let’s hang on. Oh! Tama-chan I get message from Kaibutsu-kun, me. he says, so, enjoying is best for dance. so, to do it just enjoying. don’t mind however you mistake choreograph. he said something quite serious, Kaibutsu-san. “well, so, you might have various matter” oh, oh, ah! what, what? Oh! Kaibutsu-kun. “hey, Tama-chan, err. somehow, as Ohno said something, so I came. err. so err.. extend your arm! see you!” what is that guy? he comes suddenly from Monster land and says to extend arm. seems he doesn’t know the meaning of question. sorry Tama-chan. Oh he came again! “blow fire!” what did he say? that guy. it seems to blow fire. if you blow fire, this is dangerous, right, Kaibutsu-san. “what? this difficult.” so Tama-chan. dance at ease

21:00-21:30 Arashi earthquake restoration show, Fukushima FM
24:00-24:30 Masaki Aiba's Recomen Arsahi remix Masaki Aiba  Bunk Hoso

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
More, cover : Arashi total 13 pages, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya,
Miss, we still love Arashi that make adults twinge. Jun Matsumoto
Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. No.60: Satoshi Ohno
Orista, serial Secret of Arashi Sho Sakurai, Satoshi Ohno
Oggi, Satoshi Ohno 

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
305299 2011-10-29 10:38:00 2011-10-29 01:38:52 Sat-29-Oct-2011

さんの絵文字I’m back さんの絵文字Sorry for inconvenience…. LJ suspended my account. according to LJ as my account was flagged as potentially being a source of spam….

Today's Tokyo forecast: choco-milkさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 21℃/13℃/10%

 UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ah Wild Field feedback during interval, Jun-kun character is exactly same as Domyoji, Jun-kun passed at corridor of audience seat left side and right side during act 1. seems most of Jun-kun fans are dead…/ at 21:20 play was over with 5 curtain calls. act 2/ Jun-kun went to back to audience seat from left side of corridor then 4th raw of left side he talks his line stripped to the waist. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Next Choice <interview with Hana Kuroki-san>  she talks about her role of Ah Wild Field.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Oricon news <Mr. Ninagawa accolades Jun Matsumoto who lost 5kg, finding default to Keisuke Koide> Mr. Yukio Ninagawa, stage producer, Jun Matsumoto of popular group Arashi, actor Keisuke Koide attended to interview with media. Mr. Ninagawa accolades boxer role Matsumoto who says “streamlines my body, lost 5 kg comparing heaviest weight.” “he practiced a lot. this is well done. he is just not only idol” counterpart, he complains harshly Koide a rival role “he doesn’t really tray in order to have easy way.” Koide says about Mr. Ninagawa “he is more frank about harshness. I was complained as duck-butt and plumpy at yesterday run through” and he looks at Matsumoto “he is brute, this guy, he actually (punch) on my body.” Matsumoto says “when we start act, our look has changed. I was quite driven.“ he let out each other’s seriousness. and members of Arashi will come to watch. Matsumoto says “I got mail from Sakurai ‘congratulations for premier.” he appears their togetherness. there’re photo of theather scenes too NTV 24 news <Keisuke Koide “this guys is brute too” to Matsujun> Matsumoto who appeared Ninagawa’s play that is known as sever staging 2nd time shows relax face “this time he could be gentle.” Koide who appeared his staging play for 2nd time “Personally he could be more sever than previous. he is more frank. yesterday I was pointed out during run thought yesterday. but ashtray was not thrown…” he says totally opposite feedback. Mr. Ninagawa says “Koide try to do easy way. I thought I throw an object after long time.” he reveals the reason and evokes laughter. pressed, “you lost weight. your fat rate could be one digit?” Matsumoto says “I streamlined my body. I lost 5kg. I didn’t measure fat rate. so, please make it one digit.” he shows a proud look. “this guy has about 12%” Koide was pointed out by Matsumoto “Me, quite epicurean, I can’t take it. when I see oily food or delicious food, I think ‘it’s fine only today.’” he makes bitter smile. Matsumoto says “actually we have process to beat, but he gives me a punch that is not included to this process.” Koide also says “this guy is brute too! some times I get real punch” During press conf. 2 show chemical interaction. Mr. Ninagawa says “this is much better than my expectation. I feel relieved.”Nikkan Sports <Matsujun and Koike serious punch-out at Ninagawa play> TV Asahi news <Matsujun get upset with sucker punch by Koide> about boxing scene, Koide says “this guy is quit brute” glance at Matsumoto. Matsumoto argue  back “this guy too, he makes the unexpected punch” Koide “he make so upset face.” he show Matsumoto’s behind face.      
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Duet twitter at 13:56 Jun Matsumoto starring Ah Wild Field, at press conf. “I got mail ‘congratulations for premier’ from Sho-kun. however he is currently doing drama.” Matsujun said. we introduce this in the issue of December. Soda twitter at 13:53 run though interview of Ah Wild Field is over! the glistening sense of Shinji filled with great confidence acted by Matsumoto-san and Barikan’s timid feeling with passion inside acted by Koide-san. each was shining just like sun and moon. Matsumoto-san who streamline his body became quite slender. at 14:03 there’s scene become naked upper body. he has sobering body. I feel he has prepared stoically. at interview, to get atmosphere of past Shinuku, they have been to have drink with all. we publish stage report on the issue on sale 11/22. Theater guide at 13:53 interview of Ah wild field is over. at press conf Jun Matsumoto-san said “lines of Terayama-san is many beautiful words that I usually don’t use.” I was blown away by beautiful words forgetting taking memo. at 14:00 Koide-san and Matsumoto-san express these beautiful and savage words. at press conf. Ninagawa-san says “it was better than my expectation, I feel relieved.” Matsumoto-san lost his weight 5kg by boxing practice like every day. Potato twitter at 14:21 today Is premier of Matsujun starring Ah Wild Field! at interview he disclosed he lost 5kg for boxer role. according to co-star Koiede-kun it was quite stoic just like not eating oily food. at 14:38 he told us he got “congratulations for premier” mail from Sho-kun.” it seems all member come to see the play in same time, but he asked them to cancel it. Orista twitter at 14:28 I have been to press conf of premier of Jun Matsumoto-kun starring Ah WIld Field. staging using audience seat too! full of highlights! publishing day of this, I will report on the blog later. TV Station twitter at 17:00 today Jun Matsumoto-kun starring play Ah Wild Field partial scene rehearsal and interview. “lost 5 kg” Matsujun says. he was asked how about fat rate? “as I have not measured. please write one digit. (grin) it was 15 min rehearsal. but it was worth to watch. report this on the issue on sale 11/22
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Pamphlet of Ah Wild filed is sold to public at theater only during performance except interval.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Saitama fine arts theater  detail of Ah Wild Field performance time 3hours and 10 min. act 1: 1 h 40min, interval: 15 min, act 2: 1 hr. 15min              
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ogumask-san (media person who has been to yesterday run though) yesterday twitter. I can’t say detail but this is quite stimulative story. Jun Matsumoto-san did this and that.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Osama no Branch highest audience rate for second 24.1% of Arashi-chan special of scene of Sho-kun. this was no.1 of week.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Gitaro-san twitter at 11:10 premier http://pic.twitter.com/pAKGBBJH
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san today’s blog < well, the curtain opens> we mark premier without making a fuss. Ah Wild Field staring by Yukio Ninagawa at Saitama fine arts theater starts today. Yuki Tsukikawa-san toady’s blog today is Keisuke Koide starring Ah Wild Field is premier. Ai Sano-san blog congratulations premier. I make my best. Gitawo-san blog <450> run throught is over, my legs are swollen Kazuhiko Nakajima-san yesterday blog <Run though> today also when I arrived to the station near by the theater, I felt lonely. I thought again? actually it was 1 hour earlier. I was no.4 among cast. so I could prepare many things. later, we did partial scene rehearsal, then run though. audiences are only related people. but having lunch box. the preparation time became so tight. I was a bit pressed. this was first run though at stage so, I mistook a bit. but is I don’t say it. no one would notice. so tomorrow I think I can mark premier without problem.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie Kaiabutsu-kun blog <on 29 and 30 trailer goes to Miyagi> 2nd place to exhibition Kaibutsu-kun trailer is Rifu of Miyagi pref. at parking of Movix Rifu. Trailer and Balloon exhibition: Sta 29 13:00-16:00, Sun 30 13:00-16:00. KaiKai exercise lecture Sat 29 15:00-, Sun 30 15:00. we wait many are coming.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kumi Koda-san schedule 11/10 VS Arashi, (Nazo di team day)   


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV check this evening entertainment news for Ah Wild Field. 
14:00-15:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 今夜も超かわいい赤ちゃん動物がたっくさん登場!女優・榮倉奈々ちゃんが、今、会いたい赤ちゃん動物ベスト3とご対面!なんと一番会いたかったのはあの猛獣の赤ちゃん!!
22:00-22:56 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Katsuhisa Namase fives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. nostalgic B class gourmet. Arashi host Katsuhisa Ikuse as Aniki guest. as he used to live in Kyoto, gives instruction to Arashi “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur”. as Namase wants them know B class gourmet of Kyoto, introduce Omelette rice that he used to ate when he was student. and rickshaw set appears, Arashi experience virtually tourism spot and Mr. Conncoisseur spot of Kyoto” and Jun matsumoto and other challenge Salon play with Geisya of Gion.生瀬勝久が教える明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ▽懐かしのB級グルメ アニキゲストに生瀬勝久を迎える。昔、京都に住んでいたことがあるという彼は「明日から”通”を気取れる裏・京都の極意」を嵐に伝授する。生瀬は京都のB級グルメを知ってほしいと、学生時代に食べていた喫茶店のオムライスを紹介。また、人力車のセットが登場し、嵐は観光客がよく行くスポットと通好みのスポットをバーチャル体験する。他に、松本潤らは祇園の芸者とのお座敷遊びに挑戦。 this time guest is Katsuhisa Namase, an actor. theme is “magic formula of inside of Kyoto that you can put on air as Mr. Connoisseur that you can use from tomorrow.” set guest is Peace. rumor section: “seems he has 7 vacuum cleaners.” “it seems as he has too many hobbies, he’s at the edge of his capabilities.” ▽”eat nostalgic B class gourmet” introduce B class gourmet that is different from traditional Japanese meal brought in courses. Omelette rice of Mon Ami that Namase used to eat when he was a student. all try to eat it. ▽ “travel autumn two sides of Kyoto” once set turns, rickshaw set appears. Arashi divides person who pull a rickshaw and ride it. and experience virtual wandering recommended spots that screened in the monitor. this time 2 patterns of high road typical spots and and Mr. Connoisseur loves are introduced.▽”do Salon Play in Gion” once the set turns, a Salon set appears. Namase and Arashi challenge Salon play classic “Konpira fune fune” with Jeisya of Gion. and penalty game if they lose. 今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・生瀬勝久。テーマは「明日から通を気どれる裏京都の極意学びやがれ」!学生時代から7年間京都に住んでいたという生瀬が、京都通しか知らない「裏京都」の極意を伝授する。セットゲストはピース。噂話のコーナーでは、「掃除機が家に7台あるらしい」「趣味が多すぎてもう限界らしい」など、生瀬のプライベートに関するウワサが飛び出す。▽懐かしのB級グルメ食いやがれ京懐石などとは違う京都のB級グルメを紹介。生瀬が学生時代に食べていた懐かしの喫茶店モナミのオムライスがスタジオに登場、みんなで試食を行う。▽秋の裏表京都旅しやがれセットが回転すると人力車セットが登場。嵐は人力車を引く人と乗る人に分かれ、モニターに映る京都のオススメスポットをバーチャルぶらり体験する。今回は、王道コースの定番スポットと、通好みの裏スポットの2パターンを紹介!▽祇園でお座敷遊びしやがれセットが回転すると、祇園のお座敷セットが登場。生瀬と嵐は、祇園の舞妓さん&地方さんと一緒に、お座敷遊びの王道「金比羅船々」に挑戦する。負けたら罰ゲームの洗礼も

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
12:30 photo call and press conf of Ah Wild Field.
18:00 Ah! Wild Filed!,Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide  Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
12:30-13:00 Arashi earthquake disaster restoration support radio show, FM Iwate

kuririn0917さんの絵文字 EVENT
13:00-16:00 Trailer and Balloon exhibition, 15:00- KaiKai exercise at Movix Rifu, Miyagi,

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
305972 2011-10-30 12:11:00 2011-10-30 03:11:55 Sun-30-Oct-2011

さんの絵文字Thank you for many welcome back comment! I’m so pleased!

Today's Tokyo forecast: picoaltoさんの絵文字 20℃/14℃/30%

  UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Enjoy, vo.80  this is end of October. but today is not good weather. but I don’t feel bad. recently I listen to music often. as transportation to Saitama, at back stage, as I spend most fixed place most of day.  I think I want to pass time pleasantly. (^○^) The Beatles or Jazz and other. I listen to The Beatles all the time packing up to play list. this make me comfortable some how. this good. the play has started yesterday.  it opens curtain without trouble.(^○^) so, if I talk about this. this could be  that (spoiler) today is 2nd day, I hope make it good play staying alert. actually I’m heading to Saitama now. (^-^)/ so I do it today as well.      
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 TV Pia on NTV collaboration special show of movie Kaibutsu-kun and Kaibutsu-kun ni Shiyagare on air 24:59-25:09 11/21-23 and 25:08-25:18 11/24 4 times. Satoshi Ohno who is approved Curry lover by Kaibutsu-kun  challenge guess legend curry quiz. / at 14:44 I have been to unveiling ceremony of Kaibutsu-kun Jet that will be in service on 11/1 at event Satoshi Ohno aka Kaibutsu-kun appeared as surprise guest. Kaibutsu-kun says “as I have not seen Utako and Hiroshi recently, I want to visit them taking this place.”   at 14:44 at tape cut, greeted to the pilot who hold the tape “hello. I’m Taro Kaibutsu.”in Monster land we don’t have such proper ceremony. we make it properly today.” he was hustle to challenge. but… at 14:55 after tape cut. actually suddenly “fly on my glove!!” petit happening. “it doesn’t move at all.” Kaibutsu-kun who is curious about a fly evoke laughter the site.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Takeshi Sawa-san blog <premier of Ah Wild Field Saitama performance.> it was over. this is hard to pursuit reality at Shuji Ninagawa-san piece. but  this is staging that seated audiences gets into just like magic and enjoyed. before opening curtain,we had  small staging changes. Ninagawa-san enjoy most the reality more than any body.  this was premier just like final 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Umezawa-san (Kaibutsu-kun special make up artist)  blog <@Haneda airport> unveil Kaibutsu-kun Jet. with prince from morning.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Eiga.com <Kaibutsu-kun Jet on service. Satoshi Ohno also surprised “huge!”> Satoshi Ohno of Arashi starring movie Kaibutsu-kun and Japan airlines announced strong collaboration. this company’s theme “trip for power of Japan.” they sympathy with Kaibutsu-kun that gives drama and power to children all over Japan since drama version. special painted Kaibutsu-kun Jet in service. the plane is Boing 777-200 (63.7m 375 seats) special paint is done by 70 staffs for 7 days. this is plan to in service from 11/1 to beginning of Feb. mainly flight connect Haneda, Sapporo, Fukuoka and Itami of Osaka Ohno attended coming-out ceremony that was held at hangar of  JAL M2 building as surprise. he appealed in front of 30 primary students near by pointing plane “this is me! it’s huge!” he proudly appealed.” design of Kaibutsu-kun is height 5.7m width 17m. a question from the kid who surprised as Ohno appeared. “is this faster than Shinkan-san?” he answer “this is much faster than elephant, and Shinskansen!” he make site atmosphere peaceful. NTV news 24 <Kaibutsu-kun Jet unveiled, Satoshi Ohno “huge!”> Satoshi Ohno (31) (←too early, still 30) showed up as surprise, he talks to gently to kids who got surprised “thank you for coming. did you surprise?”  Ohno pointed at himself painted on plane “it’s me, this huge!” he murmured. “this is pleasant, this is my JET!” he satisfied. kids took photo with Ohno and visited inside of plane. they watched the inflight video of message from Kaibutsu-kun that air only at boarding. they grin ear to ear Asahi <breaking news, Ohno “this is my JET”> TV Asahi news <Kaibutsu-kun appeared to Handeda> Oricon news <flying Kaibutsu-kun appeared. Ohno of Arashi surprised as it was huge> 20 primary school student near by Haneda airport (1st grade and 3rd grade) participated. when Ohno appeared they surprised real Kaibutsu-kun not huge plane. Ohno take care about them “you are not cheerful. this is hard from morning.” “if you believe your dream can be realized. keep believing is important.” he said message as Kaibutsu-kun Mainichi Digital <Satoshi Ohno surprise by huge himself, Kaibutsu-kun JET>  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sankei < Narumi Komachi about Yukio Ninagawa> “no more than idol” is prejudiced opinion. challenging in theatrical world of Ninogawa gave various stimulation. this is casting with idol. currently playing Jun Matsumoto of popular group Arashi and young actor Keisuke Koide starring Ah Wild Field sold out immediately. Ninagawa says critic of “no more than idol” is prejudiced. “the reason I appoint idols to my stages because they make effort. as they watch acting more than halfway acting person, they visit rehearsal studio between limited time. they fight on the stage with what they built up. “ Hiroyuki Sanada at his young age, Tatsuya Fujiwara, Kazunari Ninomiya, Shun Oguri, Tomo Ikuta broke new ground at Ninagawa’s play. Ninomiya started movie Ninagawa directed movie “blue flame” and play “faraway from Shibuya” “stage of trueborn idol Ninomiya and  Matsumoto of Arashi was prove the fabulousness of existence as idol. Ninomiya can express an era properly with his indescribable humped shoulders and silent his facial expression. but he can also something common sense properly. he can greet in mature language. I was surprise ‘what is this guy.’ many times.” Matsumoto who challenge the play a brief break in my hectic schedule impress Ninagawa who know idols’ skill.”however Arashi gain such big popularity Matsumoto never get satisfied. He think he can do even more, he can have things to bring to fan. that’ s why he ask a lot at rehearsal studio “please find me default more!” “please practice me more.” Ninagawa thinks to answer his insatiability “his much more hungry than halfway actors. but this is the result of what he makes effort secretly. (this is very good)            
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 JAL kaibutsu-kun JET on service from 11/1 to beginning of Feb. seat of plane time schedule site opens at 18:00 today. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web Labyrinth love song special site PV report latter part updated. yesterday press conf of Ah Wild Field updated.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Makiko Watanabe-san blog premier is over, each second, will never happen, performance curtain opens. I will run though, will run thought. Yuki Tsukikawa-san yeterday blog Keisuke Koide starring Ah Wild Field. premier is over. thank you.blog <waiting for entering and leaving theater> this performance, security is sever. sorry for people who wait me when I enter and leave theater, don’t you have unpleasant experiences? Ai Sano-san blog premier is over without trouble. it was all standing ovation. thank you. I will do my best tomorrow too. Gitaro-san blog Ah Wild Field finally opened curtain. it was massive and magnificent start. I will expand wild field until 2 Dec. Today I could do properly what I practiced.  as I can do 0 times I have to I have to improve. personally I could see spacious wild field clearly at premier. Souko Takigawa-san blog usual premier ceremony I got pamphlet (there’s photo of pamphlet) thank you we could open curtain without problem. Pretty Ohta-san blog <premier of Ah Wild Field> first day is over without problem. however Ninagawa-san was so sever at rehearsal, he accolades so much at real part. after the performance, we had a toast at dressing room and dismissed. before the performance we had photo shooting for press. Matsumoto-san, Koide-san and Katsumura-san interact at boxing scene. actually I’m in this scene, shooting with 4. I actually felt sorry I disturb them. but actually it was fun. I feel sorry to Matsumoto-san I touch his body remove his mouse piece as a second. Kazuhiko Nakajima-san  blog <open the curtain> in cool air of autumn clear sky Ah Wild Field opens it curtain. and adjustment of partial scene and photo call  and interview with leading roles and ritual at first. I heard first time photo call. it seems show the scene for the press. shutter sound was resonated. ritual actually for short dance performance we don’t have, but long term theatrical plays have it. however it’s real part, just to do what we have done quite a lot. what is difference is acting in front of audiences. after the play we toast lightly.  actually performance time is just 3 hours 10 min as just announced.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 NTV TV chart Music lovers Arasi special concert. perform each 5 drama songs one to another. and also topical new tune too!! Arashi consult Arashi! private rare information you can’t hear other. guest is gorgeous too.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 movie Kaibutsu-kun staff blog <Rifu, Miyagi first day is over> tomorrow too exhibition of trailer stars from 13:00 and Kai Kai exercise if from 15:00 (numbered ticket from 13:00)
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog quote of blog <I had fruitful time to participate this piece.” (at Tokyo drama award)   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sanspo <Matsujun lost 5kg by hard training of boxing.> Jun Matsumoto (28) of Arashi starring play Ah Wild Field was opened curtain at Saino Kuni Saitama Fine Arts theater big hall in Saitama city. Matsumoto and Keisuke Koide (27) and Yukio Ninagawa (76) held press conference there. this is long novel of Shuji Terayama-san, story about young guys devote boxing to their adolescence. both of 2 had training of boxing. Matsumoto says “I lost 5kg.” at scene of boxing Koide says “Matsumoto-kun is brute. it spark a lot.” Matsumoto says “I ‘m also quite punched.” both are in earnest. Mr. Ninagawa accolades “both of 2 are much better than my expectation.” “but Toide gets lazy some times, this comes just like morning serial drama of NHK” makes Koiede bitter smile Sponichi < Boxer Matsumoto lost 5kg, but his rival is….> Boxer role Matsumoto explains “ I lost about 5 kg” by contrast his rival role Koide “as I am epicurean, I couldn’t  bear with food.” Koiede says “ this guys is brute! actually he really punch me, when he did low blow, I fainted in agony.” when he appeals, Matsumoto counters “ he gives me punch that is not included process often. “ Mr. Ninagawa-says “Matsumoto practice pretty well, he is not just an idol” but about Koide “he try to be lazy, he takes second best easily, I thought I though an object after long time.” evokes laughter.  Daily Sports  <Jun Matsumoto seriously prepare persona, lost 5 kg> Matsumoto went to boxing gym preparing personal since this March. “I streamline my body. I think I lost about 5kg.” he is person who never show his hard pull on a routine basis. he hardly talked about his loss weight. according to co-star “however he have dinner together. Matsumoto-kun didn’t any oily food.” he show his stoic part. “when my punch hit him, he makes upset face, it sparks.” Koide says. Matsumoto says “when the punch hit me, my look might change a lot. I have to do this trusting him, we may have injury” he show combative spirit Chuspo "<Jun Matsumoto <when I punch him, his look is…. play Ah Wild Field> Nikkan Sports <Jun Matsumoto lost 5kd, bodily beauty of one digit of fate late>  he show bodily beauty changing to only white trunks.        


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
17:00-18:55 World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest      

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY      
18:00 Ah! Wild Filed!,Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO     
22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM

momokureさんの絵文字 J-WEB      

kuririn0917さんの絵文字 EVENT
13:00-16:00 Trailer and Balloon exhibition, 15:00- KaiKai exercise at Movix Rifu, Miyagi,

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

public 0
306310 2011-10-31 11:24:00 2011-10-31 02:24:50 Mon-31-Oct-2011

ハロウィーンデコメ絵文字 Happy Halloween!

Today's Tokyo forecast: t-watagumoさんの絵文字 picoaltoさんの絵文字 24℃/15℃/30%

UPDATE check also my updated lohas-asasさんの絵文字 @yamakaze0672
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Problem-solving after the dinner blog <Lady, how about Labyrinth Love song?> good evening. however I was become confused by some one and wander off into labyrinth  ♪ but I think I would enjoy it, it’s  Smile. how have you been. currently site lead by theatrical leader Sho Sakurai is currently shooting ep. 5. and from this week starts ep.6. Meanwhile. ep. 3 and 4’s sound editing is over and finished without problem!! actually starring is change ep. 3 & 4, change to Ishikawa director. Kageyama who has served to Hosho family already several weeks has changed little by little. the other day. Mr. Kageyama spew venom about an announcement. so everybody I recommend to watch it in real time!! maybe you might have something good!? Try to stay sharp until end! and we have another announcement. Arashi-san appears to Hey! Hey! Hey on air 11/7. sure, they perform that tune on sale on 2… and this is TBD airing day. seems righteous hero who is good at Kendama seems to appear. it has a lot of fun even in November. so A dieu. Otsukare-chan.   
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Dogatch <3rd nov is Arashi debut memorial day!! Ohno and Ninomiya talks about ambitions! Himitsu no Arashi-chan> it was 3 Nov that Arashi made CD debut with A.ra.shi 1999. Himitsu no Arashi-chan on air such memorial day. at opening talk, Satoshi Ohno and Kazunari Ninomiya look back Arashi at the time of debut and talk their ambition. guest of VIP Limousine is Yuriko Ishida. it was first time to meet. so they tell impression of each other. from Ninomiya “you don’t unveil your private life.” Ishida who was told so “as I was not sough so I don’t tell.” then “I don’t think these 2 of Arashi are interested in me.” venturous statement.  then Ishida shows her own hidden rule. then Ohno unexpectedly has many common points. and they are having a nice chat including Ninomiya. what is her surprising rule!? as they get along little by little. 3 visited Tsukiji to seek fro retro cafe that Ishida likes a lot. they wander in Tsukiji fish market, they head to retro cafe 50 years business  Maco,  and 30 years business popular cafe Mac more. what kind of topic would come out at retro cafe that Ishida loves. and “this is normal that you can do if you are an adult show” Mitsuru Matsuoka, Rocchi, Ohno and Ninomiya challenge the quiz that you can make it if you are an adult.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Potato twitter Dec. issue Ohno-kun appears. he enjoyed “the idol magazine shooting. play tiwh toy, jump holding a balloon. eat popcorn. idol O-chan you can’t see in other magazine. / as soon as interview starts, he noticed “Potato, changed logo.”
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun JET flight schedule updated. according flight schedule is you go to early morning to Haneda you can see  both of Arashi-JET and Kaibutsu-kun JET. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Ah Wild Field today’s soiree, O-chan and Shun-kun came. O-chan in usual black leather jacket and cap. he touch his chin, posing his arm on arm rest and chuckles at comical scene. 
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 More magazine writer’s Rei Yoshi Love supplement she wrote about shooting and cross talk of Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 according to Hapikuru, entertainer reporter talked about Jun-kun. as he lost weight, reporter explained he drinks ginger soup. he is stoic about work, he never bring script book drama shooting and play. and he remember others lines too. and cook lunch box for himself. and also makes rice ball for Nino who eats little. reporter says he is mother of Arashi.
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sho-kun visited this noon’s play. he was in cap with medical mask, at interval he left seat after act 1. then at standing ovation he stands up as other started stand up and accolades in a big way. and left quickly..    
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 J-web this week’s quote The play has started single releases 12th anniversary Jun/ Labyrinth love song special site, message of O-chan. Well~ it’s Ohno~do you spending cheerfully~ I’m fine well actually we release 36th single title called  Labyrinth love songthis is. many might already know, this is theme song of Sho-kun starring drama “Problem Solving after the dinner”. this tune, when I listen it first time, I thought very Arashi. it’s easy to listen and stick in your ear this tunes matches to drama Satoshi.  
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Cyzo Johnny’s fortune telling <courteous guy Jun Matsumoto next president with his talent!?> [his basic character] Matsumoto-san is clever and good intuition. he seeks consistency for anything, he feels uneasy unless he has to be proper, he is courteous guy. and also he finds out innovative perspective, will have great success if he’d find his own world. he works hard, and he has good sense of balance. he has speculative investment capability, talent to accrue things for long term so he is good for a president too. on the flip side he is timid. he has a doubt in his mind. at big moment or urgent matter, He makes a loss as he can’t decide quickly. he needs to react quickly if he meet a chance. if he tries to step forward aggressively, he will shine even more, he would be able to create intellectual, beautiful world that he wishes. [his fortune for 3 months] according to “fortune wave motion.” his skill goes forward since 2010. planting starts since October, he has chance. Ah Wild Field is one of these. you can get ride of sever Yukio Ninagawa staging with your luck. but it’s not good if he thinks how others think about him, detach himself from self-consciousness, show as he is. if so, he can get rid of his weakness. consider this as last chance, show himself, push his way to front. if he does so he can grow up. for this never afraid of failing do without acting cool. emotional strength is needed compatible with trained muscle beauty. this depends on showing how lurid himself. this 3 months are important. and this is period he can do this. this is not time wait for. [approach in this kind of love approach!] Matsumoto-san favorite is graceful, serious, material women. as he is not type who approach to girl aggressively. he is weak with bonny woman’s approach. as he likes to talk about his dream, he can be pleased to listen to him. and it’s easier to become close with him if you do fashion or intellectual talk. [ curious relationships of You and Johnny] Johnny-san has quite pushiness. he has amazing intuition. he has good fortune from 2011, Johnny-san encourages to Matsumoto-san and leads him. if 2 unite, they have a chemistry that any stage or business can work smoothly. and what the one created uniting 2 could be young, brisk and fresh
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Story magazine twitter: serial seasonal prince file Satoshi Ohno-san appears.please look forward mature sexy shot that you don't see on TV& other magazines
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Super Mario 3D Land web site updated with Nino and new CM
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sogo Hachioji Kaibutsu-kun curry fair for first 15000 customer who order curry we give Kaibutsu-kun original sticker.11/1-11/14
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Kaibutsu-kun twitter at Sogo Hachioji curry fair if helf. Lets’s go to Sogo.http://www2.sogo-gogo.com/wsc/518/N000042597/0/info_d / anc according to twitter advance ticket site change day and night. http://www.kaibutsukun-movie.com/ticket/index.html
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Tomizo Nobe-san yesterday blog yesterday was wonderful premier of Ah Wild Field. as soon as it was over. applause of audiences standing up that never stop. I do my best today too. I recommend to take seat 5 minutes before the curtain today’s  blog <from Shinjuku for Ohmiya> 2nd day of Ah Wild Field. I dash just blowing 2nd day down.  I can’t write detail from the people who come to watch later. in the last of last scene with Shinji and Narikan I feel a lump in my throat, and and tears well from eyes. today we do twice day and night. I do my best without thinking about tomorrow. Kazuhiko Nakajim-san yesterday blog <2nd day> 2nd day of Ah Wild Field. it seems yesterday it had happening around me, so today I watched it but today was it was risky too. it seems this because of movement of people. so I improve this tomorrow. today I did something trying not show audience. but a thing was gone when I notice. it was not on the stage I think staffs could pick up. sot there’re various things happens behind. but I wonder the showing part could come across to audiences properly as purpose. tomorrow is 2 performances.      
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Orista blog quote of Jun-kun, “hope make cheerful fun Kohaku believing our skill.!
ultrajuiceさんの絵文字 Sponichi <Satoshi Ohno starring Kaibutsu-kun largest number ever “I thought it would never happens at least once.”> Japan Airlines JET plane that is painted Satoshi Ohno (30) of Arashi starring movie Kaibutsu-kun was unveiled at hangar of JAL in Haneda airport, Tokyo. Ohno’s wrapping place is 3rd time time including Arashi JET. this could be largest number as actual person. “I didn’t expected this could happen 3 times.” he was pleased. plane will be in service on 11/1 from Haneda for Fukuoka. A hangar with 35 primary school student who live around airport. Ohno opens the door of Boing 777 that Kaibutsu-kun that punched the air is painted and draws stares from kids, and he get down from boarding ramp pointing to plane, “me!” he grin. Rapping is used 51 sticker. height 5.7m width 17m. this is pasted both of back sides. Arashi JET was appearance with 5. “this is first time I see such huge myself.  this finish is good. I’m touched, this is my JET” Rapping JET is “Pocket Monster” of ANA is classic since June 1998, it seems as actual person appearance, Ohno could be most highest number 3 times. Kaibutsu-kun Jet in service between Haneda, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Itami until next Feb. and this could be first time same person Jets fly in same time. “I thought this would happen once in my life. but 3 times. I didn’t expected it.” he shows rivalry to Pikachu. “he is same yellow. I hope I want to do this again, if I have chance. if kids get pleased.” seems he improve record. as his agency’s president got Guinness Record as the person who produced concert and singles largest number times. so “can I challenge (Guinness) as the person who appeared on the plane largest number?” he lift his voice.Hochi <Ohno of Arashi “this is my JET” got excited with Kaibutsu-kun JET> Ohno appeared from boarding ramp. Ohno called “eat food properly, and brush your teeth properly.!” Sanspo <Ohno of Arashi gloat Kaibutsu-kun JET unveiling> Daily Sport <Ohno of Arashi appearance by surprise, but reaction was so so> 35 primary school students were invited. however they didn’t know Ohno’s appearance in advance. this could be by nerve. however they see Ohno’s aspect, their reaction was so so.Ohno “how are you doing?  you are not vigorous.” he makes bitter smile. Chuspo <Kaibutsu-kun JET is Guinness class!! domestic line from tomorrow>       


skmtmsykさんの絵文字 TV
5:50-08:00 Zip! NTV unveil Kaibutsu-kun JET, Masu announcer infiltrates,Matsujun starring play ▽怪物くんJETお披露目に桝アナ潜入▽松本潤主演舞台▽
22:54-23:58 News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai population of world finally exceed 7 billion. what will be changed Sho Sakurai explain at front page.世界人口ついに70億人を突破へ 何が変わる?櫻井翔イチメン解説▽

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 PLAY
13:00 &18:00 Ah! Wild Filed!,Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide Saino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater

skmtmsykさんの絵文字 RADIO
6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Good Morning. this is Satoshi Ohno of Arashi. Come on today’s quote ”it’s easy to say but hard to go.” what is it? he he he “this is a proverb easy to say in words, but it’s hard to realize.” hum, this is certain, anyone can say in words but you need to have courage to realize it, yes. it could be like you can continue or not. right, certainly. well, if you realized this, you can develop, right? yes. well, so, end of this year. 62nd NHK Kohaku song festival, we Arashi is appointed to MC this year too. thank you very much. well, we did previously. I thought it was only last year. so, when I heard this year too. “seriously!?” “Can this happen?” well, so, we can close a year with this. well, this, get nervous, that. rather say this hard. I have to watch my mouth. rehearsal too….rather says thoroughly. actually, honestly I don’t remember. I think I grow tense like that.b Aiba-chan too, quite at rehearsal, quite. err… stumbled content to read. then quite, Aiba-chan must have pressure, I think. yes. He said it was good at real part he did perfectly.well, but. if you care to stumble or not stumble. it won’t make progress. I think cheerful, well enjoy it. well, really this year too, we do this. err. this year 62nd …. 62nd NHK Kohaku song festival. I enjoy it.          

tirigamikunさんの絵文字 MAGAZINE
+ act mini Cover and front pages: Sho Sakurai appears in Kageyama of Problem-solving after the dinner.

kuririn0917さんの絵文字 WEB SITE
18:00- Kaibutsu-kun JET time schedule

norennさんの絵文字 CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue, au new poster and catalogue, JAL billboard.JAL campaign until 12/11 , Kaibutsu-kun fan at cinemas.Arashi Jet flight schedule, Shinjuku Flags Building, Sony Building in Ginza., JCB at Omote Sando Station.Shijuku Station Tokyo Metro, Salty Pocky fixture, Problem-solving after the dinner big poster in Odaiba, DennyV’s Kids' event calendar get Kaibutsu-kun name sticker eating Kaibutsu-kun curry 9/27-11/30, Permanent part timer buys a house poster at Shibuya station.Kaibutsu-kun advance ticket with goods at 7 eleven. Yamanote line and Chuo line has Kaibutsu-kun special ad. Hot pepper Beauty Jun-kun poster Harakuku crossing of Meiji street and Onmote-sando and posters in the train check the detail here, Kaibutsu-kun Naive special campaign

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format
recent audience rate here

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